My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 641 Ancestor of the Cui family!

Looking at Li Hong who was looking for knowledge, Di Renjie also gave him a kind smile, and then told him that he had sent someone to arrange for his wife and children to leave Chang'an.

"Send a few people out of the city in exchange for the shopkeepers' compromise. Di Renjie, you did a good job this time."

Li Yanran nodded, it was really appropriate to leave these things to him.

Because the other party can always find the weakest point of others, and then use this point to arrange the backhand.

This is what is known as going out of the way and attacking where you are going will save you.

"Your Highness is so ridiculous. These are just a little effort. Your Highness can set up such a big plan and include the whole of Chang'an. That's amazing!"

Di Renjie shook his head, these are nothing.

Compared with Li Yanran, she is still far behind.

"What are you talking about? Aren't these all traps set by you?"

Glancing at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also smiled.

"Your Highness, when are you going to report to His Majesty? After all, the situation has been decided now. Don't let His Majesty worry!"

Di Renjie has nothing to say, so what about my plan?
I'm not all acting according to your instructions. I'm just a talker. I'm not qualified to be a real chess player yet.

"Do you really think that my father is blind and deaf? I'm afraid everything in Chang'an is under his eyes and ears.

Besides, hasn’t the final harvest not been completed yet?It wouldn't be too late to go see my father after the dust settles.

You think so, Xiao Li Hong? "

"Sister A is right!"

Li Hong shuddered when he was called out for no reason. Wasn't his sister trying to take advantage of him again?

"Well, that's pretty much it. Let's go and go to the Shuren Teahouse. I heard there is a small poetry gathering there today, and I will take you to enrich your literary spirit."

After saying that, Li Yanran stood up and prepared to walk out.

"Sister, I won't go. This poetry meeting is just novices pecking each other.

I have developed a magical power as great as Yuan Zheng's, and they, like me, look down upon me. "

Li Hong's little head shook like a wavy drum. With Li Yanran in his sight, he simply couldn't look down on those literati and poets who claimed to be romantic.

If you want to impress me, you must first win over your own sister.

"Sister A said you are willing to go!"

Without saying a word, Li Yanran pinched Li Hong's little ear and dragged him outside.

"Sister, don't twist my ears, it hurts, it hurts so much!"

"It's fallen off, my ears are falling off!"

"Sister, let me go, can't I go and go?"

Di Renjie looked at the two of them and smiled.

The relationship between the two Royal Highnesses is really very good.

To be honest, he was a little envious, but he had no choice but to live up to his expectations and not give him a younger brother so that he could bully him.

"Patriarch, it's not good."

Fengshan came to Cui Yuqing, his eyes full of nervousness.

"Can't you say something good, and it's been bad all day long? It's not good?"

Cui Yuqing was instantly angry when he heard this. If he didn't say anything else, he wouldn't be able to get better if you just screamed like this all day long.

"what happened?"

Looking at Fengshan in a daze, Cui Yuqing also asked in a low voice.

"Liu Feng's wife and children ran away!"

"What? What are you doing for food? Are those flies and mice? Why did the living person run away?"

Hearing this, Cui Yuqing felt bad instantly.

You heard it right!

How could a few living people just disappear like that?
Just kidding!

"His wife and children suddenly went out shopping today, and then they didn't come back!"

Fengshan is also depressed. He is not responsible for these things. He just sent a message. As for being angry with me?

"Trash, find me immediately and bring Liu Feng to me!"

Cui Yuqing really wants to kill people now. They are a bunch of losers who can't do anything and eat nothing.


After Fengshan saluted, he ran away, for fear that the head of the family would use him as a punching bag.

"Where's Liu Feng? Let him come out to see me!"

Rushing to the Di Nong Food Store, Fengshan's face was full of anger.

Not only because he suffered a terrible disaster and was scolded by Cui Yuqing, but also because he missed an opportunity.

Liu Feng had promised him to give him the Yongzhou manor before, but now that the other party's wife and children have left, he probably won't be able to enjoy this windfall.

"do not know!"

Chen He was stunned and didn't know why Fengshan came here.


Fengshan slapped him in the face, which immediately stunned Chen He.

"You don't even know where my shopkeeper is, you loser, get out of here!"

Pushing Chen He away, Fengshan rushed into the backyard with several servants.

Looking at the open door, Fengshan seemed to have seen something bad.


Fengshan ran over quickly and was dumbfounded when he saw Liu Feng's body.

"What is going on? How could Liu Feng be like this?"

After exiting the room in one step, Fengshan shouted at He Guo next to the corpse with a look of unhappiness on his face.

"The shopkeeper knew that he had committed a serious crime this time and was speechless in front of the proprietor, so he committed suicide by hanging himself from the beam!"

"He deserves to die! Show me the body and let's go!"

Everyone was dead, so what could Fengshan do? He could only seize the time to go back and report to his family leader.

"What? Someone died?"

Cui Yuqing also frowned when he heard that Liu Feng had committed suicide by hanging from a beam.

Now that the person who blocked the pot is gone, he really doesn't know how to do it.

Fengshan nodded, he couldn't scold him this time.

He committed suicide, so you can't say that I didn't take good care of him!

"How do you view people? Didn't I tell you that Liu Feng can't have any problems? Now his wife and children are not optimistic about him.
Liu Feng, Liu Feng also committed suicide.

What do you want? "

Cui Yuqing kicked Fengshan to the ground with one kick.

"Master, calm down, calm down!"

Fengshan knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. This was the only thing he could do now.

"Calm down, and hurry up and take over the Agricultural and Food Store for me. If something goes wrong, you won't be alive."


Fengshan hurriedly saluted and left, but when he went out, he saw a figure that frightened him.

Cui Mingcheng, the elder of the Cui family and Cui Yuqing's uncle, used to be the Yongzhou magistrate, and countless young people died at his hands.

Seeing Cui Mingcheng, Fengshan also turned around and ran back.

"Stop for the old man!"

Cui Mingcheng shouted in a low voice, which made Fengshan tremble and stand on the spot.

"Ancestor, why are you here?"

Fengshan quickly saluted Cui Mingcheng.

"Come here, I stand there and don't move. Watch over me. If he dares to take a step, I will break his legs!"


Cui Mingcheng snorted coldly and walked directly inside.

"Cui Yuqing, you are so happy!"

"Who? Don't want to live anymore?"

Cui Yuqing really couldn't eat or sleep well these days. Someone bothered him as soon as he fell asleep. He really didn't want to give orders.

"Haha, Master Cui is so majestic!"

"Uncle Clan?"

Now Cui Yuqing finally recognized the person in front of him, and then he was completely stunned.


Cui Mingcheng snorted coldly and sat directly on the chair.

"Uncle Clan, why are you here in Chang'an!"

Cui Yuqing's eyes flashed with panic, and he quickly saluted to the other party.

"If I don't come to Chang'an, maybe you will sell out all the properties in Chang'an!"

Cui Mingcheng glared at Cui Yuqing and said coldly to him.

"Uncle Clan, what does this mean?"

Cui Yuqing's heart thumped, but he was still a tough talker and not soft-spoken at all.

“He Yi, don’t think that we old guys don’t know anything when we get old.

Why did you want to privately mortgage the Cui family's property in Chang'an without informing us?We all understand.

Winner or loser, we may not say anything if you win.

But now food prices collapse, what are you going to do? "

Cui Mingcheng didn't hesitate, slapped the table and shouted at Cui Yuqing.


Cui Yuqing was completely scared now. No matter who informed the family, it was just as Cui Mingcheng said.

The winner is the king or the loser. If he makes a profit this time, at worst he will give some money to his family, and the family won't be able to say anything.

But now that he has failed completely, there will only be people who add insult to injury, and no one will help him in times of need.

"Tell me, what are you going to do?"

Seeing that Cui Yuqing was silent, Cui Mingcheng's anger instantly rose.

"I still have [-] yuan in my hand. As long as the family gives me enough time, I will make back all the money I have lost!"

Cui Yuqing's only bargaining chip at this time was the [-] yuan given to him by his brother.

"Does the family need money? Do you think those industries only provide the family with money?
You are so old now, can you use your brain?

If money can solve the problem, then why are we still running these forces? "

After hearing what Cui Yuqing said, Cui Mingcheng really wanted to slap this bastard to death.

Damn it, if money is everything, why would we need law?

The properties pawned by the other party were all managed with painstaking efforts by the Cui family.

This can no longer be measured by money.

But these two fools still thought they cared about these yellow and white things, and they really didn't know what to say.

I don’t know which old boy chose such a bad guy to be responsible for everything in Chang’an. He is really presbyopic.

"What does that clan uncle mean!"

Cui Yuqing was also dumbfounded now. If it wasn't for money, then why? Because of love?
"What do you mean? From now on, you will no longer be responsible for the affairs of the Cui family in Chang'an. As for how to deal with you, we will wait until later. I am here just to wipe your ass!"

Cui Mingcheng glanced at Cui Yuqing and told him his punishment.

"Well, Cui Yuqing understands!"

Cui Yuqing sighed, what is supposed to come will come.

It's just that it's acceptable for him to lose his identity. At least the other party doesn't say anything else now.

"Just understand. Tell me about the situation. What properties have been mortgaged, when will they expire, and how much interest will there be!"

Cui Mingcheng was not overly intimidating. He just wanted to solve the problem now and didn't want to say anything more.

"Yes! Fengshan, Fengshan."

In fact, Cui Yuqing didn't know about these things. Liu Feng and Fengshan were responsible for these.

"Brother, call me over there! How about I come over?"

Hearing Cui Yuqing's shout, Fengshan also smiled at the man opposite.


The man also looked into the distance and gave Fengshan a chance to pass.


Fengshan rushed in front of the two people, looked at the two big black faces, and trembled.

"What are you doing, coming so late?"

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