My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 554: Working together to deceive people

Suddenly Yuchi Jingde stood up suddenly and saluted Li Zhi.

"Mr. E, if you have anything to say, just say it. I said this is the New Year's Eve dinner, so don't have so many scruples! The king and his subjects will have fun together!"

Looking at Yuchi Jingde, Li Zhi was also stunned. He didn't know what this guy wanted to do!

"Your Majesty, Quanzi Yuchihuan also likes this horn fighting technique, and now he will perform it for your Majesty. I hope your Majesty will agree!"

Yuchi Jingde glanced at Yuchi Huan, who was also eager to try, and slowly expressed his thoughts.

Looking at Yuchi Huan who stood up after Yuchi Jingde, Li Zhi was also depressed for a while.

You two are not in the same weight class at all. Although Yuchi Huan is already tall, the horned warrior is still half a head taller than Yuchi Huan.

Even if you want to compare, you should find someone with similar height and weight.

Looking at Li Yanran who was full of interest, Li Zhi also hesitated.

After all, this Yuchi Huan now represents not only himself, but also the Duke of E, Yuchi Jingde, behind him, and most importantly, his own daughter.

It would be okay if Yuchi Huan wins, but if he loses, he will lose people from all three parties.

"Yanran, do you think this should be compared?"

Since he couldn't make up his mind, Li Zhi also asked his daughter on the side.

"Since Yuchi Huan wants to help his father, there is no reason to refuse!"

Li Yanran has experienced Yuchi Huan's strange power. You must know that the opponent's training target has been upgraded from humans to cattle.

Even if the horned warrior makes a person tall and strong, there is still a bit of a gap compared to an ox.

"Yuchi Huan, are you sure you want to compete?"

Li Zhi also sighed. It seemed that his daughter hadn't seen clearly what was behind it.

If Yuchi Huan loses, your prestige will be ruined. This political sense really makes him a little anxious.

"Your Majesty, Yuchi Huan is sure!"

Yuchi Huan nodded excitedly, and then glanced at Cheng Chubi beside him.

You idiot doesn't know how to cherish such a good opportunity. What a pity, what a pity!

"Then let's get started!"

Li Zhi has nothing to say. Chongwen of the Tang Dynasty is also a martial artist. Now he can only hope that Yuchi's defeat will be too ugly.


Yuchihuan saluted Li Zhi again, then tied the hem of his clothes around his waist, and went down to change clothes.

"Father, who do you think can win between the two of them?"

Looking at Yu Chihuan's figure, Li Yanran also rolled her eyes and spoke to Li Zhi.

"Of course it's Xu Yong, the Jiaodai warrior. He can defeat his opponent in this palace. It can be said that he has rarely encountered an opponent in the Jiaodai class.

Facing someone with superb cornering skills and who was stronger than him in height and weight, Yuchi Huan's failure was already doomed. "

Li Zhi looked at the two people in front of him and sighed.

Silly daughter, anyone with a discerning eye can see this, why are you still holding on to that hope?

"Father, why do I feel that Xu Yong is just a decoration? Yuchi Huan can take him down in minutes!"

Li Yanran looked at Li Zhi with provocative eyes.

"Why do I feel like you are setting me up?"

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Zhi suddenly had a bad thought.

It felt like I was being led into a trap step by step.

"What's the trick, father? How about we take a gamble? Let's see who can win between the two!"

Hearing what her father said, Li Yanran did not dare to neglect and hurriedly expressed her final intention.

"Bet? Why do I feel more and more that something is wrong with you!"

Li Zhi frowned immediately, and his scalp went numb when he mentioned the word bet.

He knew his daughter well and never fought a battle that he was not sure of.

Bet with her, no one seems to be able to beat Li Yanran.

Could it be that Yuchi Huan has some secret tricks that he doesn't know about?
"Father, just tell me whether you dare to gamble or not! Are you afraid of a child like me?"

Li Yanran hurriedly continued speaking. She didn't want her father, a fat sheep, to run away like this.

"You said I'm afraid? I just don't want to be like a kid like you!"

Li Zhi waved his hand. The more Li Yanran acted like this, the more he felt there was something wrong.

It’s better not to make this bet well, otherwise you may be tricked again!
Li Yanran was a little helpless. Her father's IQ had soared recently, and it was difficult to deceive him. It seemed that he had to find a way.

Glancing at Li Hong next to him, Li Yanran also had a plan in mind.

He kicked Li Hong next to him and gave him a look.


After receiving Li Yanran's signal, Li Hong was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what his sister meant.

Do you want to beat yourself up? Are you so confident that Yuchi Huan's fool can win?

If you lose, won't you lose money?

Li Hong also looked back at Li Yanran, and then stretched out five fingers underneath.


Seeing Li Hong's gesture, Li Yanran was also confused.

I just asked you to play cover, but you dare to ask for [-]%. Isn’t it a bit too dark?

He gestured to Li Hong. After Li Hong saw it, he shook his head and curled up a finger.

[-]%, I have already given in. I believe that my sister will not get entangled with me.

Li Yanran shook her fingers, there were still two fingers, and she did not retreat because of Li Hong's retreat.

[-]%, this is her bottom line.


Li Hong glared at Li Yanran, "Now you are asking for something from me, but you don't give in at all?"
After thinking for a moment, Li Hong bent another finger and took a step back again.Seeing that Li Hong had dropped to [-]%, Li Yanran nodded, agreeing to the deal.

"What charades are you playing?"

Looking at the two of them, Li Zhi also frowned, wondering what they were doing.

"Father, I think Sister is just trying to scare people."

"They also said that Xu Yong can be captured in minutes. I think Yuchi Huan should be captured in minutes. Father, bet with him!"

Now that he has reached a deal with his sister, Li Hong has also begun to work on the sidelines.


Looking at Li Hong who suddenly became excited, Li Zhi couldn't understand it even more.

Why is my son so crazy?

"Father, Hong'er has never defeated Sister A. This is our only chance! Bet with him!

I still don’t believe that Xu Yong will lose to Yuchi Huan. "

Seeing that his father was still hesitating, Li Hong also stepped up his output, not wanting to run away for his father.

"This this."

Li Zhi was a little hesitant now. As Li Hong said, Yuchi Huan was no match for Xu Yong anyway.

Do you want to give it a try again?

"Father, even Hong'er dared to bet, but I didn't expect that father would be afraid.

If you don't want to gamble, then don't gamble. Your daughter can't make things difficult for you, right? "

Li Yanran also gave her father a small look, which made her meaning clear.

My father turned out to be a cowardless person, worse than a six-year-old child.

"Who said I was afraid and took a gamble!"

Li Zhi really couldn't bear it now. You can say other things, but you can't say that I am not as good as Hong'er.

Besides, looking at this situation, Xu Yong basically can't lose, so he just plays with you, little girl.

"Father, I also want to gamble with my sister!"

Li Xiao on the side also looked over. Last time he lost both his wife and his troops.

Now that he heard that Li Yanran was going to make a bet with his father, he didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

"What kind of bet are you betting on? You have no right to speak!"

Li Zhi frowned and glanced at Li Xiao, his eyes full of disgust.

Li Yanran is the apple of his eye, and it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses a bet with his father.

But it would be wrong for you, a royal brother, to jump out.

"Father, I also want to take a gamble with my sister!"

Li Shangjin on the other side also came over. Last time he was punished by Li Zhi and Wu Zetian because of Lan Kwai Fong.

He has always held a grudge against him. How could he let it go now that he had such a good opportunity?

"Father, I also want to take a gamble with my sister!"

Li Sujie also looked stern and came over to talk.

Although there is no conflict of interest between him and Li Yanran like Li Xiao and Li Shangjin, at the last Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, the glory that should have belonged to him was robbed by Li Yanran.

This made him, who was already proud, always worried about it. This time when he got the chance, he naturally wanted to kill Li Yanran's majesty.

"You three, stand down!"

Seeing his three sons speaking at the same time, even Li Zhi felt a little numb.

Li Yanran had done something outrageous, and asked the three royal brothers to target her together.

"Father, I accept this bet!"

Li Yanran glanced at the three of them coldly, "You don't have a long memory, right? Then let's go together!"
Let me, my younger sister, teach you another lesson.

"Yan Ran, you?"

Seeing Li Yanran so calm, Li Zhi felt bad.

Now he feels more and more like he has fallen into his daughter's trap again.

"Since your three royal brothers are playing with you, how about my father not participating in it?"

After looking at the three stunned young sons, Li Zhi immediately wanted to retreat.

"Father, you are a great man. Once you make a move, it will be hard to follow. Is now the time to give up?"

Li Hong glanced at his father. Isn't it a little too late for you to back off now?

If you retreat, the three royal brothers will not continue to play out of shame.

Then wouldn't my commission be in ruins?


Li Zhi glanced at Li Hong, who seemed to understand now.

What he fell into was not a trap set by Li Yanran alone, but a trap set by his children.

It really made him drunk.

Li Hong is so young, but he already knows how to lie?
Is this still available?

"Father, Hongdi is right. Isn't it too late to back down now?"

Li Yanran also rolled her eyes at her father, and she realized it was too late!

"This charming girl?"

Li Zhi also had a headache and could only look to Wu Zetian aside.

"Your Majesty, this is New Year's Eve, it would be nice to play with the children."

Wu Zetian looked at Li Yanran. Although she was not optimistic that Yuchi Huan would win, Li Yanran was so confident that she, a mother-in-law, could only give her full support.

"Okay! Yanran, what do you want to bet on? Don't go too far!"

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