My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 573 I’ll give you a big watermelon

Chapter 573 I’ll give you a big watermelon

Now everyone is feeling bad instantly. Why are they still working at the end?

Or physical work?
Such a big wooden plate, shaking?

Brother Li, are you kidding me?
"Nonsense, if you want these glutinous rice balls to be delicious, they must be evenly coated with glutinous rice flour, otherwise they will crack as soon as you get out of the pot and you'll end up eating a lot.

Of course, if you don’t want to make glutinous rice balls, you can also make them one by one like this. "

Li Yanran glared at a few people, then took a ball of glutinous rice flour and put a ball of fillings on the glutinous rice flour. A glutinous rice ball appeared in front of them like making dumplings.

"I'm clumsy, but what I don't lack is strength. I'd better get out!"

"Let me get out too!"

Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan each took out a dustpan, spread the dried glutinous rice flour evenly, then sprinkled the fillings on it and started shaking it crazily.

Li Siwen and Changsun Yan followed Li Yanran's example and started making glutinous rice balls.

Seeing the four fools starting to work, Li Yanran also took it and started making glutinous rice balls.

After working until dark, these glutinous rice balls are finally done.

"I'm exhausted!"

Changsun Yan finished wrapping the last glutinous rice ball, waved his hands and collapsed on the chair.

"Stop pretending to be dead, go to the kitchen and cook glutinous rice balls!"

Li Yanran also carried a dustpan of glutinous rice balls and headed straight to the kitchen.


Li Hong didn't mind the rice noodles either, so he grabbed some glutinous rice balls from his clothes and followed behind Li Yanran.

"Let's go!"

Several people also looked at each other and walked towards the kitchen together.

When she came to the kitchen, she asked the chef to boil water. After the water boiled, Li Yanran picked up the dustpan and poured all the glutinous rice balls inside into the iron pot.

The glutinous rice balls went into the iron pot and kept rolling in the boiling water. Soon the clear soup became thicker.

"Pull up the pot! Get the glutinous rice balls!"

After hearing Li Yanran's words, Cheng Chubi picked up the big sieve and scooped up the glutinous rice balls in the pot without saying a word.

Looking at the glutinous rice balls in the bowl, Li Yanran also smiled slightly, took a piece and put it in her mouth.

"So sweet, so sweet!"

Li Yanran's big eyes also curved into two moons.

This smell is the taste of home.

This is what she ate when she was a child. The glutinous rice is fragrant and full of sweetness.

Good food.

"Is it that delicious?"

Changsun Yan was stunned, looking at Li Yanran, is this food really that delicious?

As he said this, he also picked up a glutinous rice ball and put it in his mouth.


When the glutinous rice balls entered his mouth, the sweet feeling instantly occupied his taste buds.

The fragrant glutinous rice paired with the sweetness of the sesame filling made him instantly captivated.

This thing is no more delicious than Haagen-Dazs puffs. Brother Li is really Brother Li, absolutely amazing.

"Brother Li, does this glutinous rice dumpling have any meaning?"

Li Siwen also ate a glutinous rice ball and nodded at Li Yanran.

"Tangyuan is the same as reunion, which means that everyone will be reunited, harmonious and happy during the New Year."

Li Yanran had already eaten several glutinous rice balls, and now she was pouting and explaining the meaning of these glutinous rice balls to a few people.

"This has a good meaning! The Lantern Festival is all about reunion. Yes, I want to bring some to daddy."

Yuchi Huan also grinned. This thing had such a good meaning, and the first thing he thought of was his father.

If you bring something to your father, he will definitely praise his son.

"I also want to take some back to my father!"

"I'll take it back to my grandma too!"

"That's right, why should I bring some of such good things to my family?"

The three of them also smiled together and agreed to Cheng Yuchihuan's suggestion.

"Sister, if you can bring some to your father and mother, they should also be very happy."

"Okay, okay, let's make more today and take some back to try."

Li Yanran picked up another glutinous rice ball and put it into her mouth, her big eyes full of sweetness.

After everyone finished eating, they started working again.

After all, although this dumpling is easy to make, the previous steps are too time-consuming.

If you want to take Fifteen back home, you must make preparations today.

Now that the process is known, it’s time for a few silly performances.

They did this properly without Li Yanran taking action.

Once everything is done, all you have to do is wait for tomorrow.

At dawn the next day, others were woken up by the sun, but Li Yanran was woken up by Li Hong.

"Sister, the sun is shining on your butt, please get up quickly!"

Li Hong jumped to Li Yanran's bed and lifted her quilt.


Li Yanran was sleeping soundly when Li Hong lifted the quilt and she was stunned.

"Do you want to die?"

Looking at Li Hong with wide eyes, Li Yanran already wanted to kill someone.

Do you really think I'm made of clay when you lift my quilt during the Chinese New Year?

"Sister, let's go make glutinous rice balls!"

"I'll fuck you big watermelon!"

Li Yanran jumped up and slapped Li Hong so hard that he almost fainted.

"You came to lift my quilt so early in the morning. Do you want to die?"

Li Hong was directly pressed onto the bed, and Li Yanran's slaps fell on him like raindrops.

"Sister, I was wrong! I was wrong!"

"Don't fight, I really know I was wrong!"

"Someone is going to die, sister, please spare my life!"

Li Hong was beaten violently by Li Yanran and his whole body was in bad shape.

"Let's see if you dare to bother me again!"

After beating her stinky brother wildly, Li Yanran also sat on the bed angrily.

It's amazing how easy it is for me to sleep in, but it's all messed up by you naughty kid.

"I don't dare anymore!" Li Hong almost cried. He didn't know that this situation would be like this.

"Hmph, let's go!"

Li Yanran also got dressed.

"What are you going to do?"

Li Hong was stunned and his mind was a little confused.

"What are you going for? Get out of here, you big watermelon!"

After rolling her eyes at Li Hong, Li Yanran walked directly outside.

"Oh, let's go make glutinous rice balls."

Li Hong also rolled off the bed and followed Li Yanran.

The two of them came to the kitchen and saw four fools already starting to work there.

"Okay! They're all quite positive!"

"Brother Li, are you awake?"

"But some came too late!"

"We're almost done!"

Hearing Li Yanran's voice, everyone looked over.

Looking at the dumplings piled next to her, Li Yanran nodded.

It seems that these four idiots are of some use.

While Li Yanran and the others were making glutinous rice balls, Li Zhi also came to Wu Zetian.

"Mei Niang, today is the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, it's time for Yanran and Hong'er to come back!"

Li Zhi smiled at Wu Zetian and sat directly next to her.

"Your Majesty, I was just about to tell you that the Lantern Festival is a holiday."

Wu Zetian also rested her head on Li Zhi's chest.

Although the two children had only been gone for a few days, she already missed them a little.

"Then what are you waiting for, Ryan!"

"His Majesty!"

"Immediately send a decree to summon Princess Lishan and the prince back to the imperial city."


Ruian quickly saluted and turned to leave.

A flying horse galloped out, heading towards Lishan Mountain.

"Your Highness, someone is coming from Chang'an!"

The imperial army came and directly told the news about the people coming from the palace.

"Is there someone from Chang'an? Why don't you let him come over quickly?"

Li Yanran wiped her face with her hands and said something to the forbidden soldier.


Soon the chamberlain who came to convey the order came to several people under the guidance of the imperial army.


Seeing Li Hong and Li Yanran with pale faces in front of them, Sun Mao, the chamberlain, was stunned.

What show is this?
Why are both Your Highnesses like this?
Sun Mao frowned and shouted directly at the people around Li Yanran.

"What do you do for food? How can you let your two highnesses do such menial work?"

Hearing Sun Mao's words, Li Yanran was stunned, Li Hong was stunned, and Zhang Sunyan and others who were making glutinous rice balls next to them were also stunned.

Where did this big fool come from?

What the hell are you talking about?
"Are you crazy?"

Li Yanran stood up slowly, her eyes full of anger.

Although these fools are indeed Adou who cannot be helped, they are still my princess's sons, and they are also the sons of the Duke and the Prince.

You, a fool who came out of nowhere, dare to speak to them like this?

You really don’t want to live anymore, right?
"Your Highness, what does this mean? Let me help you reprimand the servants to prevent them from bullying you."

Sun Mao was stunned. I am doing this for your own good. You are a wealthy person. How can you do such rough work?

Let me tell you about the servants around you. If you make any mistakes, please pay them back.

"What do you mean? Are you new to the palace?"

Li Yanran was also a little stupid when she heard that Sun Mao still didn't repent.

This guy is really cool!

"Sun Mao has indeed just entered the palace. Your Highness is really very discerning!"

Sun Mao smiled at Li Yanran and quickly bowed.

"Didn't Ruian tell you when you came out of the palace? Talk less and work more when you get to the fief?"

Li Hong also stood up. This kid has grown so big in vain, and his brain is smaller than Cheng Chubi's.

"I said it, but isn't Sun Mao thinking about His Highness?"

Sun Mao was stunned and didn't know what Li Hong meant.

"Servant, let me introduce these servants to you, Changsun Yan, the son of Prince Changsun.

Cheng Chubi was the noble son of Lu Guogong and the noble son of Yuchi Huan'e Guogong.

As for this Li Siwen, he is the noble son of a British prince. "


When Sun Mao heard the identities of the four people, he was stunned and knelt on the ground, his eyes full of fear.

Now he finally knew why his godfather had told him so before he came out.

It is said that the people in the fiefdom cannot be offended by themselves. It turns out that it is not only Li Yanran and Li Hong who cannot be offended, but also so many great gods.

"Your Highness, Sun Mao did not mean to offend, and I hope you will forgive me!"

Sun Mao kowtowed directly to Li Yanran and begged Li Yanran to let him go.

How did he know that there were so many royal dignitaries here? This flattery really hit the horse's legs.

"Excuse me? Beat him!"

How could Li Yanran let him go? If a random person behaved like this, he wouldn't be able to survive.

If you don't teach them a lesson, they will really become lawless by relying on their father.


Cheng Chubi's eyes were full of ferocity, and he twisted his neck and made a cracking sound.

"Young gentleman, please be merciful!"

Sun Mao wanted to run, but after taking a look at Cheng Chubi's long legs, he gave up resistance.

"I'll give you a big watermelon!"

(End of this chapter)

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