My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 557 Western Region Illusion

Chapter 557 Western Region Illusion
Li Yanran was also stunned when she heard the name.

She had watched the popular TV series in later generations, and the final boss in it seemed to be named Shasi.

This person can be said to turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain.

It's very powerful. I didn't expect that SARS actually exists.

I just don’t know if he has the same amazing abilities as he does on TV.

"Shasi, start your show!"

Li Zhi's eyes also flashed with excitement. He had certainly seen illusions before, but he didn't know what kind of abilities this Shasi could have.


Shasi smiled slightly and began to patrol in front of the officials.

"Your Majesty, please see, Shasi has some courgette seeds in his hand. I think the courgettes at the banquet are not fresh, so how about letting Shasi give you a small gift?"

Shasi smiled slightly, took out some watermelon seeds from his pocket, and showed them in front of everyone.

"Palmon seeds?"

Seeing Shasi's movements, Li Yanran was stunned again.

Could it be that a scene that seems familiar to me is about to appear again?

Fruiting watermelons out of thin air?is it possible?

Shasi nodded to the boy behind him, and the two of them immediately walked in carrying a large earthenware basin.

"Everyone, please see."

Shasi sprinkled the courgette seeds directly into the pot, then waved his hand, and a mist-like smoke floated out.

All civil and military officials, including Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, also stared at the courgette seeds in the pot.

After waiting for a while, the courgette seeds were still courgette seeds, unchanged at all.

"Your Majesty, the Daming Palace is too dry. Can you give Shasi some wine for irrigation?"

Shasi smiled slightly and saluted Li Zhi again.

"Give wine!"

Li Zhi waved his hand, and Ruian came to Shasi with the wine bottle in front of him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the wine. This wine is so delicious!"

After sniffing the wine in front of him, Shasi was also delighted.

If we don't say this is the emperor's banquet, this wine is really fascinating.

He opened the jug and took a sip of jade liquor, almost spitting out the Sars.

This wine is really good, just saying that it is much stronger than what I have drunk before.

Another mouthful of wine went down his throat, and then Sars suddenly sprayed out into the sky.

A rainbow instantly appeared in Lijiu Xingkong's eyes.

After the rainbow, the wine fell like rain on the basin.

Then I saw movement in the earthenware pot, and the newly planted courgette seeds began to sprout at a speed visible to the naked eye, spinning, and the vines rushed in all directions like spider webs.

After a while, the melon seedlings began to bear fruit, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen courgettes appeared next to the pot.


Seeing this scene in front of them, everyone was stunned.

It’s crazy to see melons growing with the naked eye.

Even though Li Zhi was well-informed, his eyes widened and he shouted in disbelief.

The same goes for Li Yanran. She knows that there is no such thing as magic and magic in this world, so these must be blinding methods.

But she really didn't see any flaws in this, it was extremely magical.

Shas unscrewed a watermelon, then dropped to his knees and raised it above his head.

"His Majesty!"

Ryan looked at Shasi and then at the watermelon in his hand, with a hint of wariness in his eyes.

After all, although SARS is famous, who knows the situation of this courgette.

If he had ulterior motives and wanted to murder the emperor, then Datang would be in danger.

This Yuan Taichang Temple is too careless, how can it do things like this?
Really ignorant.

"Ryan, pass that courgette!"

Li Zhi smiled slightly. Although this thing was rare, as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he had long been accustomed to these things.


Looking at Li Zhi's face, Ruian couldn't say anything and could only walk to Shasi with small steps.

Looking at Shasi coldly, Ryan also took the courgette in his hand.


Feeling Ruian's coldness, Shasi was dumbfounded. He really didn't understand.

He came here to perform, and also wanted to see if he could find a good job in the Tang Dynasty.

Now the famous man in front of the emperor is like this, which really makes him a little depressed.

"His Majesty!"

Ruian delivered the head-sized courgette in front of Li Zhi.

Li Zhi was also very surprised when he looked at the courgettes that had grown in just a moment.

I looked left and right, and I was surprised that my mouth was still stained.

"Father, cut it open and take a look. It's not just a stone melon!"

Li Hong, like his father, chewed his teeth and said to Li Zhi.

"Well, let's cut it open!"

Li Zhi nodded, and Ruian also picked up the golden knife from the table and stabbed it gently into the courgette.


There was a crisp sound, and then the knife was slashed down, and the whole courgette also turned into two halves.

"The green skin and red soil sunspots are definitely courgettes!"

Li Yanran also had her big eyes darting back and forth. This watermelon should be real, but how did SARS come about?

There was no one to stop him in public, it was really strange.

"Father, even if it looks like a courgette, it may not be a real courgette.

My sister said that seeing is not necessarily believing, only practice can bring true knowledge. I still don’t believe it until I try it. "

Looking at Hu Gua's appearance, Li Hong still didn't believe it.

After all, this thing looks like a courgette, but who knows what it is.

He had to try it to know whether it was real or fake, otherwise he really didn't believe that this thing could really be conjured.

"That's right. Hong'er has made great progress recently. He is actually able to speak words and put them into practice to achieve true knowledge."

Wu Zetian was also very happy after hearing Li Hong's words.

I didn't expect that my son could say such words. This son was a little different after Li Yanran. "That's right, Ryan, let's try to see if this is real or fake."

Li Zhi also nodded. Li Hong also said something insightful, so he asked Ruian to taste the quality of the courgette.


Ruian glanced at Li Zhi and felt bad.

Old slave, I'm worried about your life, I'm afraid that Hunishas has rebellious intentions.

How about you now? Let me, this slave, help you taste the melon.

After all, I am also a big eunuch, and there are so many little eunuchs down there, why do I have to taste it?


Li Zhi glared at Ruian, are you aggrieved by asking you to taste this courgette for me?

If others want to taste it for me, they really are not qualified.

"It's okay, it's my slave's honor!"

As if he had eaten a dead fly, Ruian used a golden knife to chop off a small piece of the courgette, and then put it into his mouth tremblingly.


Ryan's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

"Well, what's the point? Is it a courgette?"

Li Zhi glared at Ruian, and asked, "What's the matter with the um? Is it a real melon or a fake melon? Are you talking?"
"Your Majesty, it is indeed a courgette. Not only is it a courgette, but it is also extremely sweet! Sweeter than anything this slave has ever tasted!"

Ruian quickly saluted Li Zhi. This cucumber was really beyond his imagination.

Could it be said that this conjured courgette is better than the one that really grows from the ground?
It's really a joke in the world.

"Really? Let me taste it!"

Li Hong just wanted to reach out, but Li Zhi slapped him directly, knocking him unconscious on the spot.

"Father and father?"

Li Hong looked at his father and felt bad.

"You are everywhere, have you forgotten your identity? If you want to eat courgettes, I will give you dozens of them someday so that you can eat enough!"

Li Zhi glared at Li Hong, "How dare you eat Te Miao's food of unknown origin?"
Now he just wants to take back what he just said. He has made progress, but he is still a fool.

Really drunk.

After offering melons to Li Zhi, Shasi also ordered the boy he brought to distribute the melons to the civil and military officials on the side.

Who are the people who can enter the Daming Palace to stay up late?They are all the top talents in the Tang Dynasty.

They all take their own lives very seriously. This SARS is just a monk from the Western Regions, and who knows if this thing is serious.

So Baiguan also put the courgette aside while talking about the scene. No one touched it at all, and no one dared to touch it.

"Sha Si's technique is very wonderful, and you should be rewarded!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Shasi hurriedly saluted. He should have left now, but when he looked at Li Zhi, he hesitated.

"Shasi, do you have something to say?"

Li Zhi was not stupid. When he saw Shasi like this, he knew that he had something to say.

"Your Majesty, Shasi came all the way from the Western Regions to admire the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.
If Your Majesty doesn't mind it, can you give Sars a chance? "

Sha Si knelt directly on the ground. He was also a respected presence in the Western Regions, but there was a huge gap compared with the Tang Dynasty in the Celestial Kingdom.

He likes Datang, so he wants to stay in Datang, and now is his only chance.

"What do you say?"

Li Zhi glanced at Shasi, and then at Wu Zetian who was aside.

This man still has some abilities, and these illusions and other things really opened his eyes.

If you really stay in the palace, you can usually relieve your boredom.

"Your Majesty, you might as well stay."

Wu Zetian also pursed her lips and smiled, and replied to Li Zhi.

"Okay, let's hang out at Taichang Temple for a while, then go down!"

"Shasi, thank you for your grace!"

Although it is only a part-time job, it can be regarded as the first step for Shasi to get through.

He believed that with his own abilities, sooner or later he would stand out and become a popular figure among His Majesty the Emperor.

After Shasi left, Cheng Chubi also looked at Hugua in front of him, somewhat confused about his father.

"Dad, why don't you eat this courgette? Why don't you put it here?"

Hearing Cheng Chubi's words, Cheng Yaojin raised his eyebrows, and an unknown fire suddenly rose.

But seeing Cheng Chubi's stupid look, he also sighed. This might be his son.

I think that when he was this age, he was worse than Cheng Chubi.

Silently saying in his heart not to be angry, he also suppressed the evil fire in his heart.

"Third brother, if a random person gave you something on the street, would you eat it?"

"Of course not. After all, a stranger has good intentions and bad intentions! What if he wants to poison me?"

Cheng Chubi was stunned, wondering why his father asked such a stupid question.

Do you really think that this young master is a three-year-old child?

"So, no one knows where this courgette came from. Do you think anyone can eat it in the Daming Palace?"

Cheng Yaojin also tried his best to calm down and explain to his stupid son calmly.

"Dad, old people are still smarter than old people. They say people are old and smart, and ghosts are old. The ancients never deceived me!"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi also reacted and gave a thumbs up to Cheng Yaojin in front of him.

"What dirty words are you talking about?"

Now Cheng Yaojin really couldn't hold it in any longer. What do you mean by the old spirit of a man or the old spirit of a ghost?

How could anyone say that about me?

To have such a son, he has committed a great sin.

"Oh, daddy, don't hit me!"

Cheng Chubi was also dumbfounded. I praised you, but you also got beaten?

Is there any reason.


Cheng Yaojin was too lazy to pay attention to his silly son and stared in front of him.

What Shasi performed just now was an illusion from the Western Regions, and what follows is a native skill from the Tang Dynasty.


(End of this chapter)

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