My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 556 Crazy, All Crazy!

The Daming Palace instantly turned into a sea of ​​cheers, which was much more enthusiastic than when Xu Yong won the championship just now.

After all, Xu Yong's identity is completely different from Yuchi Huan's.

Not to mention the aura of the son of Duke Yuchi Huan, just talking about his relationship with Princess Lishan is enough for everyone to applaud him.

"This is impossible, this is impossible! How could Xu Yong lose?"

Li Xiao was going crazy, how could Xu Yong lose to Yuchi Huan.

He stood out from countless people and came to this imperial competition.

Yuchi Huan defeated him, doesn't it mean that Yuchi Huan is now the number one corner warrior in the Tang Dynasty?
how can that be.

"Father, I also think there is fraud in it, and I hope to investigate it thoroughly!"

The same goes for Li Shangjin. He doesn't think that Xu Yong will lose to Yuchi Huan. There must be something fishy in this.

You must know that this is a bet of 1 taels of gold, and he really doesn't want to lose to Li Yanran.

"Father, Sujie also feels that Xu Yong is suspected of letting go. Otherwise, how could he be defeated in one move?"

Li Sujie also stood up. Although he couldn't accept losing money, he couldn't accept losing even more.

Wouldn't this be a loss of face in front of the civil and military officials of the court?

If the money is gone, you can still find a way to make it, but if you lose your face, you can't make it back.

"Hmph, do you really think that I am a free man? Or do you think that those generals are blind and Xu Yong dares to let him go?"

Li Zhi glared at the three of them, his eyes full of coldness.

Don’t you think it’s embarrassing enough?Are you willing to admit defeat even if you don’t know the truth? ,

"That's right, three royal brothers, my father is so wise and powerful, how could I not see what you said? Do you want to default on the debt after losing?"

Li Hong also had the same expression, looking at the three royal brothers coldly.

A bunch of sticks, my sister is famous for not fighting uncertain battles.

Make a bet with her, it would be weird if you could win.

Then again, this Yuchi Huan is really powerful. I only knew that he was a fool before, but I didn't expect that he was so good in the art of cornering.

"you you"

Li Xiao was completely irritated by Li Hong's words. If he hadn't been in front of his father now, he would have let his younger brother know why the flowers were so red.

"Hong'er is right. I'm willing to admit defeat. If the three of you dare to default on your debt, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Li Zhi also gave Li Hong a look, "Young man, you did a good job."

With your father, I have one percent of my original skills.


"The child understands!"

"Follow your father's will!"

The three of them accepted their fate now, and even their father gave in. What else could they do.

If he doesn't admit that he lost at this meeting, wouldn't it mean that his father is blind?

Then the death will only be worse.

"Your Majesty, why do I think you are so happy?"

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhi. She didn't know why. She always felt that Li Zhi was a little abnormal today.

"How could it be possible? I also lost 1 taels of gold. I'm happy to lose money. So wouldn't I be stupid?"

After hearing Wu Zetian's words, Li Zhi quickly put away the raised corners of his mouth, his face full of frustration.

"is it?"

Wu Zetian looked Li Zhi up and down, and then glanced at Li Yanran.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that there must be something between the father and daughter that they were hiding from her.

"That must be the case, Xiao Yanran, can I have a little less money?"

Feeling the threat from Wu Zetian, Li Zhi also hurriedly asked Li Yanran for help.

"Father, you are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and you are very particular about your promises. How can you go back on your word!"

Li Yanran also gave me an "I understand" look and immediately spoke to her father.

"Mei Niang! If it doesn't work, talk to Yan Ran!"

Li Zhi also said to Wu Zetian with an old face.

"Your Majesty, what Yanran said is right, you are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, you will lose just ten thousand taels of gold.

Besides, you didn’t lose to outsiders, right, Xiao Yanran! "

After Wu Zetian finished speaking, he also gave Li Yanran a look.


Li Yanran looked at his mother and was dumbfounded.

Mom, Mom, my father and I are acting for you. What do you mean by winking at me?
"Well, Mei Niang, you are right, I just lost to Xiao Yanran, so be it."

Li Zhi also pretended to sigh, but secretly gave Li Yanran a look of understanding.

Li Yanran is really depressed now. She has been thinking about what her mother means. Could it be that the other party is also thinking about her money?
If this was the case, she would lose money.

On the surface, he made 2 taels of gold, but in reality, he may not know how much of it ended up in his pocket.

If I come here to rip off myself again, I will be doomed.

"What's wrong? Yanran, why do you and your father have opposite expressions? Why do you look so sad after winning?"

Seeing Li Yanran's face, Wu Zetian was also stunned.

You two father and daughter are really interesting. One is grinning when he loses, and the other is stern and wants to cry when he wins.

These two people really made Wu Zetian confused.

"Daughter. My daughter is fine!"

Li Yanran was about to cry. She had already anticipated what might happen next.

If this special thing is really what I think, it is not certain whether I will make a profit or lose this time.

I've been planning this for so long, wouldn't it all be in vain?

"Just laugh when it's okay. You should be happy, so why are you crying!"


Li Yanran forced a smile that was uglier than crying.

It's not that he doesn't want to laugh, but that she really can't laugh!

It’s so difficult.Now she really feels that she is in more trouble than the three royal brothers.

What is this!
"Sister, why do you look uglier when you smile than when you cry! Where are your ten teeth?"

Li Hong was also dumbfounded when he saw Li Yanran's smile. Haven't you been a professional fake smiler for several years?

Why is it like this now?

"I'll kill you!"

Hearing what Li Hong said, Li Yanran directly pressed Li Hong in front of her and wanted to reward him with ten tooth marks.

"Father, Queen Mother, help!"

Li Hong was dumbfounded, what happened to him, you are going to bite me.

It really shocked him.

"Okay, don't mess around!"

Wu Zetian rolled his eyes at the two of them. This was the Daming Palace, not the Lishan fiefdom.

You guys are so noisy, you really lose the royal prestige.


Li Yanran was also depressed, so she let Li Hong go and spared his life.

"I'm really crazy about winning and losing! Crazy!"

Li Hong also moved to the side with concern. He was really afraid of Li Yanran.

It bites people at every turn, it's so scary.

"Duke E, now I have really seen what it means to have a tiger father but no dog son. Duke E is mighty, and this Yuchi Huan is also a hero."

Li Zhi glanced at Yuchi Jingde on the side and said to him with a slight smile.

"Your Majesty, look at what you said, Yuchihua is just an ordinary man's bravery, and he doesn't deserve your praise."

Yuchi Jingde stood up quickly. Although he said so, his eyes were full of smiles.

"Haha, I say a hero is a hero. Come, let us raise a toast and drink together to our Third Young Master Yuchi."

After Li Zhi said this, he also picked up the wine glass on the table.

"Drink together!"

"Yuchi Huan is certainly a hero of the world."

"Haha, you have such courage at such a young age. The Tang Dynasty is waiting for you to make great achievements!"

A group of civil and military officials also raised their glasses and drank with Li Zhi.

"Dad, look at you! You made me miss a good opportunity."

Cheng Chubi stared at Cheng Yaojin with his eyes full of anger.

It's not that he was unhappy because Yuchi Huan won, he just blamed his father for being a little too cautious.

If my father could be like Yuchi Jingde, he would be the one in the limelight now.

How could this Yuchi ring be allowed to have such an aura?

Even His Majesty wanted to raise a toast to him.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is Yuchi Huan's victory. What if he loses? Have you considered the consequences?
If he loses, not only will he lose face, but even his father will be implicated.

I have been wise and martial all my life. If I am implicated and embarrassed by you, who am I going to talk to for explanation? "

Cheng Yaojin slapped Cheng Chubi on the head.

You are so stupid that you don’t know how much risk Yuchi Jingde took, just to make sarcastic remarks here.

"Hmph, then Xu Yong is just a silver pewter spearhead. Let alone me, even with Li Siwen's three-legged cat skills, the other party will still be manipulated."

Cheng Chubi covered his head and felt depressed.

What does losing mean?
If Xu Yong can't be dealt with, all his years of training will be in vain.

"Dare to talk back?"

Cheng Yaojin glared at his son, his eyes full of anger.

You stupid son, why can't you see it at all?
Whether in court or in the military, stability comes first in everything.

If you are not [-]% sure of anything, you cannot act easily.

"I, I, hum!"

Cheng Chubi was also convinced. His father was very good at dealing with him, and he got an advantage over Yu Chihuan.

"Okay, let's all back down!"

Li Zhi waved his hand, indicating that the performance should continue.



Yu Chihuan and Xu Yong also saluted and left together.

"Father, how is it?"

Yuchi Huan sat back on his seat and grinned at his father.

"How? You're still far behind!"

Yuchi Jingde also smiled at Yuchi Huan. Although his son was usually a bit reckless, this time he really gained face for himself.

"Hehe, dad, you can praise me when you should, my son can bear it!"

Yuchi Huan squeezed next to his father and said with a playful smile.

"Praise you for being a big watermelon!"

Yuchi Jingde also slapped Yuchi Huan in the face, and Yuchi Huan was at peace immediately.

He retreated to the side without saying a word, with nothing but depression in his eyes.

After the meeting, a monk from the Western Region slowly walked into the Daming Palace.

"The poor monk is Shasi from the Western Regions. He has come specially to present a gift to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Shasi saluted Li Zhi from a distance.

"Shasi? But that illusionist who is famous in the Western Regions?"

Wu Zetian was also stunned when she heard Shasi's name.

This Shasi is a strange man. It is said that he has the power to reach heaven and earth. I didn't expect that he could be invited to perform today.


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