My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 603: Signing to get money is a matter of course!

Chapter 603: Signing to get money is a matter of course!
The man glared at Hua Yu. As long as these people were on their way, none of them would be fine.

The one I caught is you who is in trouble.

"Brother, someone in my family is critically ill. If I don't rush back soon, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

I hope you will be accommodating and let me go! "

While complaining, Hua Yu looked around, raised his hand and quietly handed a few copper coins into the man's hand.

"Get out of here, you don't look like a good person because of your sly looks. Keep an eye on him and don't let this kid get away."

That Buqu also gave Hua Yu a blank look and bribed him with a few big men?
How much am I worth?
Besides, they were under the orders of the Duke. If the wrong person was released, everyone would be whipped.

He doesn't want to try that feeling. Besides, what does your family's trouble have to do with me?

"Come here, kid, come to me, I'll watch you carefully!"


Hua Yu's face is really ugly now. If he fails to complete this task, he will be scolded by the shopkeeper when he goes back.

Really, it’s so damn good. What kind of bastards are these people?

"Shopkeeper, the money is ready!"

"I see!"

Wei Shanqi waved his hand, and then wandered around the room again.

The time was almost up, and if Hua Yu hadn't come back after an hour and a half, he didn't know what he would do.

"Hua Yu, Hua Yu, don't let me down."

After some time, a boy also came over.

"Shopkeeper, we're here in an hour and a half!"

"So fast?"

When he heard that one and a half hours had passed, Wei Shanqi became depressed.

It felt like time had passed too long just now, but now that I heard the time was up, I thought about why one and a half hours was so short.


"Go and talk to that man and tell them the money isn't ready yet. It will take another half an hour."


The boy was completely stunned. Who were those people?

You want me, an errand boy, to talk to those people?
Do you really think I'm some kind of strong person?

"Shopkeeper, I'm afraid!"

"Are you afraid? What are you afraid of? Could it be that that person can still eat you?"

Wei Shanqi is depressed, are you afraid?
I'm afraid of a ball. It's a human being, not some savage beast.

"Shopkeeper, Duke E's eyes are so scary.

I just went to deliver cakes and almost fell to my knees.

Besides, why don't you go by yourself? After all, he is the Duke of the country! "

The boy almost knelt down to Wei Shanqi, please spare me.

Since you're not afraid, just go by yourself. It doesn't matter if you harm me, an errand boy.

"I, I. Forget it, I can go alone, everyone is unreliable!"

Wei Shanqi sighed and came outside the Tianzihao elegant room again.

He took a deep breath to calm down, then smoothed the corners of his clothes, and slowly pushed the door open.

"Several princes and princes, have you ever had the habit of eating the tea and cakes that the sun rises to?"

After entering the door, Wei Shanqi also had a fake smile on his face and greeted the four of them.

"Stop talking nonsense, the time is up, where is the money?"

As the vanguard, Cheng Yaojin did his best to fully express his character as a reckless man.

"Don't be impatient, Mr. Lu, the money is almost ready.

But we have to wait a while before we can hand it over to a few people. I hope we can give Wei Shanqi some more time! "

Wei Shanqi was also a little helpless, damn Huayu, the more critical the moment, the more he fell behind.

You have to face the wrath of these men. When you come back, I have to skin you.

"A little time? Wei Shanqi, you don't want us to spend the night with you here, do you?"

Changsun Wuji also smiled coldly. There is no news so far. Are you panicking?

"How is that possible? Your Highnesses might as well give me another half hour. I promise I won't delay it any longer."

Wei Shanqi also sighed and forced himself to explain.

"Wei Shanqi, do you really think my time is so easy to waste?

It was an hour and a half just now, and now it's going to be another half hour. Do you mean to tell me to stop doing anything and just stay here with you? "

Cheng Yaojin heard that he would still have half an hour, how could he bear this?

He's just a small shopkeeper, who do he really think he is?

"Gong Lu, please calm down and don't argue with me, a working man."

Cheng Yaojin was furious, and Wei Shanqi also shuddered. He only felt that he was enveloped by the threat of death, and even breathing was a little difficult.

"We can't wait for half an hour. If we still don't see the money in a quarter of an hour, we don't want the money anymore.

At that time, I will go to Lishan to find that little girl Li Yanran and ask her why it is so important that my son's money belongs to me! "

Changsun Wuji gave Cheng Yaojin a wink, and the other party slowly sat down, but his eyes at Wei Shanqi were still sharp.

"Here! Wei Shanqi retires."

Wei Shanqi slowly withdrew, wiped the sweat from his head, and almost collapsed.

This job is really not done by humans. The momentum of these princes is so amazing that he really can't stand it anymore.

Hua Yu, Hua Yu, where are you? Come back quickly and save your life.

A quarter of an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and Wei Shanqi came to Tianzihao's private room again with a depressed look on his face.

"Guys, the money is ready, but several of your highnesses still need to sign the withdrawal instructions! So I can go and deal with your highnesses!"

He took out four withdrawal certificates from his arms and placed them evenly in front of the four people.

The four of them looked at each other. They originally thought that they could just come here to withdraw money. Who knew that they would have to sign and pledge money?

This stumped them. If his stupid son found out, it wouldn't be beautiful to threaten him with this.

"Sign and get money, it's only natural."

Changsun Wuji thought for a moment and smiled slightly, then he wrote three big characters on it with a brush.

Changsun Yan. "???"

Looking at the name signed by Changsun Wuji, Wei Shanqi was also confused.

I asked you to sign and sign with your own name. You just wanted to smear my son's face. Why did you sign your son's name?

If a few young men come here and refuse to admit their fault, then I can't bear the responsibility.

"Your Highness, this should be signed with your own name, not the name of County Duke Changsun!"

"Why should I sign my name?"

"This money belongs to my Yan'er, not mine. I'm here to help him withdraw it.

Besides, who am I? Are you still afraid that I will run away? "

Changsun Wuji was not stupid, so he directly photographed the withdrawal certificate in Wei Shanqi's hand.

"That's right!"

"that's right!"

"As it should be!"

The remaining three people did the same, each signed their son's name, and then threw it in front of Wei Shanqi.

"This, this, okay!"

Wei Shanqi also sighed, who could ask others to be better than him?

Ordinary people would not dare to provoke these people across from them even if they had the princess's back against the big tree.

The four of them each took 1000 taels of gold and got on the carriage with satisfaction.

"Hurry up and send someone to Lishan to report the news to Her Royal Highness the Princess.
And show me what Hua Yu has been doing. I’m really going to be pissed off. "


Another boy got on his horse and ran towards Lishan Mountain.

"Hurry back and deliver the mission, and evacuate the people outside the city as well. It will be bad if something goes wrong."

Changsun Wuji glanced at the three of them. Now that he had the money, it was time to go back and pay the bills.

Thinking of his wife's violent appearance, his heart trembled.

"I'm feeling relieved this time, but I don't know if that stupid boy will be furious if he finds out, haha."

Cheng Yaojin also smiled slightly. He was really in good health now and everything was smooth.

This feeling is called refreshing.

"Don't even think about it, it's like shooting yourself in the foot.

Who told them to take action against us first? This is called evil being punished! "

Li Ji also smiled slightly, Changsun Wuji was Changsun Wuji after all.

If you want to say who is the best trickster in the Tang Dynasty, it has to be him.

Now if these boys knew that this ten thousand yuan was tied to their heads, they might all explode on the spot.

Even though they don't do any good, it's okay if they do some harm.

Anyway, it doesn't matter now.

"Well, that's right. Then tell us whether we need to send someone to Lishan Mountain for ventilation. If they are kept in the dark, it will be in vain."

Yuchi Jingde also nodded. He was afraid now that his son wouldn't know about this, and wouldn't it be perfect by then?

"Don't worry, with Wei Shanqi's temperament, he will definitely send someone back to Lishan immediately.

With Li Yanran's cleverness, she could immediately understand the meaning.
She is not a loser, and those traitors will definitely know about this. "

Changsun Wuji rolled his eyes at Yuchi Jingde, "I'm much smarter than you."

And tip off the news?If she couldn't even understand this, she wouldn't be able to earn such a big fortune.

"Since you say that, I'm relieved."

"Then let's go back to our respective homes?"


Several people also went their separate ways, each going back to his own home to find his mother.

After they left with satisfaction, someone rushed out of the city to recruit the troops they had arranged outside the city.

"Okay, you can go."

After receiving the news, these ambushes also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, his mission was completed.

After finishing speaking, these people also got on their horses and walked towards Chang'an on the yellow sand in the sky.


Hua Yu couldn't understand the scene in front of him.

These people come and go without a trace, what do they want?

Catch and release, what about playing?
"not good."

After checking the time, Hua Yu exploded in an instant and hurriedly got on his horse and ran towards the fiefdom.

"Commander Yi, Hua Yu from Chang'an Bank wants to see you."

A clerk rushed in and saluted Di Renjie.

"Hua Yu? Why did he come to the fiefdom?"

"I don't know."

"Let him in."

Di Renjie frowned and waved his hand.

"Hua Yu has met Commander Yi."

Hua Yu entered the room and saluted Di Renjie directly.

"Tell me, why are you returning to the fiefdom so smoothly? But what's the problem with the bank?"

After looking at Hua Yu, Di Renjie also asked.

After all, this is too abnormal. In addition to transporting money, they are usually based in Chang'an.

"Commander of the city, today Prince Changsun, Duke Lu, Duke E, and Duke Ying arrived at the bank together..."

Hua Yu did not dare to hide anything and told him all about his purpose.

"The prince goes to the bank to pay money?"

(End of this chapter)

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