My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 575: Father, Queen, don’t leave!

Li Hong suddenly felt bad. This trick worked well before, but why didn't it work for his father?
Is dad's heart made of stone?
I am sure, otherwise how could my parents not like me if I am so good?

"Your Majesty, this is Hong'er and Yanran's wish. You can eat it if you like. If you don't want to eat it, just watch it!"

Wu Zetian rolled her eyes at Li Zhi, "What are you here for?"
To dismantle his son?
Your son is so obedient and gives you glutinous rice balls to eat, and you still start acting.

"Meiniang, don't be angry! I didn't say I wouldn't eat!"

Li Zhi was also depressed. He was just complaining. As for saying that about me?
Really drunk.

"Eat it!"

Wu Zetian also scooped up a bowl of glutinous rice balls and delivered them to Li Zhi.


Li Zhi also quickly picked up the chopsticks, picked up a glutinous rice ball and put it into his mouth.

"Huh? These glutinous rice balls are quite delicious! They're so sweet!"

The glutinous rice balls burst and Li Zhi felt the same as Wu Zetian.

This stuff is soft, glutinous, sweet, and quite delicious.

"Father, if it tastes good, please eat more!"

Li Yanran also picked up a glutinous rice dumpling and handed it to her father's mouth.

After all, my father is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and he should be maintained as long as he needs to.


Li Zhi swallowed the glutinous rice balls into his mouth in one gulp, and his big eyes turned into moons.

"Where did this come from? Don't tell me you made it yourself again?"

Li Zhi's heart was filled with sweetness now, and he felt strange looking at the round glutinous rice balls.

"My father is truly wise and powerful. My sister really led us to make this glutinous rice dumpling. It can be said that it is the only one in the entire Tang Dynasty!"

Li Hong smiled slightly and hurriedly explained to his father.

"This thing is so delicious, I think you should find a way to promote it, maybe you can make a lot of money from it."

While Li Zhi was eating glutinous rice balls, his thoughts about making money came to his mind.

"Father, the making process of this glutinous rice dumpling is simple. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell it at a glance. If you want to promote it, you can do it, but if you want to make money, forget it!"

Li Yanran shook her head, how could she not see such a business opportunity, but this glutinous rice dumpling is not a high-tech thing.

The technical content is close to zero. Just like the previous chairs, it can only be bought and sold in one go.

Moreover, the chairs can be sold all year round. If you want to sell these dumplings in a big way, they can only be sold on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

"I see! But promotion is not impossible.

After all, the cost of this thing is not high. If it is promoted, the people of Tang Dynasty can taste this delicious glutinous rice balls. "

Li Zhi didn't take it seriously. Since he couldn't make money, he wouldn't make any money. There would be no harm in promoting it.

"When the time comes, I will hand over the recipe and production method to the imperial chef. Father, you can do whatever you want!"

Li Yanran nodded. Since dad wants to promote it, let him do it himself.

She didn't want to waste energy on things that didn't make her money. After all, she still had a lot of things on her hands.

"Well, I will hold a lantern-lighting ceremony tomorrow. Then you can also go and watch the ceremony together to see what kind of beauty our prosperous Tang Dynasty is like."

Li Zhi ate another glutinous rice dumpling, and suddenly remembered the lantern lighting ceremony, and prepared to let Li Yanran and the others watch the ceremony.

"Father, can I not go!"

Hearing this, Li Yanran felt bad instantly.

She came to Chang'an firstly to spend the Lantern Festival with her parents, and secondly to go around Chang'an and experience the grand scene of the Tang Dynasty.

"What are you doing? You know that not everyone can go to this Lantern Festival if they want to. I'm doing you a great favor by letting you and Hong'er go there. You don't want to go?"

Li Zhi's eyes widened instantly.

There were so many people trying to get through this lantern-burning ceremony, and you served it.

"Yes, Yanran, if you don't go to the lantern lighting ceremony, do you want to stay in the palace by yourself?"

Wu Zetian also looked at her daughter, wondering what she wanted to do.

"Auntie, my daughter thinks that the grand scene in the lobby is not in the palace or the lantern lighting ceremony, but in Chang'an and among the people.

So my daughter wants to leave the palace tomorrow, visit Chang'an during the day, and visit the lantern market in Chang'an at night to experience firsthand the grand occasion of the Tang Dynasty. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly and said what she really meant.

If you are over fifteen, what fun is there to see a so-called Lantern Festival? It would be fun to go to the market and wander around.


Li Zhi was also speechless, but Li Yanran's words made sense.

No matter how lively the palace is, it cannot compare with the Chang'an market.

"I disagree!"

Wu Zetian stared at Li Yanran, you are a princess of the Tang Dynasty, how can you hang out with the common people in the streets of Chang'an.

This is not only unbecoming, but also extremely dangerous.

She didn't want her daughter to be in any crisis.

"Auntie, just let me go. I promise I won't cause trouble. Besides, there will be no curfew tomorrow night. What a rare opportunity!"

Li Yanran quickly jumped to Wu Zetian's side and shook her mother's arm.

"I won't do it if I say no, it's too dangerous!"

Wu Zetian shook her head again. She would never allow her daughter to do such a dangerous thing.

"Mother, please let me go! I promise to watch her carefully and prevent her from encountering the slightest danger."

Li Hong also approached Wu Zetian and helped Li Yanran plead for mercy.

"What did you say? Are you looking at your sister? You are thinking too much!"

Wu Zetian feels even worse now. I don't agree with your sister going out, let alone you.

Her identity is the princess of the Tang Dynasty, and you are the prince and the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty.

You want to go out of the palace and go crazy, unless you die.

"Mother, I."

Li Hong was stunned instantly.

What's wrong with me?Why are you thinking too much?

I'm just a kid, why can't I go out?

"Your mother is right. Your identity is so important that you don't even want to go out."

Li Zhi walked up to Li Hong and slapped him. "I"

Li Hong was speechless for a moment. His father and mother objected together. It seemed that he really couldn't get out this time.

"As for Yanran, she should also stay in the palace!"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran and sighed.

Now that Wu Zetian had set the tone, it was hard for him to say anything.

After all, it was for her safety. If she went out and met a bad guy, she would be in trouble.



Looking at Li Yanran's dark face, Li Hong also laughed wildly.

I can't get out, and neither can you.

In this way, his heart is satisfied.

"Laugh, I'll make you laugh!"

Li Yanran is depressed. I am angry. If you jump out on your own, don't blame me.

As he spoke, he threw Li Hong to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw, and he was riding on him with crazy output.

"Sister, I killed someone!"

"Father, save me!"

"Mother, stop my sister quickly!"

Li Hong was being beaten by his elder sister, and he also cried out and asked for help from his father and mother.

"Mei Niang, I suddenly remembered that I have something to tell you!"

Li Zhi also smiled coldly, "You little Li Hong are really brave."

I didn’t even dare to provoke your sister, and you still laughed in front of her. You deserve it.

"Well, Mei Niang also has something to tell you. Let the child play!"

Wu Zetian also held Li Zhi's arm and walked aside.

"Queen Mother, Father, don't leave!"

"Save me! Save me!"

"I am your good boy!"

Looking at the two people leaving, Li Hong felt that his whole life was dark.

At the most critical moment, my father and mother all abandoned me.

Are you just going to watch your son being dealt with?
"Even if the King of Heaven comes today, I can't save you. Don't you want to laugh? Smile for me!"

Li Yanran glared and slapped Li Hong on the head.

"I can't laugh!"

Li Hong is almost crying now, but he can still laugh.

"If you don't laugh, I'll whip you!"

"Laugh at me!"

Li Yanran said and slapped him again.


Li Hong's eyes were filled with tears, and he forced his face to show an embarrassing smile.

"It's uglier than crying! Smile again!"


"Are you going to cry for me? Smile again!"


Li Hong really couldn't bear it now, curled his lips and burst into tears.


Seeing that Li Hong was really crying, Li Yanran also stopped what she was doing.

After all, the child was crying in front of his father and mother. If he continued to refuse, it would be somewhat unjustifiable.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back to your own palace, pack up and go to the Lantern Lighting Ceremony with me tomorrow!"

Seeing that the two of them had finished playing, Li Zhi waved his hand, telling them to leave quickly and not to be an eyesore here.


Li Yanran also stood up, saluted the two of them, and then left with Li Hong by the collar.

"Your Majesty, don't be soft-hearted. Let Yanran run out when the time comes. If you encounter danger, the consequences will be disastrous."

Wu Zetian looked at the backs of the two people and spoke to Li Zhi beside her.

She knew that Li Zhi had a soft ear, and if Li Yanran persuaded her, her daughter would be put in danger.

"Don't worry, I understand the importance!"

Li Zhi also nodded, then stood up directly and said: "If nothing happens, I will leave first."

"Well, Your Majesty, please help yourself!"

Wu Zetian also saluted Li Zhi and then sent him out.

"Ryan, take control of the study room!"

"Your Majesty controls the study!"

Ruian also shouted, Long Chu set up the carriage, and led Li Zhi towards the royal study.

"Don't follow me! Okay?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, who was looking like a follower, with a depressed look on his face.

"Sister, if I don't follow you, I have nowhere to go!"

Li Hong also looked miserable, "I only have you in this palace."

If I don’t follow you, who will I follow?
"No place to go? Go back to your east palace! Don't follow me!"

Li Yanran also kicked Li Hong. What do you mean you have nowhere to go?

Your East Palace is your bedroom, why are you always following me?

I have something to do!

"Sister, do you have any ideas? Do you want to go to your father to steal the gold medal?"

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