My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 589 Faith

Hearing Itambu say this, Nashdo was stunned.

Now you don't even know the identity of the other party, so you want to erect a statue?
Isn't this a bit too much?

What if Li Yanran is just an ordinary person, and if people find out, they will laugh out loud.

"It's okay. I trust my judgment. This guy's demeanor and conversation are like nothing I've ever seen before.

So I concluded that he must not be a mortal, and I was right. "

Itambu turned his head and glanced at the statue behind him, also worshiping devoutly.

"thank God."

"Thank God!"

"The Lord is all-knowing and all-powerful!"

"Brother Li, this Nestorian religion is really wishful thinking and wants you to believe in Nestorian religion."

Changsun Yan glanced at Jingsi behind him and frowned.

He knew that this would be the result, and he didn't know what kind of physique Li Yanran had, and how he could attract the favor of these gods and Buddhas.

"Don't worry about them, as long as we stick to our hearts, no one can be shaken."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, these were nothing to him.

The reason why the other party values ​​her so much is not because she holds a high position. If she can really become a believer in Buddhism or Nestorianism, it will be a great good thing for them.

If you were just an ordinary person, let alone becoming a believer, you might not even look at yourself.

The so-called Buddha saves people with destiny, this destiny is wonderful and indescribable.

"Brother Li, speaking of faith, what is your faith?"

Li Siwen smiled slightly. He had a lot to say when it came to faith.

I don’t know what Brother Li’s beliefs are?
"Does that need to be said? Naturally, he has the world in his heart and helps all people."

Cheng Chubi helped Li Yanran answer. After all, she was a princess of the Tang Dynasty, so she should naturally have the responsibilities of being a royal family.

“Bullshit, how could Brother Li’s belief be this?

Brother Li probably wanted to manage the fiefdom into the first fiefdom in the Tang Dynasty so that the people in the fiefdom would have enough food and clothing and no longer suffer from hunger and cold. "

Yuchi Huan also glanced at Cheng Chubi and expressed his thoughts.

"No, no!"

Li Siwen also frowned and said to the two of them.

"What you are saying is wrong. I am the only person in the world who understands Brother Li best!"

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, stood up slowly, and looked at the three of them with disdain.

"Really? Then I'd like to hear what I think."

Li Yanran also glanced at Changsun Yan, wondering what this fool had to say.

"Brother Li's belief is money. Make enough money and make more money than anyone else. Only making money is the truth!"

"I'm not wrong!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Sunyan still looked at Li Yanran, as if I must have guessed it right.

"How is it possible? Brother Li has great ambitions. How can he make money just for the sake of making money?"

"That's right, Brother Li must have a motive for making money. If you say that, I'm going to beat you up."

Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan shouted angrily at Changsun Yan, how could Brother Li only care about these petty profits if he is so powerful.

Isn’t this tarnishing the idol in one’s heart?
Li Siwen also rolled up his sleeves, ready to attack Changsun Yan at any time.

"What do you want to do? Brother Li, please say something!"

Looking at the looks of the three of them, Changsun Yan felt bad.

What the hell is this? It’s no longer enough to tell the truth in this day and age?
This is definitely what Li Yanran thinks.

"Well, my faith is really profitable. Only by making enough money can I not be shackled by the world. If I have money in my hands, I can own the world."

Li Yanran was really impressed by Chang Sun Yan. This guy was really a roundworm in her stomach.

Even know this.

"Look, let me just say that this is what Brother Li thinks. All of you are like this.

Everything in this world is false, only money is real, and my belief is the same as Brother Li’s.

If she is the richest person in the Tang Dynasty, I will be the second richest person in the world.

Ha ha ha ha! "

After hearing Li Yanran's words, Changsun Yan was also excited and laughed wildly at the three of them.

"Changsun Yan, do you know what it means that extreme happiness leads to sadness?"

Looking at Zhang Sun Yan who was laughing wildly, the three of them also looked at each other and surrounded him in a triangle formation.

"What do you want to do? Brother Li, help me!"

Changsun Yan was not stupid either. He found an opening and ran away, but was grabbed by Cheng Chubi and then carried a big back-step.

With a bang, Changsun Yan fell directly to the ground, stirring up dust all over the sky.

"beat him!"

Li Siwen went up and kicked him. Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan were not to be outdone, and they just went up and kicked and punched him.

"Oh, stop hitting!"

"Tap, tap!"

"I know I was wrong!"

Facing the attack of the three men, Changsun Yan seemed to have no other choice but to wail.

"Okay, okay, stop it!"

Seeing the miserable Changsun Yan, Li Yanran hurriedly stopped her. Besides, she was really afraid that Changsun Yan would be beaten to death if she slowed down.

"Humph, let's see if you dare to be so complacent in the future!"

Only then did the few people stop, and Li Siwen also said harsh words to Chang Sun Yan.

"I see!"

Changsun Yan also patted the dirt on his body, his eyes full of depression.

"Okay, it's almost time, the Lantern Festival is about to begin."

Li Yanran glanced at the night above her head and calculated the time. It should be almost time.

"Let's go!"

"Going to see the Lantern Festival!"


Several people were also excited. Although they were not unfamiliar with the Lantern Lighting Ceremony, this was their first time watching it from outside the palace.

The group of people left Jingsi Temple, merged with the crowd, and started walking towards the palace.

"There are quite a lot of people here!"

Looking at the people around him, Li Yanran also felt excited.This feeling of squeezing among the crowd really made her feel like visiting a temple fair in later generations.

Both unfamiliar and familiar.

"Brother Li, you'd better come to my shoulder. There are so many people here, I'm afraid I'll crowd you out."

Yuchi Huan glanced at Li Yanran. Although several people had surrounded Li Yanran, the push from this crowd was very strong.

If people are crowded out, the consequences will be disastrous.


Li Yanran didn't hesitate, and went directly to Yuchi Huan's arm, and he lifted her to his shoulder.

"Target Palace, let's go!"

Li Yanran can now be said to be standing high and seeing far away, and all she sees are people.


Yuchihuan also relied on his general grid and began to squeeze forward like a bull.

"Oh, why is this person like this!"

"You stepped on my foot. Stop squeezing. You stepped on my foot!"

"Don't crowd, don't crowd, what are you going to do?"

Amid the shouts and curses of the people around him, Yuchi Huan pushed through the crowd and rushed forward like a battleship cutting through the waves.

After squeezing for an unknown amount of time, they finally reached the guarded area outside the palace.

"finally reached."

Yuchi Huan also wiped the sweat from his head. Although he was strong, he was almost exhausted after squeezing out of this sea of ​​people.

"Then just wait!"

Li Yanran also nodded. This time it had to be Yuchi Huan. If he went there by himself, he could only watch from a distance.


Several people also stood still, staring at the huge lantern tower in the distance, waiting for the lantern lighting ceremony to begin.

"Your Majesty, it's almost time!"

In the palace opposite the lantern tower, cups were being exchanged, and Ruian slowly came to Li Zhi's side and spoke to him.

"Well, who is the leader of the lantern this time?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi also nodded.

"Your Majesty, the leader of the lantern this time is Xie Ling."

"Xie Ling? Why does this name sound familiar to me?"

Li Zhi frowned, as if he had heard this name before.

"Your Majesty, judging from this introduction, Xie Ling seems to be Xie Jiong's daughter!"

Ruian quickly told Xie Ling's life experience.

"Xie Jiong?"

"That's right!"

"Invite him to come and dance~"

Li Zhi didn't have much to say. It was tradition for the lantern chief to perform a dance, so it didn't matter even if Xie Ling was the daughter of a prison officer.


Ruian slowly withdrew, and then Xie Ling and her brother came to the main hall together.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

The two of them also saluted Li Zhi together, and Ruian cleared his throat beside him and said: "Dance from the leader of the lamp!"



The maids rushed in together and placed pots of flowers on the main hall.

After everything was ready, Xie Ming also sat cross-legged, put the guzheng on his legs, and started playing.

The melodious sound of the piano floated out, and Xie Ling also danced with the music, like an elf among the flowers, starting to dance gracefully among the flowers.

The civil and military officials and Li Zhi nodded together when they saw Xie Ling's dance. I have to say that Xie Ling's dance, paired with the flowers around her, was really refreshing.

After the dance, Li Zhi also shouted "Hello".

When all the officials heard this, they also drank together.

"Xie Ling's dance is good, I should reward it!"

"Your Majesty has a decree, reward me!"

Ruian also slowly stood up and shouted at Xie Ling.

"Your Majesty, Xie Ling does not want any reward!"

Xie Ling knelt on the ground with a pop, and Xie Ming next to her also saluted along with her elder sister.


Looking at the two people kneeling on the ground, Li Zhi also frowned.

"If you don't want a reward, what do you want?"

"Your Majesty, Xie Ling's father is Xie Jiong. My father was persecuted by traitors. Xie Ling does not want rewards. I only hope that Your Majesty can vindicate my father."

After Xie Ling said this, she kowtowed to the ground, her eyes filled with sadness.

The reason why she trained her dancing skills so hard was just for this moment.

It was because her father had offended Li Yifu, and now she just hopes that her father's imprisonment can be vindicated, even if she sacrifices her life, it doesn't matter.

"I know, let's go!"

Li Zhi had already guessed what Xie Ling wanted to say. He personally ordered the deprivation of Xie Jiong's title. Now that you want me to be rehabilitated, aren't you asking me to rehabilitate myself?
"Your Majesty, I hope you can vindicate my father!"

Xie Ling kowtowed again. This was her only chance and she didn't want to give up.

"Come here, please keep Xie Ling and Xie Ming here!"

Seeing that the emperor's face was ashen, Ruian immediately shouted.

The imperial guards outside walked in with heavy steps, grabbed Xie Ling and Xie Ming without saying a word and headed outside.

"Rian Ruian, things like this must be strictly reviewed in the future. I don't want to see it a second time! Do you understand?"

Watching Xie Ling leave, Li Zhi also looked at Ruian on the side.

It's ridiculous to say such a thing. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face to him in public?

"Ryan neglected his duty, there won't be a next time!"

Ruian shivered and knelt directly in front of Li Zhi.


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