My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 576 The deal is concluded!

Looking at Li Yanran's expression, Li Hong immediately knew that something was wrong with her.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to drive him away in such a hurry.

"What are you thinking about? I want to go back to sleep, get out of here!"

Li Yanran was depressed. She had been with this boy for a long time, and he had guessed all her little thoughts.

This is so meowing, I have to be more considerate from now on, otherwise I really won’t be able to control him.

"Sleeping? I'll help sister warm the bed!"

Li Hong, however, was unwilling to give in. The old lady must have some agenda when she had this expression.

He must have some little plan.

You should follow whatever you say, maybe you can get some benefits when the time comes.

"Bed warmer? I'm using your bed warmer? Get out of here!"

Li Yanran was dumbfounded, this guy was really clever.

If he was entangled by Li Hong, how could he go to his father to complain.

"Sister, just do it. You can't get rid of me in the current situation.

If you need help with anything, I might even be able to help you out! "

Li Hong grabbed Li Yanran's arm directly, his eyes full of pride.

Sister, just do it.

If you take me with you, we will benefit from each other. If you don't take me with you, we will die.

I've got you today.

"You, you. You're ruthless."

Li Yanran was a little helpless now, and shook Li Hong away and moved forward.

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Li Hong frowned, wondering what the elder sister was going to do.

"What are you going for? Go to the imperial study and wait for the rabbit!"

"Sister, wait for me!"

Hearing this, Li Hong also chased after him.

When she came outside the royal study room and saw Ruian standing at the door, Li Yanran rushed in, followed closely by Li Hong.



The two of them went in together and hurriedly saluted Li Zhi.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's simply impossible to leave the palace!"

After glancing at the two of them, Li Zhi spoke directly.

After all, Wu Zetian had vaccinated herself just now. If the two of them instigated rebellion, she would be the one who would be scolded.

"Father, don't you want to go out and have a look? This is the Lantern Festival, a grand festival no less than New Year's Eve. It must be very lively!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, walked behind Li Zhi, and gently helped him pat his shoulders.

"So what? Your mother told me that if I let you out, I will be scolded!"

Although Li Zhi enjoyed Li Yanran's little fists, there were some things he still had to stick to.

It would be too shameful for him to be scolded by Wu Zetian because of his soft-heartedness.

"Father, you are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. How can you be easily controlled by your mother? How about you let us out and we take you with us?"


After hearing Li Hong's words, both Li Yanran and Li Zhi were stunned.

Li Yanran never expected that Li Hong would say such words, which really shocked her.

If my mother knew this, she might kill him.

Li Zhi said that because of Li Hong's words, why should I let you go out? You take me out with you.

If I wanted to go out, wouldn't I go out by myself?
Your imagination really puts your father to shame.

Such a stupid son is actually the crown prince of my Tang Dynasty.

He was really embarrassed.

"Father, sister, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the eyes of the two of them, Li Hong shivered for no reason. He didn't know what happened to the two of them.
"What's the matter? What do you say?"

Li Zhi slapped him in the face, which made Li Hong stunned.

I didn't say anything wrong this time!
Why do you have to beat yourself up again?

"Why do you want to take me out? I will leave it here today. There is absolutely no way I will let you out of the palace. Just give up on this idea!"

Li Hong also suffered a double blow both physically and mentally.

He was slapped again and couldn't leave the palace, which really made his heart feel dark.

"Father, I."

"What are you, Ryan!"

"The servant is here!"

Hearing Li Zhi's call, Ruian, who had been waiting outside, hurried in.

"Send the prince back to the East Palace, and then send someone to keep him under strict guard. If he dares to resist, I will break his leg!"

Ryan's whole body felt bad.

Your Majesty, you really think highly of me!
You want me to look at the prince, the devil?

What do you think?

Even if he really resists, I can still do it.

Why am I so miserable!
"Why are you so stunned? Why don't you take this person back to the East Palace?"


Ruian sighed and saluted directly to Li Zhi.

"Please, Your Highness!"


Li Hong also snorted coldly, but he couldn't afford to offend his father, so he could only leave with Ruian.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you think you want me to lock you up too?"

Seeing Li Yanran still standing there, Li Zhi also glared at her.

"Father, I want to go out of the palace, give me the token!" Knowing that it was useless to come here, Li Yanran became reckless and asked her father for the token.


Li Zhi was also a little confused when he saw that his daughter was so unscrupulous.

"Why can't you be soft and be hard? Stealing the token doesn't work, so grab it instead! Come on, come on. I really want to know what's going on in your head."

Li Zhi sat directly back on the dragon chair and looked at Li Yanran with some confusion.

He would like to know what his always smart daughter wants to do.

"I changed my mind and robbed it. Do you know how much money my mother asked me for on New Year's Eve?"

Li Yanran also crossed her arms and looked at the father in front of her with wide eyes.

"I don't want to know!"

Li Zhi also shuddered when he heard Li Yanran bring this matter up again.

Since the other party said this, it must be that 5000 taels of gold couldn't stop him. This was a confusing account, and he didn't want to get involved anymore.

Otherwise, it is very likely that my daughter will be tricked into it.

"No, you have to listen."

"I won't stop, I don't want to listen!"

Li Zhi also covered his ears.

"1 taels. Grandma asked me for 1 taels of gold, so father, you gave all of your 1 taels of gold to Grandma!"

Li Yanran lay on Li Zhi, pulled his hand away and spoke loudly into her father's ear.

"Why, I agreed at the beginning that I would only pay 5000 taels of gold, and now you ask me to make up the money. I don't agree!"

Sure enough, sure enough, you really want to trick me, and I won't fall for your trick.

"Father, you have only two options now, either give me the 5000 taels of gold, or give me the gold medal and let me out of the palace!"

Li Yanran, no matter you agree or not, the money is in my hands and I have the final say.

Now you can only play according to the rules of the game set by your daughter.

"You threaten me?"

Li Zhi said and slapped him in the face, his eyes full of anger.

"Father, you have thought carefully about the consequences of hitting me!"

Li Yanran covered her head and stared at Li Zhi with wide eyes.

"What consequences can there be for beating you? Why, do you still want to overthrow the world?"

Li Zhi also stared and slapped Li Yanran again.

"Father, I'm going to complain to my mother-in-law, just wait!"

Li Yanran also didn't expect that her father would be so cruel this time.

You're not afraid, right? I'll let you know how powerful I am.

"Go, I will tell you how much money my good daughter has when the time comes. Not to mention the five-meter golden Buddha, I think a ten-meter one is not impossible!
Besides, if you dare to complain to your mother-in-law, some people may not be able to see the Lantern Festival lanterns. "

Li Zhi was not afraid at all. He took off the gold medal from his waist and placed it gently on the table.

"Father, do you mean to let me out of the palace?"

Seeing Li Zhiliang's gold medal, Li Yanran instantly turned from sadness to joy and rushed towards the gold medal.

"I can give you the gold medal, but what about the 5000 taels?
I don’t want to be scolded by your mother-in-law and deducted from you at the same time! "

Li Zhi directly grabbed the gold medal in his hand, causing Li Yanran to miss it.

"Don't worry, you give me the gold medal and help me cover up. My daughter will help you out with these 5000 taels of gold!"

Li Yanran naturally understood what her father meant, which was to exchange this gold medal for the 5000 taels of gold.

Okay, let's change it. Anyway, I didn't want to threaten anything with this matter.

"Okay, then let's make an agreement. If you dare to threaten me with this again in the future, I will never let you go."

Since Li Yanran said so, Li Zhi also chose to believe her and threw the gold medal away after saying harsh words.

"Father, you are the best, Yanran loves you the most!"

After receiving the gold medal, Li Yanran also kissed Li Zhi on the face.

"Okay, tomorrow I will send my Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army to escort you out.

No, this is my bottom line, your safety must be guaranteed! "

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Zhi also guessed what Li Yanran wanted to say.

But the bottom line is the bottom line and must not be trampled upon.

"Okay, then I'll go back first!"

Li Yanran had no choice but to put the gold medal directly into her sleeve, and turned to leave.

"and many more!"

"what happened?"

"You can go out on your own, but Hong'er must not go out. If you dare to help him get out of trouble, I will ask the Imperial Army to capture you immediately."

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran who walked to the door with a cold face and told him what he was worried about.

"Don't worry, I know the severity.

I am just a little princess and it doesn't matter to the Tang Dynasty if something goes wrong. However, Hongdi is the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty and there is absolutely no way he can be easily involved in danger. "

Listening to Li Yanran's sour words, Li Zhi was stunned.

do i mean that

You make it sound like I, the father, don't take you seriously at all.

Am I like that?
If you hadn't thought about going out, would I have given you the gold medal at the risk of being scolded by Wu Zetian?

Do you really think you are worthy of that 5000 taels of gold?

It's so sad.

"Come back here and see if I can ejaculate and you're done!"

Li Yanran never gave Li Zhi a chance, so Sayazi ran outside.

"Don't run away if you can, you rebellious girl!"

"Father, please be careful!"

Listening to her father's roar, Li Yanran gave her father a big, delicate face while running.


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