My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 590 Let your boss come over!

Li Zhi also snorted coldly, sometimes the emperor didn't know about those prison edicts.

But once Chrysostom is opened, it becomes a foregone conclusion.

If a random person comes and wants to overturn the verdict, then his face will be lost.

"Your Majesty, please don't be angry."

Wu Zetian on the side glanced at Li Zhi and smiled at him.

"I'm not angry, it's just because this matter is too ridiculous!"

Li Zhi shook his head and said he was lying if he said he wasn't angry.

Although it was said that Li Yifu was solely responsible for these, and Li Yifu was now demoted as the governor of Puzhou, in the end he still listened to his words.

"Your Majesty, this girl is quite courageous, and the dance among the flowers just now was really gorgeous, so don't blame her!"

A light flashed in Wu Zetian's eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Since Mei Niang has said so, I will be lenient, but this girl will not be allowed to board the colorful float again in the future. I don't want such an incident to happen again next year!"

Although I don't know why Wu Zetian suddenly spoke for Xie Jiong's daughter, since she has spoken, Li Zhi doesn't want to be embarrassed by her.

"Then Meiniang will thank His Majesty for His grace on behalf of Xie Ling!"

Wu Zetian also saluted Li Zhi, then sat up straight and waited for the lantern lighting ceremony to begin.

"Okay, it's almost time!"

Li Zhi nodded and looked at Ruian on the side.

"Zi Zheng, Yang Qi begins to sprout."

The time-telling doctor also struck the time-telling device, and the Forbidden Army outside also beat the skinned war drum.

"Go and announce the decree!"

Li Zhi also glanced at Ruian.


"Celebrating the fourth Lantern Festival, His Majesty issued an edict."

"On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Zizheng has arrived."

"At the beginning of the new day, the magic lamp goes out, the human lamp burns, and the heavenly official gives blessings."

"All the people have received the edict, and the whole world celebrates!"

After Ruian finished chanting the imperial edict, countless lanterns were lit and flew into the sky. At the same time, the lantern tower in Shuogao also became brighter.

The brilliance shines in all directions.

The people below also shouted together, May your Majesty live long and the Tang Dynasty be prosperous.

Looking at the people next to her, Li Yanran also felt a sense of pride that she had never felt before.

This is the Tang Dynasty, this is the world.

Countless soldiers of the Tang Dynasty guarded the border for the sake of prosperity for the people of the world.

"Brother Li, look at that lantern tower!"

Cheng Chubi looked at the big lantern tower in the distance, his eyes full of excitement.

In the past, he always drank wine and ate meat during the Lantern Festival, but he didn't expect that this big lantern tower would be so bright.

It seems that I really missed a lot of good things.

What a sin.

"I saw!"

Li Yanran's eyes were also full of excitement. Although she had seen such good things on TV many times, this was the first time she had seen it with her own eyes.

To be able to build such a lantern tower in the Tang Dynasty, the craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty have to take a high look.

"Li Siwen, it's all your fault. If you hadn't always dragged us to Chunfeng Tower, how could I have seen it now!"

Cheng Chubi also glared at Li Siwen, "If you weren't such a pervert, you would be thinking about messy things all day long."

I could miss such a spectacle.

"You still say it, as if you are not the same! Now it's all my fault!"

Li Siwen is also a loser. I asked you to go, but you don’t have to go!
Now you blame me, it's really shameless.

"If you didn't hold us, how could we go to that filthy place? We should be beaten!"

Changsun Yan also stared at Li Siwen, and then gave the two of them a look.

It was you, the thieves, who roped them in to frame me. Now it's my chance to take revenge.

"What do you want to do? Changsun Yan, are you looking for death?"

Looking at Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan with unkind expressions, Li Siwen also swallowed his saliva and shouted angrily at Changsun Yan.

"Looking for death, I'll deal with you first!"

Changsun Yan said and rushed towards Li Siwen. Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan did not dare to fall behind and followed.


Jin Wuwei, who was on guard outside, saw the appearance of the four people, and immediately shouted loudly, and then walked towards them.

What a joke, this is the Lantern Festival. If you guys are fighting here, you really don’t want to live anymore.

"Stop it, Jinwu Guard is coming!"

Seeing Jin Wuwei's figure, Li Yanran hurriedly shouted to several people.

There is no distinction between fights and occasions. This is outside the palace. If you are recognized for doing this, you will all be in trouble!
Several people stopped immediately after hearing this. Even so, the Jinwu Guards did not want to let them go and immediately surrounded them.

"You dare to pick fights and cause trouble here in public, I'll take them all down!"

A fire chief glanced at Changsun Yan and the others, and directly ordered the Jinwu Guard soldiers to take them down!
A group of Jinwu guards raised their spears directly, their eyes full of coldness.


Changsun Yan and the others were instantly dumbfounded. What should they do with this special meow?

If it is taken down by Jin Wuwei, you will lose your master by then.

"What the hell, why don't you just surrender quickly!"

The fire chief gave the order, and the Jinwu Guard soldiers also moved forward together.

"and many more!"

At this moment, Li Yanran also stood up and shouted at them.

"Who are you? Jin Wuwei is doing things that you, a child, can't talk about?"

Huo Chang glared at Li Yanran, "Jin Wuwei, you are a little kid, why do you have to say anything?"

If it weren't for your young age, I would teach you a lesson no matter what.

"Let Zheng Xuanfeng come over and see me!"


The fire chief was also stunned when he heard that the other party could call General Zuo Jinwuwei by his name.

He looked Li Yanran up and down and couldn't help but frown.

Although this child is dressed in ordinary clothes, he has a certain bearing about him. At first glance, he is not an ordinary child. "This young man, may I ask which family you are the son of? I hope you can tell me your identity so that I can report it to General Zheng Xuanfeng~"

Now that he had made up his mind, the fire chief also carefully asked Li Yanran's name.

After all, Chang'an was the capital of the Tang Dynasty. There were many dignitaries and nobles here.

I am just a little King Wu guard fire chief. If I offend someone I can't afford to offend, I will be unable to bear the consequences.

"Just tell him someone is coming from Lishan."

Li Yanran didn't want to reveal her identity now. She believed that Zheng Xuanfeng would come over to see her after hearing the news.

"Is there someone coming from Lishan?"

Huo Chang was stunned again. The whole of Chang'an knew that Zheng Xuanfeng had a close relationship with Princess Lishan, but they just didn't know what the identity of this baby was in Lishan.

"That's right!"

"Hold on."

The fire chief winked at the Jinwu Guard soldiers and headed straight to the rear.

"General, Fire Chief Huo Lan wants to see you!"

"Huo Lan? Did something happen outside? Let him come over!"

Zheng Xuanfeng frowned and waved his hand to invite Huo Lan to come.

"General, there was a fight outside just now."

"Looking for a fight? Just capture the person directly. Why should I, the general, make such a small decision?"

When he heard that someone was picking a fight, Zheng Xuanfeng rolled his eyes at Huo Lan. Do you think you can come over and report such a trivial matter?
I was so scared that I almost had cramps.

"But the person who picks a fight is not like an ordinary person."

"Stop talking. Today is the Lantern Festival. No matter who is causing trouble outside, they will be punished. Otherwise, His Majesty will be disturbed. Can you bear the responsibility?"

Zheng Xuanfeng interrupted Huo Lan's words directly.

What time is it now? The emperor is watching the lanterns over there. If he causes a commotion, he will be scolded to death.

"General, there is a doll who wants you to go over and see him."

"Huo Lan, the longer you live, the more you go back. Why are you afraid of a doll? You want me to go see him? Why are you crazy?"

Zheng Xuanfeng really wants to give Huo Lan a big-eared melon seed now. You really think I don't do enough, right?

Now the Jinwu Guards are ordered to guard the periphery of the imperial city. If anyone can control him, then he must be too frustrated to be the Jinwu Guards General!

"Keke, he said he is from Lishan!"


Hearing this, Zheng Xuanfeng couldn't hold himself any longer and flew up from his chair like a bouncing ball.

"Where did you say the doll came from?"

"He said he was from Lishan! He said you would go over to see him after hearing this!"

Seeing Zheng Xuanfeng's actions, Huo Lan was instantly confused and didn't understand why the general acted like this suddenly.

"Take me there quickly!"

The person coming from Lishan was still a baby, and he could talk to him all over the place. There was only one person he could think of, and that was Princess Lishan.

But how could Princess Lishan appear on the periphery? Shouldn't she be watching lanterns with the emperor?


Huo Lan didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly took Zheng Xuanfeng there.

From a distance, he saw Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan surrounded by Jinwu Guard soldiers. Looking to the side, who could it be if it wasn't Li Yanran.

Quickly dismounting, Zheng Xuanfeng also rushed in front of Li Yanran.

"General Zheng! You're polite!"

Li Yanran slightly saluted Zheng Xuanfeng and then gave him a wink.


Seeing this scene, Zheng Xuanfeng was also stunned, wondering what Li Yanran wanted to do.

"General, what should we do?"

Seeing Zheng Xuanfeng stunned, Huo Lan also spoke to him.

"What should I do? Take it back and leave it to me!"


Looking at Li Yanran again, Huo Lan also wanted to remember the other person's appearance.

Judging from Zheng Xuanfeng's appearance, this person must have an extraordinary status, and he must not be offended in the future.

"Your Highness! What's wrong with you? Why is this happening?"

Zheng Xuanfeng approached Li Yanran and asked him gently.

"Stop talking. If you're not these idiots, just pretend you haven't seen me. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran also sighed, these fools are really difficult to handle.

Either he overturns other people's stalls, or he fights in front of Jin Wuwei.

Damn it, I really don’t know how your dad managed to raise you so big without beating you to death.

A bunch of troublemakers.

"Your Highness, if you want to watch the lanterns, I will take you to a place where no one will disturb you!"

Zheng Xuanfeng only has one thought now, that is, as a woman, Li Yanran might not have been taken there by Li Zhi, so she wants to come out to watch the lanterns by herself.

"No, it's nice here. If you hear the excitement, go and do your work!"

Li Yanran waved her hand. She felt like going to a market in the sea of ​​people. If she really found a place where no one was around, she might as well go with her father.

"Here! Zheng Xuanfeng retires!"

Zheng Xuanfeng also couldn't understand what was going on with Princess Lishan, so he could only bow to her and leave.

After all, he still has a lot to do and can't stay here forever.

"Huo Lan!"


Hearing Zheng Xuanfeng's call, Huo Lan didn't dare to neglect and ran over quickly.

"You also saw the young man just now. You must ensure his safety and there must be no problems. Do you understand?"

"General, who is this young gentleman, and why are you so afraid of him?"

Huo Lan was stunned. She didn't understand what kind of big shot that doll was that allowed Zheng Xuanfeng to treat her like this.

It really made him live for a long time.

"Ask what you should ask and don't ask what you shouldn't. Do you understand?"

Zheng Xuanfeng glared at Huo Lan. Since Li Yanran didn't want to expose her identity, he naturally wouldn't expose her.


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