My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 586 Eat salt and smell wax?The one I’m beating is you, the profiteer!

Chapter 586 Eat salt and smell wax?The one I’m beating is you, the profiteer!

Li Yanran pointed with her hand and saw candle stands in front of her, surrounded by people surrounding the candles.

"do not know!"

Changsun Yan also had a black eye and didn't know what he was doing.

Because he had never been in the market during the Lantern Festival, he really didn't know these things.


Li Yanran was also depressed. Asking them was like asking in vain. She might as well do it herself to have enough food and clothing.

I looked at a young man holding a vessel in his hand, with white flowers inside that looked like salt.

"This little brother, don't you know what you are doing?"

Li Yanran smiled at the man and asked him directly.

The man glanced at the strong men around Li Yanran and frowned.

"This is eating salt and smelling wax."

"Eat salt and smell wax? What do you mean?"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment. She seemed to have heard these words somewhere before, but she couldn't remember them for a while.

"It is said that salt prolongs life and candles prolong life. The meaning of eating salt and smelling wax is just to pray for prolongation of life.
It is said that inhaling the fragrance of one candle can extend your life by one year. In fact, it is just a blessing. "

That person also expressed the meaning of eating salt and smelling wax.

"I see!"

After hearing this explanation, Li Yanran instantly remembered the TV series, as if it was about Sui Zhushou.

"Can your life expectancy be increased?"

Changsun Yan was startled, glanced at the side and immediately came over.

"I want to buy some salt."

Looking at the vendor setting up a stall selling salt nearby, Changsun Yan also shouted quickly.

"Okay, a portion of salt is twenty cents."


Hearing the price, Changsun Yan was instantly dumbfounded. How much salt is there, how dare you sell so much?
Isn't this robbing people?
"Tell me again, how much do you sell for a portion of this salt?"

Li Siwen also stared and asked if the other party was wrong.

"Twenty dollars for a portion of salt, a fair price."

The vendor also smiled slightly and told the price again.

"You don't want to live anymore? The Ministry of Finance has regulations. The price of this salt is clearly marked. Aren't you afraid that I will report you if you sell it like this?"

Li Siwen caught the hawker and shouted at him.

"We have clearly marked whatever this young gentleman said.

When we sell salt here, to put it bluntly, we are selling our lifespan, exchanging our lifespan for money. Twenty dollars is not much.

Besides, you may or may not buy it, but it seems that I am the only one selling salt in this area, so even if you want to buy it, there seems to be no place.

So you'd better let me go, otherwise I'm going to call someone. "

Looking at Li Siwen's appearance, the vendor was not afraid at all.

He has been selling salt here for several years and has encountered some dishonest owners, but so what.

Not to mention how many fights he fought to occupy this place, there were seven or eight brothers around them.

There was also Wu Hou patrolling the streets around, and he had also paid the interest. As long as he shouted, someone would come and take it down immediately.

"You still dare to threaten me? I really don't like you!"

Li Siwen was also one of the famous Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an. When had he been threatened by a hawker?

He doesn't look like a good person, otherwise he wouldn't be the only one selling salt in this area.

Bullying and dominating the market, this alone is enough to deal with him.

He immediately clenched his fists and punched him.

"Fuck him!"

The hawker's companions also gave up and rushed towards Li Siwen.

"You dare to take action? Beat them!"

Seeing that the other party dared to fight back, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan rushed over.

Changsun Yan was not to be outdone, grabbed a stick and rushed over.

The four heavenly kings' consistent style is to fight together when there is a fight and bear the guilt together.

How could those traders be the opponents of military men like Cheng Chubi? They were beaten up in a short time.


Wu Hou, who was patrolling on one side, was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and immediately rushed over.

"Don't let them run away!"

Seeing Wu Hou rushing toward them, the vendors also felt that a savior had arrived, so they fought with Cheng Chubi and the others to prevent the other party from running away.

If Marquis Wu didn't come, you would fight me. If Marquis Wu comes, if you run away, then Marquis Wu's coming will be in vain, and all the profits you have made will be in vain.

"I'm just afraid that they won't succeed, so fight me!"

These street patrolling Wuhou may seem scary to ordinary people, but Changsun Yan and the others don't care at all.

It’s you profiteers who are being beaten.

If you don't take care of you today, you may still be slaughtering many more people.

With a loud roar, Cheng Chubi and the other four beat him even more fiercely, especially Changsun Yan, who struck horizontally and vertically with a stick, as if he was in a deserted place.

Seeing that they were all here and the other party didn't stop, these Wuhou also exploded.

This is Chang'an, and any trivial matter can be heard in heaven, yet there are still people who dare to risk the world and do so in front of their own eyes.

If they don't take care of this, how can they still hang around here in the future? "I've turned against you!"

"Take them all for me!"

The squad leader shouted, and a dozen Wuhou behind him also drew out the sabers from their waists, looking murderous.

"Your Highness, what should we do?"

Peng Yu was also a little frightened when he saw the scene in front of him.

Normally, let alone these little Wuhou, even Jin Wuwei and the others would not take them seriously.

Who makes them the emperor's personal guards?

But if his identity is exposed now, it is likely to attract the attention of interested people.

If they want to harm Li Yanran, that's it.

"What else can we do? Save people! Run away!"

Li Yanran also knew that she couldn't reveal her identity now. If her father and mother found out, she would really be beaten to death.

But it would be impossible to leave Cheng Chubi and the others alone, and they could only save people.

"Rescue people? Your Highness, do you want to have a conflict with these Wuhou? I'm afraid this is inappropriate!"

Originally, Peng Yu thought that Li Yanran was going to reveal her identity and calm the matter, but she didn't expect this to be the case.

If someone discovers this, not to mention that Li Yanran will be unable to eat and walk around, I am afraid that the Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army will also come to an end.

"Why are you standing there, why don't you take action! I'll take care of anything you have to do!"

Li Yanran kicked Peng Yu in the leg, and the other party was helpless.

With a wave of his hand, the Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army following behind him did not dare to hesitate and rushed over with Peng Yu.

"What do you want to do? Marquis Wu of Chang'an is acting, get out of the way!"

Looking at Peng Yu and others appearing in front of him, Wu Hou's squad leader also frowned and shouted at them.

"Take the knife!"

Peng Yu roared, raised his fist and smashed the squad leader into a peach blossom, and then snatched the steel knife from his hand.

Peng Yu took action, and the imperial troops behind him also moved quickly, like tigers descending from the mountain, and pounced on the Wuhou.

Although these Wuhou were good at martial arts, they were no match for the elite Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army, and were subdued by these Forbidden Army in an instant.

"Still fighting, the wind is tight, pull! Run away!"

Li Yanran also hurriedly came to a few fools, stared at them and shouted at them.

"Hmph, let's see if you still dare to harm the people here."

Li Siwen stepped on the vendor, shouted, and then punched him, smashing him into pieces.


Yuchi Huan dragged Li Siwen and quickly found a direction and ran away.


Seeing Cheng Chubi leading Li Yanran to evacuate, Peng Yu also inserted the steel knife in front of the Wuhou squad leader, and then followed him with his men.


The squad leader glanced at the backs of those people and spit out bloody phlegm.

"Team leader, you have to make the decision for us. These people are really abominable."

The salt vendor limped to the front of Wu Hou's squad leader, his eyes full of misery.

He sells salt here as a convenience to everyone. Although it is a bit expensive, he deserves it.

Why he suffered such a disaster, he really didn't know.

Tai Te Miao was so frustrated.

"Fuck off."

The squad leader kicked the hawker, his eyes full of cruelty.

"Squad leader, what should I do? These people are difficult to deal with. It looks like their skills are not like ordinary people!"

A Wuhou also rubbed the corners of his eyes. These guys were really cruel and ruthless.

It is said that hitting someone is not a slap in the face, they greet someone in the face specifically, it is really shameless.

"Team leader, these people may have unusual identities, so why not just forget about it!"

Another Wuhou came close to the squad leader, looked at the direction those people were leaving, and shuddered.

If these people dare to attack him so confidently, they are either real murderers or they have someone to rely on.

No matter what the situation of the other party is, it is not something you can provoke.

"I can't swallow this breath. If we don't get back on our feet, how can we continue to mess around in this article?

Send the news to brothers from all sides that a group of thugs have appeared in Chang'an, and they will capture them when they see them.

And report the news to the government office and Jinwu Guards, asking them to work together to hunt down the thief! "

But the squad leader slapped Wu Hou on the head. If he couldn't get back from this situation, how could he survive?

"Team leader, let's not talk about the identities of those people. You just defined them before verifying their identities.
If someone is taken, not by thugs, but by a noble person, the superiors will not bypass us.

And the Jinwu Guards are usually very proud, so I'm afraid they won't act together with us at all. "

Marquis Wu was also depressed for a while after being slapped on the head. This matter was still a small matter of provoking a fight. At most, it would only cause him to lose face.

If the news really spreads and is reported to the government office and Jinwu Guards, this will become a big deal.

If something goes wrong at that time, people like myself will be punished if they say anything.

"I just want to make things bigger. What kind of place is this? It's Chang'an at the feet of the emperor.

Now is the Lantern Festival, and no one can afford it if something goes wrong.
The government officials and the Jinwu Guards will definitely go all out to arrest him, and when the time comes, everyone will be peeled off. "

(End of this chapter)

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