My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 610: I help you support the wall, but you poach my corner?

Cui Xiuye ​​also got out of the carriage and glared at Qianjiu, his eyes full of anger.

You can forget about it normally, what kind of place is this?Lishan fiefdom.

Princess Lishan is a well-known devil. What can you do to be so arrogant?

Doesn't this bring trouble to me?
"This military master, if you wish to inform His Highness, say that I am here under His Highness's summons!"

Cui Xiuye ​​smiled at the forbidden army and told him his purpose.

"Come here under the summons of His Highness? Wait!"

After hearing Cui Xiuye's words, the Imperial Guard also looked up and down and headed straight into the town.

"Someone is here under my summons? Bring them in!"

Li Yanran glanced at the forbidden army and immediately understood that Cui Xiuye ​​should be here.


The Imperial Guards saluted and ran towards the entrance of the hot spring town.

"Someone, go and invite Di Renjie over!"


Soon Di Renjie rushed over and looked at Li Yanran at a loss.

"Your Highness, is there something wrong?"

"Cui Xiuye ​​is here!"

"It's coming so fast!"

Di Renjie also smiled slightly when he heard this. Now that the other party is here, he can start his own layout.

"Cui Xiuye ​​has met Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Cui Xiuye ​​also came to Li Yanran's main hall under the guidance of the imperial army.

"Okay, no need to be polite, sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Cui Xiuye ​​also sat in the first place under Li Yanran.

Cui Xiuye ​​sat down and someone offered him tea and placed it on the table next to him.

"Your Highness, I heard that you can solve the current dilemma, so Cui Xiuye ​​came here to learn from you."

After taking a sip of the fragrant tea, Cui Xiuye ​​also looked at Li Yanran, who was in the first place, and directly stated his purpose of coming.

"Don't worry, let me introduce to you. This is my commander-in-chief, Di Renjie!"

"Di Renjie met Yu Cui Shangshu!"

Di Renjie also saluted Cui Xiuye.

"I have long heard that the commander of the city of Her Royal Highness the Princess is an outstanding person. Not only is he extremely good at solving crimes, but he is also extremely intelligent. It is really extraordinary to see him today."

Cui Xiuye ​​also smiled at Di Renjie. He said this was not a compliment, but sincerity.

If it weren't for Di Renjie, it would have been really difficult to solve the Chang'an arson case.

And according to rumors, Di Renjie was also responsible for the last coal-making incident.

He has long wanted to get to know this kind of person. If possible, he really wants to poach someone from Li Yanran.

Being the commander of a small city can be said to be a waste of talent, and the other party should have a broader stage.

For example, my own household department needs such people to join.

"Cui Shangshu is overly praised. Di Renjie knows how much he weighs.

Cui Shangshu is the real pillar of the country, and I am far behind you. "

Di Renjie also bowed humbly and stepped aside.

"Okay, Di Renjie, tell me your plan!"

Li Yanran glared at Cui Xiuye, "What do you want to do with your eyebrows in front of me?"
Could it be that I can't poach Di Renjie, whom I worked so hard to kidnap?


Di Renjie smiled slightly and walked up to Cui Xiuye.

"Needless to say, you know the current situation in Chang'an. Several grain merchants have a large amount of grain in their hands but do not sell it to the outside world.

War with Tibet was imminent. If the Tang Dynasty wanted to collect enough food and grass, it would have to allocate it from other places, but it would take a long time.

Once General Su Dingfang starts a war now, it will definitely be difficult to supply food and grass. "

Di Renjie directly analyzed the current situation.

"Yes, this is exactly what I am scratching my head about. His Majesty has ordered me to collect food and grass no matter what to ensure the battle supplies on the front line."

Cui Xiuye ​​nodded. Di Renjie was really smart. From these alone, he could see the dilemma in front of him.

This vision alone is much better than the officials under his command.

With this ability, being a mere commander of a city is really too humiliating.

"So now there is only one way to get those grain merchants to take out the grain, and that is to raise the price of grain first!"


Hearing Di Renjie's words, Cui Xiuye ​​was also stunned, not knowing what the other party meant.

"I still hope to make it clear."

"Haha, Cui Shangshu, do you remember what the situation of Coal was like before? It is said that in order to destroy it, you must first make it crazy.

What we have to do now is to replicate the previous situation and teach these grain merchants a lesson. "

Di Renjie glanced at Cui Xiuye ​​and explained what he meant just now.

“I’m afraid it’s not easy to be fooled, after all, these people are not fools.

After the last carboniferous incident, it was not that easy to get these people to take the bait. "

Cui Xiuye ​​glanced at Di Renjie again, you are still a little young.

It's people like you who are talking about being high-minded and low-handed.

How could those experienced businessmen be fooled so easily?

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

The two looked at each other and laughed together. "Your Highness, why are you laughing?"

The smiles of the two people also made Cui Xiuye ​​stunned, wondering what they meant.

"This is why I asked you to come here. Now when you go back, you will announce in a high profile that you are planning to acquire 100 million Shi Liang Cao."


Cui Xiuye ​​was even more confused now.

First of all, I can't use that much food and grass. Secondly, if I announce this, those businessmen will hoard food crazily, hoping to make a big profit.

At this moment, he really didn't understand what Li Yanran meant.

"what happened?"

Looking at the somewhat confused Cui Xiuye, Li Yanran also frowned.

You are the Minister of Household Affairs. If you can't see through this, you really have nothing to say.

"Your Highness, please continue!"

Cui Xiuye ​​really wants to know what Li Yanran is thinking.

"How much food do you need in total now?"

“Back to Your Highness, to meet the current needs of the front line, at least one hundred thousand stones of food and grass are needed.

Of course, if you can have 20 stones, that would be even better. "

Cui Xiuye ​​thought for a moment and immediately stated his needs.

"I will immediately send someone to allocate 20 shi, and the price will be based on the current market price.

But no matter what I do from now on, you must closely cooperate with my actions, do you understand? "

Li Yanran smiled slightly. Counting the acquisitions during this period, she had 150 million shi of grain on hand, which was more than enough to support the front line with 20 shi of grain.

"Your Highness, do you really mean what you say?"

Cui Xiuye ​​was completely stunned now.

20 stones of food and grass, that’s 20 stones of food and grass.

As soon as your upper lip and lower lip touch each other, you have it?
This is a matter of national importance and cannot be joked about.

"Do you really think I am a three-year-old child? What I say will come true naturally. Now I can arrange for people to send food and grass to the front line."

Li Yanran glanced sideways at Cui Xiuye, her eyes full of disdain.

How can you know my strength? It’s just 20 stones of food and grass. Who do you look down on?

"Now that Cui Xiuye ​​has thanked His Highness, you have solved a big problem for Datang."

Now that Li Yanran said this, he had nothing to hesitate and hurriedly saluted to the other party.

"Well, let's continue. Can you do what I just said?"

Li Yanran waved her hand to signal the other party not to be polite and quickly answered her question.

"Your Highness, as long as you can give me food and grass, Cui Xiuye ​​will do whatever you say!"

Cui Xiuye ​​also nodded, he was scratching his head about this matter now.

As long as Li Yanran can help him complete the tasks assigned by Li Zhi, let alone make an announcement, he is willing to sell him.

"Okay, then you two discuss it. Let's let those grain merchants know who has the final say in this world this time."

Li Yanran said and left directly, leaving Di Renjie and Cui Xiuye ​​staring at each other.

"Cui Shangshu, let's get started!"

"Commander Di, let's not talk about your plans in a hurry. Do you want to work in the Ministry of Household Affairs?

For a great talent like you, being the commander of a town in a fiefdom is a bit of an inconvenience. How about that? "

After looking at Di Renjie, Cui Xiuye ​​also picked up a shovel and began to dig into Li Yanran's corner.

"This Cui Shangshu, Di Renjie also said before, I know how many pounds I have.

I still don't understand how to be a city commander, let alone serve in the Ministry of Household Affairs. "

Di Renjie was also stunned, shook his head and rejected the other party's kindness.

Now in the Lishan fiefdom, he lives a fulfilling life every day.

There are always unexpected things happening here, which are extremely beneficial to his growth.

So now let alone Cui Xiuye, even if the emperor comes to poach, he will have to think about it.

"But a talented person like you needs more space for you to develop your talents, so follow me.

I guarantee that it won’t take long for you to soar into the sky. "

Although he was clearly rejected by the other party, Cui Xiuye ​​still didn't want to give up.

This may be his only chance. If he doesn't succeed this time, he may miss this great talent.

"Cui Xiuye, you are going too far. I helped you solve the problem, but you came to poach me."

Just as Cui Xiuye ​​spoke, Li Yanran was already standing at the door, with hatred in his eyes.

The reason why I left just now was to see if you, the thief, had any ill intentions towards my people.

I didn't expect that Di Renjie would reject you so categorically, yet you still want to continue.

Do you really think this girl is a vegetarian?

In fact, you are the Minister of Household Affairs, otherwise I would have sent people to beat you out with sticks.

I really don't know what to say.


Seeing Li Yanran's figure, Cui Xiuye ​​was stunned.

When did this special princess come back again?

Poaching in front of people and poaching behind their backs are two different concepts.

"Your Highness, I...I didn't mean it. I just wanted to see if the commander of this city is willing to go to the Ministry of Revenue to develop."

Cui Xiuye ​​blushed and bowed to Li Yanran to explain.

"Hmph, if you dare to do this again, no matter who you are, we will send people to beat you out with sticks. Do you understand?"

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