My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 638 Did you win a piece of debt?

Looking at the food store in front of him, a man in black took out a fire seal from his arms, and the person next to him also took out a jar containing fire oil.

"They're going to set a fire!"

A soldier saw the movements of the man in black through the crack in the door and became nervous instantly.

If those things were thrown over, he would no longer sit back and wait, but would be buried in the fire together with this food store.


Naturally, Chen Cheng didn't allow this to happen, so he rushed out with his shield on his back.



"Rebel, die!"

Fifty Jinwu Guard soldiers rushed out from the door, from the window, and even from the roof.

"No, there is an ambush!"

"Hold on from the front."

"Back there, set fire quickly!"

Although the Jinwu Guard soldiers have appeared, those men in black are not easy to deal with.

They are all dead soldiers of major families, and their only mission here is to burn down the food store in front of them.

Even if they all die here, the mission must be completed.

This is their mission.

Facing the Jinwu Guards rushing toward them, these men in black also launched a counterattack, and the men in black behind them began to circle around, trying to get close to the agricultural and food store and burn it down in one fell swoop.

Seeing the actions of these men in black, Chen Cheng sneered, and then whistled in the air.

As soon as the whistle sounded, the Jinwu guards who were ambushing on both sides rushed out together. The front row held shields, and the back row bent their bows and arrows, sweeping across the men in black who were preparing to detour.

In an instant, blood flew everywhere, and more than a dozen men in black were pinned to the ground by arrows. The fire oil in their hands also sprayed out, and burned instantly when it encountered sparks.


"Fire! Fire!"


The shrill wails were particularly harsh in the silent night sky, but these painful wails did not hinder the battle in front of them at all.

The man in black used his dagger and flesh and blood to resist the shields and steel knives of the Jinwu Guard soldiers.

The result was obvious. Facing the superior strength of the Jinwu Guards, these men in black were either killed on the spot or burned into charred corpses by the flames.


After everything was over, Chen Cheng also took a deep breath.

Fortunately, I was well prepared, otherwise I might have been succeeded by these desperate guys.

If this grain store was burned down, his life would be completely over.

"Joined the army, a total of 42 people, all died!"

Fire Chief Zhao Yu came to Chen Cheng and told the results of the battle in front of him.

"All dead?"

Hearing Zhao Yu's words, Chen Cheng couldn't help but frowned.

He really didn't expect that these people were not afraid of death, and all 42 of them died in the battle.

This will to die would not appear even among the most elite frontier troops.

"That's right, they're all dead!"

Zhao Yu nodded. He had checked them all and no one survived.

"Clean up the battlefield and look through the bodies of these people to see if you can dig out the people behind them!"

Chen Cheng was also a little helpless. Only these dead people could get much credit. What he wanted was the person behind the other party.

Regardless of their identity, disobeying the curfew in the middle of the night and setting fires are a serious crime.


Zhao Yu saluted and directly arranged for the Jinwu Guard soldiers to take all the bodies of these people back to the Jinwu Guard Yamen.

Chen Cheng and his people lurked inside the Farming and Grain Shop again, waiting for the next victim to arrive.

This night was destined to be uneventful. Chen Cheng killed three waves of people who came to attack him that night, but without exception, these people died in the battle, leaving no one alive.

As the sun rose in the east, Chen Cheng shook his head depressedly, handed over to the people who came to take over, and returned to the Jinwu Weifu Yamen to report to Zheng Xuanfeng.

"All of the more than 70 people died, leaving no one alive?"

Hearing Chen Cheng's words, Zheng Xuanfeng also frowned.

He really didn't expect that Chen Cheng didn't even leave a single person alive. This was simply impossible!
"Yes, these people should be trained to die. Once the war goes wrong, they will commit suicide. There is no way to stop them!"

Chen Cheng nodded depressedly at Zheng Xuanfeng. He had not expected these. It was really too much.

"Did anyone send someone to conduct an investigation based on the corpse?"

"After checking, these people are all without household registration. No information can be found through the corpses!"

Chen Cheng also had no choice but to tell the result.

This time the other party really did it impeccably. These people must have been raised, so the household registration department couldn't find any information about them at all.

"I understand. As long as the three grain stores are safe and sound, our mission will be completed! As for who is behind those people, don't worry!"

Now that things have come to this, Zheng Xuanfeng can only accept this reality.


Chen Cheng saluted and left, leaving Zheng Xuanfeng alone there drinking tea.

"Your Highness, General Zheng Xuanfeng's men are here, saying that they set up an ambush last night and killed many people with ulterior motives.

But that's the limit, no other information can be found. "

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran and told him the news he had just received.

"It's okay, as long as the food and supplies are safe, don't worry about who is behind you. If you hold on for a few more days, this battle will be over!"

Li Yanran took a bite of the bun in her hand, her eyes filled with indifference.

In fact, she could guess who it was without even thinking about it, but what if she caught their little whip?

Can he really report to his father and catch them all in one fell swoop?
Now as long as she can keep the food bank safe, these people will be more miserable than death. "Here!"

Di Renjie smiled slightly. This princess was really too calm.

If other people saw the handle in their hands flying away like this, they would definitely be furious.

But Li Yanran, he can only say one thing about being awesome.

"Brother! What's wrong?"

Looking at Cui Yuanjue walking towards him, Cui Yuqing also stood up nervously.

"None of the dead soldiers sent out came back. I also sent people to the three grain stores this morning to check. They are fine!"

Cui Yuanjue shook his head, his eyes also filled with loneliness.

He sent out 45 people, 15 people from each of the three grain stores.

Even so, none of them came back, and they were probably all in bad luck.

"How is it possible? Those are dead soldiers. How can there be no news? If those three grain stores were not burned down, I don't believe it!"

Cui Yuqing's eyes instantly turned dark.

He felt like he was finished, completely finished now.

"There's nothing you can do if you don't believe it. You shouldn't think about this now. You should think about how to explain it to the clan elders!"

Cui Yuanjue glanced at his brother and patted him on the shoulder.

Now he has no countermeasures, so he can only ask for his own blessings.

After all, all that money was going down the drain. If the clan elders found out, it would be hard for him to explain.

"Explain it to the clan elder? How can I explain it? If I had known this, I wouldn't be greedy for the profits."

Cui Yuqing really regrets it now. If he had known this, he should have listened to his brother.

Don't covet these things, just report it to the family.

"No one sells regret medicine, the matter has reached this point and cannot be undone.

You were really carried away by the fame and fortune this time, and what you did went too far. "

Cui Yuanjun shook his head, it was too late to regret now.

"Brother, you must save me, save me!"

Cui Yuqing knelt directly in front of his brother, his eyes full of prayer.

There is only one way to save him now, and that is to raise money and redeem all his mortgaged properties.

In this way, he did not lose to the family. Even if the clan elders had any opinions, they would not be able to say anything.

If it were his family's fault, he would probably be taken back to his hometown and spend the rest of his life there.

He didn't want this, really didn't want this.

"Save you? How can I save you? The trap you stabbed is too big this time."

"Brother, do you really want to see me be called back to my hometown by my family and decline in my life?"

Cui Yuqing hugged Cui Yuanshang's thigh, tears and runny nose coming out.

"You...don't do this!"

"Brother, please save me."

The only thing Cui Yuqing can count on now is his own brother. If he doesn't save himself, he will have to bear the consequences himself.

"Hey, I only have [-] guan."

Cui Yuanjuan looked at his brother distressedly and slowly spoke.

"Five...fifty thousand guan? Brother, how can you have so much money?"

Cui Yuqing was stunned when he heard that Cui Yuanshang could offer [-] yuan.

How could he be so rich?Fifty thousand dollars is no joke.

"I told you before that there was something fishy going on here, but you still didn't believe it, so I could only secretly stockpile some food.

Then I sold it when I had five hundred dollars, and now I have so many pieces of furniture. "

Cui Yuanjuan glanced at the other party, if you had been obedient earlier and stopped when you got [-] yuan, you would have made much more than yourself now.

"Brother, if I had known this, why didn't you buy more? Maybe now I can make back all the money I owe."

Cui Yuqing frowned and complained a little.

"You should be satisfied. I only earned this by collecting all the money. You have more money and you put it all in."

Cui Yuanjue really wanted to slap him to death. Now you still blame me?
What did you say when I persuaded you?

Yu Ye Liquor was opened at halftime, and the win was guaranteed.

What did you win?
Won a lot of debt and come back.

"Brother, I didn't mean that, but this fifty thousand guan is not enough!"

Cui Yuqing hurriedly apologized to Cui Yuanshang, [-] yuan was a lot.

"If it's not enough, you should figure it out on your own. It's really your own fault and you can't live."

Seeing Cui Yuqing's disgusting face, Cui Yuanjue didn't want to say anything, shook his sleeves and left directly.


Three days passed by, and the people of Chang'an calmed down after experiencing the initial madness.

How much can the rice jar at home hold? Since the price of food has dropped, why spend your savings to collect food?

"Your Majesty, surrender, surrender."

Ruian rushed to Li Zhi quickly, his eyes full of excitement.

"What has dropped? Is it the food that has dropped?"

After hearing Ruian's words, Li Zhi also put down the imperial pen in his hand and looked at Ruian in front of him.

"Yes, the price of food has plummeted, from a maximum of eight hundred yuan to ten yuan, which is two yuan cheaper than before."

Ruian nodded, the price of this food was really shocking.

The price was compared with gold two days ago, but it has become a bargain price in the past two days. Things are really unpredictable.

"Okay, okay!"

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