My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 580 Visiting Shangyuan

Looking at Li Siwen behind him, Changsun Yan also let out a howl like a slaughtering pig.

Hearing the sound, Li Yanran hurriedly came out of the private room on the second floor, and was bumped into by Chang Sun Yan.

"Do you want to die?"

Li Yanran sat down on the ground and looked at Changsun Yan in front of her. She suddenly felt bad.

"Brother Li Li, I didn't mean it!"

Changsun Yan was dumbfounded. It was better now. There was a fierce Li Siwen behind him, and he offended Li Yanran again.

I am really going to die now.

Why is my life so hard?

"Not on purpose? Right!"

Li Yanran jumped up and slapped him. Before Chang Sun Yan could react, Li Siwen pounced and pinned him to the ground.

"I told you to attack me secretly!"

Li Siwen raised his fist and punched him with bared teeth.

When Li Yanran saw this, she followed Li Siwen and sat on Chang Sun Yan's body.

"Let you hit me!"

"It won't open your eyes!"

"Make you reckless!"

While spanking Chang Sun Yan's butt, he began to scold him.

"Ouch! Stop hitting!"

"Forgive me!"

"He's going to die!"

Changsun Yan really felt bad now. What did he do to provoke Li Siwen?

It's fine now. Attacked from both sides, there's no one left to save him.

The two of them slapped Changsun Yan for a while before stopping.

"Humph, let's see if you still dare!"

After Li Yanran stood up, she kicked Changsun Yan again, her eyes full of hatred.

"Don't dare, never dare again!"

Changsun Yan almost didn't cry. He covered his butt and limped behind the two of them.

"Brother Li, why did you ask us to come here?"

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran and almost cried.

"It's okay, I'm going to take you to visit Chang'an together! Live the Yuan Dynasty!"


Hearing Li Yanran's words, the four of them were stunned.

He came over anxiously, thinking that something big was going on, but unexpectedly he asked him to accompany him to visit Chang'an and live in the Yuan Dynasty?
"What's wrong, you don't want to?"

Looking at the expressions of the four people, Li Yanran couldn't help but frowned.

"Brother Li, I promised my dad to accompany him to the Lantern Festival tonight, but I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you!"

"Me too, my father asked me to attend the lantern lighting ceremony in the evening with him."

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

The four of them also looked confused. What time was it now? How long would this tour take?

If the Lantern Ceremony is delayed, a few dads will definitely skin and bones them and cut them into pieces.

"Do you think I didn't receive the invitation? My father and mother asked me to come too, didn't I also recommend it?
Besides, what’s so good about the Lantern Festival is that it can’t compare to the bustling night scene of Chang’an. "

I rolled my eyes at the four of them. It's not because of me as the boss that you can go to the Lantern Festival. Now I won't go, so you can go and join in the fun.


The four of them were all silent. They didn't want to go to the Lantern Lighting Ceremony, but after all, it was their father's will. If they didn't go, they might get beaten up again.

"Don't be afraid, today we will go shopping in the market, and we will return to the fiefdom tomorrow.

When the sky is high and the sky is high, will the princes be able to go to my fief and beat you up? "

Li Yanran smiled slightly and expressed her thoughts.

"That makes sense. The Shangyuan Lantern Festival is much more lively than the Lantern Festival. I don't want to go anyway."

Changsun Yan's eyes lit up after hearing this. He didn't want to attend the lantern-burning ceremony in the first place. If he hadn't been afraid that his father would beat him, he would have run away long ago.

Now that Li Yanran has said this, he has no objection.

"Okay, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you, even if I don't go to the lantern lighting ceremony."

Li Siwen also nodded.

"Then go to Chang'an?"

"I agree, let's visit Chang'an!"

The four of them also agreed to Li Yanran's proposal.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go shopping in Chang'an!"

Li Yanran jumped up. Although she had already visited Chang'an before the last New Year's Eve, there were differences between New Year's Eve and Yuan Dynasty.

On New Year's Eve, we mainly watch Nuo operas. This time we mainly watch lanterns and street performances.

In later generations, she longed for those float performances that patrolled the streets while watching TV, and she happened to be able to see them this time.

"Let's go!"

Several people also surrounded Li Yanran and headed towards the outside.

"and many more."


The four of them were stunned, wondering what happened to Li Yanran.

"Have you all brought any money?"

After rolling her eyes at the four of them, Li Yanran also waved her hand to call Zhou Qing over.


Zhou Qing came and saluted Li Yanran.

"Go to the counter and get two dollars."


Zhou Qing nodded, immediately turned around and went to the counter, then took two coins and handed them to Li Yanran's hand.

"Brother Li, when have we ever spent money visiting Chang'an?"

Looking at the copper coins in Li Yanran's hand, Chang Sun Yan looked disdainful.The names of the Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an are not for nothing. When they were hanging out in the market, no one was afraid of them and no one was respectful to them.

I never spent a penny on eating, drinking or having sex.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you still think you are the same as before? If you dare to do something that causes trouble to another party in the future, be careful and I will twist off your heads!"

Li Yanran kicked Changsun Yan again.

Damn, before you ruined the reputation of the Duke, I had no control over it, but now the whole of Chang'an knows that you are my people.

Now if you continue to be that playboy, you will ruin my reputation, Li Yanran, which she will never allow.


Changsun Yan was stunned, why is it not the same as before?

When we were in Chang'an, we were all-powerful and unparalleled in the limelight, but now we have to put our tail between our legs and become a human being.

"Do you still want to visit Chang'an with me?"

Looking at the four people, Li Yanran also frowned and spoke to them with wide eyes.


What do you mean we want to visit Chang'an with you? You clearly asked us to play with you.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is Peng Yu!"

Li Yanran knew that these four guys were difficult to deal with. Since they were too soft, they had to be tough.


Peng Yu walked in directly from outside and saluted Li Yanran.

"You will follow me later and follow my orders. If they dare to do anything frivolous, I will beat them hard!"


Changsun Yan and others were stunned, and Peng Yu was also depressed.

These are all the sons of the Duke and the Prince. Isn't it a bit too much to ask me to beat them up?

"Did you hear that?"

Li Yanran glared at Peng Yu, I can't control a few of them, how can I control you?


Peng Yu hurriedly saluted and saw a trace of apology flashing in the four people's eyes.

I'm sorry, young gentlemen.

Peng Yu also obeys orders. I can only hope that you will be obedient and don't make things difficult for me.

"Brother Li, you don't have to be like this!"

Li Siwen frowned, we didn't say anything, why did we pull out the Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army.

"Hey, let's go!"

Li Yanran threw up her sleeves and left.

Changsun Yan and the others also frowned and followed Li Yanran.

"Boom boom boom!"


"Float, float!"

Chang'an is also crowded now, with people coming out everywhere, and there are also floats performing on it.

"Look, Changsun Yan, the lantern chief on this float is so beautiful!"

Li Yanran stepped on Yuchi Huan's shoulder, watching the lanterns on the colorful float dancing gracefully, and shouted excitedly to Changsun Yan.

"I saw it, it's really good!"

Changsun Yan also stood on tiptoes and nodded towards the lantern leader on the float.

"Mr. Changsun, isn't your family trying to force you into marriage? I think this lantern leader is the best choice in terms of figure and appearance, why not?"

"Go away, haven't you already started a family? Why don't you marry this lantern leader back home?"

After hearing Li Siwen's words, Changsun Yan became depressed instantly.

Even if he is a rich man, he still knows what it means to be well-matched. Although the women on this colorful float are all from good families, they are of low status.

If he really married him and brought him home, his father would not have to beat him to death on the spot.

This Li Siwen is really good at looking for trouble, and he is eager to make a fool of himself.

"It's not impossible, but if you marry her you can only be a concubine, but you can't carry a sedan chair. This is a bit unfair to the woman."

Li Siwen also sighed. He really liked this woman, but her family status and strict stratification made it difficult to get into the family.

"Exactly, if an ordinary woman can enter the Duke's house even if she becomes a concubine, it is a blessing brought by him. There is nothing unfair about it."

Cheng Chubi also glared at Li Siwen, "You have a lustful heart but no courage. You had a consensual relationship with Mei Chun from Chunxiang Tower."

Mei Cheng was even willing to use his personal possessions to redeem himself, but you ran away with your tail between your legs.

Are you pretending to be innocent?


"Stop talking nonsense and let's watch the show!"

Listening to several people's comments, Li Yanran really wanted to give each of them a big mouth.

Even if you are of low status, you still rely on your ability to make a living. As for you, if you were not born into a wealthy family, you might be like those common people, dreaming of marrying someone back home.

"Boom boom boom!"

While everyone was watching the performance, another colorful float also hit them in the face among the crowd of people.

"Qi Feng's float is here!"

"And Sun Yiling!"

"It's Sun Yiling!"

Everyone was excited when they saw the oncoming float.

Qi Feng is a well-known musician in Chang'an, and Sun Yiling is a well-known dancer.

She has always been a strong competitor for Lantern Festival Lantern Chief.

With her graceful dancing posture and beautiful face, many young masters from aristocratic families and wealthy families wanted to take Sun Yiling into their homes, but she was rejected by them.

"Sister, it's Sun Yiling!"

"So what about Sun Yiling? I specially choreographed the dance between flowers, and I will definitely beat her this time."

The dancer who was performing looked at the person opposite, his eyes full of coldness.

Her name is Xie Ling, and she was originally a high-ranking official in her family. However, due to the slander of others, her family fell into decline and she became a dancing queen.

Her goal this time is to win the title of Lantern Chief during the Lantern Festival, gain the opportunity to meet the emperor, and then clarify the facts to the emperor and seek justice for her father.

"Sister, do you want to take it out to dance among the flowers now?"

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