My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 611 Your Highness, are you eavesdropping again?

Li Yanran also glared at Cui Xiuye ​​and issued a death threat at the same time.


Cui Xiuye ​​nodded depressedly, how dare he have any other thoughts.

I have offended Her Royal Highness the Princess. I have never seen anyone who can start and end well.

"Let's talk, I'm leaving!"

Li Yanran also gave Di Renjie a smile, turned around and walked out again.


Seeing Li Yanran's back, Cui Xiuye ​​also sighed.

"Cui Shangshu, shall we start?"

Di Renjie suppressed his smile and said to Cui Xiuye.

"Well, let's get started!"

Cui Xiuye ​​nodded and started discussing with Di Renjie.

"Are you really not considering going to the Ministry of Finance?"

After hearing Di Renjie's idea, Cui Xiuye ​​couldn't help but speak again.

This strategy can be said to take the greed of human nature to the extreme. As long as those businessmen have a trace of greed, they will definitely be fooled.

By then, even if they don't die, they will still have to peel off a layer of their skin.

"Cui Shangshu, in fact, this plan was formed by Di Renjie after being inspired by His Highness. I am just picking up people's wisdom. The real smart one is His Highness."

Di Renjie shook his head and rejected the other party's request again.

"Hey, Your Highness is really awesome, Cui Xiuye ​​has learned a lesson.

I will return to Chang'an right away and start building momentum tomorrow. You are ready to follow up at any time. "

Cui Xiuye ​​nodded. He also knew that Li Yanran was powerful, but you were also good.

Otherwise, even with Li Yanran's help, it may not be possible to devise such a plan.

"Don't worry, Di Renjie may come to Chang'an in person to direct this food war. It would be right for us to communicate more."

Di Renjie also saluted Cui Xiuye, indicating that he might also go to Chang'an by then.

After all, he was the one who took command of the last coal-making operation. If nothing goes wrong this time, he should also be assigned to Chang'an.

"In this case, Cui Xiuye ​​will be waiting for Commander Di's arrival in Chang'an. When the time comes, I will host a banquet at Chunfeng Tower to entertain you."

Cui Xiuye ​​also smiled slightly and turned around to leave.

"Your Highness?"

Cui Xiuye ​​went out and saw Li Yanran standing at the door, staring at him.

"Hmph, leave quickly, I don't hesitate to see you!"

Li Yanran really wants to slap Cui Xiuye ​​to death now. How dare you poach me? Do you really think that I, Li Yanran, am dead?

"Cui Xiuye ​​says goodbye!"

Cui Xiuye ​​also slapped his face and left quickly.

"Your Highness, are you eavesdropping there again? Di Renjie said that he will not go to the Ministry of Finance, so don't worry!"

Looking at Li Yanran with a frosty face, Di Renjie also smiled slightly and saluted him again.

"Hmph, it's not the best, otherwise I would have to let Cui Xiuye ​​know how powerful I am!"

Li Yanran snorted again.

Fortunately, Di Renjie was sensible, otherwise she might have gone crazy now.

"Then I'll pack up and get ready to go to Chang'an."

"Wait a minute, I will go with you tomorrow. This food battle is no small matter. I want to personally direct it!"

Li Yanran frowned. This Cui Xiuye ​​was not a good person. She must not give Di Renjie more opportunities to contact him.

Moreover, this food war is of great importance. If anything goes wrong, the world will collapse.

"Your Highness, do you want to go in person?"

Di Renjie was stunned and didn't know what to say.

But what the other party said makes sense. This war for food is different from that for coal.

In the final analysis, only Li Yanran could use the coal, so even if the price skyrocketed, it would have nothing to do with anyone else.

But once there is a problem with food, things will become big.

"That's right, pack up and let's go to Chang'an together tomorrow.

At the same time, he ordered the surrounding warehouses to send all the food. This battle can only be won but not defeated. "


Di Renjie saluted again and walked out.

"Sister, sister, I heard that Cui Xiuye ​​is here?"

As soon as Li Yanran went out, she saw Li Hongfeng running over.

"Cui Xiuye ​​has left!"


"Sister, you don't mean what you say. Didn't you say before that you would let me listen when Cui Xiuye ​​came over? Why didn't you send someone to notify me?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong was instantly stunned.

What you said before is so good. Let me sit in and hear what you are going to do.

It's fine now, everyone is gone, but I don't know anything about it.

Isn't this just teasing a silly boy?


Li Hong is even worse now, have you forgotten?

Why don't you forget to eat and drink?

How could you forget such an important thing?
Isn't this a bit too bullying?

"Sister, tell me, you didn't even think about informing me! What you promised me before was also perfunctory?"

Li Hong rolled his eyes at his elder sister, "I believe you."

Everyone in Chang'an understands how smart your brain is, but now you say you forgot.

"What a lot of nonsense!"

Li Yanran slapped him in the face, his eyes full of anger.

When I say I forgot, I just forget. Because of this, am I the only one?
"Sister, you are unreasonable, you are unreasonable.

If you can't defeat me, just hit them, right? "

Li Hong covered his head and ran away.He knew that his elder sister would not stop once she started to fight, otherwise she would not hear about the plan and would instead be cleaning up.

"Hey, tomorrow I plan to go to Chang'an to personally direct this business war. I originally wanted to take some people to watch, but I didn't expect it."

Li Yanran sneered, not afraid of him running away at all.

"Sister, what did you say? Are you going to Chang'an?"

Sure enough, after hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong obediently ran back and came to the other party's side.

"Yes, what? You want to go too?"

Li Yanran curled her lips and spoke slowly.

"Sister, I want to go. Is the business war as exciting as the battlefield?"

Li Hong's head was like a chicken pecking at rice. He had only heard of it but had never seen it before.

It is said that a shopping mall is like a battlefield. I wonder if this business war is much different from a battlefield with thousands of troops.

"Business war is a battlefield without gunpowder smoke. Although it is not as bloody as the battlefield, once it is implemented, it will still be a conspiracy.

One wrong move means the game is full, so if it's exciting, it should count. "

Li Yanran nodded. Although Shang Zhan couldn't see blood or corpses.

But every step must be carefully calculated. If there is any miscalculation, the consequences will be collapse.

"Then I'll go back and clean up now. If we go to Chang'an tomorrow, can we not do our homework? I want to watch my sister fight this business war wholeheartedly."

Li Hong also wrinkled his nose, shook Li Yanran's arm and begged.


"Yeah! Sister is the best!"

Li Hong kissed Li Yanran's little face, then ran away.

"This is Li Hong."

Li Yanran also shook her head and looked into the distance, wondering what she was thinking.

Following Li Yanran's order, grain operations near Chang'an began, and truckloads of grain were loaded and transported to the Lishan fiefdom.

Early the next morning, Li Hong rushed directly into Li Yanran's dormitory and shouted to her: "Sister, get up soon, we are going back to Chang'an."

"Are you crazy? Is it because I didn't take care of you that you feel like you can fly?"

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, grabbed the quilt and covered her head, wanting to sleep again.

"Sister, why are you so lazy? Get up quickly. The war is coming and we should be ready."

However, Li Hong was unwilling to give up and kept lingering in Li Yanran's ears.

"Waiting for you? I'm waiting for you, you big watermelon."

Li Yanran almost got angry to death and finally had a peaceful sleep. Can't you kid be more sensible?

As he spoke, he jumped up and dragged Li Hong to the bed.

What followed was a stormy attack. Li Hong, who was hit only by holding his head, just begged for mercy.

"Hmph, get out of here, I need to change my clothes."

"Oh oh oh."

After Li Hong heard this, he covered his head and ran away.

Sister is really a tigress.

After Li Yanran changed her clothes, she also called Wei Shan over.

There are indeed not many people available in the fiefdom now. Changsun Yan and the four idiots left separately, and Di Renjie followed him to Chang'an.

The only one in the fief she could trust was Wei Shan.

"Your Highness, why are you calling Wei Shan?"

Wei Shan came from a distance and saluted Li Yanran slightly.

"It's okay, I have to leave Lishan for a few days, and then you will have to look after the fiefdom.

Take care of the small things by yourself, and wait until I come back to deal with the big things.

If there's something urgent, send someone to Lan Kwai Fong to deliver the letter, do you understand? "

Li Yanran looked Wei Shan up and down. For some reason, she felt that something was wrong with Wei Shan.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, there will be no chaos in Lishan with me."

Wei Shan nodded and accepted the job.

"Wei Shan, are you okay?"

Li Yanran glanced at Wei Shan suspiciously and asked again.

"What can I do?"

Although Wei Shan said this, the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily.

"You said it was okay. You were grinning from ear to ear. Did you find a gold ingot?"

Li Hong also saw the difference in Wei Shan and said excitedly.

"There is no gold ingot. It's just that my wife is happy. Wei Shan can't control his expression. I hope your highness will forgive me."

Hearing what Li Hong said, Wei Shan couldn't keep track anymore and directly told the news about his wife's pregnancy.

"Ah, this is a better thing than picking up a gold ingot, Wei Shan, congratulations."

Li Yanran was stunned at first, and then congratulated Wei Shan with a smile on his face.

After all, Wei Shan is considered his confidant, and Li Yanran is really happy for Wei Shan since he has a daughter-in-law.

Not to mention anything else, at least for the sake of this unborn child, his mother must work hard to live a few more years.

"Wei Shan thanked His Highness. With His Highness's blessing, my child will be born smoothly."

Wei Shan saluted Li Yanran again, his eyes full of excitement.

The medical conditions in ancient times were no different from giving birth to a child, not only for the mother but also for the newborn.

Even the royal family has concubines and princes who died in infancy, let alone ordinary people.

Li Yanran is a noble person from Tianhuang and a dragon girl.

Wei Shan believed that with the blessing of the other party, his mother and son would be safe.

"Okay, when I come back, I will give you a few days off and spend time with your wife at home.

But you have to keep an eye on me while I'm away. If I find you neglecting your duties, I'll screw your head. "

Li Yanran also gave a warning and left, leaving the fiefdom to Wei Shan.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Wei Shan understands the importance."

"Let's go."

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