My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 622 Where do you have the nerve to drink tea?

Li Hong also waved his fist, feeling ashamed when he remembered the time when he was bullied by the big goose.

Now that he is seven years old, he is about to have another battle with those big geese.

"Do you think I can go outside the city now? There are so many things waiting for me to deal with in the city.

If you want to eat, you can only ask them to bring it over. Let's go back to my house and eat. "

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head and went to a manor outside the city to eat goose stewed in an iron pot.

You really dare to think and do it.

Don't be besieged by those big geese when the time comes, and you'll have to find someone to save your life when the time comes.

"Okay then, it's okay to have someone send the goose over, but if you want to survive, I have to fight it to the death."

Li Hong covered his head, feeling helpless and had no choice but to do this.

"Zhou Qing!"

"Your Highness!"

Zhou Qing's current task is to wait outside and listen to Li Yanran's orders at any time.

"Immediately send someone to the farm outside the city and ask them to catch two big geese. Later, I will treat you to a big goose stewed in an iron pot!"

"Then Zhou Qing will thank His Highness first, hehe!"

Zhou Qing also smiled at Li Yanran, then turned around and left.

"Okay, pack up and go wait in my little house!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Li Hong couldn't wait any longer and rushed out like a strong wind.


Li Yanran also shook her head, stood up and followed Li Hong.

Just when Li Yanran was happily preparing to eat goose stewed in an iron pot, Xu Wei felt depressed.

Because of the evil wind that I don’t know where it came from, all the food merchants in Chang’an are now going crazy.

Yesterday, they were able to receive grain at [-]% higher than the market price. Later, they received [-] shi of grain in an instant after increasing the price by [-]%.

Today, good guy, no one is selling at all, and now it’s not just their family that is buying grain, but several families.

This has led to merchants who have grain in hand to stop selling and wait and see.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Qi Liu came to Xu Wei and looked at him a little at a loss.

Now that we can't receive food, how can we complete the order of 100 million stones of food and grass?

"What should I do? Wait!"

Xu Wei was also a little numb, so he turned around and walked behind him.

Now the only option was to seek help from Di Renjie, the commander of the city.

"Commander Di!"

Xu Wei pushed the door open and saluted Di Renjie directly.

"What's wrong? You don't look good!"

Di Renjie put down the ancient book in his hand and looked at Xu Wei with a depressed face, also a little confused.

"Now the situation in Chang'an has changed. Many colleagues are buying grain at the same time, and no one is selling it at the original price."

Xu Wei hurriedly explained the current situation.

"I see!"

Upon hearing this, Di Renjie just nodded lightly.

"Commander Di, shouldn't you think of a way?
After all, we have received a military order. If we can't receive food, it will be over by then. "

Looking at Di Renjie, Xu Wei was also feeling bad.

His Highness asked you to take charge of the grain purchase, but now you have come to Cao's camp as a concubine without saying a word. This is a bit too much.

"Don't worry, keep buying. As long as they are willing to sell, the price is easy to negotiate."

Di Renjie didn't want to say anything now. Once he told Xu Wei, if he spilled the beans, His Highness's arrangement might collapse.


"No buts, just do as I say, and I'll take care of anything you have to do!"


Xu Wei also sighed and left directly.

After going out, Xu Wei also called all the boys from the Farming and Food Store over, and then read out Di Renjie's order and sent everyone out.

Even if Xu Wei's people went to those grain stores, it would be of no avail.

It’s not that there’s no food, it’s that no one wants to sell it.

Even if you offer twice the price, they still have to weigh it.

After all, the original charcoal crisis is still fresh in everyone's memory, and maybe food can become the next charcoal.

Various grain merchants have also begun to export crazily, which has also caused grain prices to skyrocket.

Chang'an could not receive grain, so those grain merchants set their sights on the outskirts of Chang'an, which also caused grain prices throughout Yongzhou to take off.

When the common people saw this situation, they also joined the rush to buy in order to prepare for a rainy day.

Anyway, the rise in grain prices has become a foregone conclusion, so it’s time to stock up on your own. Even if things don’t work out, you can still sell the grains and make a profit from the price difference.

"His Majesty."

As Li Zhi's eyes and mouthpiece, Ruian rushed to Chang'an as soon as he got the news.

"What's wrong? Keep a straight face? Who owes you money?"

Li Zhi was reviewing the memorial, looking at Ruian's big black face with doubts in his eyes.

Ruian also looked at the emperor in front of him. I had a stern face. Your face must be smellier than mine after hearing this.

"Your Majesty, the food supply in Chang'an is crazy!"

"Are you crazy? Food is not a human being, so how can you be crazy? Speak up!"

Li Zhi also frowned, why couldn't he understand what Ruian said.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what happened, but the food supply in Chang'an is rising.

Yesterday it was 25 or [-] qian per dou, but today it has risen to [-] qian.

This is still marketable but priceless and cannot be bought at all. "

Ruian sighed, not daring to look at Li Zhi's face.He knew without thinking that the emperor's face must have turned black.

"What did you say? There was something wrong with the food. Food?"

Sure enough, Li Zhi's face dropped to the ground instantly after hearing this.

The thing he feared most came out. Someone wanted to enrich the country and tampered with the food.

"That's right, food may cost 25 yuan today, but it may rise to [-] yuan tomorrow!"

"Call Cui Xiuye ​​over right away. Hurry!"

Li Zhi shuddered and directly motioned Ruian to call Cui Xiuye ​​to come and talk.


Ruian saluted and left the palace in person to deliver the order to the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Li Zhi was furious, and Cui Xiuye ​​was also a little worried.

Although this was all discussed between him and Li Yanran, he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

It didn't ferment very much, and it reached the top directly, which really caught him off guard.

"Cui Shangshu, you are so elegant!"

Ruian walked in a hurry, looking at Cui Xiuye ​​holding the tea cup with a cold look on his face.

My father-in-law is almost going to break his leg because of your affairs. It would be better for you to look like you are enjoying the scenery.

Where does he have the nerve to drink tea?

"Cui Xiuye ​​has missed his welcome, and I hope you will forgive me!"

Seeing Ruian's iron face, Cui Xiuye ​​was stunned for a moment and hurried over to salute.

Ruian was a popular person around the emperor, so no one dared to offend this big shot.

"Ruian can't bear it. Cui Shangshu, you are drinking tea here to maintain your health. I know that His Majesty is about to die of anger. Why don't you quickly go into the palace with the Za family to see His Majesty!"

Ruian didn't have a good face and directly stated Li Zhi's will.

"Cui Xiuye ​​accepts the order!"

Cui Xiuye ​​was also confused after hearing Ruian's words.

He really didn't know where he had offended the popular man in front of the emperor, and why his majesty summoned him to the palace now.

"Let's go!"

Ruian turned around and left with the little eunuch beside him.

"Etc., etc!"

Cui Xiuye ​​ran to Ruian's side and inadvertently stuffed a golden pancake over him.

After touching the golden cake, Ruian's face looked a little better.

To be honest, no one can refuse this yellow and white thing, including him.

"Why did your Majesty call me over? I hope you can tell me something!"

Seeing Ruian accept the golden cake, Cui Xiuye ​​felt a little relieved and quickly asked Li Zhi what he meant by greeting him.

"Now that the price of food in Chang'an is skyrocketing, you must be aware of it. His Majesty was furious when he found out. You'd better think of how to say it!"

Ruian still has a moral bottom line when it comes to taking money to do things.


Cui Xiuye ​​was relieved when he heard that Li Zhi summoned him because of food.

Li Yanran was responsible for the food supply, but it had nothing to do with him.

"Cui Shangshu, why do I think you are not nervous at all? Does it mean that this thing is not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Household Affairs? Or do you mean that you don't care about the lives of the people at all?"

Looking at Cui Xiuye ​​who looked relaxed, Ruian's face instantly turned cold again.

When you are an official serving the people, let alone when you are in charge of the household department, even if such a big thing happens, your face will not change and your heart will not beat.

It seems that His Majesty made a mistake and found such an indifferent person to be the Minister.

"You will know when you meet His Majesty. This matter is hard to explain!"

Cui Xiuye ​​was also very depressed.

I'd like to take care of it, but there's really nothing I can do about it.

There are many people here and it is not convenient to reveal anything. I can only see the emperor talking.

"It's hard to explain in words? I would like to hear what you have to say after meeting His Majesty!"

Ruian was too lazy to talk to Cui Xiuye ​​and got on the carriage without waiting for him. He ran towards the palace without waiting for him.

"Shang Shu, the carriage is ready!"

After looking at the shadow of Ruian's carriage, Cui Xiuye ​​shook his head and got on the carriage.

What's the matter with this meow.

"Your Majesty, Cui Shangshu is here!"

"Let him come in quickly!"

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Cui Xiuye ​​went in and saluted Li Zhi directly.

"Bless me, Cui Xiuye, I ask you how you became the Minister of Household Affairs.

The price of food in Chang'an has risen like this. You won't let the people live! "

After looking at Cui Xiuye, Li Zhi stood up and shouted angrily at him.

"Your Majesty, please listen to Cui Xiuye's explanation!"

Cui Xiuye ​​also shuddered. He knew that Li Zhi loved the people like a son, but it was really not my fault.

"Okay, I would like to hear your explanation! If you can't explain it, you, the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, should stop doing this!"

When Cui Xiuye ​​wanted to explain, Li Zhi also gave him a chance to quibble.

He wanted to see what the reason was for this man, why he could sit back and watch the price of food in Chang'an rise like this without paying any attention.

"Your Majesty, all of this is the work of Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan. I am just a pawn in the hands of Your Highness."

Cui Xiuye ​​was also depressed and immediately carried Li Yanran out.

"You are talking nonsense here again. Yanran is far away in Lishan, and she is just a princess without power.

You are the minister of the court, how could it be her handiwork? "

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