Fang Xiangshi knelt on his knees and raised the arrowless bow above his head.

Ruian lightly took the peach wood bow from Fang Xiangshi's hand and handed it to Li Zhi.

"Your Majesty, please use your bow to slay evil spirits for our Tang Dynasty and protect our Tang Dynasty from all evils next year."

Li Zhi nodded, stood up directly, took the mahogany bow and pulled the bowstring sharply.


The bowstring trembled and made a violent sound, and the ghost plagues who were being restrained by the divine beasts in front fell to the ground one after another as if they were hit by arrows.

"Your Majesty, destroy the evil troubles and keep our Tang Dynasty safe. Long live my emperor!"

Ruian was the smartest one, kneeling directly in front of Li Zhi and singing his praises loudly.

"Your Majesty, destroy the evil troubles and keep our Tang Dynasty safe. Long live my emperor!"

Fang Xiangshi is also a good person and follows Ruian in singing praises.

"Your Majesty, destroy the evil troubles and keep our Tang Dynasty safe. Long live my emperor!"

"Your Majesty, destroy the evil troubles and keep our Tang Dynasty safe. Long live my emperor!"

"Your Majesty, destroy the evil troubles and keep our Tang Dynasty safe. Long live my emperor!"

For a time, all civil and military officials, dignitaries, and relatives of the emperor were all kneeling on the ground and shouting at Li Zhi.


Li Zhi burst into laughter looking at the scene in front of him. Although he knew this was a routine matter, no one could resist this situation.

This is the emperor, the master above tens of millions of people. He deserves these compliments. Who said that he created the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty?

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, didn't you say that? Today is New Year's Eve, so don't do this!"

Feeling relieved, Li Zhi also waved his hand to signal the officials to return to their seats.





"Your Majesty has a decree, reward me!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

A group of Nuo dancers also saluted Li Zhi and then exited the Daming Palace together.




Just as the Nuo dancers retreated, a burst of shouting came from outside.

The musicians in the Daming Palace played in unison, which was the Qin King's breaking formation music performed when the Tubo envoys came over.

In fact, the current Qin Wang Formation Breaking Music is different from the original one. The official name was originally called "Seven Virtues Dance".
Later, in the first year of Longshuo, it was changed into "Dadingle".
In the first year of Xianqing's reign, it was renamed "Shen Gong Breaking Formation Music".
However, people in the Tang Dynasty still used to call this dance music the music of King Qin breaking the formation.

After it became a magical formation-breaking music, instruments such as flutes and flutes were also added, which neutralized the original solemnity and became more suitable for the situation of the Tang Dynasty.

After Leqi, 120 eight dancers wearing golden armor and holding golden halberds also rushed in from the outside.

All the officials, especially the old people who followed Li Shimin from the battlefield, looked at the performance in front of them, and their thoughts flew back to the past.

Flying to that turbulent time when the war was raging and following His Highness the King of Qin to kill generals and seize the flag.

"it is good!"

Although Li Zhi had never experienced those wars, whenever this dance started, he seemed to be sitting on the same war horse as his father.

Charge into battle, kill generals and capture flags, there is nothing you can do.


"Your Majesty has a decree, reward me!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

120 Eight dancers knelt on the ground to thank Li Zhi.

"The King of Qin's Breaking Formation Dance" is followed by the "Nine Gong Dance" with the same name.

64 dancers, wearing purple long-sleeved skirts and lacquered leather shoes, began to dance to the music.

The original name of "Nine Gong Dance" is "Celebrating Good Achievements".

Qingshan Palace is the birthplace of the late emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. In the sixth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong hosted a banquet for his ministers in Qingshan Palace.

He composed a poem with ten rhymes, which was later composed and performed by the Yuefu, titled "Music to Celebrate Success and Charity".
Later, there was an adaptation, and then there was the current "Nine Gong Dance".

Different from the majestic and majestic music of the King of Qin, the nine-gong dance fully displays the feminine beauty of women.

After the dance, the whole house was filled with applause, and Li Zhi even waved his hand, and everyone appreciated it.

Seeing how generous my father was, Li Yanran on the side had already begun to help him with his calculations.

If you put this money in your own hands, how much money you can make by changing hands is difficult to measure.

Dad is really wasting his money!
After the song and dance performance, Li Zhi also looked at the ministers and motioned them to eat and drink to their heart's content and not to worry about anything else.

After all, today is New Year's Eve, which is a big holiday. It would be bad to have more etiquette.

All civil and military officials also salute together, but who can regard it as their own home?
They didn't come here just to eat and drink. Anyone who believed Li Zhi would be a pure fool.

I have to say that sometimes there are really a few weirdos, such as the four Zhang Sunyans now.

After hearing what Li Zhi said, they also let go and were ready to start a big fight.

"What are you doing?"

Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Yan who was rolling up his sleeves, and instantly felt something was wrong.

"Didn't His Majesty say that you should treat it as your own home and eat and drink as much as you like? When my son is hungry, he will naturally start to move."

Changsun Yan glanced at his father and couldn't help but repeat Li Zhi's words.

"Are you going to make me mad to death? Your Majesty is just talking, do you still take it seriously?"

Changsun Wuji patted his forehead depressedly. He was really worried about his stupid son.

I thought that even though I was not extremely smart, I was extremely intelligent, so how could I be born such a stupid person?

"Father, aren't you disobeying the imperial edict if you don't eat and drink wantonly?"

"I" Changsun Wuji felt like he was about to spit out foam. For some reason, he suddenly had the urge to kill someone.

Perhaps except for this son, it is the best behavior for the eldest grandson's family.

"Changsun Yan, my father is warning you again.

If you dare not listen to me, I will break your legs after leaving the palace. I am not kidding you. "

"Little brother, don't make your father angry, do you understand?"

Looking at Changsun Wuji's dark face, Changsun Chong also hurriedly spoke.

He is also afraid of his little brother now, he is too special.

"What the hell! If you don't want to eat, you won't eat. It's like no one has ever eaten before!"

Glancing at his brother and father, Changsun Yan was also very depressed.

Naturally, the palace's New Year's Eve banquet cannot only include singing and dancing performances, but the long-standing Yuren performance will follow.

The so-called talent show is actually equivalent to cross talk and sketches in the Spring Festival Gala.

The performers were articulate and humorous, making the whole audience laugh once they performed. Even Li Yanran, who has watched the Spring Festival Gala for more than 20 years, burst into laughter.

It has to be said that some things will not be eliminated as time goes by, and this is the case with Youxi.

After the excellent performance, it is the ventriloquism that Li Yanran learned from the textbooks of later generations.

There is only a table, a chair, a door, and a ruler. The craftsman is sitting in the screen. When the ruler sounds, the surroundings are surrounded by silence.


The sound of birds suddenly sounded from the screen, and Li Hong was stunned when he heard it.

"Father, it's a Moxa!"

"Well, that's right, it's the Moxa!"

Li Zhi nodded. Li Hong heard it correctly. The voice was indeed that of a Mozu.

The lark is actually what is often called a lark in later generations. Because it can imitate the calls of other birds, it is also called a mockingbird.

Just as the two were talking, different sounds of birdsong sounded again from the screen.

"It's a goddess!"

"Father, it's Zigui!"

"It's changed again, it seems like it's a flying slave!"

Whenever birdsong sounded from the screen, Li Hong would speak to Li Zhi.

After the birds were the sounds of animals, and after the sounds of animals were the sounds of nature such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning, Li Hong was stunned when he heard them.

He had never thought that people could imitate such a lifelike voice, which really opened his eyes.

Li Yanran finally understood why that text was written that way.

This ventriloquism is thousands of times better than those of later generations who deceived the world and stole their fame.

Even she was deeply attracted. The so-called craftsman's ability was evident.


At the last sound of the ruler, all the sounds disappeared at the same time. At the same time, the screen opened, and the ventriloquist inside also knelt in front of Li Zhi.

"Yes, it's a reward!"

"Your Majesty has a decree, reward me!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift!"

After the ventriloquist performance is over, the next step is the so-called acrobatics show, such as jacking poles and rope walking, which are also extremely thrilling, but extremely beautiful.

You must know that there is no Wia in today's society. It's all artists who are risking their lives. What matters is stimulation.

After the acrobatics comes the main event, the corner fight.

The so-called wrestling is actually not much different from wrestling, but wrestling in front of the emperor is a great honor.

Two carefully selected men fought against each other, and immediately killed each other with an order.

The sound of drums sounded instantly, and all the civil and military officials in the Daming Palace were attracted by the duel in front of them.

After a period of struggle, the man wearing red pants finally won.

"Okay, reward!"

Li Zhi took the lead, and the entire Daming Palace became excited.

These are nothing to those generals who have experienced hundreds of battles, but who said that the emperor likes to watch them.

"Dad, this is nothing, it's just a silver pewter gun tip!"

Cheng Chubi curled his lips next to him. He really couldn't figure out how he got into the palace.

"Stop talking nonsense! Just watch!"

Cheng Yaojin glared at his son, "You know nothing!"

If it were the late emperor, this kind of thing would never be able to wait for the throne. The current majesty has never experienced war at all.

This horn-fighting technique is enough for him. If he is stimulated a little more, he will see blood.

"Dad, why don't I go up and compete with that guy?"

Cheng Chubi didn't want to give up and was about to stand up suddenly, but Cheng Yaojin noticed it in advance and grabbed his shoulders and pressed him down.

"Are you crazy? You are my son and you want to compete with a horned warrior?

If you win, there will be no benefit. If you lose, I will lose all my face.

Just sit back and relax, otherwise I will kill you and break your legs. "

Cheng Yaojin looked at his son, his eyes full of anger.

If Cheng Chubi dared to talk back again, it would be as if he really wanted to kill him out of righteousness.


Facing his father's strong suppression, Cheng Chubi also sighed and put away his previous thoughts.

After all, compared with messing with my own father, there seems to be no comparison at all in winning against a mere enemy.

"Your Majesty, I have a merciless request from Yuchi Jingde!"

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