My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 599: I’ll give you a song for tomorrow!

Li Yanran also sighed and expressed her thoughts.

What do parents care about most?Is it that ten thousand dollars?

What kind of people are these princes? If they want to make money, a mere [-] yuan is just a matter of raising their hands.

When their son grows up, it is more important to them than a hundred thousand coins.


After listening to Li Yanran's words, several people looked at each other and couldn't say anything at all.

"Now there is an opportunity for you to trick a few princes. Do you want to hear it?"

After glancing at the four people, Li Yanran smiled again, and her two little tiger teeth were shining brightly.

"How to say?"

When they heard that they could cheat on their father, a cold light flashed in their eyes.

Just now, I lost money again, and I didn't learn anything from the splitting of muscles and bones. Now if I can really launch a counterattack, it would be great.

"You are like this."

Li Yanran waved to a few people and whispered in their ears.

"Brother Li, it's you who pays me back!"

Hearing Li Yanran's thoughts, Changsun Yan felt relieved instantly.

"Haha, if this really happens, my father will have to peel off his skin!"

Cheng Chubi also nodded and asked you to lie to me and split your muscles and hands. Let’s see what you do this time.

"But if this happens, will they become angry and cause trouble for us again?"

Li Siwen frowned.

If this is really done, his father will suffer, but what if they want to take out their anger on themselves?

"What are you afraid of? Even if the Year of Returning to the Land is over, we should go out. If they can't find anyone by then, why should they vent their anger!"

Cheng Chubi didn't care at all. After returning to the fiefdom this time, he should start arranging the Longmen Escort Bureau to open trade routes.

When the time comes, he will inevitably have to follow the Longmen Escort Bureau. After all, this matter is related to this year's money-making plan, and there is no way to be careless.

"That's right, just do it. After I return to the fiefdom, I will set off for Chengdu. Can dad still chase me to Chengdu and kill me?"

Changsun Yan also smiled slightly, it was no longer that Emperor Shan Gao was far away, but that Father Shan Gao was far away.

If he could trick his father before leaving, he would be able to wake up laughing even if he went to Chengdu.

"Okay, I agree!"

Now that he had said that, Li Siwen nodded.

He has to be responsible for the spread of Lan Kwai Fong in various places, and he has to go out for a while. By the time he comes back, his father's anger has long been gone.

"I disagree!"

Yuchi Huan looked at the three people and felt bad instantly.

You are all flying all over the world, but I want to stay in the fiefdom.

If some dads catch me by then, won't I have to face a four-on-one situation?
He could no longer withstand the anger of one father, four!Wouldn't that cost his life?

"You disagree? Why do you disagree?"

Changsun Yan glared at Yuchi Huan. All three of us voted in favor. Do you object?

Want to disconnect?

"I can't get out, and when they come for me, won't I be beaten to death?"

Yuchi Huan also stared at Changsun Yan. If looks could kill, Changsun Yan would have been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

"It's simple. If you're afraid, just go and explore business routes with Cheng Chubi. Anyway, the fiefdom is the same as yours."

Li Yanran also looked indifferent. The reason why Yu Chihuan was left in the fiefdom was to let him think about life. Since this is the case, it would be good to let him follow him out.

"What, just follow me. With our two swords together, we can easily capture the bandits along the way."

Cheng Chubi also patted Yuchi Huan on the shoulder, his eyes full of excitement.

This guy is a fierce general. Together, the two of them can definitely sweep all the way.

"Okay, then I'll go out with Cheng Chubi to open up trade routes!"

Yuchi Huan thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

“Okay, let’s do this, everyone, let’s move.

When all our ideas are realized, let alone [-] guan, even [-] guan will be nothing more than water. "

Li Yanran also clapped her hands and drew a pie for them first.

"come on!"

"For one hundred thousand coins~"


"Me too~"

Listening to Li Yanran's words, several people immediately forgot about the ten thousand guan matter.

If you really make money, how should you spend [-] yuan?
It can't be finished, it can't be spent at all.

"Ha ha!"

Li Yanran also smiled slightly and leaned on the carriage, her eyes full of excitement.

These idiots are fighting hard, and now it depends on their true abilities.

Whether it is opening up a flower base, opening up business channels, or opening a store, it is not something that can be accomplished in one fell swoop. They can only rely on themselves.

The carriage finally arrived at the fief, and Di Renjie was waiting at the door early as always.

"Di Renjie respectfully welcomes His Highness back."

"I told you, don't do this, you won't eat this in the fiefdom!"

Li Yanran got off the carriage and looked depressed at Di Renjie in front of her.

She had said this more than once, but Di Renjie refused to change it, leaving her unable to do anything.

"Your Highness, the etiquette must not be discarded. This is what Di Renjie should do."

Di Renjie shook his head. These things were what he, a minister, should do.

Besides, if he comes out to greet you, it won’t be a big deal for him to be next to you, right?
"Forget it, do whatever you like!"

Seeing that Di Renjie was so young but had such old-fashioned ideas, Li Yanran had nothing to say.

A person has her own way of living. Even if she is a princess, she cannot impose her will on others.It's neither worth it nor worth it.


Di Renjie smiled slightly and made a gesture of invitation.

"Let's go!"

Li Yanran took the lead, Li Hong followed, and Cheng Chubi and the four others followed lamely.

"Xiao Langjun, what's going on? Did you encounter a robber?
No, it seems that no robbers dare to touch His Highness's motorcade! "

Looking at the appearance of the four people, Di Renjie was instantly stunned.

Why are these four all suffering from bruises and swollen faces and limping?

what's the situation?
Could it be that in the Tang Dynasty and the towering Chang'an, there are still some bandits who are trying to cause harm?

"Don't tell me, I really encountered a robber. No, he is much more powerful than the robber. Not only will he die, but he will also save money!"

Changsun Yan sighed and felt bursts of tearing pain in his butt.


"Since there are robbers, we should report them to the Jinwu Guards and let them send troops to eliminate them.

After all, it is near Chang'an, how can we allow banditry to exist. "

Hearing this, Di Renjie also frowned, his eyes filled with horror.

There are such ruthless robbers who not only take lives but also money.

If you are like this, if it were someone else, you would be dead on the spot.

"What you say is easy. The robber is their father. Who dares to interfere with the Duke or the Prince of the Tang Dynasty!"

Li Hong also sneered while listening to the conversation between several people, and told what happened to Chang Sun Yan and his father.

"How many princes and princes are there? Are they going to be robbers?"

Di Renjie was dumbfounded. Just now he was ambitious enough to ask the Jinwu Guard to suppress the bandits, but now you are telling me that the bandits are the only remaining princes of the Tang Dynasty?

Just kidding!

"Hey! Stop asking!"

Li Siwen also sighed, his eyes full of helplessness.

"It was Di Renjie who was abrupt!"

Looking at the dark faces of the four people, Di Renjie also knew that he had touched someone else's scar, and he did not dare to speak at the moment and silently stepped aside.

"Di Renjie, is King Sun Yao back?"

Li Yanran also glanced at Di Renjie on the side. He had been in charge of the fiefdom. Sun Simiao had not come back to ask him whether he had prepared correctly.

"Your Highness, it's just the sixteenth day of the first lunar month. Counting the time, King Sun Yao should leave and return today."

Di Renjie glanced at the four people and immediately understood that the other party wanted to treat their injuries.

"Forget it, you guys go to the medical center quickly, don't break your bones and delay your trip!"

Since Sun Simiao didn't come back, Li Yanran had nothing to say and could only ask them to find Sun Simiao's students to see if he was injured.


Several people also nodded and walked towards the medical center together.

"Sister, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Li Hong is also thinking about his friends now. Now that he is back, he wants them to have fun.

Li Yanran stretched out her right hand and pinched Li Hong's little ear.

"Sister, why are you screwing me?"

"Let go, let go quickly, my ears are going to fall off!"

Li Hong almost didn't fly. Wasn't it a wonderful journey?

Why did you suddenly take action again?

"What we said before, I allowed you to have fun before, but then you have to do your homework well.

It's already fifteen years now, and the new year is over. Isn't it time to write our homework? "

Li Yanran held Li Hong's ear and whispered into his ear.

"Sister, I don't care about doing homework this day, just let me play for another day!"

When Li Hong heard about homework, he was instantly stunned.

Is this the end of the year?I haven’t had enough fun yet!

"Don't care about this day? How about I give you a poem?"

Li Yanran looked at little Li Hong in front of her, her eyes full of excitement.

Finally it was time for his favorite part again. The greatest joy of Wenzhao Gong was not to suppress others with his articles.

It is about being able to persuade others to do good, especially the current prince and the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty.

"Sister, when you read a poem, read a poem. Can you please turn my ears away first?"

Li Hong was stunned. You held my ears and wanted to read poems to me. This means that you can listen to me even if you don't want to.

"No, I'm afraid you can't hear clearly!"

Li Yanran shook her head, grabbed Li Hong's little ears and started pacing, but Li Hong could only follow behind Li Yanran.

It's not that he wants to follow, it's that he simply has no choice. After all, his ears are in the opponent's hands.

"This poem is called Tomorrow's Song."

"Tomorrow after tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows."

"If I wait until tomorrow, everything will be in vain."

"If the world is tired of tomorrow, spring will pass and autumn will come."

"Look at the water flowing eastward in the morning, and the sun setting in the west at dusk."

"What will happen in a hundred years?"

"Please listen to my song tomorrow."

After Li Yanran finished reciting the "Tomorrow Song" in her memory, she also looked at little Li Hong in front of her.

"Sister, this poem of yours is okay!"


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