My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 555 The Gambling Game of 2 Gold

Li Zhi also sighed, Wu Zetian was like this, what else could he do.

The only thing he could do at this moment was to warn Li Yanran not to kill people too harshly.

Otherwise, you will fall out.

"I don't care, why not let the three royal brothers speak!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Zhi, which scared you, am I that kind of person?
"How about we bet a thousand taels of gold?"

Li Shangjin smiled coldly. He lost a lot of money last time in Lan Kwai Fong. You brought it on yourself this time. He must recover the losses no matter what.

"A thousand taels of gold? Brother Huang, you look down on our imperial sister a little bit. In my opinion, you have to bet at least a thousand taels of gold to be worthy of her wealth."

Li Xiao on the other side also had a look of sadness in his eyes. The briquette incident cost him his wife and his army, and he almost went bankrupt.

Now it was clear that he wanted to win, and he had to make up for his losses no matter what.

"Ten thousand taels of gold? Isn't that a bit too much!"

Li Sujie on the side looked at his two royal brothers and was a little stupid.

Although he wanted to see Li Yanran make a fool of himself, he didn't want to fight her to the death.

A gamble involving ten thousand taels of gold is terrifying to think about.

Anyway, he doesn't have that much money now.

"It's not much, but do you have that much money?"

Li Yanran's eyes were also filled with ice, and she replied to the three of them.

She has so much money that only ten thousand taels of gold can be converted into copper coins. These are not in her eyes at all.

But the bet is about an even match. If you can afford to bet and lose, you are afraid that these three royal brothers will not be successful.

Don't worry if Yuchi Huan wins and he has to issue an IOU, he will suffer a big loss.


Hearing Li Yanran's words, the three of them felt guilty for a moment.

Let alone ten thousand taels of gold, they would be fine if they could collect [-] taels of gold.

"We can't lose!"

Li Shangjin pursed his lips and said slowly.

"Brother Three Emperors, you can't say that. There is no guarantee of winning in a bet.

If you want to make money from my sister, you have to prove that you are qualified.

Otherwise, what if you lose?Do you want to use your royal palace to offset the debt? "

Li Hong was unhappy and shouted at Li Shangjin with his small eyes wide open.

Are you here with nothing to show for it?
If Yuchi Huan loses, you will get your sister's ten thousand taels of gold for nothing. If Xu Yong loses, he won't have the money to act like a rogue.

How can such a good thing happen, do you really think that you are breaking the sky?
No one can control you anymore.

"Brother Hong, don't look down on me. Isn't it just ten thousand taels of gold? It's enough for the three of us to just grab some!"

Li Xiao hates Li Hong now. The last time he locked himself in a dead person's room, he still has nightmares.

Now you've jumped out again, haven't you?

"Haha, in that case, father will be a witness.

If Yuchi Huan loses, I will each lose ten thousand taels of their gold.

If Xu Yong loses, each of them will lose ten thousand taels of my gold. "


Finally, Li Yanran looked at her father again, "These are your good sons. If they lose, you have to help me pay the bill."

"Ten thousand taels of gold per person?"

Now the three of them were completely confused. Although they had heard that this imperial sister was extremely wealthy, now they saw that she was extremely wealthy.

3 taels of gold is equivalent to 30 taels of gold, which is already beyond their imagination.

"What I mean is that the three of them bet ten thousand taels of gold together."

Li Xiao was also a little depressed, Huang Jinwan could still get it together with two or three people.

Each person has ten thousand taels of gold, so he might as well kill himself.

"Didn't the emperor just say that you're going to have sex? Why are you so timid again now?"

Li Hong's eyes were full of disdain. What he said just now was so powerful, but after all they were just three poor guys.

When it comes to fighting with Sister, let me make fun of you first.

"Okay, ten thousand taels of gold is enough for three people. Father, how much are you going to bet?"

Li Yanran didn't want to push her too hard, and she didn't have a lot of gold. Besides, didn't she still have her father's side?
He gave Li Zhi a look, and the other party was also stunned.

He didn't understand what kind of look this would give him. You want my money.

Seeing Li Zhi pretending to be stupid, Li Yanran also said one word softly: "Private!"


Hearing this word, Li Zhi understood it instantly.

You Li Yanran, you actually want to use my internal funds to turn it into private money in an open and honest manner?
Are you really a master of art and so bold that you dare to do this in front of your mother?
"As a ninety-five-year-old man, I can't be less than them. How about I also bet 1 taels of gold?"

After Li Zhi finished speaking, he also looked at Wu Zetian on the side and asked for his opinion.

"It's up to His Majesty to decide!"

Wu Zetian didn't guess the intrigue between the two. Since Li Yanran was so confident, she was happy to let her daughter earn more money.

After all, Nenu's money belongs to the entire royal family. How can it be better than putting it in the hands of his daughter.

In this way, when you need money, it is better to get it from your daughter than to ask Li Zhi for it.

"Then it's settled! Now that I'm the witness, the bet is officially established. If anyone dares to default on the bill, don't blame me for being ruthless!"




The expressions of Li Xiao and the other two people were calm. Once the father showed such an expression, it would be clear that he was interested.

If someone loses and doesn't honor his bet, there's no telling what the consequences will be.

"Huh!" Li Yanran also exhaled. After wasting so many brain cells, it was finally time to reap the rewards.

Next, it’s up to Yuchi Huan to be a bully. If he dares to lose, 2 taels of gold will be enough for him to work hard for himself for the rest of his life.


Yuchi Huan also came to the ring under the gaze of everyone.

"Xiao Xiaolangjun."

Xu Yong glanced at Yuchi Huan in front of him and quickly saluted him.

After all, he is the biological son of the Duke of E, Wei Chi Jingde. If he wants to be promoted in the future, he still cannot offend him.

"Xu Yong, come on, use all your strength to compete with me!"

Yuchi Huan patted his shoulder, his eyes full of excitement.

"How about I lose to you on purpose?"

Looking at Yu Chihuan with a serious look on his face, Xu Yong also said gently to him.

"Do you want to die? This is the imperial palace, and there are so many princes watching.

If you dare to let go, not only will your life be in danger, but I will also lose face. "

After glaring at Xu Yong, a trace of anger flashed across Yuchihuan's face.

If he wins, he must win with fairness. If the other party really lets loose, not only he but also his father, Yuchi Jingde, will be completely embarrassed.

"I understand, if this is the case, then Xu Yong will be offended!"

As he spoke, Xu Yong also made a diagonal stance, looking for Yuchi Huan's flaw with wide eyes.

Yuchi Huan was the same, staring at Xu Yong looking for flaws.

"Father, you said Xu Yong wouldn't give in just because his opponent is Yuchi Huan!"

Seeing the two people confronting each other, Li Sujie also frowned.

According to the size of the two of them, Yuchi Huan would have no hope of winning under normal circumstances. The only variable now is Yuchi Huan's identity.

This is just like the guards in his own house. Who dares to compete with him seriously?

If Xu Yong was restrained because of Yu Chihuan's identity, then he wouldn't even have a place to cry.

"Don't worry, with me here, he won't dare!"

Li Zhi frowned, but couldn't say anything.

Now it seems that he is obviously with his three sons, but secretly he is with Li Yanran.

He would like Xu Yong to let go and lose to Yuchi Huan!

I just don’t know if Xu Yong knows the truth or not!

"Well, I understand!"

Hearing this, what else could Li Sujie say, and the luggage moved aside.

After the two were in a stalemate for a while, Yu Chihuan deliberately used a flaw, while Xu Yong's eyes lit up and he pounced directly.

He also saw that this was Yuchi Huan's intention, but the fight was not a game of pettyness.

To subdue others and to be subdued by others is only a matter of lightning.

Even if I fall into your trap, who knows who is the hungry wolf and who is the hunter?

After all, jiaodui is also a sport that combines strength and technology. If you want to win, you must show your true skills.

Xu Yong rushed towards him, and Yu Chihuan flashed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He stepped aside and then grabbed the opponent's waist with both hands.

Xu Yong seemed to have seen through Yuchi Huan's movements a long time ago. He also sank down and hugged Yuchi Huan's waist first.


Xu Yong's reaction was so quick that Yuchi Huan was a little surprised. Once the horned warrior was hugged around the waist, he would probably be lifted directly by the enemy.

Once a person's feet leave the ground, there is no foundation for exerting force, and nine times out of ten, he will lose.


Sure enough, just as Yuchi Huan expected, Xu Yong's veins popped out in his arms, and he used all his strength to hug Yuchi.

Then he fell to the side board again, and Yuchi Huan lost.

Yuchi Huan, however, was so angry that he used a heavy falling technique to ensure that he would not lose his position, and then he hugged Xu Yong with his backhand.


Xu Yong was really surprised now. He really didn't expect that the little Yuchi Huan had such great power.

Even if he tried his best, he could not shake the opponent at all, and he also felt that Yuchi Huan had launched countermeasures.

"Get up!"

Xu Yong knew that victory or defeat depended on this, so he concentrated all his strength on his arms and tried again to lift Yuchi Huan before he could use his strength.

When he took the risk just now, he actually planned to defeat the enemy with one move.

Everything was going well at first, but he misjudged Yuchi Huan's strength, and it was now his turn to be in danger.

"It's you who should get up!"

Yuchi Huan also shouted loudly, the muscles in his arms bulged, and the strength he usually used to wrestle with cows suddenly burst out.

Xu Yong only felt an unparalleled force coming from his waist. Before he could react, he was already flying into the air, and then he was hit to the ground with a bang.


Xu Yong was thrown to the ground, and his heart was filled with despair.

He was defeated, completely defeated!
Defeated by underestimating the enemy and defeated by arrogance.

He was defeated not only by Yuchi Huan, but also by himself.

"it is good!"

Li Yanran suddenly stood up and applauded Yuchi Huan.

Yuchi Huan's victory not only earned him face, but also earned him at least 1 taels of gold.

"it is good!"

"Well done to Saburo Yuchi!"


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