My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 581 Colorful Float

Musician Xie Ming was also stunned for a moment. He naturally knew that his elder sister Huajianwu was very good.

But it's just the beginning. If you take it out now, what will you do in the end?

"It's okay. Sun Yiling is the biggest competitor for Denggui this time. Let her go back home first, and our chances of winning will be greater."

Xie Ling didn't care at all. If she didn't show her special skills now, she would be defeated by Sun Yiling.

"I understand!"


"Flower arrangement!"

Xie Ming also nodded and directed the musicians around him to start arranging flowers and prepare to dance among the flowers.

"It's Xie Ling! Beat the drum!"

Sun Yiling also saw Xie Ling on the float opposite and spoke directly to Qi Feng.

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunderous sound of drums sounded instantly, and Qi Feng also picked up the flute and started playing.

Sun Yiling smiled slightly, flicked her flowing sleeves and started dancing to the music.

"Okay! Sun Yiling is the best!"

"Come on, we support you!"

"It's so beautiful!"

When Sun Yiling started dancing, the people around her also cheered.

"Chang Sunyan, this figure is better, look!"

Li Yanran is a little confused now.

Although those Nuo operas are majestic and majestic, they are also a bit scary. They are not as enjoyable as the beautiful women dancing in front of them.

"Well, there's really nothing to say about this dance!"

Changsun Yan was also a little excited, after all, who wouldn't like to see this thing.

It's really exciting to have delicate beauties competing in front of you.

"Mr. Changsun, what do you think? Why don't you accept it?"

I heard that Son Ye-jin was very popular, and many sons of high-ranking officials wanted to take her into the palace, but Son Ye-jin forced her to die before giving up. "

Li Siwen spoke to Changsun Yan again.

"Go away, don't talk about those useless things!"

Changsun Yan really wants to tear Li Siwen's bad mouth apart now. Why don't you talk about yourself, but you come to me anyway.


Seeing Chang Sun Yan's embarrassment, several people also smiled together.

While everyone was watching Son Ye-jin’s dance, the melodious sound of Guqin also sounded from the float opposite.

Then Xie Ling began to dance on the float covered with flowers, like an elf among the flowers.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

"Is this Xie Ling's Flower Dance? It's really amazing!"

"Xie Ling, Xie Ling!"

Listening to the cheers of the people, Li Yanran and others also turned their heads to watch Xie Ling's carefully rehearsed dance among the flowers.

"This is not bad either!"

Li Yanran was also confused. In her eyes, Son Ye-jin was better than Xie Ling opposite her in terms of figure and dancing, but she couldn't help but know how to use props.

Flowers paired with beauties, who wouldn’t be confused?

Anyway, she doesn't know who wins and who loses now.

Not only was Li Yanran confused, but the people watching also didn't know who to support.

After all, this is a two-pronged competition, with the winner continuing and the loser eliminated.

"Xie Ling!"

Cheng Chubi didn't know why he was so mad, and suddenly shouted.

"Xie Ling!"

"Xie Ling!"

"Xie Ling!"

With Cheng Chubi taking the lead, the people around him immediately went crazy and shouted along with him.

Listening to the shouts like waves, Xie Ling also smiled slightly, and then ended her dance among the flowers with a somersault.

Glancing at Cheng Chubi who was carrying Li Yanran, Xie Ling also smiled at him.

She knew very well that without Cheng Chubi's roar, she really didn't know who would end up in the end.

"Xie Lingsheng, keep moving forward, Son Yejin will go home!"

There was also an official from the Ministry of Etiquette taking notes next to him, and he immediately announced Xie Ling's victory.

"Xie Ling!"

"Xie Ling!"

"Xie Ling!"

The people beside Xie Ling's car also shouted together, and then the float moved forward and continued to move forward.

"I lost!"

When she heard that she had lost, Son Ye-jin's eyes dimmed, she knelt on the float and began to cry.

"Changsun Yan, Changsun Yan, your chance has come. Now go and comfort her. You may not be able to take the beauty back home!"

Seeing Sun Yizhen crying, Li Yanran also excitedly shouted to Sun Yan.

As a woman, she naturally knows best. Sun Yezhen is now the most empty time. If Changsun Yan really has an idea, this will be the best time.

"Brother Li, why are you teasing me?"

Changsun Yan is about to kneel down, Li Siwen just say it, and you, a kid, can join in the fun.

"Aren't you afraid that you will miss the opportunity?"

"Brother Li, stop talking. There's nothing interesting to see here. Go shopping somewhere else!"

Changsun Yan turned around and left without looking back at all.

"Go, go, go!"

Li Yanran also patted Yuchi Huan beneath her, signaling to follow.

Several people left and came to the other side. Chang'an now is a little different from New Year's Eve.

There are lights and colorful decorations everywhere, and the wooden poles are all covered with lanterns. At night, this place will definitely be a different scene.

"Brother Li, eat this!"

Changsun Yan brought some fire crystal persimmons over and handed them to Li Yanran.

"Have you given money?"

Li Yanran was stunned when she took the persimmon. All the money was in Peng Yu's hands. Where did he get it from?


Changsun Yan was stunned. He just took it and forgot to give the money.

"I'm so meow!"

Li Yanran really wants to kill someone now, so she is turning a deaf ear to my words, right? "Peng Yu, beat him up!"


Peng Yu was stunned for a moment, then frowned and walked towards Changsun Yan.

"Brother Li, don't be angry. I'm here to ask you for money. If you don't believe me, I'll take you to ask."

Looking at Li Yanran who looked ashen, Chang Sun Yan quickly opened his mouth to explain.

Aren't you used to this special meow?

"Hurry up and give the money!"

Li Yanran also gave Peng Yu a wink, and the other party also took out a few copper coins and handed them to Changsun Yan.

Changsun Yan left and came back with the money. The old man selling persimmons was stunned when he saw it.

I've given you persimmons, what else do you want?

You can't even catch a sheep by shedding wool. Old man, I want to make money to support my family.

"This young gentleman, why are you back again!"

Looking at Changsun Yan's long face, the old man also frowned and asked.

"I didn't give you any money just now, so I won't get you any money now!"

Changsun Yan said and showed a few copper coins in his hand.

"These are just a few persimmons. Just treat them as a gift from me. You'd better take the money back!"

The old man looked a little depressed when he looked at the copper coins in Chang Sun Yan's hand, although he didn't know Chang Sun Yan's identity.

But seeing as he is wearing a brocade suit, he must not be an easy character to deal with, so let's forget about asking for his money.

After all, it is better to do less than to do more, and he still understands this truth.

"Here you go, take it!"

Changsun Yan was depressed, threw the money away, took a few more persimmons and turned around to leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Lang."

The old man looked at Chang Sun Yan's back and had nothing to say. After bowing slowly, he also pocketed the money given by Chang Sun Yan.

"Brother Li, I gave you the money!"

Changsun Yan smiled at Li Yanran while sucking the persimmon.

"Peng Yu, give each of them another hundred dollars, and don't say anything to me about not bringing any money!"

Li Yanran also took a sip of the persimmon and narrowed her eyes sweetly.


Peng Yu hurriedly distributed the money to the four people, which also relieved some pressure on himself.

After all, this money is quite important, so it would be easier to divide it.

The group of people started shopping again.

It has to be said that the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty has already taken shape now, and it is bustling with people coming and going everywhere.

"Would you like to buy a lantern?"

An old woman glanced at Li Yanran, who was surrounded by everyone, and immediately started promoting her product.

"Let's have a bunny lantern!"

Looking at the beautifully made lanterns, Li Yanran also felt a little moved.

Thinking of future generations when she went to visit the Lantern Festival with her parents, her mother would always buy her a jade rabbit lantern.

"Okay, here it is for you!"

The old woman smiled slightly, grabbed a jade rabbit lantern and handed it to Li Yanran's hand.

"Give the money!"

Li Yanran looked at the lantern up and down and gave Changsun Yan a look.


Changsun Yan is also covering his pocket. Everyone has money, why do you have to worry about my pocket?
"Why? Why do you say?"

Cheng Chubi measured his muscles, his eyes filled with coldness.


Changsun Yan glanced at the three of them and felt helpless.

You guys are starting something, right?
Okay, I give in!

"How much!"

"Two dollars!"

The old woman smiled slightly and told the price of the lantern.

"Two cents? Are you trying to steal money! Others are selling two cents for three cents!"

Changsun Yan also frowned when he heard the two dollars.

Even though he is rich, he doesn't necessarily have to be taken advantage of. This old woman definitely wants to kill herself.

"Then just follow what the young man said, three coins and two lanterns."

The old woman has nothing to say. If you say three dollars and two, then three dollars and two.

Anyway, I can make money no matter what, so I’m not afraid of selling more.

"Then let's have a tiger lantern!"

Cheng Chubi said as he took a tiger lantern and left with Li Yanran.

"I want this!"

"I also want!"

Li Siwen and Yuchi Huan also took action separately, turned around and ran away with the lanterns.


Seeing the looks of the three of them, Zhang Sunyan suddenly felt bad.

Li Yanran just wants me to pay, why are you trying to trick me?

"Young gentleman, there are four lanterns in total, six dollars!"

The old woman was also very happy. She originally thought it would be good if she could sell two lanterns, but she didn't expect that these tall people also have such a childlike innocence.

"Buy six, get one free! I'll get one too!"

Changsun Yan was depressed. He spent money but ended up with nothing in the end. He was really drunk.

"Young gentleman, this is a small business, so we can't afford to give it away!"

The old woman was also depressed for a while. She was wearing brocade clothes, so why did she like to take advantage like those people in linen clothes?

"This is seven dollars for five lanterns! If you don't agree, go and ask for the lanterns back from them. I won't pay for it."

Changsun Yan was speechless. It wasn't that he cared about one or two dollars. He was really used to taking advantage.

If you can't pull it, it feels like you're losing money.

"That's all right!"

The old woman looked at the general structure of Cheng Chubi and the others and was a little afraid, so she could only sigh and agreed with Changsun Yan's opinion.

"That's right!"

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