My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 621 If you are not greedy, you will not be fooled!

Chapter 621 If you are not greedy, you will not be fooled!
Hearing Li Yanran agreed, Liu Feng's heart dropped to his stomach again.

What’s so funny is that you don’t blame me for commenting before I finish speaking, but because you, an old boy, breathe heavily while talking.

Who can bear this!

"Don't be too happy yet. Although His Highness agrees to this deal, he can't get out the [-] guan. The maximum is [-] guan."

After taking a look at Liu Feng, Wei Shanqi could be said to be winning.

"You are taking advantage of the situation! I have a land deed of 12 guan, and you only gave me [-] guan?

Aren't you afraid that I will tell you what you did and ruin your reputation? "

Hearing Wei Shanqi's words, Liu Feng almost exploded on the spot.

Overpriced is always the standard for counters. If you have assets worth 12 guan, you can borrow 11 guan at least, and [-] guan is already very few.

Now the price is [-] yuan, which is really shameless.

"Shopkeeper Liu, this is not my intention, but His Highness's.

If you don't agree, you can go to another counter to borrow money. I wholeheartedly support it. "

Although Liu Feng said this, Wei Shanqi didn't care at all.

If you could borrow money from other places, you would have left long ago, and would you still be here yelling at me?

"Shop Manager Wei, Chang'an is very big. You don't really think that you are the only one who can borrow money."

Liu Feng said and turned around to leave.

This deal was so profitable that he really couldn't believe that Rishenglong Bank would let him go so easily.

"Shopkeeper Liu, please help yourself! Ren Zhen helps me deliver it!"

However, Wei Shanqi didn't even get up and directly called Ren Zhen to send Liu Feng away.

"Please, Shopkeeper Liu!"

"Hmph! Farewell!"

Liu Feng also flicked his sleeves and left directly.

"Shopkeeper, are you going to stop doing this business?"

After Ren Zhen sent Liu Feng away, he turned back and frowned at Wei Shanqi who looked indifferent.

Everyone can see that this transaction is a guaranteed profit. I wonder why Shopkeeper Wei is like this?


"Then what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You will know then."

Wei Shanqi blew on the tea in his hand, and then took a big sip.

"Shopkeeper, Ren Zhen is still a little confused!"

"Can't figure it out? This is the gap between you and Hua Yu. Go down and wait!"


Ren Zhen looked depressed and bowed before retreating.

"Really, hey! It's such a pity that we entered the industry together!"

Looking at Ren Zhen's back, Wei Shanqi also shook his head and sighed.

Ren Zhen and Hua Yu entered the industry together. Now Hua Yu has become his right-hand man, but Ren Zhen is like this.

It is true that fate plays tricks on people, and things in the world are impermanent.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Seeing Liu Feng's angry look, the boy was dumbfounded.

"If you have nothing to do, go and move all the food out and then move it back, so that you won't have to talk too much here."

Liu Feng glanced at the boy and walked directly towards the shop.


After the boy heard this, he was completely stunned.

It seems like I didn't say anything wrong, so why was I so criticized for being so clueless?

This is provoking someone.

"What are you looking at? Get to work quickly! Didn't you hear what the shopkeeper said? Move all the food out and then move it back!"


After Liu Feng was depressed all night, Liu Feng rushed out early the next morning.

His first priority now is to find a successor, otherwise he will really go to Rishenglong and get stabbed.

After turning around, Liu Feng also sighed.

When those small shopkeepers heard that they wanted a loan of [-] yuan, they refused without even looking at it.

After all, they can't eat as much as they want with the money.

Those medium-sized cabinet shops are very open-minded, and the prices they offer are even lower than Rishenglong.

In the end, he came to Cui Yuqing's house to ask for an audience.

"Liu Feng, why are you here again? Have everything been done?"

"Master, Liu Feng is incompetent."

Liu Feng hurriedly saluted Cui Yuqing and told Ri Shenglong's situation.

"How dare they do this?"

Upon hearing this, Cui Yuqing stood up instantly, his eyes full of anger.

"Proprietor, I have also gone to other cabinet shops and asked, but no one is willing to lend us such a large amount. Now only Rishenglong."

Liu Feng also sighed. In the current situation, there is only one choice, and that is Rishenglong.

"Go ahead, ninety thousand guan, just [-] guan, it's better than nothing.

It’s not like I’m going to sell it to them anyway, so I can just return it to them when the time comes. "

Cui Yuqing also knew that Liu Feng had tried his best. It was just a mortgage anyway, not selling to them at a low price.

The less money you lend, the less interest you will pay back later.

why not.

"I'm going to execute it!"

Now that Cui Yuqing had spoken, Liu Feng also bowed and left.

The carriage came slowly and stopped outside Rishenglong Bank again.

"Shopkeeper Liu, are you here?" Hua Yu saw Liu Feng and hurried over to greet him.

"Where's your shopkeeper Wei? Take me to see him quickly!"

"Okay, please come in and I'll call the shopkeeper right away!"

Hua Yu smiled slightly and welcomed Liu Feng in.

"Shopkeeper Liu, have you thought about it?"

Wei Shanqi heard that Liu Feng was coming and rushed over.

"Shopkeeper Wei, can we really not discuss this anymore?

I come here with sincerity. It's really unkind of you to temporarily lower the price like this. "

Liu Feng looked at Wei Shanqi who was excited but also asked depressedly.

"Shopkeeper Liu, if we can discuss this, I wouldn't have done that last time. There's really nothing I can do about it!"

Now that you are back, it would be strange if I couldn't understand your psychology.

"Hey, let's go to the notarization. Ninety thousand guan, just [-] guan."

Liu Feng didn't hesitate anymore and could only take out all the land deeds and have them notarized with Wei Shanqi.

After everything was done, Liu Feng also glanced at Wei Shanqi and said slowly: "The notarization has been done. When will the money be available?"

"Don't worry, Shopkeeper Liu, as I said last time, it will be delivered within three days!"

Wei Shanqi looked at the contract in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for the good news!"

Liu Feng also saluted to the other party, then got into his carriage and turned to leave.

"Hua Yu, go find Zhou Hai and tell him that I have something important to discuss!"


In this way, Wei Shanqi also operated one after another, and all the five major grain merchants were severely suppressed by him without exception.

The property worth nearly 60 guan was taken over in the end, with more than 40 guan in total.

After doing this, Wei Shanqi came to Lan Kwai Fong again with five contracts.

"Your Highness, just as you thought, everything is done!"

Wei Shanqi presented the contract in his arms directly to Li Yanran.

"Yes, you did a great job!"

Li Yanran took the contract in her hand and looked at it before nodding.

Wei Shanqi's execution ability is still very strong. He has already finished everything in just a short time. He is a talent.

"It's all a clever plan by His Highness, Wei Shanqi is just executing it!"

Wei Shanqi shook his head. He didn't even expect that the sales of these buildings could be completed.

These people are really completely crazy. They just don’t know what their expressions will be like when they are deceived and lose all their money.

"Next, small and medium-sized grain merchants may also participate. Don't take out their mortgages, lest these people go bankrupt and become a human tragedy again."

Li Yanran thought for a moment, once these people got involved, they wouldn't be able to stop the car.

“Your Highness, have you ever thought that you cannot stop these things.

You are not the only cabinet shop in Chang'an. Even if you don't lend money to them, there will naturally be people who will make the money.

Rather than doing this, it is better to stop this transaction. Even if you make less money in the end, you can save many people from misery. "

Wei Shanqi knew what Li Yanran meant, but the current situation had doomed the entire Chang'an society to go completely crazy.

At that time, not only those grain merchants, but also anyone with strength may end up, and the whole of Chang'an will be unstable.

"Well, what you said makes some sense. Let's just do it. I hope there won't be any big problems."


Wei Shanqi said, bowing again and leaving.

"Sister, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd? Don't you want to collect food?

Why do you still need to lend money to those grain merchants? Isn't this not subsidizing the enemy?
If they use your money to harvest food from you, wouldn't you have to spend a lot of money to do these things? "

Li Hong was also a little speechless. He really couldn't understand his sister's operation.

"What medicine is being sold in the gourd? You will know then!"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong and told him to just wait and see.

"No, sister, just tell me."

Li Hong also grabbed Li Yanran's arm and shook it.

"Okay, let me tell you!"

Li Yanran was helpless and could only tell all her plans.

"So that's it! Doesn't this mean that all those people have been tricked by you? Now that they are so crazy, won't they be deceived by you and bankrupt them?"

Li Hong also suddenly realized that his sister had played such a big game.

Anyone who joins the game now will be shattered into pieces when this thunder explodes.

"I call Jiang Taigong fishing for those who are willing to take the bait. As long as they are not greedy, there will be no losses.

Even if they can exit the game early, they can still make a fortune from it.

I'm just afraid that if they are greedy, many people will die. "

Li Yanran nodded. This is just like the last carboniferous incident. The real losses were only those who were too greedy and insufficient.

This is like the speculators of later generations. Anyone can make a small fortune. If you really want to make a huge fortune, you will have to go to the rooftop in the end.

"I understand, you can't be too greedy, otherwise, you may end up with nothing!"

Li Hong had now anticipated what would happen next, and couldn't help but shudder.

"Well, it would be great if you could understand this."

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's little head. Speculation is not advisable. It's best if he understands this.

"Sister, I'm hungry!"

Li Hong touched his belly, raised his head and smiled at his elder sister.

"I know how to eat all day long, just tell me what you want to eat!"

"I want to eat goose stewed in an iron pot. Let's go to the farm outside to catch the goose. I will do it myself and then fight to the death with him."

(End of this chapter)

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