My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 592 Hurry up and retreat

Chapter 592 Hurry up and retreat
Hearing this, everyone took a breath of air.

Don't tell me, what Li Yanran said is true. They really offended their father this time.

With their temperament, it would be strange if they didn't block the door and punish themselves.

"What should we do? Why don't we go home now?"

Changsun Yan shuddered. It might just be a small beating if he went back now, but if he was bet at the city gate tomorrow, it would be completely over.

"Just go home, as long as we can leave Chang'an smoothly tomorrow, we'll be done with it when we get to the fiefdom!"

Cheng Chubi slapped Changsun Yan on the forehead, his eyes glaring like bells.

"Dad is very angry right now. If I go back, I'm afraid he will be beaten to death. Anyway, I don't want to use my butt to fight with the cane whip."

Li Siwen also nodded. He didn't dare to go home now anyway. If he was caught, he would have to shed his skin even if he died.

"But didn't Brother Li say that? Our father will definitely block us at the city gate. If we are caught, we will be beaten even worse."

Changsun Yan was still a little scared, but he knew how strong his father's hand was.

"Don't be afraid. Let's separate tomorrow and go out through the four city gates. I don't believe it yet. They can catch them."

Yuchi Huan also smiled naively.

There were countless people entering and exiting the city gates of Chang'an every day, and he still couldn't believe it. Could his father be able to pick him out from the vast sea of ​​people?

"That's right, let's leave the city separately when the time comes and let the dads go to Nancheng to block themselves!"


"That's right!"

Several idiots were relieved. You have a good plan and I have a wall ladder.

Dads, I can only apologize.

"Your Highness, do you really want to stop playing and want to go back?"

Peng Yu followed Li Yanran and looked at Li Yanran in confusion.

Although the Lantern Lighting Ceremony is almost in progress, the night market in Chang'an is not over yet.

If we go back now, won't we miss a lot?
"If you don't go back now, you will suffer chaos. If you don't go back now, won't you be beaten to death by my mother-in-law?"
I don't want to be beaten to death like those idiots. "

Li Yanran also took a look at the scene in front of her. She knew that enough was enough and that too much was not enough.

It's not like she's going to do it right away. She'll have plenty of opportunities to see the Shangyuan night scene in the future, so there's no need to rush now.


Peng Yu didn't dare to speak anymore, and after saluting Li Yanran, she followed Li Yanran towards the main entrance of the palace.

When they arrived at Lan Kwai Fong, a group of people immediately surrounded them.

"Boss, you are back!"

"Yes, but it makes me really worried!"

"Thank God, His Highness is fine!"

These people are none other than the Baiqi Imperial Guards who parted ways with Li Yanran.

After they got rid of those Wuhou, they had nowhere to go and could only wait outside Lan Kwai Fong. Now that Li Yanran had returned safely, their hearts were in their stomachs.

If Li Yanran really had a problem, every one of them would have their heads chopped off.

"Okay, everyone, get out of my way, why are you standing around here?"

Peng Yu was also depressed and waved his hand to tell them to disperse quickly.


A group of people also said "Nai" together and hurriedly dispersed to the side.

"Let's go back to the palace!"

Li Yanran got on the carriage directly.


Peng Yu also jumped on his horse and whipped his whip, driving the carriage towards the palace.


Arriving at the entrance of the palace, the imperial guards responsible for guarding immediately became alert.

"If I blind you, you won't be able to recognize me!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Peng Yu also stood up and shouted angrily at the imperial army.

"It turns out to be Colonel Peng Yu. What are you doing? It's against the rules to enter the palace in the middle of the night!"

A Forbidden Army Chief of Fire saw Peng Yu clearly and ordered the Forbidden Army to disperse quickly.

"Is it against the rules? I follow the rules, get out of my way!"

Peng Yu suddenly became ill. What I am particularly interested in is the Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army, His Majesty's personal bodyguard.

I have the authority to enter and leave the palace at any time. If you stop me now, you should stop me in front of the princess.

Are you going to slap me in the face?
"Captain, don't make things difficult for us."

The fire chief also frowned, are you the one following the rules?

You said it as if the palace belongs to you, why are you speaking so loudly?
Even if you are a member of the Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army, you can't be unreasonable!
"What did you say?"

Peng Yu's temper has also risen. If this meowing tiger doesn't show off its power, do you really think I'm a sick cat?

I have to give you a good education to be honest, right?

"Captain, it's fine if you go in by yourself, but it's really against the rules to bring a carriage in. Don't embarrass your subordinates!"

Seeing how strong Peng Yu was, Chief Huo was a little scared.

After all, the other party is the emperor's personal guard, and he is just a small fire chief of the Forbidden Army. There is still a certain gap between his identity and that of the other party.

But if you can go in, it will give you face. Entering the carriage is a bit unreasonable.

"What if I have to bring a carriage in?"

Peng Yu knew that Li Yanran didn't want to be public, so it was better not to expose her identity.

"Then I can only blame my subordinates for being rude!"

Huo Chang is completely at his wits end. I give you face but you don’t want it. If you insist on making fun of my job, don’t blame me.

After all, their duty is to guard the safety of the imperial city. If Peng Yu brings someone in who doesn't know, they will all be dead.

After hearing what the fire chief said, the forbidden troops who had just dispersed immediately surrounded him again.Eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor are important things that you don't dare to be careless about.


Peng Yu was also a little speechless. After all, the other party was doing his duty faithfully and he couldn't find fault with him.

Li Yanran also sighed and slowly handed Li Zhi's gold medal out of the car window.

Peng Yu took the gold medal and walked directly to the fire chief.

"Did you see it? You haven't let me go yet!"

He waved the gold medal in front of the fire chief, who was stunned.

Having this gold medal is like the emperor's personal presence, but he has been on duty for almost two years and has only heard of its name but never seen it.

I didn't expect to see him this time, but who is in this carriage actually has the emperor's gold medal.

After looking at the carriage again, the fire chief did not dare to neglect, saluted Peng Yu respectfully, and then ordered the imperial army to let him go.

"Boy, what's your name?"

After getting on the carriage, Peng Yu glared at the fire chief again and asked his name.

"Subordinate Hao Fang!"

Hao Fang also looked ashen, but still reported his name.

"Hao Fang, right? I remember you!"


Peng Yu waved his whip and drove the carriage into the palace.

"Chang Huo, you...why are you so stupid? You can just give me a name and fool me."
In this case, if Captain Peng Yu comes to trouble you, what should you do? "

A forbidden soldier approached Hao Fang, his eyes full of worry.

"What do you mean? The soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth.

If Colonel Peng Yu wants to cause trouble for me, just ask the duty officer directly. You can't hide from me.
At worst, I won't let this fire grow and go to the border to guard the place for Tang Dynasty. "

Hao Fang glanced at the carriage that disappeared in front of him, and felt confused for a while.

If someone really wants to cause trouble for me, there is no way to hide away.

Rather than being afraid and giving a false name, it is better to confess directly.

You can’t let the other person look down on you!

After escorting Li Yanran to the door of her bedroom, Peng Yu also welcomed Li Yanran down, and then respectfully handed over the gold medal.

"Your Highness, I made you laugh!"

"You are laughing, what are you laughing at?"

Li Yanran shook her head, this is the strength of the palace's guards.

If it was really so easy for people to come in and out of the palace, she would have to talk to her father and ask him to rectify the imperial army.

"It was just now!"

"It's nothing, but I have something ugly to say. That Hao Fang is doing his job faithfully. If I find out that you are causing trouble for him, I will not let you go!"

Li Yanran glanced at Peng Yu, Hao Fang was pretty good.

Even if he knows Peng Yu's identity, he can still stick to his heart, which is really good.

If the other party was punished by Peng Yu because of his loyalty to his duties, then she would be scolded.

"Your Highness, you are looking down on Peng Yu. I am not that kind of person.

The reason why I asked him his name was because I felt that the guy was pretty good.

He was about to take over the job and transfer this Hao Fang to the Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army so that he could use his talents. "

Peng Yu was stunned for a moment and was a little dumbfounded.

When did I want to cause trouble for Hao Fang? Am I so unbearable in your eyes?
Really drunk.

"It's not the best. You should leave as soon as possible. Don't let my mother-in-law bump into her and she will be confused."

Li Yanran waved her hand, signaling Peng Yu to leave quickly.


Peng Yu did not dare to neglect, and after saluting, he quickly set up his carriage and left.

He didn't want to stay here anymore, so it was business to go back and resume his life as soon as possible.

Seeing the figure in the carriage, Li Yanran quickly returned to the dormitory, took off her outer clothes, and got into bed in her pajamas.

After the lantern lighting ceremony, the guests of honor also had a great time. Wu Zetian and Li Zhi rode together, and Li Hong also squinted in Wu Zetian's arms.

"I don't know if Yanran is asleep. Your Majesty, why don't we go and see little Yanran?
She was probably disappointed that she didn't get to see the Shangyuan Damp Tower. "

Wu Zetian glanced above her head and remembered the poor little Li Yanran.

"Going to see Xiao Yanran?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi was also stunned.

Damn, Xiao Yanran is not sure where to go in Chang'an right now. If you go to the dormitory and find no one there, you will explode.


Wu Zetian nodded.

"Forget it, what time is it now? Xiao Yanran must be sleeping.
If I go to see her now, wouldn't it disturb the child's rest?
As for the disappointment you mentioned, there should be no such thing! "

Even in the dead of winter, Li Zhi felt that all the sweat on his back was falling.

If Wu Zetian explodes, he doesn't know if Li Yanran will be in trouble now, but he will definitely be struck by lightning first.

"What your Majesty said does make some sense."

Hearing what Li Zhi said, Wu Zetian also frowned.

"Well, let's go back to the palace and rest quickly. I haven't had a good rest these past few days. I'm more tired than usual this year."

Li Zhi also yawned as he spoke, and directly signaled Ruian to return to the bedroom quickly.

If Wu Zetian changes his mind, he will be in trouble.

"Your Majesty? Are you hiding something from me?"

(End of this chapter)

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