My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 600: Add some spice to Dad!

Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran felt bad instantly.

Who asked you to comment on this tomorrow's song? Shouldn't you say now that I know I was wrong and I will definitely not do this again in the future?

How can I get it?
Li Yanran used her hands hard and made a 360-degree spin on his ear. The pain made Li Hong jump up instantly.

"Sister, what are you doing, do you really want to pluck my ears off?"

"Tell me, how do you feel when you hear this poem? What are your thoughts after reading it?"

It's nothing to twist your ears. If you weren't my brother, I would really want to split your brain open with a knife to see if your brain is as big as a walnut kernel.

"I just feel that this poem is quite good! At least I can't do it at my current level. Sister is worthy of being the number one writer in the Tang Dynasty."

Li Hong is depressed. What do I think after reading it?

You want me, a seven-year-old child, to tell you that there is nothing wrong with God?

You think highly of me too!
Hearing this, Li Yanran tightened her grip a little harder, and Li Hong was also a little overwhelmed.

I am the number one writer, do you need me to say that?

I'm just taking out all the poems from the bottom of the box, and I'm not asking you to flatter me.

"Sister, what do you want me to say? Are you saying it's not enough for me to just read it?"

Li Hong stood on tiptoe and began to tremble.

Sister, please spare me.

Other people's children were still peeing and playing in the mud when they were this old. It's pretty good for me to say these things.

"I want you to understand that if you have to put off everything until tomorrow, you will be useless in this life.

So instead of waiting until tomorrow, it’s better to do it now and regret it a hundred years later. "

Li Yanran was also so angry that Li Hong's hair almost flew up.

It seems that this kind of treacherous son is not unique to later generations. At least the Li Hong in front of him is an out-and-out fool.

Educating children is really not a job that ordinary people can do.

"I understand, sister, can you please loosen my ears first?"

Li Hong is depressed. He has no idea about tomorrow, tomorrow or a hundred years.

At this moment, he only knew that if Li Yanran didn't let go, he might become the first one-eared prince in history.

"Hmph! Got it? Do you still want to go out and play?"

"No more playing. I went back to do my homework. If I couldn't finish my homework, I went out to play. I didn't even take a step outside the house!"

Li Hong only felt that his ears were deformed. It didn't matter whether he could play with it or not. Saving his ears first was the first priority.

"That's pretty much it, come on!"

After hearing Li Yanran's words, the two Imperial Guards also came over to salute.

"Escort His Highness back to his residence. If he dares to escape, I will beat him to death."

Li Yanran also let go of her right hand and pushed Li Hong into the arms of the Forbidden Army.

Li Hong's ears were freed, and he hurriedly rubbed his ears with his hands, his eyes full of depression.

"Your Highness, this is not good!"

After looking at Li Yanran and then at Li Hong beside him, the Imperial Army was immediately stunned.

Not to mention beating the prince, even if it makes him unhappy at all, it is a serious crime of beheading.

How dare they?
"What's wrong? This is my order.

If you let him get away, I'll rip your heads off!
Why are you still standing there?Send His Highness back quickly! "

Li Yanran also glared at the Imperial Army and gave a cold shout.



The two Imperial Guards also had faces as pale as arsenic, and they directly took over the job.

Seeing Li Hong's little back being sandwiched between two forbidden soldiers, Li Yanran also sighed.

Xiao Li Hong, Xiao Li Hong, you are going back to Chang'an soon. If you still stick to your previous lazy habits, you will really be useless by then.

"Someone, call Di Renjie over!"


Soon Di Renjie trotted all the way to Li Yanran.

"Your Highness, why are you calling me?"

Di Renjie looked at the princess in front of him with doubts in his eyes.

You just came back, could something happen?

"Immediately inform the accountant to prepare [-] yuan and send it to Prince Changsun, Duke Lu, Duke E and Duke Ying respectively."

Since she promised Cheng Yaojin and the others, Li Yanran didn't want to break her promise.

It's just a mere [-] guan, not as much as he could win against those royal brothers in Chang'an.


Di Renjie was stunned, wondering what Li Yanran was going to do.

Could it be that you want to establish good relations with several princes?

But with their son here, it seems that this relationship does not need to be maintained by money.

"Your Highness, if you send money to several princes now, it would be inappropriate if those officials find out."

Di Renjie thought for a moment and finally spoke to Li Yanran to advise him.

"What's wrong?"

Li Yanran was stunned. What's wrong with this son giving me money?

She really can't handle it.

I don’t know what Di Renjie is thinking about.

"Your Highness, it's very conspicuous that all the noble sons of several princes are in the fiefdom.
If you send money over now, you will pay back this much.

I am afraid that some people will gossip in front of His Majesty and say that you are forming a clique for personal gain, but I hope you will think twice. "

Di Renjie also sighed, how could you, a smart person like you, not even see this?

The princes are very influential both in politics and the military, so there is no need to do such eye-catching things.

Even if the emperor is your biological father, there is no way he would allow such a force to grow around him.


Li Yanran didn't know what to say. This smart man was a smart man after all. He just thought more than ordinary people.

But even if this matter is brought to his father, it doesn't matter. It is only natural that his son makes money and I spend it.

If her father punished her for this, then she would have something to say.

From now on, whenever Dad can get a penny from him, his character "Li" will be written backwards. "Have you forgotten why Changsun Yan and the others were beaten? These ten thousand guan were beaten by several princes! If anyone has any objections, let their own sons also pay for it."

Li Yanran also sneered and explained clearly the source of the money.

"Even this is not good. If you must give it, exchange it for gold and send it quietly to the Duke's Mansion. You don't want those officials to wander around you like flies."

Even though Li Yanran said this, Di Renjie still felt a little inappropriate. After all, such a sum of money was too eye-catching.

It's better to be careful and avoid a lot of trouble.

"Oh, just do as you say."

Li Yanran thought for a while, and it was better to do less than to do more. Thinking about the appearance of those officials made her irritable.

It doesn't matter to me that I just stare at other people's pigtails all day long, but it's not good to bother my dad because of this matter.


Di Renjie also let out a sigh of relief, knowing that His Highness could still listen to what he said.

After bowing and leaving, Di Renjie also arranged to leave the fiefdom and run towards Chang'an with 4000 taels of gold.

"Brother Li, we are back."

Changsun Yan and others limped to Li Yanran's side. Although they said their buttocks would hurt, the fathers' actions were considered minor, and they were all just skin injuries.

"I have arranged for someone to send money back to Chang'an. You should arrange for someone to go back immediately!"

"Have you already sent it over? Okay, this time I have to let my dad peel off the skin as well."

Hearing that Li Yanran had arranged for someone to send the money, Chang Sunyan and others were also excited. The money was sent, and then the show began.

As they said that, they turned around and left together, heading outside.

"Do you say we want to add some more, anyway, it's going to leave immediately, it's better. His!"

While Li Siwen was speaking, the injury on his butt made him throb in pain.

"How to add ingredients?"

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Siwen, wondering what he wanted to do.

"Well! It's better than this."

Li Siwen endured the pain and whispered to the three of them.

"Isn't this a little too much?"

Yuchi Huan frowned. If he really followed Li Siwen's approach, the conflict with his fathers would be huge.

"What are you afraid of? They didn't think of going too far when they beat us. They just did it like this. Anyway, I will prepare to leave tomorrow. I don't know when I will come back."

Changsun Yan, however, looked fearless and his eyes were filled with hatred.

When he hit me with a stick, my father was the one who killed me. He didn't care about my son's life or death, so why should I care about him.

"Yes, we will set off tomorrow, who is afraid of who?"

Cheng Chubi also nodded. As the saying goes, a son cannot have a father, and today he will teach his father a lesson to see if he dares to extort money from him in the future.

My ten thousand guan is not so easy to get.

"Okay, then let's do this!"

Yuchi Huan glanced at the three of them. If he voted against it now, they would definitely punish him.

Anyway, he has endured a hard beating, so he will fight with his father.

"Well, then we can only postpone this matter. After we all leave tomorrow, we will send people back to Chang'an. The provincial fathers will get angry and block us, and it will be over."

Li Siwen thought for a while, and decided to postpone the matter for a day just to be on the safe side, so as not to cause any accidents later.

"that's it!"

"it is good!"


The remaining three people also looked at each other and left.

Early the next morning, the four of them were also ready to go. Changsun Yan left first under the protection of the guards, and Li Siwen followed closely and headed towards Luoyang, the eastern capital.
As for Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan, they gathered five hundred escorts from the Longmen Escort Bureau and embarked on the journey in the afternoon.

After they left, several people's letters were sent directly back to their respective princes' mansions.

"Madam, Mr. Yan's letter!"

Changsun was admiring flowers in the palace, when suddenly someone delivered a letter.

"Yan'er's letter?"

After taking the letter, the person who sent it hurriedly left.

After reading the letter, Mrs. Changsun couldn't help but frown.

"Where is the prince now?"

"Back to Madam, His Royal Highness is drinking tea in the main hall!"

"Go, follow me!"


Changsun got up and went straight to the main hall accompanied by her maid.

"Your Majesty!"

Changsun Wuji was enjoying the good tea brought by Changsun Yan. When he saw Changsun coming, he also smiled slightly: "Madam is here, sit down quickly."

Chang Sun saluted and sat opposite Chang Sun Wuji.

After Changsun Wuji helped his wife pour a cup of tea, he also pushed it in front of her.

"Have a try. My tea ceremony has improved greatly recently!"

"Sure enough tea."

After Changsun took a sip, he couldn't help but praise it.

"I knew you would like it. Come on, I'm going to help you pour a drink."

Changsun Wuji felt excited and wanted to pour tea again.

"Your Majesty, Yan'er is gone!"


Changsun Wuji was also stunned when he heard this. Didn't he leave yesterday?
You see it too.

Why are you saying this again now?

"Ma'am, what do you mean by that?"

"Your Majesty, Yan'er has gone to Chengdu Mansion!"

Changsun shook her head and directly told the news that Changsun Yan was going to Chengdu Mansion.

"Going to Chengdu Mansion?"

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