My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 588 Night Tour

Looking at the crowd going away, Li Yanran hurriedly followed them.

I saw some Jing monks in white robes with crosses hanging around their necks at the gate of Jing Temple praying for the believers one by one.

When it was Li Yan's turn, Jing Seng was also stunned.

Although some of Jingsi's believers bring their families with them, there are very few children who come alone.

"This doll, where is your family?"

The monk Jing smiled slightly at Li Yanran and said to her.

"Why, you can't enter this scenic temple without family members?"

Li Yanran was stunned when she looked at that man. He was no different from the missionary she saw later.

"All believers in Jingsi Temple can enter and worship. Are you willing to wear a cross and receive my blessing?"

Seng Jing glanced at the people behind Li Yanran and frowned. Li Yanran looked so pretty, so he was probably not an ordinary person.

Today's Nestorianism is too weak compared to Buddhism and Taoism, and even Zoroastrianism is inferior.

If the person in front of him is really the son of a noble family, it will be of great benefit to the development of Jingsi.

"Why, can't I enter the Nestorian Temple without being blessed? I just want to pay homage and have no intention of joining the Nestorian Temple!"

Li Yanran frowned. She was a staunch atheist. She was not interested in Buddhism, Taoism or Nestorianism.

Don't even think about asking her to join the church.

"This is just a blessing. It does not require you to become a Nestorian believer. Don't think too much about it!"

Jing Seng frowned and explained to Li Yanran.

"Then forget it!"

Li Yanran shook her head. She didn't want to be tied up, so she turned around and left.

"and many more!"

Seeing Li Yanran turn around and leave, Jing Seng was stunned.

I’ve said it myself and I don’t want you to become a believer, it’s just a blessing, so you don’t agree with this?

"what happened?"

Li Yanran turned her head and looked at the monk Jing, wondering what he meant.

"Since you have come to Jingsi Temple, you are destined to my sect. There are many believers here. You enter through the back door and I will show you the scenery of Jingsi Temple!"

The Jingseng sighed. He didn't want to miss any opportunity that might allow Nestorianism to take off.

Li Yanran's movements have the aura of a superior person. He has been watching people for so long, and he believes that he will not guess wrong.

We must find a way to make Li Yanran a Nestorian believer.

"back door?"

Li Yanran was stunned and didn't understand why this monk Jing was doing this to her.


Jing Seng nodded, and after saying a few words to Jing Seng next to him, he made a gesture to Li Yanran.

"Brother Li, I'm afraid this Jing Temple is not a black temple. Why do I feel like there's something going on here! Otherwise, let's not go there!"

Looking at Monk Jing in front of him, Changsun Yan felt bad.

The so-called diligence for nothing is not a traitor or a thief.

He always had a bad feeling when Monk Jing suddenly looked like this.

"Nonsense! Come on, I want to see what makes this Jing Temple different from ordinary temples."

Li Yanran also frowned. Although she didn't know what Jing Seng had planned, she was not afraid.

If the other party wants to plot against you, don't blame me for setting your place on fire.


Several people also followed Jing Seng step by step.

"Bang bang bang!"

When they came to the back door, the monk Jing who led the way also knocked on the door.


"It's me, Nashdo!"


The back door also opened a crack, revealing a hooded figure.

"Who are these people? They don't seem to be believers of Jingsi Temple!"

The hooded man looked at Li Yanran next to Nash Duo and couldn't help but ask Nash Duo.

To be honest, looking at that man's appearance, Li Yanran suddenly had a bad feeling.

An image flashed through her mind, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Instantly she had the idea of ​​leaving, she was really scared.

Nashdo whispered a few words into the hooded man's ear, and the man slowly raised his head, and then slowly took off the hood on his head under Li Yanran's gaze.

At this moment, Li Yanran's heart was in her throat, and the bad thoughts were getting stronger.

"Ah, I'm afraid!"

The moment the man took off his hat, Li Yanran also hid behind Yuchi Huan, not daring to face the fear in her heart.


Everyone was stunned, especially the man who had just taken off his hood.

Touching his face, he was really depressed.

Did he scare people?
My appearance was a handsome young man praised by everyone in Persia. How did he end up like this?

"Brother Li, what's wrong with you?"

Changsun Yan looked up and down at the man in front of him, and found that he could rival him in appearance. This guy was quite handsome.

But why is Brother Li like this?
What the hell is this?
"These young gentlemen, my name is Itanbu, and I am the deacon of this scenic temple. If anything has disturbed you, please apologize first!"

Yitanbu also bowed to Li Yanran depressedly, and Nashduo said why this noble son of a wealthy family was like this.

Hearing this voice, Li Yanran also poked her head out from behind Yuchihuan and glanced at Yitanbu.

"It turns out he's not the Hunchback of Notre Dame. He doesn't look ugly at all!"

"Ugly?" Looking at Li Yanran, Yitanbu was also dumbfounded. What the hell, who is calling him ugly?
I'm a famously handsome man in Persia. You say I'm ugly?
Even if my appearance is different from that of Datang, I can't call myself ugly.

"Brother Li, what you said is a bit hurtful."

Changsun Yan was also stunned. This guy's appearance is similar to his own. If you say he is ugly, don't you mean that I am ugly too?

"You are everywhere!"

Chang Sun Yan rolled his eyes, no one will treat you like a mute if you don't speak up.

"This young gentleman, may the Lord bless you! Please come with me!"

Yitanbu also shook his head and saluted Li Yanran.

"Let's go!"

After kicking Changsun Yan again, Li Yanran followed Yitanbu and entered the temple through the back door of Jingsi Temple.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Li Yanran was also a little surprised.

The Jingsi Temple in the Tang Dynasty was very different from the churches of later generations. The portrait of the emperor hanging above the church alone was beyond his imagination.

This Nestorian is good at playing tricks, hanging the emperor's in the sky to highlight the flattery.

"Xiao Langjun, this is the chapel of my Jingsi Temple! Please!"

Glancing at everyone, Yitanbu also smiled slightly.

The architecture of Jingsi Temple is different from ordinary people. No matter who comes, they must express their admiration, let alone a child like Li Yanran.

"Let's go! Go inside and have a look."

Li Yanran nodded. She also wanted to see what the chapel of Jingsi Temple looked like.

Everyone followed Yitanbu into the chapel, and faced a tall statue of God, which was the Christ believed in by Nestorian Christianity.

Li Yanran looked up and down and found that the statue of Christ seemed a little different from what she had seen in later generations.

It seems that with the evolution of history, some things are constantly evolving.

"This is the God we believe in, Jesus~"

Yitanbu bowed respectfully to the statue, and then introduced the only true god he believed in to Li Yanran and the others.


Li Yanran also made a cross salute to the statue.

"So the young man still knows about my Nestorian etiquette?"

Seeing Li Yanran's movements, Yitanbu on the side was also stunned.

I don’t know where the other party learned the etiquette. Could it be that Li Yanran had been exposed to Nestorianism before?

"Slightly heard!"

The so-called entering the temple to worship the Buddha, entering the temple to worship the gods, and entering this scenic temple, she had to do enough etiquette no matter what.

We can't let that god find fault.

"Xiao Langjun, you are destined to be with God. If you can, you can become a follower of Nestorianism. God will protect you!"

Yitanbu smiled at Li Yanran and started to fool Li Yanran.

"Don't say these words. I worship Buddha, respect Taoism, and respect God. It's not that I believe in it, but it's politeness."

Li Yanran glanced at Na Yitanbu and expressed her thoughts.

"This young gentleman, the so-called faith does not mean that God must give you something, but that it satisfies the emptiness in your heart.

People who have faith will have hope in life and their life will be easier. "

Itambu frowned. He really didn't expect that there would be such a person. After thinking about it for a while, he hurriedly explained.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Although belief is illusory, it can also make people feel stable.

People with faith and people without faith are not living in the same state.

"I never lack faith!"

Li Yanran shook her head, she had faith.

If she really had to choose a god to believe in, she would rather choose the God of Wealth.

Making money is the truth. As long as you have enough money, your worries will not catch up with you.


Itambu was depressed, and now he was stumped.

He doesn't believe in God, but he has faith. How could he be deceived?

It seems that there is no place where I can fool myself.

"Okay, give us a tour."

Li Yanran said and walked towards the back, while Yitanbu helplessly led the way.

I have to say that the architecture of this Jingsi Temple is truly unique, and it has many merits.

Now that there is no glass, this Jingsi uses wooden grilles, which does have some flavor.

After wandering around for more than half an hour, she had almost finished seeing it. She bowed to Naitanbu and was about to lead the others away.

"This young man, please tell me who you are, and I will help you make a tablet to place in the chapel to pray for you."

Seeing Li Yanran was about to leave, Yi Tanbu also spoke again.

He believes that nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there are people who are willing.

As long as you show enough piety, the other party will definitely accept Jingsi.

Although Nestorianism has now taken root in the Tang Dynasty, it needs opportunities to take further steps.

And this Li Yanran is likely to have this opportunity. If he can seize it, it will be God's blessing.

"Pray for blessings, no need. As for my identity, you don't know it yet!"

Li Yanran didn't say anything nonsense and left directly with the people.

"Deacon, what should we do?"

Watching Li Yanran leave, Nashduo also came over.

"What else can I do? Get a pen and paper right away. I want to draw the young man's face.
Then he sent someone to find a sculptor to help him erect the statue. "


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