My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 630 Crazy, All Crazy!

Chapter 630 Crazy, All Crazy!
Xu Wei now also knows that his mission is still to hype up. Since this is the case, he might as well be a little more crazy.

After all, the Bai Qingshan opposite would definitely not agree to credit.

"Sir, you know the situation in Chang'an now. We only accept payment and goods in full, but we don't accept reservations."

Bai Qingshan was also excited when he looked at the gold in front of him.

But what should be said is still to be said, cash payment, cover or not on credit.

"What, you can't believe that I will give you crops and grains? I have brought 5000 taels of gold, and you are still afraid that I will default on my debt."

Xu Wei glared at Bai Qingshan and shouted loudly.

"If you want to buy it, it will cost you eight hundred yuan a dou. You can get as much food as you want. If you make a reservation, I won't accompany you."

Bai Qingshan smiled coldly and put down his words directly.

After all, his boss had already issued a death order, and he didn't dare to make such an opening.

Now the food in Chang'an is gold. Although he doesn't understand what his boss thinks, he has to pay for the delivery and cannot change it.

"Hmph, then give me 5000 taels of gold in food."

"Well, get the voucher right away, and then use the voucher to get the food."

In this way, Xu Wei's first shot was fired.

Seeing that the enemy had really appeared, the spies at the Nongxin Grain Store also hurriedly sent the news back.

"What? Is there anyone really willing to be taken advantage of?
Does anyone know what the situation is like at this agricultural and food store, and how it can spend so much money at once? "

Liu Feng was instantly confused when he heard the news from He Country.

There really was an enemy who went out to be beaten, and he had never heard of this farm and food store before.

What on earth are these?

"The Minnong Grain Store was the first person to purchase grain. Could it be said that they got the order from the Ministry of Household Affairs? Otherwise it wouldn't be possible~"

He Guo thought for a moment, and then told the situation about the Farming and Food Bank.

"Check it, check it for me right away, and prepare some money to go to the Rural Credit and Grain Store!"

Liu Feng frowned. Now the situation has been ruined by the Farming and Grain Store.

Everyone was originally waiting to see the Nongxin Grain Company make a big ugly appearance, but unexpectedly a Sun Wukong appeared and caused havoc in the heaven.

The rhythm is immediately raised. Anyone who cannot keep up with the rhythm will miss the opportunity to make money.


He Guo immediately rode away, leaving Liu Feng walking back and forth, feeling restless.

Soon some people gathered at the Farming and Grain Store and began to gossip.

Amidst the compliments, Sun Mao also lost himself. In the end, he spoke out everything he knew without hesitation.

Everyone understood when they heard that the agricultural and grain company was indeed in contact with someone from the Ministry of Household Affairs, or Lin Minxian, the chief minister.

Sure enough, there was a problem here, and everyone left quickly after receiving reliable news.

Seeing the crowd disperse in a hurry, Sun Mao was also stunned.

At this moment, he also knew that he might have been tricked, and he couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the consequences of leaking the news.

After looking around, he shut up and started working hard.

"Shopkeeper, as you expected, this agricultural and food store has had contact with Lin Minxian, Mr. Lin Minxian.

They probably took orders from the Ministry of Household Affairs, which is why they purchased grain from the Rural Credit Grain Bank regardless of price. "

He Guo hurriedly told the framed news.

"It's true, prepare the carriage and horses, I'm going to the Rongxin Grain Store!"

Now that the news was confirmed, Liu Feng couldn't help it anymore and got on the carriage directly to the Nongxin Grain Store.

By the time Liu Feng arrived, the outside of the Rongxin Grain Store was already completely surrounded.


Seeing this scene, Liu Feng was completely stunned.

what's the situation?
Are you going to the market here?
"Shopkeeper Liu, you're here!"

Just when Liu Feng was depressed, Zhou Hai also walked out.

"Shopkeeper Zhou, what are you doing here?"

Liu Feng looked at the excited Zhou Hai, but his heart sank to the bottom.

After all, no one knows how much grain the Nongxin Grain Store has in hand. If it is sold out, he will lose all his money.

"Needless to say, I will do whatever you want!"

Zhou Hai smiled slightly and raised the contract in his hand, his eyes filled with pride.


Liu Feng also snorted and walked directly into the Nongxin Grain Store.

"Shopkeeper Liu, you're here!"

"Shopkeeper Liu, you're a little late!"

"Yes, this speed is indeed slow!"

The people in the room all laughed when they looked at Liu Feng who had arrived late.

"Can anyone say hello? I want to buy food!"

Liu Feng's face was also a little uneasy, and he shouted directly at the boy inside.

"What's wrong with buying food? These are people buying food. Wait!"

The boy rolled his eyes at Liu Feng, "What is the name of your special dog?"

There are so many people here, who are not here to buy food?

What you are yelling about here, do you really think you are a person?

Liu Feng was stunned when he heard what the boy said.

What kind of attitude is this? Is this how you treat your customers?

I am here to give you money. I will be angry if you do this.

"That's right, those coming from behind will line up!"

"I didn't expect that Shopkeeper Liu would be defeated here."

"Shopkeeper Liu, listen to my advice, get a number quickly and wait behind you!"

A group of people looked at the confused Liu Feng and laughed heartily. These things he had left over from playing before.

You will be laughed at by us, and we deserve it.


Liu Feng was really embarrassed now. He clenched his fists and sighed.

Now is not the time to lose your temper, making money is the first priority.

It doesn't matter if you suffer some grievances, a man can bend and stretch.When I make enough money, I will buy the Rural Credit and Grain Store directly.

Let’s see how you still behave when the time comes.

Liu Feng obediently moved to the back of the queue, but his heart was beating a drum now.

There are so many people in front of me. If all the food in this Nongxin Grain Store is sold out, I will collapse.

Full of worry, it was his turn, and Liu Feng hurriedly came over.

"How much food do you want to buy?"

The boy glanced at Liu Feng and asked slowly.

"As much as you want!"

Liu Feng also smiled slightly and expressed his thoughts.

Now it’s all about how much food we have, and how much food we need.

As for money, he has plenty of it.

"How much do you want? You can talk.

We don't accept credit here. If you want food, please bring me money! "

The boy looked disdainful. Although he didn't know how much grain his boss had, how much grain could you buy for eight hundred yuan a dou?

Ten thousand dan means [-] guan. How many [-] guan do you have?

Liu Feng was stumped when he heard that he wanted cash.

He came in a hurry this time, and the money was still being prepared.

He really came here with a face this time. He didn't expect that the other party couldn't show his face at all.

"If you don't have money, just go aside. Don't delay my business!"

Seeing Liu Feng's face changed, the boy also had a look of disdain.

Now the whole of Chang'an knows that they want cash transactions here, but your people have come but the money has not come.

Then there's no use for you to come.

"Wait a moment, my money will be sent to you right away!"

Liu Feng looked embarrassed and quickly shied away.

"Then you go aside and don't delay me from making money!"

The boy was also helpless, this was not the first one he had seen.

"Then I queued in vain?"

Liu Feng felt bad when he heard the other party asking him to wait in the back.

He is not afraid of this special queue. What he is afraid of is that it is his turn and the other party will have no food.

Wouldn't that be a loss of capital?

"I'll give you a number. When you get the money, you can get priority with your number!"

"It's almost there!"

Liu Feng nodded and ran out quickly.

"He Guo, He Guo, hurry back and get the money. Hurry, get as much as you have!"

Looking at He Guo outside, Liu Feng also shouted to him anxiously.

"Oh oh oh!"

He Guo did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly got on the carriage and headed towards the grain store.

Not long after, He Guo also rushed over with a carriage.

"Shopkeeper, you've brought all the money!"

He Guo jumped off the carriage and came directly to Liu Feng.

"How, how many?"

Liu Feng was also excited and quickly asked the other party how much money he had brought.

"A total of 1 taels of gold!"

"Just so much?"

Liu Feng was also depressed after hearing that there were only so many.

1 taels of gold is only 1 guan. According to the price of Rongxin Grain Store, you can only buy more than [-] shi at most.

"There's nothing we can do. We were also collecting grain some time ago, and we spent tens of thousands of dollars on it. It's good to have so much!"

He Guo looked at Liu Feng and sighed.

Although he had previously borrowed [-] guan from Rishenglong, including working capital and Liu Feng's own assets, it was only [-] to [-] guan.

There are so many, which is pretty good.

"You take this number plate to buy food, and I will go to Rishenglong Bank immediately."

Since you don't have money, you can only find rich people.

"Shopkeeper, why are you going to Rishenglong?"

After taking the number plate, He Guo was dumbfounded. He didn't know why the other party was going to Rishenglong now.

"What am I going to do? Of course it's to make money!"

Liu Feng got on the carriage, shook off the horse's hooves and flew out.


He Guozhen was speechless. He really didn't know what was going on with the other party.

are you crazy?
Now he is thinking about a loan. His only business is the grain store. Is he really going to make such a desperate move?

He doesn't know, really doesn't know anymore.

The carriage stopped outside Rishenglong Bank, and Liu Feng rushed in directly.

"Wei Shanqi, Wei Shanqi!"

"Sir, why are you looking for our shopkeeper?"

Hua Yu looked at Liu Feng and became excited.

Liu Feng was not the first to come, nor was he the last to come.

"What else can we do with Wei Shanqi? Of course we need to borrow money! Hurry up."

Liu Feng also rolled his eyes at Hua Yu, "Damn it, I'm so angry at the Nongxin Grain Store, don't mess with me."

Otherwise, be careful I'll get mad at you.

"You're borrowing money, please get your number!"


(End of this chapter)

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