Now Cui Yuqing really thought he was hallucinating?

Is there something wrong with my ears?

Otherwise, how could there be unimaginable prices?

Ten dollars, I’m afraid you’re not joking!
Even before the price of food increased, it was still around twelve yuan. When did it become ten yuan?

This is simply a joke of the world!

But after getting Fengshan's affirmative answer, Cui Yuqing slumped down on the sofa, muttering the word "impossible" all the time.

"Head of the family, what should we do now?"

Looking at Cui Yuqing who looked ashen, Fengshan hesitated and asked in a low voice.

"What should I do? Get Liu Feng over to me immediately. I want to ask him what to do now!"

Cui Yuqing's eyes were bloodshot and he looked at Fengshan in front of him, as if he was Liu Feng and wanted to swallow him alive.


With a shiver, Fengshan hurriedly retreated.

Soon Liu Feng got the news, and he didn't dare to neglect and went directly to Cui Yuqing's mansion.

"Proprietor! Are you looking for me?"

Liu Feng looked at Cui Yuqing, whose face was ashen, and knew that the other party must know the current situation.

"If I don't find you, I'm afraid I'll jump into the river.

Tell me, what do you think of ten cents a dou of grain?
Don't tell me you don't know! "

Cui Yuqing showed a cold smile and stared directly at Liu Feng in front of him.

“I just heard about this, but proprietor, don’t worry, I’ve already arranged for someone to make trouble.

If the trouble fails, I have prepared money to buy all the grains in one fell swoop and will never let them flow into the Chang'an market! "

Liu Feng hurriedly told his response strategy. After all, this thing was a sudden attack.

An unexpected situation that no one expected.

"Okay, then hurry up and do it. If you need manpower, just tell me.

But one thing you have to remember is that you can only succeed and not fail.

Otherwise, not only you, but also your wife, children, and children may be buried with you! "

Liu Feng was stunned when he heard Cui Yuqing's words.

As the saying goes, no harm comes to the wife and children, but obviously this is not within Cui Yuqing's scope at all.

If this investment fails, he may be held accountable by his family.

He was unlucky. How could Liu Feng calm down his anger? He had to pay everything to the other party.

"Liu Feng understands!"

Liu Feng knelt directly in front of Cui Yuqing. The only thing he could do now was to do this well wholeheartedly.

It must be done well.

"Fengshan, you go with Shopkeeper Liu!"


Fengshan also saluted, he understood what the family leader meant.

This is to make myself watch Liu Feng to prevent this guy from running away.

"Please, Shopkeeper Liu!"


Liu Feng also knew Cui Yuqing's intention, so he could only salute helplessly and follow the other party to leave.

After the two left, Cui Yuqing slumped on the sofa again, staring at the top of his head with empty eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Yu Qing!"

A voice sounded, and Cui Yuqing looked over. His brother Cui Yuanjue was standing in front of him.

"Brother, you are here!"

He slowly stood up from the sofa.

"Well, how are you going to deal with the situation in Chang'an City? The Ministry of Revenue has announced that it will not purchase grain from Chang'an, and there are three grain shops selling grain for ten cents a dou."

Cui Yuanjue was also a little anxious when he looked at his dull-eyed brother.

"Brother, Liu Feng has arranged for people to go to three grain stores and also prepared money.

We are prepared to buy all this food in one fell swoop and will not let it flow into the market. "

Cui Yuqing glanced at his brother and whispered Liu Feng's arrangement.

"Hmph, haven't you ever thought about the reason for this situation? This is not an emergency, but someone has been planning for a long time. We may have been fooled."

Cui Yuanjuan raised his eyebrows and shouted directly at his brother.

How long has it been and you haven't figured out the key yet? It's really disappointing to him.

All of this is a game, a decisive game, and he is the one in the game.

Every step his brother made was planned by others, and he was dragged into the abyss.

That's right, it's an abyss, an abyss.

"I have thought about it before, but who can make such a plan? You must know that this is a shocking situation that covers the entire Chang'an. The only person with such energy is your Majesty."

Cui Yuqing naturally thought about it, but who could do this?

The court and the household department all have to cooperate. I'm afraid the only one who can do this is today's emperor.

But how could the emperor put down his dignity and let merchants like himself play a game?
This is simply impossible!

"Princess Lishan!"

Now Cui Yuanjue also thought of his enemies.

There is only one person who has such ability and wants to play this kind of cat and mouse game with him.

That is his old enemy, Li Yanran, Princess of Lishan.

"Lishan. Princess Lishan!"

Cui Yuqing was completely shocked when he heard the name.

If you say that, it really might be the other party.

No wonder his brother reminded him before. Could it be that he had thought of all this before?
"That's right, this time's strategy is closely related to each other, just like the last one.

Now the other party has finally shown its strength and started harvesting!

Do you think your little tricks might work? "

Cui Yuanjue glanced at Cui Yuqing, his eyes full of loneliness.Now that the harvest situation has taken shape, Li Yanran will definitely not let anyone destroy it easily.

Otherwise, I would be sorry for his layout for such a long time.

"Then what should we do now? We can't just sit back and wait for destruction!"

Cui Yuqing felt desperate after hearing Cui Yuanjue's analysis.

He had a glimmer of hope before, but after listening to it, it was completely impossible.

"What should I do? I asked you to take action earlier, but you just didn't listen. Now you ask me, how do I know!"

Cui Yuanjue also sighed. He didn't usually burn incense, so he just did it temporarily.

Isn't it too late for you to regret it now?

"Brother, it's getting urgent now. Stop teasing me and save my life!"

Cui Yuqing knew that his brother must be angry, but now that he knew he was wrong, there was no need to be like this.

"What else can we do now? We can only talk about it at night!"

Cui Yuanjue also sighed. After all, he was his younger brother, so he couldn't just die without saving him.

"Brother, what do you say?"

Hearing what Cui Yuanjue said, Cui Yuqing's eyes also showed a glimmer of hope.

"What should I say? They will definitely be wary during the day, but it is different at night.

Wait until you are like this at night."

Cui Yuanjue also whispered in Cui Yuqing's ear.

"I understand~"

After hearing this, Cui Yuqing's eyes flashed with light. You forced me to do this, so this is the only way.

Liu Feng returned to his grain store and quickly called He Guo over.

"How's it going?"

"It seems. It seems like they didn't go at all."

He Guo was really about to cry.

"Why didn't they go through? Aren't they afraid of ruining their reputation if they don't do anything after receiving money?"

Liu Feng immediately became angry when he heard that the other party did not go over.

You spent a lot of money on yourself, but you just took the money and didn't work?
Do you really think no one can control it?

"Shopkeeper, it's not that they don't want to go, but they don't dare to go. There are Jinwu Guards soldiers on duty outside those three grain stores."

He Guo told the situation in frustration.

Who knows why this Jinwu Guard soldier is so crazy that he condescended to help three grain businesses as guards.

With these soldiers here, no matter how much money you give, no one will dare to go!
"Then what if I ask you to buy grain? You have to sell it to us!"

Since martial arts is not good, we can only use literature.

"I don't know yet. People have been sent there. I'm just waiting for the news!"

He Guo sighed, he didn't know how the acquisition was going.

"Waiting for news? Are you waiting for news? Go there quickly. If you can't buy food, don't come back!"

Liu Feng just wanted to slap He Guo to death. Now it was no longer burning his eyebrows, but burning all over his body.

You are still here waiting for news, can't I wait by myself?


He Guo saluted and rushed out. If he stayed any longer, the shopkeeper would kill someone.

After running all the way, He Guo came directly to the outside of the Farming and Food Store. He was dumbfounded when he saw the huge crowd of people.

How to do this?
He also has some incompetence.

In desperation, he could only go to find his people one by one. He believed that his people must have gotten to the front.

Just walking all the way, I finally found my own person.

"He Guo, why are you here?"

Looking at He Guo in front of him, Chen He was also stunned.

"Stop talking, don't drive the shopkeeper out, what's going on here!"

"Looking at this posture, it should be almost done in half an hour!"

Chen He glanced at the crowd in front of him and replied directly to He Guo.

"Then just wait!"

He Guo jumped directly into the team.

"What are you doing? How can you cut in line?"

"That's right, if you want to buy food, go queue at the back!"

"Hurry up, or else I'll beat you up!"

He Guo was dumbfounded after listening to everyone's words.

Why don't I just join the team? Are you going to go online like this?
"This way, you stay here and I'll line up at the back. That's okay!"

Chen He glanced at the angry people and stood up directly, giving his position to He Guo.

The angry people calmed down when they saw Chen He lining up at the back.

After a long wait, He Guo finally arrived at the door of the grain store.

"Sir, how much food do you want to buy?"

Qi Liu glanced at He Guo and directly asked him how much he wanted to buy.

"How much food is there, I cover it all!"


Qi Liu was also stunned. Did this guy come from the mountains?

We only know that we sell food here, but don’t we know that we have purchase restrictions here?
"what happened?"

He Guo looked at Qi Liu, wondering what he meant.

"My guest, if you are illiterate, I will read it to you."

"Grain is ten cents per dou, and each person is limited to purchase one dou per day."


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