My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 587: Jing Temple

Although the squad leader is just a small person, his thoughts are extremely careful. He has seen these things clearly.

It's the Lantern Festival now, and no matter how proud the Jinwu Guard is, they dare not let a group of thugs roam around Chang'an.

Facing the joint pursuit of Fuya and Jinwu Guards, no matter how powerful the other party is, they cannot escape.

"Is this serious? It's better to just leave it like this! Otherwise, we won't offend anyone we can't afford to offend."

"Just do it this way. We are the Marquis Wu of the Tang Dynasty. Our duty as Marquis Wu is to guard the safety of Chang'an. It is our job to catch thieves.
Even if the other party has a noble status, he cannot be harsh on us.

If something happens at worst, I will bear the responsibility, so go quickly. "

The class leader, however, stared and shouted angrily at the people around him.




A group of Wuhou glanced at the squad leader, saluted together, and then left to spread the news about Li Yanran.

"Li Siwen, I didn't expect that you are still the same as before. You are still so impulsive when you see such injustice!"

The group of people ran all the way. Changsun Yan glanced at Li Siwen and hammered him on the chest.

"You still have the nerve to blame me. Wasn't it the same when you were running rampant with a stick just now? You really don't know what to say."

Li Siwen glared at Changsun Yan, do you have the nerve to educate me here?

You were acting crazy just now and almost knocked someone to death.

"I have to say that this fight was not all fun. These people should really be dealt with again, they are a bunch of moths!"

Cheng Chubi was also depressed for a while. If those Wuhou hadn't come over just now and Peng Yu took action, he would have had to defeat all those traitors.

"That's right, Li Siwen, next time you do something, please inform me in advance so that I can be prepared.

If I hadn't reacted quickly just now, you would have been beaten several times! "

Yuchi Huan also punched Li Siwen. If he hadn't done it quickly, he would have been surrounded, and he would have received a beating.

"Damn, who knew he could say something like that? When we are trying to build a good reputation in Chang'an, no one would tremble after seeing it."

Li Siwen was also depressed for a while. Do you think I want to take action?

If only I had registered my number before, how could the other party dare to be so presumptuous?

"It seems that we need to stay in Chang'an for a while, otherwise the reputation of the Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an will be ruined."

Changsun Yan nodded. He had been in the fiefdom for half a year, and Chang'an had almost forgotten about him.

"That's right!"

"It is indeed necessary to stay in Chang'an for a while."

Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan also had the same expression.

In order to achieve this prestigious reputation, they had no idea how many fights they had with others and how many beatings they received from their father.

If this prestige is ruined like this, I would really feel sorry for myself.

"I'll make you crazy, make you four heavenly kings, and make you bastards!"

Li Yanran jumped up and gave each of them a big pussy.


The four of them were all dumbfounded. They didn't understand why Li Yanran was so crazy and why she suddenly slapped herself.

"Brother Li, why are you beating us?"

Changsun Yan covered his head, his eyes full of depression.

“What I said before I came out, don’t cause trouble and don’t reveal your identity.

what about you?
When he came up, his stall was overthrown, and even Marquis Wu was beaten.

Are you talking about repeating the glory of the Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an this time?
Do you want to die? "

Li Yanran kicked Changsun Yan again. You still have the nerve to ask why?
Smart people have begun to look for the reasons within themselves.

Fortunately, you still claim to be the second smartest person in the world. Where are you smart?

"Brother Li, I can't bear this kind of thing when that dealer bullies the common people who dominate the market."

Li Siwen was also depressed. He didn't feel that he had done anything wrong!
This salt seller is not a good person. If he doesn't do justice for heaven, his title as the Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an will be in vain.

"Yes, when the road is rough, we draw our swords to help each other. This is our code of conduct and our code of conduct.

I can't forgive myself if I don't take action when something like this happens. "

"Brother Li, you are wrong, we are right!"

"That's right!"

The four of them also looked at Li Yanran with their necks stiffened. They did not think that they had made a mistake.

Those young men are not chivalrous. Although they are playboys, they also have the belief to be chivalrous and righteous.

Usually when I meet those villains who bully the people and bully the market, they will be beaten up without saying a word.

Although I am cultivating my moral character now, this person has caused trouble for me. If I don’t clean up, my life will really be in vain.

"Shut up, are you all reckless? Those who bully and dominate the market will naturally be held responsible. What qualifications do you have as non-officials?"

Li Yanran is depressed, what kind of heroes do you really think you are?
Do you know why those heroes are like this? Isn't it because of their status?
If those heroes were in high positions and could pacify all directions with just a few moves, would they still use force to break the ban?
You all have the status of a wealthy family, but you don't know how to use it. You only know how to use your brute force to show off your power.

Really stupid to the extreme. "Brother Li, if those vendors can set up stalls there, they must be benefiting people.
When you ask me to find the people I should take care of, aren't you asking them to investigate themselves?
Instead of doing that, I might as well smash his stall directly, which would be simpler. "

Li Siwen frowned. He admitted that what Li Yanran said made sense, but in that situation there was no way he could do it himself.

"Whatever your identity is, who dares to cover up whatever you say? You are a bunch of sticks!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Siwen. She still doesn't know where she went wrong?
Fortunately, you are still the smartest among the four, is that all?

"Brother Li, what you said is wrong.
We walk in Chang'an relying on our fists. We have never relied on our status to overwhelm others. This is not what a hero would do. "

Cheng Chubi was not happy when he heard this. They fought countless fights while traveling through Chang'an. There were sons of the same aristocratic families, and there were also those with dirty legs who were doing dirty work.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense. If you are so reckless again, be careful to break your legs!"

Li Yanran really didn't want to deal with these fools.

If you didn't have the status of a prince behind you, you might have been thrown into the moat and sunk to the bottom before you became famous because you guys wanted to be famous in Chang'an.

It's really funny that he said he relied on his own fists.

"Brother Li, we are reckless, but those Wuhou you just mentioned were killed by you, so they have nothing to do with us!"

Cheng Chubi glanced at Li Yanran, "We are reckless, but we will never go against the official people easily."

Although you are not afraid if you come, it will save you a lot of trouble, unlike if you just let Peng Yu do it.

"I didn't do that just to save you!"

Li Yanran was stunned. If it weren't for protecting you, could I have committed such a crime?
What a bunch of ignorant guys.

"A group of people were found here, they seem to be the same thugs reported by Lin Laosan. Immediately notify the nearby Wuhou to come for support!"

Just as a few people were arguing fiercely, a dozen Wuhou also appeared on the street corner, shouting at Li Yanran.

"I'm so cute, hurry up and leave!"

Seeing Wu Hou approaching, Li Yanran immediately became depressed.

These people are really as annoying as flies.

"Your Highness, the Wu Hous have their own communication methods. They may have passed messages to each other."

Looking at Wu Hou rushing towards him, Peng Yu also frowned.

He is so conspicuous when mixed with a group of people that any interested person can recognize him at a glance.

"Depressed, Peng Yu, take the people over there. Changsun Yan, let's go our separate ways with them, so we won't be discovered."

Li Yanran also frowned, thinking of what Peng Yu said.

"Your Highness, let Peng Yu follow you, and the rest can just leave!"

Peng Yu was depressed. He had the emperor's mandate. If he separated from Li Yanran, it would be disrespectful and disobedient.

Even if Li Yanran is fine by then, he will inevitably be punished by the emperor.

"Okay, it's too late, leave now!"

Looking at Marquis Wu in front of her, Li Yanran didn't show any pretense and divided her troops into two groups to avoid Marquis Wu's pursuit.

After escaping this wave of Wuhou, they merged into the crowd again, and began to move forward step by step with the people.

As the people moved around, Li Yanran and the others also saw their destination this time.


The so-called Nestorian Temple is actually a sect split from Christ. One sect is Nestorianism, also called Nestorianism.

Originated in Syria, by the Syrian priest Nestorius in the fifth century.

Because Nestorius's sect was different from others, he was considered a heretic and was expelled from Rome.

Nestorian believers then went to Persia, Central Asia, India and other East missionaries.

Because the teachings of Nestorianism have certain similarities with traditional Chinese culture, as well as the generosity and gentleness of the Tang Dynasty, Nestorianism was also praised by Emperor Taizong.

Not only did he personally receive the missionary Aroben, he also gave him a Daqin Temple.

Since then, Nestorianism has gained legitimacy and respect in the Tang Dynasty.

After Taizong, Emperor Gaozong also praised Nestorianism, saying that "it is perfect and beautiful every time, which can make people's hearts calm."

Therefore, he ordered the establishment of Jingsi temples throughout the country to worship Nestorianism.

Wu Zetian, who followed Emperor Gaozong, also admired Nestorianism very much. She personally participated in the construction of the Songde Tianshu in Luoyang and inscribed the six words "Songde Tianshu of the Great Zhou Dynasty" in her own handwriting.

This shows the prosperity of Nestorianism in the Tang Dynasty. Now people go to Najing Temple to worship.

"Brother Li, it's better not to go. My head hurts when I see these temples.
One Buddhism is enough for you to eat a pot. If you provoke this Jingsi, I'm afraid you will be annoyed to death. "

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran. The Buddhist incident last time was already annoying enough. If he encounters someone who is related to Nestorianism this time, it will be even more annoying.

"No, I want to see what's different about this Jingsi Temple!"

This Jingsi looked similar to a church. She also went to a church in later years, but she didn't know if it was the same sect as that of Christ.

Fun, fun.

"Brother Li, do you really want to go?"

Seeing Li Yanran's excited eyes, the four of them were all stunned. Why is Brother Li so curious about everything?

"Nonsense, hurry up and catch up!"

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