My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 602: Road robbery in broad daylight?

Li Ji glanced at Cheng Yaojin and shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Yaojin frowned, wondering what Li Ji meant.

“Although Rishenglong Bank has money, it is still difficult to rashly come up with [-] yuan.

If the shopkeeper used an excuse to raise money to report to Princess Lishan, the matter would most likely be exposed.

From what I've seen, it's better to have [-] strings, so as not to cause more trouble. "

Li Ji thought for a while. It wasn't that he didn't want to cheat his son, but that he had too much money.

He was afraid that something would happen. If he couldn't get the Wan Guan by then, he would be in trouble.

"Li Ji is right. Now that I can collect the twenty thousand yuan, I will be very happy. It's better not to cause trouble!"

Changsun Wuji nodded. He also believed that this was the truth. He would be satisfied if he could make no loss or gain.

As for cheating his stupid son, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Let’s get over the current difficulties first.

"Okay, let's spare them this time!"

“Let’s go, let’s get the money!”

"Wait, there's still something to do!"

Li Ji glanced at a few more people, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"what happened?"

Changsun Wuji also frowned, wondering what else Li Ji had to say.

"You still have to make some preparations. I heard that Wei Shanqi is an old man.

Send people to wait outside the fiefdom to catch them one by one. Wait until the money is in hand before withdrawing! "

Li Ji slowly expressed his thoughts.

"Well, that's how it should be. There has to be someone who knows the truth, so let's do it!"


Several people also reached a consensus and left Chunfeng Tower together, heading in the direction of Rishenglong Bank.

Wei Shanqi was heating the briquette stove in the inner room and drinking tea leisurely.

"Shopkeeper, this is bad!"

Hua Yu rushed in directly and swallowed his saliva when he saw Wei Shanqi.

"Hua Yu, how many times have I told you, if you want to be a qualified businessman, you must remain calm in everything, even if the mountain collapses before you, you must remain calm!
You are so reckless, it seems you still have a long way to go. "

Wei Shanqi took another sip of tea, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

After all, he is still very optimistic about this Huayu, he is a talent that can be made.

If you keep being this irritable and irritable, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to hold a big position in the future.

"The shopkeeper, the Prince of Zhaozhou, the Duke of Lu, the Duke of E, and the Duke of England suddenly paid a visit and are waiting in the private room!"


After hearing this, Wei Shanqi transformed into a human-shaped fountain and sprayed the tea all over Hua Yu.

"Who did you say was here?"

"Prince of Zhaozhou, Duke of Lu, Hubei."

Before Hua Yu finished speaking, Wei Shanqi rushed over.

"Shopkeeper, they are in the elegant room of Tianzihao!"

Seeing Wei Shanqi's figure, Hua Yu also quickly reported their location.

After running outside the Tianzihao elegant room, Wei Shanqi calmed down and tidied his clothes.

Wei Shanqi slowly opened the door to the elegant room and walked straight in.

Looking at the four people who were drinking tea, he also hurriedly saluted.

"Wei Shanqi has met the Duke of Zhaozhou, the Duke of England, the Duke of Lu, and the Duke of E!"

The four of them looked over together, and Wei Shanqi couldn't help but shudder when he felt this.

When these four people arrive together, something big is bound to happen.

Just don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Free gift!"

Changsun Wuji, as the person with the highest title, is now also a talker.

"It's really great that Rishenglong is able to welcome several distinguished guests to our door today. I just don't know what's going on?"

Wei Shanqi stood up, glanced at Changsun Wuji, and slowly asked him.

He was really confused now. What was going on with these giant Buddhas coming over?

"What am I here for? Didn't you receive the message?"

Changsun Wuji raised his eyebrows and asked rhetorically.


Wei Shanqi can't fix it now. What's the news?
You haven't received any news?

What a situation!

"The news may be being passed on. I hope His Highness can make it clear."

After thinking for a while, Wei Shanqi decided to ask. Don't keep the great gods waiting for too long. It will be his fault then.

"Our sons all went to other places. Before leaving, I sent a letter to my family, saying that each of us had prepared [-] yuan for us to come to Rishenglong to withdraw it."

Since you asked, Changsun Wuji also said what he had prepared.

"Ten thousand guan each?"

This time Wei Shanqi was really frightened.

Ten thousand guan per person, this is not a small amount, and I haven't heard any news about it.

"Well, hurry up and get the money. I have other things to do and I don't have time to waste time with you."

Looking at Wei Shanqi's appearance, Cheng Yaojin also frowned and shouted at him.

"For these highnesses, ten thousand guan is not a small amount, and the four of you will need [-] guan.

This kind of money is not something that little Wei Shanqi can make the decision about.

Why don't you wait a little longer? I'll get the money for you when the news comes from Her Royal Highness the Princess! "

Seeing the ferocious Cheng Yaojin, even Wei Shanqi, a man who traveled all over the world, was a little unbearable.

"Why, do you think you can't trust me anymore?"

Changsun Wuji glanced at Wei Shanqi, his eyes full of coldness.I'm just here to talk to you. Where can I wait for the news?

If the news really came, who would I ask for money from?

"How could it be possible? You are a majestic county king. Even if I can't trust anyone, I can't trust you!"

Hearing Changsun Wuji say this, Wei Shanqi was also excited.

This man used to be a murderer without blood. When he was the minister, many capable people were captured by the opponent.

If he offends this man, he will be finished.

"Then what nonsense are you talking about? How come we, three princes and a county prince, can still come to you to defraud money?
Hurry up, I have something to do over there. If you delay my important event, I will screw your head. "

Yuchi Jingde also slapped the table and stared at Wei Shanqi with a pair of copper bell-like eyes.


Wei Shanqi took a breath of air. This Duke of E was really a ruthless man killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. He could only feel his calves trembling when he stared at him.

"I can wait, but the princes cannot wait.

It's really delaying something important. I'm afraid you won't be able to save your head!
Besides, it’s only a mere ten thousand guan. If it hadn’t been for my son’s gift, I wouldn’t have wanted it. "

Changsun Wuji also glanced at Wei Shanqi and spoke to him slowly.

"Wei Shanqi knows! But [-] yuan will take some time, please wait a moment, I will arrange for someone to prepare the money right away."

Wei Shanqi frowned, and he really didn't dare to say anything now.

What else could he do if he just kept talking.

We can only use the prepared money to delay for a while, and then send people to the fiefdom to ask for news.

"Well, you won't prepare the money until night!"

Changsun Wuji also glanced at Wei Shanqi, wondering what the other person was thinking. He felt the same as Ming Jing.

A plan to delay the attack?You are still a little young.

"It can be as fast as half an hour, or as slow as one and a half hours."

"Okay, don't waste my time!"


Wei Shanqi retreated directly.

"Do you think Wei Shanqi can give us the money?"

"Be patient and don't be impatient. You will see the results in an hour and a half."

Changsun Wuji smiled slightly and just waited. The news was unlikely to come out anyway.

In the end, the other party had no choice but to give in, take the money and leave.

"Huayu, Huayu!"

After Wei Shanqi went out, he shouted directly outside.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Hua Yu also rushed over at a trot, not knowing what the shopkeeper wanted to do.

"You ride to the fief immediately and ask Her Royal Highness if this is the case. Come back within an hour and send someone to prepare money, [-] guan. Hurry!"

Wei Shanqi was on fire right now, and he spoke out all his arrangements like a barrage of words.

"An hour and a half? How is this possible?"

Hua Yu was dumbfounded, wondering why the shopkeeper was so crazy that he allowed himself to go back and forth to Lishan Mountain in an hour?
Is this going to kill yourself?

"Go quickly, you must be back within an hour, switch horses!"


Hua Yu had nothing to say, so he didn't dare to neglect and directly rode a horse with another horse beside him and ran towards Lishan Mountain.

Hua Yu also risked his life. After leaving Chang'an, he changed horses and ran wildly. He actually arrived near Lishan Mountain in more than half an hour.

"Stop here!"

Suddenly more than a dozen cavalrymen came from all directions and surrounded Hua Yu.

"Who are you? Do you dare to rob someone on the road in broad daylight?
We know that this is near Chang'an, near the fiefdom of Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan. Aren't you afraid of death? "

Looking at the cavalry beside him, Hua Yu also frowned and shouted at them.

At the same time, his eyes glanced around, trying to find a way to survive.

"What nonsense, I don't steal money, nor do I cheat."


Hua Yu was stunned when he heard what the other party said.

No robbery, no cheating, then what do you want?
Could it be that he wants to rob his own sex?

Looking at the dozen or so big men in front of him, Hua Yu's face instantly turned into the bottom of a pot.

"Gentlemen, I have been weak since I was young, and I am still sick. Please let me go!"

"What are you thinking about? Come with me!"

Looking at Hua Yu's appearance, Nabu couldn't help but spit.

Is Lao Tzu like that?

"Go with you?"

Hua Yu frowned, this wasn't robbing money, selling goods, or robbing sex, so what were they trying to do?

The tribesmen surrounded Hua Yu and walked slowly towards their hiding place.

When they arrived at the place, Hua Yu was completely stunned. There were more than a dozen people here, but they seemed to be fine.

What the hell are these people doing?

He really didn't understand it.

"Have peace of mind and do your best over there. I will let you go when the time comes!"

A guard in charge shouted at Hua Yu and motioned for him to stay aside.

"Oh oh oh!"

Now Hua Yu is worried to death, he still has a mission.

It takes an hour and a half to rush back from the fiefdom. The devil knows how long it will take.

"Brother, I know you are a good person, and I really have something wrong with you."

After thinking about it for a while, Hua Yu also moved closer to Bu Qu.

"Go away, we have something waiting for you."

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