My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 574: Grandpa, stop asking!If you ask me again, I'll tell you

Cheng Chubi went over and punched Sun Mao directly in the face.


Sun Mao wailed and fell to the ground.

When the others saw this, they also gathered around and punched and kicked Sun Mao.

"Okay, don't fight. If you fight again, someone will die."

Listening to Sun Mao's wailing, Li Yanran also frowned and hurriedly stopped.

She was really afraid that if these idiots were not serious enough and beat people to death, something big would happen.


Several people also snorted coldly and stepped aside.

"Sun Mao, right? I'll spare your life this time. If you dare to come here next time and make trouble, I'll kill you directly. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran walked to Sun Mao and stared at him.

"Don't dare, I won't dare again next time!"

Sun Mao trembled and hurriedly replied to Li Yanran.

"Then what should I say about the injuries on your body?"

"Sun Mao fell off his horse without noticing and ended up like this!"

Sun Mao's face felt aggrieved, but he was stronger than others, so he had to bow his head.

Now if you say something incorrectly, you will have to be taught a lesson again.

"That's pretty much it. Let's go and tell Father that I will return to the palace right away."

Li Yanran nodded. It seems that this guy is not a fool!
But why he could say such nonsense just now is really intoxicating.


Sun Mao immediately wiped away tears. No wonder no one came to seal the land.

Not to mention having no oil and water, but meeting such an overlord so unexpectedly made him want to stop.

"Then go away!"


Sun Mao got up and ran directly outside.

"Brother Li, isn't it a bit bad to do this? After all, the other party is also His Majesty's envoy."

Li Siwen came to Li Yanran's side, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Isn't it a bit late to say this now? You just had a great time fighting me!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Siwen, do you know now?

You showed no mercy at all when I was beaten just now.

You know how to act and stand at the same time.


Li Siwen also sighed. Didn't he get drunk just now? Thinking about it now, he really regrets it.

"Okay, this matter is my own responsibility, so pack up and prepare to return to Chang'an!"

Li Yanran turned around and left.

The remaining people looked at each other and left together, preparing to return to Chang'an.

A group of vehicles left the fiefdom in a mighty manner and headed towards Chang'an.

"What's wrong with you?"

When Sun Mao returned to the palace, Ruian was stunned when he saw him.

"Grandpa, stop talking. I fell off my horse halfway and that's what happened!"

Sun Mao covered his face, his eyes full of depression.

"What kind of horse are you riding? A Pegasus? Can you be beaten like this?"

Hearing Sun Mao's words, Ruian also frowned.

He has never seen a horse fall like this before. Are you afraid that you are not riding a Pegasus?

Falling from the sky and landing on your face?
"Grandpa, stop asking!"

Sun Mao is very depressed. Please stop asking. If you ask again, I will file a lawsuit.

"Did you provoke Princess Lishan and get punished?"

Sun Mao's expression also betrayed him, and Ruian immediately thought of a possibility.

He must have offended Li Yanran and was dealt with by the other party.

“Grandpa, I’m so miserable.

I just said a word to Princess Lishan, but the other party sent someone to beat me up.
Grandpa, you have to make the decision for me. "

With a pop, Sun Mao knelt directly in front of Ruian.

"you you.."

Hearing that this was indeed the case, Ruian was furious.

Te Miao’s many warnings and instructions tell you to speak less and talk less when you arrive at the fiefdom.

You just don't listen, so why does it appear that you opened your mouth?
I asked you to go over so that you could show your face in front of Princess Lishan and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Where did you go to attract hatred?

You deserve to be beaten.

Thinking of this, Ruian also slapped him in the face.

"Grandpa, why did you hit me!"

Sun Mao was dumbfounded and didn't know why Ruian wanted to fuck him.

"Hit you? Grandpa, I just want to kill you now. How can I still have the nerve to complain? Go away and reflect on your own!"

Ruian said and kicked Sun Mao over again, his eyes full of anger.

"Sun Mao knows!"

Feeling Ruian's anger, Sun Mao didn't dare to speak and rushed out dejectedly.

"Auntie, I'm back!"

Returning to the palace, Li Yanran and Li Hong came together and rushed directly into Wu Zetian's palace.

After looking at the pair of children in front of her, Wu Zetian also put down the memorial in her hand and took both of them into her arms.

"It's good to be back!"

"Mother, have you missed Hong'er?"

Li Hong chuckled and got directly into his mother's arms.

"Of course I thought about it!"

Picking up Li Hong's little head, Wu Zetian kissed him on the face.

"Hehe, Hong'er also misses his mother."

Li Hong also raised his toes and shouted back at the other party.

Li Yanran pouted as she looked at the two of them, with a look of displeasure on her face.

"Don't be angry, come on!"

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, pulled Li Yanran over, and also gave her a sip.

"Mom, I miss you too."

"Auntie, hee hee!"

Li Yanran also snuggled into my mother's arms.

"Did you bring me a gift when you came back this time?"

After the intimacy was over, Wu Zetian also asked the two of them.

"Auntie, shouldn't you give us a gift? Why did you ask for it from us instead?

Li Yanran stared at Wu Zetian with wide eyes. This habit was not good.

"That's right, Queen Mother, shouldn't parents give gifts to their children?"

Li Hong also frowned, wondering why the quality of life has been so low since he arrived in the fiefdom.

From a beneficiary to a giver. "What, do you have any objections?"

When Wu Zetian heard what the two said, her eyes widened, and one of them slapped them.



Both of them were depressed instantly. Who would have thought that when I was trying to reason with you, you would start using force.

Who can bear this special meow?

"Hurry up, otherwise I will have to take care of my family!"

"Mom, stop fighting, get ready!"

Li Yanran also sighed and gave Li Hong a look.

The other party also hurriedly ran out and walked in with a brocade box.

"What have you prepared? Let me see!"

Wu Zetian also smiled slightly, full of expectations for the contents of the brocade box.

Open the brocade box, which is filled with Lantern Festivals.

"What is this?"

Now Wu Zetian doesn't know how to do it anymore. What is this?
Since Li Yanran entered the palace, her horizons have been opened.

Every time something comes up that I don't know about, it's really exciting.

"Mother, these are called Tangyuan. My sister made them specially for the Lantern Festival. They are delicious!"

Li Hong stretched his head in front of Wu Zetian and explained his love to his mother.

"sweet dumpling?"

Wu Zetian also grabbed a glutinous rice dumpling in her hand, her eyes full of doubts.

"Auntie, these glutinous rice balls also have a meaning, symbolizing reunion. It's the best thing to eat during the Lantern Festival."

Li Yanran also grabbed a glutinous rice ball and broke it open in front of Wu Zetian, revealing the fillings inside.

"The fillings here are all sesame and sugar, and it tastes really sweet."

"Really? Then grandma is really looking forward to this Lantern Festival."

Wu Zetian smiled slightly. In fact, she didn't care about the value of the things they brought. As long as she had this intention, it was enough.

After all, he is also the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, with rich clothes and fine food, and a home of bells and tripods.

Wealth is just a passing cloud to him.

"You are satisfied!"

"Then what are you waiting for? What a blessing!"

"The servant is here!"

Hearing the call, Duofu also walked in and saluted Wu Zetian.

"Take this Lantern Festival to the imperial kitchen immediately."


Duofu hurriedly picked up the brocade box from the table and headed towards the imperial dining room.

Not long after, Duofu came over with two palace maids behind him, carrying the newly cooked glutinous rice balls.

"Mother, it's cooked!"

Duofu salutes Wu Zetian.

"Go back!"


After Duofu left, Wu Zetian came to the dining table with her son and daughter in her arms.

"Auntie, let me help you scoop it up."

Li Yanran grabbed the spoon and directly scooped up a bowl of glutinous rice balls for her mother and handed it over.

"Queen Mother, let me feed you!"

Li Hong also picked up his chopsticks, picked up a glutinous rice ball and handed it to his mother's mouth.

Wu Zetian also opened her mouth directly and took a bite of the dumpling.

The glutinous rice balls exploded in her mouth, and the rich sweetness of sesame seeds and white sugar instantly filled her taste buds.

As Li Yanran said, it's so sweet and delicious.

"Mother, are these glutinous rice balls delicious?"

Looking at Wu Zetian's smiling face, Li Hong's eyes were full of smiles.

As if this glutinous rice dumpling is his masterpiece.

"Yes, these glutinous rice balls are really delicious."

"Hehe, I knew Queen Mother would definitely like it! Queen Mother, Hong'er will feed you another one!"

As he spoke, Li Hong took another glutinous rice dumpling and put it into Wu Zetian's mouth.

"Hong'er is sensible!"

Wu Zetian touched Li Hong's little head, her eyes full of kindness.

"Hehe, if Queen Mother likes it, Hong'er will make glutinous rice balls for you from now on!"

"Good good!"

Li Yanran is feeling bad now. She obviously did it by herself, so why is it Li Hong who takes the credit?

You green tea, don't let me smoke you.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Come on, Brother Hong, give you a bite too!"

Seeing Li Yanran's dark face, Li Hong also shuddered, and quickly picked up a glutinous rice dumpling and brought it to his sister's mouth.


Li Yanran also snorted coldly and took a bite of the dumpling.


Li Hong smiled, took a glutinous rice ball and put it into his mouth.

"So sweet!"

Li Hong narrowed his eyes and thought it was really delicious.

While mother and daughter were enjoying Yuanxiao, Li Zhi quietly came outside the dormitory.

I stretched my head and took a look. No one?

What about people?

Li Zhi was stunned and stepped in directly.

"So you are here!"

Li Zhi frowned and finally saw the person.

Seeing the three of them enjoying their meal, Li Zhi also walked over directly.



"His Majesty!"

The three of them were stunned and quickly stood up to salute Li Zhi.

"Everyone, sit down! What good things are you secretly eating behind my back?"

Looking at the glutinous rice balls in the bowl for three people, Li Zhi also sat down.

"Father, these are called glutinous rice balls. They are delicious. Hong'er will give you one!"

Li Hong acted like a flatterer again, picked up a glutinous rice ball and handed it to his father.

"You didn't tell me when you were eating, why don't you come here to show your courtesy?"

Li Zhi rolled his eyes at Li Hong, "Why don't you say anything while eating?"

"This this!"

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