My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 640 Shopkeeper, have a nice trip!

After Li Hong said that, he ran away because he knew that his sister would definitely deal with him.

If he doesn't run away, are he waiting to be beaten?
Sure enough, after hearing Li Hong's words about lying down, Li Yanran also became furious.

She doesn't want her brother to become a sister-gnawing monster.

But this guy had already smelled it and ran away first.

The trouble made him a little confused.

"Get out of here."

"Sister, do you really think I'm stupid? Why are you going back? Are you going to beat me?"

"A little bit!"

Li Hong became excited instantly when he saw Li Yanran.

There is nothing in this world that makes me more excited than watching my sister become deflated.

If we go back now, we will hit the muzzle of a gun.

"Haha, brother Hong, don't forget that this is my mansion in Chang'an, not the Lishan fiefdom.

It's only a matter of time before I catch you. If you come here now, I can spare your life. "

Looking at Li Hong, Li Yanran showed her signature smile again, with ten teeth.

"Catch me first and then talk!"

"Then just be prepared to wake up!"

Li Yanran said so and chased after her.


Di Renjie looked at these two highnesses, his whole body in a sluggish state.

Is this still the Li Yanran he knows?

After all, he is still a child!

"Di Renjie, go and do it right away. You must collect all the food for me before it expires!"

Li Yanran turned around and shouted to Di Renjie while running.


Di Renjie left immediately to arrange Li Yanran's instructions.

Time has been lost for one day or two, but there is still a lot of food from several grain stores, a lot.

Just when Liu Feng was worried, someone came over to purchase food.

"Showcase, there are merchants who want to round up the grain we have!"

He Guo rushed to Liu Feng and told the news outside.

"Who are they? Is there any problem with their background or something?"

Liu Feng had become older and older these days. He coughed twice and asked He Guo.

"I sent someone to check. He is a businessman from Wugong County. His background is fine!"

He Guo knew what Liu Feng meant. He was afraid that his enemies would take the opportunity to come and collect his food.

"Then sell it to him!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he coughed twice more.

“Their prices for cocoa are very low!”

"How low is it?"

"Fifty-five cents a dou!"

Hearing He Guo's words, Liu Feng almost exploded.

The grain that I sell for [-] yen a dou is already very low at [-] yen, why are you here to lower the price?
Do you really think that this food was blown by the strong wind?
"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Let him go!"

After coughing again, Liu Feng asked He Guo to drive the person away.

It's so bullying!
"Shopkeeper, the deadline will expire in a short time. If we can't sell these grains now, everything will be cheap!"

He Guo frowned. The current situation is like this, so don't be reserved.

If you can't sell it, you will really lose money.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Then I can't sell it for five cents a dou!"

Liu Feng coughed again, his eyes full of anger.

"Shopkeeper, do you want to meet and talk?"

He Guo also sighed. If we don't talk about it now, the food may really rot in his own hands.

"Hey, let him in!"

Liu Feng also sighed and asked He Guo to bring the people in.

He Guo soon brought the person in and closed the door very wisely.

"My Excellency, Xu Bin, I have admired the name of Shopkeeper Liu for a long time. Now that I can see him today, I am really in high spirits!"

Xu Bin looked at Liu Feng in front of him and spoke out his compliments without changing his expression or heartbeat.

"Stop complimenting me and let's get down to business! Five cents a dou, this price is simply impossible!"

Liu Feng coughed again and spoke to Xu Bin.

"Haha, shopkeeper Liu, don't be so absolute. Five dollars is actually a lot. Why don't you listen to my conditions first?"

Xu Bin was not nervous at all, and smiled at Liu Feng.

"Conditions? What conditions do you have?"

Liu Feng was stunned, wondering what Xu Bin was up to.

"Xu Bin has also heard about Shopkeeper Liu's current situation. It just so happens that my caravan has left Chang'an for Wugong County in the past two days. It shouldn't be a problem to take a few people away!"

As soon as Xu Bin said these words, Liu Feng stood up instantly, and his dark eyes burst out with bright light.

If anyone can understand the meaning of this light, it must be two words, that is hope!
"What did you say?"

He asked Xu Bin in a low voice word by word.

"If you are willing to sell me the grain for five cents a dou, I can help you bring your wife and children out of Chang'an! What does Shopkeeper Liu think of this condition?"

Xu Bin was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai and directly grasped the opponent's vital point.

At this moment, Liu Feng should be most concerned about his wife and children. Someone must take the blame this time, and Liu Feng obviously can't escape.

So as long as you grasp this point, you don't have to worry about Liu Feng not being fooled.

"You didn't lie to me?"

Liu Feng really has hope this time.

It doesn't matter if he dies, but his wife and children are innocent. If the other party can really help his wife and children escape, then he will die without regrets.

"A man's words are hard to follow!" Xu Bin nodded, he could still do this.

"Who are you? You are definitely not an ordinary merchant!"

Liu Feng also saw at this moment that the other party was definitely not an ordinary businessman.

Otherwise, they would never dare to offend the people behind them for such a small benefit.

So who is the other party?
"Haha, Shopkeeper Liu, you don't need to care who I am, as long as you know that I have this ability.

If you don’t believe it, I will arrange for people to leave first and then do the transaction! "

Xu Bin looked at Liu Feng, knowing that there were some things that could not be hidden from those who were interested.

Liu Feng is not a fool. How many people dare to go against the Cui family?
"My family will wait until they leave and come back to sign the contract!"

Liu Feng also saw that this Xu Bin was definitely not a special person, so he directly reported his own.

"I can't go otherwise someone might see me. It's best to arrange for your people to come out. As soon as they arrive at my business, someone will send them away!"

Xu Bin frowned. If you ask me to pick someone up, aren't you afraid of being exposed?

No wonder you were beaten so hard that you were completely defeated.

With this IQ, I really deserved to lose.

Looking at Xu Bin's back, Liu Feng was also a little at a loss.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

He Guo came over and looked at Liu Feng who was in a daze and waved his hand twice in front of his eyes.

"He Guo, how do I treat you?"

"Why did the shopkeeper say this? If you have any orders, just tell me!"

He Guo was stunned. Although he didn't know what Liu Feng wanted him to do, he would never frown as long as the other party needed it.

"Okay, then you go to my house immediately and send my wife and children to Xuji Trading Company. Can you do that?"

Liu Feng glanced at He Guo. The only one he could trust now was He Guo.

"Shopkeeper, you and I understand!"

He Guo was not stupid. He knew that the shopkeeper must have reached some agreement with Xu Bin, so he had such an entrustment.

"Well, let's go!"


After Xu Bin left Di Nong Grain Store, he visited the remaining large grain stores one after another, and then returned to Xuji Trading Company to wait.

Sure enough, the wives and children from several grain stores also rushed over one after another, and then he also arranged for people to get on his caravan's carriage and head out of Chang'an.

After doing this, Xu Bin returned again with the handwriting of his family.

Looking at the handwriting of their family members, Liu Feng, Zhou Hai and others signed the contract on the spot and sold all the grain they had in hand for five cents a dou.

"He Guo, boil some water, I want to take a shower and change clothes!"

"Shopkeeper, what are you doing?"

Looking at Liu Feng who was in high spirits, He Guo suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"It's okay, I just want to leave in a dignified way!"

Liu Feng smiled slightly, his eyes filled with relief.

He was finally free. His wife and children were gone, and he had nothing to worry about anymore.

"Shopkeeper, why are you doing this?"

Hearing this, He Guo was also dumbfounded.

Did you hear it wrong just now?

The shopkeeper wants to leave gracefully?

"Why bother? I'm afraid the news of my wife and children's departure will be known to the proprietor soon. Will he tolerate me then?
Rather than being killed by the proprietor, it would be better for me to understand the rest of my life myself. "

Liu Feng sighed. His only wish now was to die with dignity, otherwise he might end up in Cui Yuqing's hands.


"No more buts, let's go!"


Liu Feng turned around and left with tears in his eyes.

After bathing and changing clothes, Liu Feng also touched his clothes.

This is his best clothes. He would only wear them at grand banquets, but now he is sending himself on the road.

"The shopkeeper!"

He Guo rushed in from outside, holding a brand new silk dress in his hand.

"What's this?"

Looking at the clothes in He Guo's hand, Liu Feng was also stunned for a moment.

"Shopkeeper, you treat the country well, this is the only thing I can do.

Although this dress is not as luxurious as the one on yours, it is what I really want. "

He Guo knelt in front of Liu Feng and lifted the piece of clothing above his head.

"Stop talking, thank you Liu Feng."

After saying that, Liu Feng took He Guo's clothes and smiled slightly after changing them.

After all, they are new clothes, but they just feel different when you wear them!
A piece of white silk was hung from the beam. Liu Feng sat on the wooden stool and slowly put his head on it.

"Yunxun, teach Yu'er well and don't let him do business in the future!"

After saying something in his heart, he kicked over the stool under his feet.


Hearing this voice, He Guo, who was guarding outside, knelt on the ground.

"Shopkeeper, have a nice trip!"

After a while, He Guocai walked in.

He untied Liu Feng, helped him smooth his eyes, and then knelt next to the body and waited for the proprietor to come.

Di Renjie slowly came to Li Yanran and saluted her directly.

"Is everything done?"

"Well, all the food from those grain stores has been collected!"

Di Renjie smiled slightly and told the situation in Chang'an.

"Di Renjie, how did you do it? It's five cents a dou, no matter how stupid they are, they won't sell it!"

Li Hong is extremely honest now. After all, he just suffered a severe beating from Li Yanran, how could he not be afraid.

"Your Highness, this is actually very simple. As long as you grasp people's weaknesses, these are just a blink of an eye!"

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