My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 593 Extreme Pull

Chapter 593 Extreme Pull
After looking Li Zhi up and down, Wu Zetian was also a little suspicious. She didn't know why she always felt that Li Zhi was hiding something from him.

"Hide it from you? How could it be possible? Mei Niang, you are thinking too much!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Zhi was instantly dumbfounded and hurriedly explained to Wu Zetian.

"Are you thinking too much? Your Majesty, you'd better tell me if you have anything to do, otherwise if I find out, you'll have to bear the consequences!"

The more Li Zhi said this, the more Wu Zetian felt that there was something wrong with Li Zhi.

Could it be that something went wrong with Li Yanran?
"I have nothing to hide. I'm really sleepy. Let's go back and rest!"

Li Zhi felt more cold sweat on his back. Wu Zetian was so keen.

It seems like I can't hide anything from the other person.

But now I have to hide it no matter what, otherwise it is likely to be a tragic death of both father and daughter.

"His Majesty!"

Wu Zetian also stared at Li Zhi in front of her with a pair of phoenix eyes.

"Mei Niang, it's really okay!"

"Why are you so noisy? You're not letting anyone rest!"

Just as the two of them were talking, Li Hong woke up from his sleep.



Li Zhi and Wu Zetian also looked over together.


Feeling the gazes of the two people, Li Hong was instantly dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
What are your parents doing?
Did you just miss something?
"I fell asleep and didn't hear anything! You... continue!"

Shivering, Li Hong hurriedly lay on Wu Zetian's lap again, but his little ears were as high as a cat's.

"Ruian, don't go back to Zichen Palace, go to Yanran's bedroom!"

Wu Zetian frowned and directly ordered Ruian to go to Li Yanran's palace.


Li Hong was stunned when he heard this. Is it so exciting?

He knew that his elder sister had taken his father's gold medal and sneaked out to visit the Lantern Festival.

He is definitely not in the bedroom now.

If my mother goes away, not only will she have problems, but my father will also be scolded.

I let you two bully me and prevent me from going out, so I will have such a bad luck.

"Mei Niang, look at Hong'er being so sleepy, so stop fussing and go back and rest quickly!"

Li Zhi really felt that the sweat on his body had wet his dragon robe. He glanced at Li Hong, his mind turned around, and he immediately had an idea.

This son is so sleepy, mother, you have to let him rest!

After hearing Li Zhi's words, Li Hong really scolded his father in his heart.

Why should I, an outsider, take the blame for what you two have done?

go to bed?

I'm so excited right now that I don't feel sleepy at all.


Wu Zetian frowned and looked at Li Hong, who was lying on his lap, hesitantly.

"Mother, Hong'er suddenly can't sleep. Why don't we go see Sister?

This year’s headlight building is really colorful. I’m going to tell my sister about it! "

Feeling the touch on his back, Li Hong knew that his mother must be feeling sorry for him and wanted him to go and rest quickly.

How is this possible?

This time, he would make his sister suffer some hardships no matter what. He would never let go of such a good opportunity.

"Go to bed quickly, why are you everywhere?"

This time Li Zhi almost didn't explode. This damn boy held him back at the critical moment.

It was so easy to persuade your mother, but you gave me all the hard work in one fell swoop.

If your sister is found out of the palace secretly, not only will I not be able to spare you, but your sister will also not be able to spare you.

"Your Majesty, are you hiding something from Yanran? Did you let Yanran leave the palace privately?"

Seeing Li Zhi's angry look, Wu Zetian felt her scalp go numb instantly.

If her daughter really sneaks out of the palace and something goes wrong, she will never spare Li Zhi.

"What the hell! How could I be so naive and let Yanran leave the palace privately?

I am not a three-year-old child, how could I put our daughter in danger? "

Li Zhi also hurriedly started laughing and replied to Wu Zetian.

"Really? Then go to Yanran's palace. I want to see if she is there or not."

Wu Zetian also made up his mind to see if Li Yanran was there or not.

"Mei Niang, do you not trust me?"

Li Zhi was very depressed and said to Wu Zetian with a cold face.

"It's not because Mei Niang doesn't trust your majesty, it's because I miss Yanran too much. Your majesty, aren't you afraid?"

The more Li Zhi behaved like this, the more uneasy Wu Zetian felt.

Could it be that Li Yanran was really not in the palace?
Something is going to happen.

"Since you said that, let's go and see if Xiao Yanran is there, but the scandal is ahead. What if Yanran is in the palace?"

Since Wu Zetian insisted on this, Li Zhi could only bite the bullet and push forward.

"It's naturally good for Yanran to be in the palace. If she's not here, Mei Niang will have to ask His Majesty for an explanation!"

Wu Zetian also refused to give in at all. She and Li Zhi had been husband and wife for more than ten years. If you couldn't even see this, it would be in vain.

"Okay, then if Yanran is in the palace, then I will ask you for an explanation!"

Li Zhi was also sitting on the side, with his hands folded and his eyes full of coldness.

"Rian Ruian, why are you standing there? Hurry and go to Yanran's bedroom!"


Ruian on the other side was also dumbfounded. Your quarrel is none of my business. Why are you being mean to me?
"Your Majesty, drive!"

Li Hong sat between the two of them, not even daring to express his anger.

Judging from the looks of the two of them, Li Hong really regretted it. Why did he talk so much?The way I am now, if I know that I am not in the palace, things will really turn upside down.

My sister may not recover by then, but she will definitely become a secondary victim.

No matter how hard I punish my elder sister, I will definitely retaliate to myself twice as hard.

He is finished, he is really finished now.

"Mom, Hong'er suddenly felt a little sleepy, why don't we go back to the palace and rest!"

Gritting his teeth, Li Hong also trembled and spoke to Wu Zetian.

Now I can't say I can make up for it. If Li Yanran's matter is really exposed, the consequences will be disastrous.

"To shut up!"

"To shut up!"

Both of them were angry and shouted at Li Hong together.

Li Zhi now wants to slap his stupid son to death. You didn't do it when you should have been mute. Now you know you regret it?


If I have a hard time at that time, I will definitely let you know what a loving father’s iron fist is.

Li Hong was almost not frightened. At this moment, he only had one thought: he was going to be in big trouble.

Long Chu just wandered outside Li Yanran's bedroom.

"Your Majesty, it's not too late for you to say what you said. If we really go in and there is no sign of Yanran, there is no telling what will happen to my concubine!"

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhi beside her. He's already at the door now. Aren't you still going to explain?
Do you really want to wait for me to go in and catch the action?
"Hmph, I have nothing to say, so let's go in. If Yanran rests inside, I'm not sure what will happen."

It's now, what else does he have to be afraid of? The worst he can do is be dead.

People can be beaten to death, but they cannot be scared to death.

"Your Majesty, don't regret it."

Seeing Li Zhi's appearance, Wu Zetian also frowned.

Could it be that I wrongly blamed Li Zhi?He didn't let Li Yanran out of the palace?

"Mother, Hong'er is really sleepy, you'd better go back!"

Li Hong looked at the two people and said to Wu Zetian again.

They were all at the door, and this was his last chance.

"Looking at you, do you know something?"

Glancing at Li Hong, Wu Zetian also had some doubts in her heart.

Seeing that Li Hong is so nervous, does he know something?
"I don't know anything. It's just that Hong'er is really sleepy."

Feeling the look in my mother's eyes, Li Hong also shuddered and hurriedly explained.

"It's best not. If I know you're hiding something from me, you'll be dead."

Wu Zetian slapped Li Hong on the head. This child was really bad at learning now and was full of bad ideas.

"Mother, don't hit me anymore, I'll be beaten stupid by you."

As soon as Li Hong finished speaking, Li Zhi slapped him again.


Li Hong was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why his father wanted to hit him too.

I'm trying to excuse you, but now you're still slapping my pussy.

Is there any reason?
"Father, why did you hit me too!"

"No reason, I just want to fight. Why, do you have any objections?"

Li Zhi also glared at Li Hong, "I'll charge you some interest for beating you now. Wait until it's revealed that your sister is not in the palace."

That’s when the real hunting time comes.

"Okay, let's go! I want to see if Yanran is there!"

Ignoring the two of them, Wu Zetian walked in directly.

"Bang bang bang!"

Wu Zetian gently knocked on the door.

Li Yanran, who was pretending to sleep under the quilt, also sneered after hearing this.

Fortunately, this girl walked ahead of you.

"Bang bang bang!"

Seeing no response from inside, Wu Zetian frowned again, and then knocked on the door again.


Li Yanran covered her mouth and still didn't make a sound.

Let the knocking on the door continue for a while, then give me a surprise.

"Your Majesty, don't you want to give me an explanation?"

Wu Zetian has now determined that there is no one in the room, and Li Yanran is definitely not there.

"I told you that the child is already asleep, but you don't believe it. She must be fast asleep now."

Li Zhi also didn't shed tears even when he saw the coffin. Even in the current situation, he was not at all confused and was still very stubborn.

"it is good!"

Seeing that Li Zhi was still speaking harshly, Wu Zetian gave Ruian a look and motioned for him to knock on the door.


Ruian glanced at Li Zhi aside, wondering if it was a bit bad to hit the door now.

"Bang the door, I must seek justice this time!"

Li Zhi glared at Ruian. After hearing this, Ruian was also depressed. He came to the door and gritted his teeth. He banged against the door with a bang.


Hearing this voice, Li Yanran knew that she couldn't pretend to be asleep, otherwise she wouldn't be able to explain clearly.

The house was demolished outside, but I didn't even wake up. Isn't it obvious that I was pretending to be asleep?

He quietly walked to the door, quietly pulled the door bolt open, and then stepped aside.

Ryan took a deep breath, took two steps back, and slammed into him again.


(End of this chapter)

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