My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 609 Do you think you think they are all eggplants!

Chapter 609 Do you think you think they are all eggplants!

After seeing clearly the content of the invitation, Cui Xiuye's expression changed drastically.

He glanced at Qi Liu again, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Is your greeting message true?"

"It's true."

Qi Liu also stood up straight, with a hint of pride in his eyes.

What he said was that he was from Her Highness the Princess, and there was a third-rank official in front of the Prime Minister, let alone the Princess.

He is now a person with status.

"You two take charge of yourselves!"

Looking at Qi Liu's appearance, Cui Xiuye ​​shouted angrily at the two guards at the door with a dark face.



The two of them were stunned for a moment. They didn't know what the minister saw, why he suddenly changed his face and even slapped himself.

"Didn't you hear me?"

Seeing that the two of them were indifferent, Cui Xiuye ​​became angry and kicked a guard.


"Shang Shu, why is this?"

The two of them also looked aggrieved. They had done nothing wrong, so why did they do this to themselves.

It's just a servant, even if he is a disciple of the emperor, he can't be so indiscriminate.

"Come on, give me a slap!"

Cui Xiuye ​​was also anxious, as the other party belonged to Princess Lishan.

Although it might not be a big deal if Li Yanran found out about it, the King of Hell is very troublesome to the kid.

If Qi Liu goes back to add to his nonsense, he will really be in trouble.


The other guards were also stunned, and they did not agree with Cui Xiuye's approach.

We are all your guards. If you do this, how can we stay under your hands in the future?

"You're not going to take action, are you? Brother, you can do it yourself.

Hit it hard, hit it to death, as long as you can relieve your anger.

If anyone dares to fight back, I will break their legs! "

Looking at the guards beside him, Cui Xiuye ​​also sighed. He also knew that this was not good.

But who would let her be Her Royal Highness, the most popular Princess Lishan at the moment?

If he didn't resolve this matter, he really didn't know what would happen next.

Qi Liu was quite angry at first, but seeing Cui Xiuye ​​like this, he had nothing to say.

Even a minister bowed his head to him, so what could he do?

Anyway, he had already been beaten, so what would he do if he were beaten back? If he really became enemies with these reckless men, he would have to deal with them to death when they encountered him in the future.

Besides, I already have a lot of money, so this meal is worth it.

If he could make money by getting beaten every day, he would rather have someone beat him every day.

"Shang Shu, let's forget it. They are also fulfilling their duties. Besides, I just have a superficial wound, so it doesn't matter."

Hearing what Qi Liu said, Cui Xiuye ​​also breathed a sigh of relief.

As a minister, he felt aggrieved, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who could prevent himself from offending his master?

"Since my brother understands justice so well, Cui Xiuye ​​has also been offended this time. Let's have a drink and then go to the house to get four coins."


While drinking wine, he didn't know why his master cared so much about this boy, but he still bowed and left.

After a while, he walked over with four pieces of money and handed it to Qi Liu.

“Shang Shu, this is too much, it’s not enough!”

Looking at the four pieces of money in front of him, Qi Liu also stretched out his hand, but immediately retracted it.

Although he is just a boy, he also knows how much he weighs.

He really wanted so much money, but he didn't dare to ask for it.

“It’s okay, just take it if it’s given to you, I won’t snitch.

Okay, go back and tell your boss that Cui Xiuye ​​will be there soon! "

Cui Xiuye ​​also put the money into Qi Liu's hand, and then signaled the other party to go back and recover quickly.

That means I won’t snitch on you, and you shouldn’t snitch on me.

In this case, we will be settled.

If you dare to complain to the princess then, I will also charge you with asking for bribes.

Let's see who dies worse.

"Then Qi Liu has thanked the minister, and I will go back and resume my life immediately!"

Hearing this, Qi Liu also excitedly took Cui Xiuye's money, turned around and ran towards the Minnong Food Store.

He never thought about what would happen if he took the money and had any evil intentions.

But with five dollars in hand, what does this mean?
"Master, who is this person?"

While drinking, he looked at Cui Xiuye ​​beside him and frowned.

"You will naturally know what you are supposed to know. Don't pry around about what you are not supposed to know."

Cui Xiuye ​​glared at Zhanjiu, turned around and boarded the carriage.

"Master, where are you going?"

Drinking wine with a depressed look on your face, it’s already at your doorstep, where are you going if you don’t go home?

Are you Dayu?Passed through the house three times without entering?
"What nonsense, get out of the city!"


He really didn't dare to say a word while drinking, and drove the carriage directly towards the outside of the city.

"Shopkeeper, I'm back!"

Qi Liu had already saved the money, and now he was limping over to report to Xu Wei.

"What's wrong with you?"

Xu Wei glanced at Qi Liu and frowned, wasn't he just going to send a greeting card?
How did it become like this.

"It's okay, I fell it myself."

Take money and shut up. Qi Liu is still very professional, so he didn't gossip at this meeting.

"Did you fall? Did you fly to Shangshu Mansion? How could you fall like this?

Are the people from Shangshu Mansion making things difficult for you?If you are really bullied, I will naturally go to His Highness to seek justice for you. "

Xu Wei glared at the other party, he was so bullied and even fell down so hard.

You really think I'm a fool, can't you tell? "Shopkeeper, there was indeed a conflict when I went to deliver the greeting cards. After all, our Agricultural and Food Store is still not famous.

But Cui Shangshu has already apologized to me, so it’s okay. "

Qi Liu was also a bit frustrated. After all, the other party was a veteran who had been in the mall for many years.

No matter how hard you try to hide it, you can't hide it.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Xu Wei patted Qi Liu on the shoulder, his eyes full of concern.

Qi Liu is quite smart, but he is a bit of a tiger, and he is a good business prospect, so he also cares about it.

"It's really okay. Cui Shangshu asked me to come back and resume my life. He said he would go right away. He might be heading to Lishan now."

Qi Liu nodded. After all, he had received compensation and completed the task.

This beating was well worth it.

"That's good, that's good. If nothing happens, you can go to the counter and withdraw a hundred dollars, and it's mine.

Then go to the medical clinic and let the doctor take a look at it to make sure there is no problem. "

Xu Wei nodded and motioned for him to go and treat his injuries quickly.

"No, Cui Shangshu gave me some money to cover my medical expenses."

Qi Liu shook his head, he had already received so much money, it would be a bit unkind to take any more money from Xu Wei.

"Cui Shangshu gave it to Cui Shangshu. I didn't think well this time and you were injured. I should pay for the medical expenses. Go ahead!"

Xu Wei also sighed and was a little speechless.

No matter what happened to Cui Xiuye, the other party was doing things for him, so he should pay for the medical expenses.

"No need really, I'm leaving!"

Qi Liu stopped talking and turned around and ran away.

"This child!"

Xu Wei also sighed. This kid is too honest. I really don't know if he can continue on the business road.

After a while, Qi Liu, who had just ran out, rushed back like the wind.


Seeing Qi Liu running out of breath, Xu Wei was also stunned.

Is this guy a scud?How long did it take to run back from the hospital?

"What's wrong? Is there anything else you haven't explained clearly?"

Listening to Xu Wei's question, Qi Liu also took a deep breath and said: "Shopkeeper, since Cui Shangshu has gone to the fiefdom, shouldn't you rush over?"


Xu Wei was stunned for a moment. He couldn't understand whether the other party was really for him or was mocking him.

"What's wrong? After all, you are also the shopkeeper of the Farming and Grain Store. How can such a big event be without your participation!"

Qi Liu frowned, wondering what was wrong with the shopkeeper, and suddenly his face turned pale.

"What can I say to you? You also said that this is a big deal, and I am just a small shopkeeper.

I don’t know how many shopkeepers like me there are in Datang. Should I go?

You think highly of me! "

Xu Wei sighed, why didn't he want to go to the fiefdom? He was really not qualified at all.

"Is that so? I thought!"

Qi Liu felt bad all over. He originally thought that his shopkeeper was already very powerful, but he didn't expect that he was nothing more than that.

It seems that they are looking down on each other.

"You think you're just an eggplant? Go to the hospital for treatment."

Xu Wei glared at Qi Liu, what's your expression?
What's going on, you still look down on me?

Qi Liu also hurried away. Judging from the shopkeeper's face, he might get beaten if he stayed any longer.


Xu Wei also snorted coldly, sat on the recliner, and drank tea leisurely.

"Patriarch, where are we going?"

After leaving the city, I had no direction while drinking, and I didn’t know where to go next.

"Go to Lishan!"

"Going to Lishan?"

Hearing Cui Xiuye's words, he felt stupid while drinking.

Why go to Lishan?It seems that the head of my family has no relationship with Princess Lishan!

Could it be that.
He seemed to understand now why the head of the family did that to the boy.

It turned out that the other party belonged to Princess Lishan.

so far so good.

If it weren't for the ingenuity of the owner of his family, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Go quickly!"



After drinking wine and looking for the right direction, he drove the carriage directly towards Lishan Mountain.


The carriage stopped at the entrance of the town, and Jinjun standing outside greeted him immediately.

"Wantless, do you know who is in this carriage?"

Looking at the imperial guards surrounding him, Dianjiu frowned and asked as he drank at them.

Although this is the territory of Princess Lishan, the head of the family is also the Minister of Household Affairs, so this is still a good thing.

"I don't care who you are. If you are not a small town resident, outsiders are not allowed in."

The Imperial Guard was also stunned, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

After all, the hot spring town is also a high-standard residence. How can it be entered by others casually?
"What did you say?"

Even while drinking, I was stunned. I don't know why the other party is so tough. Could it be that they don't care who is in front of them?

"If I say it's okay, get out of here, otherwise I'll beat you up!"

The forbidden soldier also clenched his fists and drank wine.


Drinking wine looked at the man and shuddered.

This guy is more domineering than the disciples of Shangshu Mansion. He is really a loser.

"Drink, shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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