My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 612 That Lin Sinong is here again!

Li Yanran nodded, got into the carriage with Li Hong, and left the fiefdom toward Chang'an under the escort of a dozen plainclothes knights.

Just when Li Yanran rushed to Chang'an, Cui Xiuye ​​came to the household department as usual, and Sinong Lang Lin Minxian also saluted him with a depressed look.

"What's wrong? This expression?"

Looking at Lin Minxian's expression, Cui Xiuye ​​also frowned, wondering what was wrong with him.

"Shang Shu, do you still remember the small grain merchant I told you about before?
I sincerely hold a banquet in Chunfeng Building, and want to invite the proprietor of the Compassion Farm Food Store to the banquet, and then discuss the food issue.

Who knew that the other party would not give me any face, and made me wait in vain for a long time?

These businessmen are only interested in profit. I am ready to educate them and let them know what they should do and what they should not do. "

Lin Minxian bit his lip hard, his eyes full of anger.

Those big grain merchants had aristocratic families as their backers, and they looked down upon him as a farmer. If a businessman without a backing dared to do this to him, he was really looking for death.

"What did you say? Who are you going to attack?"

Cui Xiuye ​​was also stunned when he heard Lin Minxian's words. Who did he say he was going to attack just now?

Is it a pity for farmers and grains?Isn't that the food store of Her Royal Highness the Princess?
"It's a small shop called Mingnong Food Store. Don't worry, Minister, I will take people to find out their faults. I will make him spend tens of thousands of stones of food and grass."

Lin Minxian didn't even bother to look at Cui Xiuye ​​in front of him. His only thought now was to use the power of the country to teach these shameless businessmen a lesson.

"What did you say?"

Cui Xiuye ​​became angry instantly and his eyes almost popped out.

You are going to cause trouble for Her Royal Highness the Princess' shop under the banner of Hu Bu. If you want to die, don't take me with you. Take Hu Bu with you.

I really don’t know what to say.

"I said I wanted to go to the agricultural and grain merchants."

Looking at Cui Xiuye's face, Lin Minxian also frowned, a little unsure of what the other party meant.

"You should go to the Ping Nong Commercial Bank immediately and apologize for your rudeness yesterday. If the other party doesn't forgive you, you, the Sinong Lang, will stop doing this. Do you understand?"

Cui Xiuye ​​really wants to slap Lin Minxian to death. Damn it, you really should go to the Agricultural and Food Store. It won't work if you don't.

After all, he didn't even dare to offend a young boy himself, let alone the person he offended was the shopkeeper of the Ping Nong Food Store.

It's really life-threatening.

"Shang Shangshu, are you okay? Shall I go and apologize to a small grain merchant?"

Lin Minxian didn't know what to do.

After all, I am also a regular official of the Tang Dynasty, so I was asked to apologize to a white man.

what is happening?
"What can happen to me? As officials of the Tang Dynasty, we should be sympathetic to the sufferings of the people. How can we use the rights given to us by the court to oppress the people?"

Cui Xiuye ​​couldn't tell the person behind the agricultural and grain merchant now, so he could only use official standards to restrain the other party.

"Shang Shu, that's what I said, but if you really want to do this, where is the majesty of the Ministry of Finance?
If something like this happens again in the future, what should the Household Department do?

Minister, think twice! "

Lin Minxian naturally couldn't understand Cui Xiuye's meaning. If he really followed what the other party said, he would stop working in the future.

If an official would shy away from these white-bodied businessmen, wouldn't it be nice for him to abandon his official position and go into business? Wouldn't it be nice to be a grandfather?
"Think twice. You must go and apologize to the shopkeeper of the Agricultural and Food Store today, otherwise I will keep my word!"

Cui Xiuye ​​glanced at Lin Minxian depressedly. He knew that the other party must be feeling aggrieved now, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who knew that the other party was from Her Royal Highness the Princess?

It seems that I am embarrassing you, but actually I am saving you.

I'm sure you'll thank me later.

Lin Minxian glanced at Cui Xiuye ​​again, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

In the past, Cui Shangshu was kind-hearted, but he insisted on principles. Even if the other party was from a wealthy family, he would not give him face.

Why did it suddenly become like this? Could it be that there is someone behind this agricultural and food business that I don't know about?

If this is the case, then this matter is very serious.


"Lin Minxian understands!"

Now that he had figured it out, Lin Minxian did not dare to neglect, saluted Cui Xiuye ​​directly, then turned around and left.

"I hope you can understand me!"

Cui Xiuye ​​also shook his head and went directly to the Hubu Yamen to prepare a plan to discuss with Di Renjie.

"Shopkeeper, that Lin Sinong is here again! I'm afraid he's coming with bad intentions!"

Qi Liu Guangfeng entered the scene and shouted directly at Xu Wei.

Although he knew that he had a great background behind him, he was mute and unable to speak to others.

Aggrieved, 100% aggrieved.

"It's okay, the soldiers come to cover the water and soil, what are you afraid of!"

Xu Wei frowned, stood up slowly, adjusted his clothes and walked outside.

"Lin Sinong, why do you want to come to my shop again?"

Glancing at Lin Minxian, Xu Wei also smiled at him.

"How come I haven't seen you for a day, but shopkeeper Xu has become a lot more angry. Why don't you invite me in to sit down?"

Lin Minxian also suppressed a smile.

After all, the identity of the other party is unknown, so you still have to deal with it carefully.


Seeing Lin Minxian's attitude, Xu Wei was also stunned, and he didn't understand what was wrong with him.

Could it be that he already knows his identity?

Shouldn't it be?

He stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling man. Since Lin Minxian showed no hostility, he had nothing to say.

"Yeah!" The two of them entered the inner room together. Xu Wei also gave Qi Liu a wink, and the other party immediately came over with tea.

"Lin Sinong, don't be surprised if you didn't go to the Chunfeng Tower for the banquet yesterday."

Although he didn't know why Lin Minxian came here, in line with the principle that doing more is worse than doing less, he also confessed in advance.

"Shopkeeper Xu, you are a little out of touch when you say this. Isn't it just a banquet? If you don't go, you won't go. It doesn't matter!"

Lin Minxian also took a sip of tea and spoke to Xu Wei.


Xu Wei was even more confused now. He was so angry yesterday, acting like he was the boss of the world and the second boss of the earth.

It suddenly happened like this. There is something fishy in this.

"Then I don't know what Lin Sinong's purpose is. If the request is still the same as before, Xu Wei can only apologize."

Xu Wei also frowned and asked the other party's purpose.

"No, this time I'm here to apologize for yesterday's recklessness. There was indeed something wrong with my words yesterday. I hope you won't be offended."

Lin Minxian cupped his fists at Xu Wei, gritted his teeth and said his apology.

"Lin Sinong, what you said is a bit exaggerated. I have long forgotten what you said yesterday."

Now Xu Wei almost understood, and he stood up and clasped his fists at Lin Minxian.

"Haha, if you say so, then we are all in the tea!"

Seeing Xu Wei being so polite, Lin Minxian also smiled slightly.

After all, he is a veteran who has been in the mall for many years. He will not offend someone who is supposed to be a friend because of his temporary anger.

"Well, it's all in the tea."

Xu Wei also picked up the tea in front of him and smiled at the other party.

"Okay, it will be Chunfeng Tower again that night, and this time I would like to invite shopkeeper Xu to come.

We don't talk about things, only feelings.

If you think highly of me, don't let me down. "

Now that everything has been said, Lin Minxian also extended the invitation again.

"Thank you very much for Lin Sinong's kindness. Xu Wei will definitely be happy to go there."

Xu Wei also nodded. He only talked about his heart and not about things, and just treated it as making friends.

After all, I also want to continue to survive in Chang'an, and it is necessary to have a good relationship with the people in the Ministry of Household Affairs.

"Okay, then Lin Minxian will be waiting for Shopkeeper Xu at Chunfeng Tower!"

He had apologized and said his words, and there was no need for him to stay here.

Cui Xiuye ​​is still waiting for him to go back and recover.

"I'll send Lin Sinong away!"

After Lin Minxian left, a light flashed in Xu Wei's eyes.

"Shopkeeper, why did Lin Minxian suddenly change so much?"

Qi Liu frowned and asked the shopkeeper beside him.

"What do you say?"

Xu Wei smiled slightly and asked Qi Liu.

"Does he already know our background?"

Qi Liu thought for a while and seemed to have figured it out. Lin Minxian should have figured out that he was no match.

"No matter what the reason is, remember one thing, don't make enemies easily no matter what.

When a businessman pays attention to being friendly and making money, you must never offend others because of your temporary anger. Do you understand? "

After Xu Wei finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Qi Liu standing there thoughtfully.

"Shang Shu, I'm back!"

"Is everything done?"

Glancing at Lin Minxian, Cui Xiuye ​​also motioned for him to sit next to him.

"Well, it's over. I've reconciled with Xu Wei from the Agricultural and Grain Store, but there's something I still want to ask."

Lin Minxian looked at Cui Xiuye ​​and also frowned and asked.

"you say!"

"What is the identity of the farmer behind the scenes that makes you so afraid?"

Lin Minxian also gritted his teeth and spoke out all the questions in his heart.

"You'll know what you're supposed to know even if I don't tell you. Asking about what you're not supposed to know will only do you harm but no good."

Cui Xiuye ​​frowned and gave him a soft nail.

"The subordinate is talking too much!"

After hearing this, Lin Minxian also wanted to salute Cui Xiuye.

Although Cui Xiuye ​​didn't give him a clear answer, he knew in his heart that the person behind the agricultural and food industry must be extremely difficult to offend.

Not only could he not offend him, Cui Xiuye ​​could not afford to offend him either.

"Well, you go and call all the people from the major grain stores for me right away, and tell me that I'm hosting a banquet at Chunfeng Tower today and we have something important to discuss.

If anyone doesn't give me this face, no matter who is behind them, don't blame me for being unkind. "

Cui Xiuye ​​didn't say anything and directly asked him to convey his meaning.

"Shang Shu, what does this mean?"

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