My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 637 The hope of the whole village!

Only then did He Guo notice the sign next to the grain.

Special purchase limit?What shameless person came up with this idea.

Doesn't this push people to death?
"I don't care, I've bought this food."

He Guo also understood that if he couldn't buy all the food, the shopkeeper would have to blow it up when he returned.

"What, are you looking for trouble?"

Seeing He Guo's appearance, Qi Liu also sneered.

"I'm not looking for trouble. I came with the hope of the whole village. If they can't buy food, they will all starve to death!"

He Guo also thought about his words. There were Jinwu Guards nearby who were eyeing him. It would definitely not work if he tried hard, so he could only use a show of bitterness.

"The hope of the whole village? Even if you are the hope of Quan Chang'an, you can't do it. Each person is limited to one bucket, and the same goes for Potian."

Qi Liu shook his head. He didn't care. The grain was sold to everyone the same, but there was nothing he could do.

"I'm just asking you whether you want to sell this grain or not?"

"Join the army, someone is making trouble!"

Qi Liu didn't talk to him and directly called Chen Cheng who was beside him.

"Take it!"

Chen Cheng had nothing to say. With a wave of his hand, the Jinwu Guard soldiers next to him rushed over and captured He Guo.

"What you are doing, I did not break the law, I just wanted to buy food, why do you want to take advantage of me!"

He Guo was also depressed. He originally thought that if he made a fuss, the boy might give in, but he didn't expect Jin Wuwei to take action directly.

"Why should I take you? Attack the Jinwu Guard soldiers and create chaos in Chang'an!"

As soon as Chen Cheng finished speaking, a Jinwu Guard soldier grabbed He Guo's right hand and hit him in the face.

The Jinwu guard fell directly to the ground, covering his face and rolling back and forth.


Seeing this scene, He Guo was stunned.

I have seen law enforcement, but I have never seen law enforcement like this.

This is in public, and you are like this, aren't you afraid of being impeached?

"take away!"

While He Guo was in a daze, the surrounding Jinwu Guard soldiers were also escorting He Guo and leaving in the distance.

"As you can see, as long as you buy food and don't cause trouble, everything will be normal.

Otherwise, the prison of Jinwu Guard would still be empty! "

Chen Cheng glanced at the people in front of him. These were just basic operations. If he really wanted to concoct charges, he had a hundred ways.

Now that he has received the general's order, if there is a problem here, he will be the first to be unlucky.


Feeling the dominance of Jin Wuwei, the people around him also took a breath of air.

After taking a look at the food store in front of me, I gave up the thought of buying more food.

Ordinary people thought so, and those with ulterior motives became even more frightened, and immediately got out of the queue and ran towards the distance.

Since they cannot monopolize the sale of grain, there is no use for them to buy back a bucket of grain.

Rather than waiting here, it is better to go back and report quickly so that the boss can make an early decision.

"Sister, this Jinwu Guard is really overbearing, he just took someone away like that!"

Li Hong witnessed the entire process of Jinwu Guard's arrest on the second floor. He was dumbfounded when he saw that Chen Cheng was so arrogant.

"This is called using heavy codes in troubled times. There are so many people, if you can't scare everyone cleanly.

There will still be countless people like this, and once chaos occurs, big problems will arise. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly. She felt that Chen Cheng did a good job.

Now it seems that being more domineering is indeed the best way.

After all, there were too many people behind her, and suppressing all possible problems was the real purpose of letting Jin Wuwei come over.

"But isn't he afraid of being impeached by officials?"

Li Hong frowned. Although what Li Yanran said was interesting, did Chen Cheng want to die?
"Don't worry, this Chen Cheng is very popular with me. If he is really punished for this matter, then come to Lishan."

Li Yanran didn't care at all, so what if he wasn't in Jinwu Guard.

The Tang Dynasty is not the only place with Jinwu Guard, its own Lishan is in great need of such talents.

Being decisive in situations, regardless of the consequences, yes, yes.

"Sister, isn't it a bit wrong for you to dig into Zheng Xuanfeng like this? After all, he is also yours!"

Li Hong was stunned when he heard that Li Yanran was poaching Zheng Xuanfeng.

You're so cute, aren't you afraid that Zheng Xuanfeng will fall out with you?
"What do you mean by my name? He belongs to no one but Datang. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, he was really a little brat, he dared to say anything.

If my emperor knows this, I will have to deal with him.


Li Hong didn't dare to speak anymore. If he spoke again, he would be beaten by his elder sister.

"Have you seen enough? Go back when you have seen enough!"

After giving Li Hong a blank look, Li Yanran also stood up and left.

With Chen Cheng here, it is impossible for anyone to come out to cause trouble again.

Because no one would be stupid enough to hit Jin Wuwei's gun.


Li Hong took another look at the grand scene of the Minnong Food Store and left with Li Yanran.

"Shopkeeper, something serious has happened!"

Chen He rushed into the grain store and looked at Liu Feng with fear.

"What happened?"

Hearing that something bad was going on, Liu Feng rushed to Chen He in two or three steps.

"What country? What country he..."

"What happened to He country?"

"He was arrested by the Jinwu Guards because he was causing trouble in the Agricultural and Grain Store of Heguo!" "What?"

When he heard that the boy he relied on most had been taken away by the Jinwu Guards, Liu Feng didn't know what to do.

How could he do this? Why would he go make trouble if he just said he would just buy food?

Looking at Liu Feng, Chen He quickly told all the causes and consequences of the incident.

"Why are you so stupid, He Guo? You immediately take the money to Jinwuwei Yamen, and you must bail He Guo out for me!"

To be honest, Liu Feng was still a little moved.

He Guo actually went to attack Jin Wuwei for himself, but he wouldn't have done that.

The only thing he can do for the country now is to bail him out and prevent him from suffering too much injustice in prison.


"But what should we do now? After all, their purchase restrictions have eliminated all our possibilities. The food will definitely flow into the Chang'an market."

Chen He also knew the current situation.

If you can't prevent food from entering the market, everyone will be buried with you.

Liu Feng was very kind to him, and he didn't want his shopkeeper to die without a burial place.

"What should I do? Just wait!"

Liu Feng also sighed. He didn't know what he could do now.

A feeling of powerlessness surged into his heart.


Chen He also saw Liu Feng's helplessness, so he could only retreat slowly, and took the money to the Jinwuwei Yamen to redeem He Guo's release.

"Brother Fengshan, I hope to repay the proprietor, he can take my life at any time.

I just hope that he can spare the lives of my wife and children for the sake of what I have done for the Cui family for so many years.

If I am willing to help, I still have a manor in Yongzhou, which I will give to you when the time comes! "

Liu Feng knelt directly in front of Fengshan, his eyes filled with desperate prayers.

"I can only say that I will try my best to help you deal with it. As for what the head of the family thinks, I have no choice!"

Fengshan looked at Liu Feng and sighed.

The other party must have been desperate, otherwise it would be impossible for him to kneel down to his servant and give him his own manor as a reward.

"As long as my brother is willing to speak for me, I will be satisfied!"

"Okay, there's no need for this, I'm going to report to the head of the family."

Fengshan helped Liu Feng up, then left directly towards Cui Yuqing's mansion.

"Master, Liu Feng failed. All three grain stores have adopted purchase restriction measures, which means we can't stop each other at all!"

Fengshan came to Cui Yuqing and told all the information he had obtained.

"I see."

Cui Yuqing had long expected this situation, and he had long given up any hope for Liu Feng.

"Master, what are you going to do next?"

"You don't have to worry about it!"


Li Yanran and Li Hong returned to the mansion, and Di Renjie also rushed over.

"Di Renjie, go tell Zheng Xuanfeng and ask him to send more people to patrol outside the three grain stores at night.

Don't let the other party catch you and do something bad! "

After looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran directly expressed her thoughts.

"I have told General Zheng before that he will arrange for Jinwu Guard soldiers to focus on our shop at night!"

Di Renjie smiled slightly. It was naturally impossible for him to reveal such a big flaw.

If someone steals the chicken at night, it will be a loss of money.


Now that Di Renjie has made arrangements, she has nothing to say.

That night, Chen Cheng led fifty Jinwu Guard soldiers to ambush inside the Minnong Food Store, and there were also two Jinwu Guard soldiers in ambush nearby.

"Join the army, do you think they will come?"

A fire chief looked at Chen Cheng in front of him, his eyes full of longing.

If someone comes here, it means someone is violating the ban. Catching these people is a merit for yourself.

No one will give up the credit they have received, even just a little bit.

"Don't worry, they will come!"

Chen Cheng is not worried at all. Now these three grain stores are like the sickle of the King of Hell.

Those who have ulterior motives and manipulate food prices have no choice but to destroy this place if they want to survive.

If it were him, he would fight desperately.

As Chen Cheng expected, while they were talking, several groups of men in black met in the distance.

These people looked at the people dressed the same as themselves and said nothing.

Because everyone knows the purpose of the other party's visit, as long as they can completely destroy the three grain stores, their mission will be completed.

It doesn't matter who did it.

Several groups of people separated and rushed towards the Farming and Grain Store as quickly as possible.


Listening to the noisy footsteps outside, the corners of Chen Cheng's mouth also raised slightly.

Can you finally bear it?
After hearing Chen Cheng's words, everyone was ready to fight.

Next is the time for them to make meritorious deeds.

"How is it? How's the surrounding situation?"

"I've seen it, there's no one."

"That's good, light the fire."

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