My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 631: No money, not even 1 dime left

Hearing this, Liu Feng exploded instantly.

Oddly enough, I was shopping at the Rongxin Grain Store, and someone asked me to queue up to get my number.

Now that I'm here, you ask me to queue up and get my number?
There is no one here, where should I line up?
It's really like I can't make it out of mud.

"Are you playing with me? Where is the person? Where is the person!"

Liu Feng glared at Hua Yu with an unkind expression and bared his teeth and said to him.

"Guest, don't think too much. Although you see no one here, in fact everyone is waiting in the quiet room inside.

So I’d better get a number and wait for my shopkeeper to come over and negotiate with you. "

Hua Yu smiled slightly and explained to Liu Feng.

"How many people are there in front of me?"

Liu Feng frowned, he was really depressed.

Is this the so-called slow step and slow step?

Just now, I was one step behind my peers when I was at the Nongxin Grain Store, and now it seems that I am one step behind again.

"Not many, just nine people!"

Hua Yu smiled again and named the person in front of him.

While Liu Feng was talking to Hua Yu, Wei Shanqi and Sun Bu also came out together.

"Shopkeeper Sun, I wish you a prosperous business!"

"Shopkeeper Wei, you are the one who has a prosperous business. This time we are fighting to death here, but you are reaping the benefits!"

Sun Bu smiled at Wei Shanqi, his eyes full of excitement.

I don’t know what caused Na Weishan to go crazy this time. His food store didn’t even offer discounts, and the original price was the same now.

The grain bank actually loaned him [-] yuan, which made him very happy.

"Now there are only eight ahead!"

"Shopkeeper Liu, are you here too?"

Hearing this, Sun Bu also saw Liu Feng opposite him.

"Shopkeeper Sun, you are still one step ahead of me!"

"There's no way, why am I not as strong as Shopkeeper Liu? I can only run a little faster!"

Sun Bu smiled slightly, don't you think you are very powerful?
Aren't you just like yourself now, falling into poverty and borrowing money when the sun rises?
"Haha, that shopkeeper Sun ran really fast. If I hadn't come a little faster, I wouldn't have seen you!"

When the other party sneered, Liu Feng was also very good with his words.

Aren’t they just DIS people?Who doesn't know how to do it?

"Of course, farewell!"

Sun Bu didn't bother to chatter with Liu Feng here, so he raised his legs and walked outside.

If you don't have time to talk here, you might as well seize the time and go to the Rongxin Grain Store to buy the grain.

"Shopkeeper Liu, please wait a moment. I will come to see you after receiving the other shopkeepers!"

After Wei Shanqi confessed to Liu Feng, he turned around and walked in.

"Shopkeeper Wei, wait a moment."

Looking at Wei Shanqi's back, Liu Feng also shouted quickly.

But Wei Shanqi didn't seem to hear it and disappeared directly in front of him.

"Shopkeeper Liu, please!"


Liu Feng also snorted depressedly and followed Hua Yu inside.

After half a day, Liu Feng finally left Rishenglong Bank and headed towards the Rongxin Grain Store.

At the end of the day, the two banks of the Rural Credit Union sold 80 guan of grain, with a total profit of [-] guan.

"Your Highness, when will the harvest be harvested?"

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran. To be honest, he was already stupid now.

Really stupid.

80 yuan, no one can believe it.

You must know that the [-] shi of grain could not even be used for [-] guan before, but this time the profit increased eighty times.

How can you not make people crazy.

"It's not yet time to harvest, let's open the second store, the price is 810 yuan!"

Li Yanran shook her head, now is not the time.

Since they still have money, they can just continue to extract it.

Anyway, the money you borrow will come back to your pocket.

Let you control the market, and this time I will let you know what it means to be powerful.

"Will there be any problems if I continue?"

Di Renjie frowned. He said before that he would just sell it and run away, but now you have to continue cutting leeks.

"Haha, I didn't expect them to mortgage the grain store before. I just want to see what else they can use as mortgage in the future!"

Li Yanran smiled coldly. Even the grain store was mortgaged. He really wanted to see what other cards these people had.

"Then we have to let the Ministry of Revenue build momentum again. After all, if this wave continues, they will spend almost all their money. If we want to see their bottom line, they will have to add more fire."

Di Renjie thought for a moment, and now he wanted the other party to risk everything, so he had no choice but to add another fire.

"Well, you can arrange it."


Di Renjie saluted and sent someone directly to invite Cui Xiuye ​​to meet at Chunfeng Tower and tell Li Yanran what he was thinking.

Cui Xiuye ​​naturally would not object to Li Yanran's proposal, and immediately sent officials from the Ministry of Revenue to contact major grain merchants the next day.

None of the major grain dealers looked down upon the people coming from the Ministry of Household Affairs. They asked for grain but they didn't have it.

In this way, the personnel of the Ministry of Household Affairs were frustrated and went back to resume their lives with Cui Xiuye.

Seeing his own aggrieved look, Cui Xiuye ​​looked indifferent.

The wrongs I have suffered now will eventually be repaid, so I can only wrong you.

"Shopkeeper, another grain store has opened in the city, and the price is 810 yuan. He also said that he only has [-] shi of grain, and he will not sell it after it is sold out!"

He Guo came to Liu Feng's side again and told the news he had just received.

"Twenty thousand dan, but now I can't even get a hundred guans. What's the use of telling me this!"

Liu Feng was also depressed when he heard that someone was selling food again.

Yesterday, people from the Ministry of Revenue came and the situation became very clear. It doesn't matter how much money the Ministry of Revenue pays, as long as there is food.But he really has no money now.

Not a dime left.

"Then I understand!"

He Guo was also stunned for a moment, and then sighed.

"Prepare the carriage and horses, I'm going to Cui Mansion!"

Liu Feng didn't want to give up and directly arranged a carriage to find Cui Xiuye.

The current situation depends on what the proprietor thinks.

"Liu Feng, why are you here again? How much grain have you harvested!"

Cui Yuqing looked at Liu Feng in front of him and frowned.

"Proprietor, the price of food has increased to [-] yuan a dou!"

Liu Feng's first words immediately stunned Cui Yuqing.

Eight hundred coins a dou?Did you hear it right?

Shouldn't it be eight hundred coins per stone?

The original price was ten yuan, but now it has increased eighty times?
is that a lie!

“Proprietor, the price of food has gone crazy, and it is expected to rise to the usual five hundred yuan a dou within half a month.

So I spent 10,000+ gu, mortgaged all the grain stores, and only received more than 1 gu.

Now someone is putting out grain again, but I have no money in my hand, so I came to ask the proprietor if I want to continue purchasing. "

Liu Feng also knows how to draw cakes. The current situation is like this. If Cui Xiuye ​​wants to continue, then pay for it.

If you don’t have money, you will give up.

"I have no money anymore, and all the properties, manors, and acres that can be mortgaged are gone."

Cui Xiuye ​​sighed, so what if you can get up to [-] yuan?

He has no resources left in his hands, and he has even pledged the Cui family's property in Chang'an.

Now if you ask him for money, where can he steal it?

Even if I sell it, I won’t be able to make much money.

"Then I understand."

Liu Feng nodded, he already understood what the proprietor meant.

Having no money is really a disadvantage!
"Well, let's leave it like this for now, and we'll stop when we're ready. Do you understand?"


Liu Feng left directly, and Cui Yuqing also sighed.

"Shopkeeper, how are you?"

Seeing Liu Feng's return, He Guo also joined in.

"Stop all acquisition activities from now on and just wait for time!"

Liu Feng glanced at He Guo and shook his head helplessly.


The final result was that no fish took the bait when Li Yanran released the second bait.

It’s not that they don’t want to bite, it’s that they really can’t bite anymore.

All the powerful people have no money.

"Your Highness, they must be poor. One day has passed and no one cares about them!"

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran and told the situation of the second grain store.

"It seems that I overestimated them. How much money is this, so I can't get it out?"

Li Yanran was also depressed. She originally thought that she could still harvest a wave of leeks, but who knew that these leeks would not grow anymore.

"There's nothing I can do. Counting their mortgage money, it's over one million dollars. It's fair for them to have no money."

Di Renjie also sighed, feeling that it was time to close the net.

"Then close the Internet cafe, ask Cui Xiuye ​​to let the news out, and then order the three grain stores under our command to directly reduce the lowest price!"

Li Yanran nodded. If you don't have money, then you don't have money. It's time for this farce to end.


Di Renjie saluted and left, and then invited Cui Xiuye ​​to Chunfeng Tower again.

"Commander Di, what's the point of calling Cui here?"

Cui Xiuye ​​looked at Di Renjie in front of him. They just met yesterday. Why did he call him here again today?

"Cui Shangshu, His Highness means that it's time for this farce to end. We hope that the Ministry of Finance will cooperate with us in releasing the news, and we will also adjust the price!"

Di Renjie saluted Cui Xiuye ​​and directly stated his intention.

"So fast?"

Hearing Di Renjie's words, Cui Xiuye ​​was also stunned for a moment.

Originally, he thought that this matter would continue for a few more days and that it would be over?
Isn't it a little too early?

If you don't do something, you won't do it. If you do something, you must do it.

If these unscrupulous profiteers cannot be beaten to death with a single blow, they will come out to cause trouble next time.

"Don't worry, Cui Shangshu, His Highness has his own plans for this matter. You just need to follow His Highness's instructions!"

Di Renjie smiled slightly, he knew what Cui Xiuye ​​was thinking.

But now the fish can no longer be fished out. If he doesn't close the net now, he is really afraid that any fish will smell the smell and run away.

"In that case, Cui Xiuye ​​will understand."

As Cui Xiuye ​​was about to leave, he was stopped by Di Renjie.

"Cui Shangshu, if you leave after saying this, wouldn't you be wasting the delicious food on this table?"

Di Renjie was stunned when he looked at Cui Xiuye's back. It would be a bit bad to leave right after he finished speaking.

Even if you are busy at work, you cannot do this.

"See, I was only thinking about work, but I neglected Commander Di. It's my fault. I'll punish myself with three drinks first!"

Cui Xiuye ​​stopped and turned around to look at Di Renjie, feeling a little embarrassed.

Sitting back at the dining table, Cui Xiuye ​​picked up the wine he had poured and drank it in one gulp.


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