My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 629: Is this selling food?This is blackmail!

Li Yanran also thought about it for a while, and now she has no idea when to take action.

After all, the price has really risen too fast.

"Your Highness, five hundred dollars should be the limit!"

Di Renjie also thought about it. In his opinion, the current price is already crazy.

If it rises again, it will really exceed the limit he thinks.

"Five hundred dollars? You really underestimated the greed of those businessmen. I said this food can be raised as high as ever. Do you believe it?"

Li Yanran shook her head. It was already three hundred dollars now, and maybe five hundred dollars could be raised today.

He always said it leisurely. After all, people's hearts are boundless. Once greed comes, nothing can stop them except destruction.

"Yi consistent?"

Di Renjie was also a little dumbfounded. His Highness was really big-hearted.

He really couldn't imagine that the price of ten cents a dou of food had increased to the same level.

"Well, if you do this, when the price of grain rises to [-] yuan, you can ask our back-up to spread the news and sell it for [-] yuan a dou."

Li Yanran thought for a while and decided that she still couldn't delay this matter for too long, even though she could make more if the time was stuck.

But there will inevitably be people who run away in advance. What she has to do now is to catch all those speculators.

He must not let his plan to control the entire Chang'an grain fail.

"Eight or eight hundred dollars, is this possible?"

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran and said, "Everyone else's price increases little by little. Your price has increased by almost half this time. I'm afraid it will be difficult to sell."

"Just do as I say. Don't we still have a farm and food store? Do you still want me to teach you the double act?"

"Di Renjie understands!"

Since Li Yanran said so, Di Renjie had no choice but to do it.

Just as Li Yanran had guessed, as soon as the news about the court was released, the original three hundred yuan of food instantly soared by fifty yuan.

Those who were still waiting and watching could no longer bear it any longer, and one after another they got out and began to push the price of food soaring towards [-] yuan.

Everyone knows that this is an opportunity to harvest data from the Tang Dynasty, and no one wants to give up.

Li Zhi's 20 yuan also changed hands and was directly loaned out, and the price was still lowered.

Because everyone now knows that cash is king, they would rather devalue their assets in exchange for money than miss out on such an opportunity by not being able to get money.

This includes Li Hong's royal brothers, all of whom are smiling happily and waiting for the price of food to rise again.

At the same time, Di Renjie followed Li Yanran's idea and sold out the two grain stores he owned.

"The shopkeeper, the shopkeeper!"

The young man He Guo came to Liu Feng, his eyes full of excitement.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Feng really couldn't sleep these days. He had dark circles under his eyes every day, waiting to hear the results of his people's battles.

After all, how much of the cake you can share in the end all depends on how much food you have on hand.

"Someone is selling food."

"Then what are you waiting for? Come collect it for me!"

When he heard that someone was selling grain, Liu Feng became excited instantly.

After all, there are still people who can't hold it any longer and want to put food out.

"But the other party's price is a bit high."

He Guo was depressed for a while, trembling and replied to Liu Feng.

"It's a bit high, how high can it be? The current market price is 530 yuan, even if it's 630 yuan, I'll charge it!"

Liu Feng really wanted to slap the person to death.

Why do you still care about the price now? Food, having food is the way to go.

"Eight or eight hundred dollars!"

"How many?"

Liu Feng was completely stunned. Although he had estimated where the peak of food would be, eight hundred dollars this time was really beyond his imagination.

"Eight hundred dollars."

"Do they want to die? Increase the money from 530 to [-]?"

Liu Feng's eyes almost popped out. Although these people wanted to withdraw, they obviously wanted to make another big profit before withdrawing.

"Then shall we still accept it?"

He Guo didn't dare to look at Liu Feng anymore, lowered his head and asked the other party.

"Shut up, is this a business deal? This is simply extortion."

Liu Feng slapped it in the face. If the price slowly rose with the market conditions, he could still accept it.

But it almost doubled at once, which was a bit discouraging.

He didn't know whether these people had eaten the heart of a bear or the guts of a leopard and dared to do such business.

"Then aren't you afraid that others will buy it?"

He Guo still lowers his head. Just because you don't buy it doesn't mean others don't buy it.

If someone takes a step ahead of me at this time, it will be gone if they want to buy it.

"Others? I want to see who is willing to stick his head out and be ripped off."

Liu Feng was also speechless. At this price, whoever buys it will definitely be taken advantage of.

Even if the price is destined to rise even higher, he doesn't want to jump out and get ripped off now.


He Guo knew that Liu Feng was in a bad mood and didn't want to get into trouble, so he turned around and left.

If you stay any longer, you might get slapped again.

"and many more."

"The shopkeeper!"

"You should be nailed to me in that grain store. If you find someone to contact you, come back and tell me right away!"


The news that the Nongxin Grain Bank was going to release grain spread throughout Chang'an, but the price dissuaded everyone.

After all, this is eight hundred dollars, eight hundred dollars!
"Commander Di, someone has put out food!" Xu Wei rushed to Di Renjie anxiously, his eyes full of anxiety.

"Really? Which food store and how much does it cost?"

Di Renjie's heart skipped a beat when he heard that someone was putting out food.

Now is the critical moment for the Rural Credit and Grain Bank to take action. If they are intercepted, Li Yanran's plan may be in trouble.

"It's from a company called Nongxin Grain Store, and the price is [-] yuan a dou!"

"Is anyone going there to buy food?"

Looking at Xu Wei, Di Renjie also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, it was the Nongxin Grain Store. It really scared him to death.

"Not yet, after all, the price is too outrageous."

Xu Wei shook his head, anyone who dared to pay this price would be a pure fool.

He also wanted to know who was willing to be the number one fool in Chang'an and make a name for himself in front of everyone.

"Send someone immediately to the Rural Credit Grain Bank to contact and purchase grain!"

There was no joy or sadness on Di Renjie's face, and he directly said what he meant.


Xu Wei is not feeling well now. How dare you accept eight hundred yuan of food?

Don’t you want to speculate on grain?
If you really buy it now, you are going to get yourself into trouble.

"what happened?"

"Commander Di, is this different from what we thought before?"

Xu Wei frowned and hesitated.

"Do as I say, any problem?"

Di Renjie did not answer Xu Wei's question. After all, he couldn't say that the Nongxin Grain Bank was his back-up man.

"Then how much should we buy? Let's continue the previous practice and verbally agree to wait until they regret it!"

Xu Wei really didn't expect that Chang'an's number one victim would fall on him.

"Bring cash. Not only do you want to buy it, but you also want to buy it in a big way. Do you understand?"

Now is a good time for the Nongxin Grain Bank to play its role. Whether the Nongxin Grain Bank can complete the harvest is the most critical.

"But where does the money come from?"

"Don't worry, I've already prepared the money!"

Di Renjie smiled slightly, stood up and came to a box, then slowly opened it.


Looking at the brilliant golden light inside the box, Xu Wei was stunned.

Although he has been in the business world for decades, he has seen a lot of money, and he has never seen so much gold.

It really shocked him.

"Shopkeeper Xu, there are 5000 taels of gold here. Go there in person. Remember, the momentum must be sufficient."

Di Renjie slowly closed the wooden box and spoke to Xu Wei.


"Commander Di, please step aside for now while I send someone over to carry the gold onto the carriage."


Di Renjie said and went to the quiet room next to him, and Xu Wei also called Qi Liu, Sun Mao and several other guys to come and move the gold.

After everything was ready, Sun Mao also approached Xu Wei.

"Shopkeeper, what is in this box? Why is it so heavy?"

"Didn't I say that you will know what you are supposed to know, and you are not qualified to know what you are not supposed to know."

Xu Wei frowned and glared at Sun Mao.

Although this is Chang'an, it is not peaceful. It should be full of white, black, and mud.

If he was being targeted with so much money, wouldn't he be doomed?

"Sun Mao understands."

After glancing at Xu Wei, Sun Mao also quickly backed away.

After all, food in Chang'an is no longer for human consumption. If Xu Wei is offended, he will not be able to survive.

"That's pretty much it. You look after the store here. Qi Liu drives and follows me to the Rural Credit Grain Store."

Xu Wei was too lazy to talk to Sun Mao and directly asked Qi Liu to drive to the Nongxin Grain Store.

Sun Mao looked at the back of the carriage, spat secretly, turned around and returned to the shop.

Bai Qingshan, the shopkeeper of Nongxin Grain Store, was also a reliable person recruited by Di Renjie.

At this moment, he was lying on the recliner leisurely and enjoying himself.

Eight hundred coins a dou, haha, he has never heard of such a price in his entire life.

Anyway, the price is set here. Whether it can be sold is the owner's business and has nothing to do with him.

"Shopkeeper, someone wants to buy food."

Just as Bai Qingshan was enjoying it, the door was suddenly pushed open, and the boy rushed to him with excitement in his eyes.

"Is there really anyone who buys this eight hundred yuan a bucket of grain? Are you sure?"

Bai Qingshan was stunned for a moment when he heard that he wanted to buy food, and then looked at the boy again.

"Really, people are waiting outside right now."

"Then what are you waiting for? Help me up quickly!"

"Oh oh oh."

Bai Qingshan, who was helped up by the boy, also trotted all the way and headed outside.

Bai Qingshan didn't know Xu Wei's identity, just like Xu Wei didn't know Bai Qingshan was an ally.

"This guest, I am the shopkeeper of this Nongxin Grain Store. I heard that you want to buy grain. Is that true or not?"

After looking at Bai Qingshan, Xu Wei saw that there was no ink mark either, so he ordered people to move the box down.

"There are 5000 taels of gold here. Please make a deposit first. I will take all the grain you have."

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