My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 642: Not a single grain of food left?

Chapter 642: No grain of food left?
After glaring at Fengshan, Cui Yuqing really wanted to slap him again.

Damn it, my throat is about to burst from shouting, you just came here now.

"Patriarch, what are you calling me for?"

Fengshan is depressed. You think I don’t want to come over, but I really don’t dare.

That tall man, he was really afraid that he would be beaten to death if he touched someone.

"Tell me how much property we took as collateral this time, how much the loan was, how much interest it was, and when we will pay it back."

"We borrowed a total of 14 yuan from Rishenglong Bank, and the mortgage properties were all our shops in Chang'an, including the storefronts and the farmland.

The return date is noon the day after tomorrow, and the interest totals [-] guan.

In other words, we have to pay back the 16 yuan the day after tomorrow, otherwise these mortgaged properties will be occupied by Rishenglong Bank. "

These things were all remembered in Fengshan's heart, so he told all Cui Yuqing's questions without hesitation.


Hearing this, Cui Mingcheng became depressed.

I borrowed 18 guan from my 14 guan property, and after including interest, I had to repay 16 guan with principal and interest.

What's the difference between this and the other party paying for it?
"Uncle Zuzu, do you have enough money?"

Cui Yuqing glanced at his uncle with some embarrassment. He was really embarrassed to have so much money.

"The money I brought is enough, but we always have to make some trade-offs. How is the situation at the Agricultural and Grain Store now? Call Liu Feng over!"

In fact, these don't matter. What Cui Mingcheng is most worried about is the Di Nong Grain Store.

After all, the food crisis in Chang'an is indispensable to the Di Nong Grain Store. He is now worried that the people will be resentful towards the Di Nong Grain Store.

In that case, this becomes a hot potato. If you pick up the hot potato, you won't touch the ground.

"Liu Liufeng has committed suicide!"

Cui Yuqing was also depressed. He is already dead, how can I bring him here to you?

I can also bring the body over if you want to see it.

"Suicide? What I'm saying is, why don't you put the responsibility on him? It turns out that the person is already dead!"

Cui Mingcheng also frowned when he heard that Liu Feng committed suicide out of fear of crime.

No wonder I didn't hear Cui Yuqing's evasive words. Everyone is dead, so I won't believe anything he says.

"Immediately go and get the account books and grain storage records of the Di Agricultural and Grain Bank. I want to check them!"


After hearing Cui Mingcheng's words, Fengshan ran out directly and rode to the Di Nong Food Store.

"He Guo, quickly get the grain bank's account books and grain storage records."

Fengshan naturally knew that He Guo was Liu Feng's most trusted person, so he directly asked him for key items.

"We have the account books, but the grain storage records are useless!"

"What do you mean?"

Fengshan was stunned and didn't understand what it meant to have account books but no records of grain storage!
"That's what it means on the surface, because now there's not a grain of food left in the food store."

"What? No grain left?"

Fengshan was completely stunned at this time. You must know that countless grains were harvested here before, why is there not a single grain left now?
"That's right, the previous shopkeeper sold all the grain in the grain store at the price of five yuan per bucket."

"I, I, hey!"

Fengshan sighed, took the account book, stepped on the carriage and headed towards Cui Mansion.

"Why are there only account books and grain storage records? Don't tell me there aren't any!"

Looking at the account book in his hand, Cui Mingcheng also frowned.

Fengshan sighed and told all about the lack of food in the agricultural and food industry.


"Stop doing this and that. With no reputation and no food reserves, Di Nong Grain Bank is no longer useful. Let's give it to Rishenglong Bank!"

Unlike Cui Yuqing, Cui Mingcheng is a consequentialist.

Originally he felt that Di Nong Food Store was a hot potato, but now it's better. Di Nong Food Store is completely useless!
"Are you giving in? After all, this agricultural and food store still has warehouses and stores, plus sales channels.

If we just give it up, then all the years of operation will be lost. "

Cui Yuqing frowned. He really didn't expect that his clan uncle would be so decisive in killing.

Why is Di Nong Grain Store one of the five major grain stores in Chang'an, so why should we abandon it?

"You still have the nerve to say, if it weren't for you, how could the Di Agricultural and Grain Store be like this? Let's do it like this!"

Cui Mingcheng glared at Cui Yuqing, and still had the nerve to say, if it weren't for you, would the Agricultural and Grain Guild give up?
I really don't know.

"I disagree!"

Just when Cui Mingcheng made his arrogant decision, a voice suddenly rang out.

Cui Mingcheng was stunned, Cui Qingyu had already greeted him, because the person who came was his brother.

"It's Yuan Jing, you came a little late!"

"Yuan Jian has met the clan uncle!"

Cui Yuanjuan saluted Cui Mingcheng.

"What did you just say? What do you disagree with?"

Cui Mingcheng glanced at the other party, wondering what he meant.

"Uncle Clan, in my humble opinion, Yuan Jian, we cannot sell this agricultural and food business!"

Cui Yuanjue also looked at Cui Mingcheng and expressed his inner thoughts.

"Nowadays, the Agricultural and Grain Store needs reputation but not reputation, and needs food but not food. You want me to spend [-] yuan to buy an empty shell?"

Cui Mingcheng glared at Cui Yuanjue. Although you did not participate in Cui Yuqing's actions this time, it does not mean that you can act wild in front of my uncle. "Uncle Clan, you just said that the Di Nong Food Business has been the hard work of my Cui family for many years. To abandon it now is to give up the hard work of our predecessors.

And the most critical point is, has Uncle Clan ever considered what the people who plotted against us want this time?
Is it really that money? "

Cui Yuanjuan shook his head slightly and slowly said to the clan uncle in front of him.

"You mean, the reason why they did this is actually to take over the agricultural and food industry?"

"It's not the Di Nong Grain Company, but the food leadership of the entire Chang'an."

Cui Yuanjue nodded solemnly.

Li Yanran must have received the emperor's order, which was to take control of the food. If she gave in, the food would not be available.


Cui Mingcheng took a breath, he was really shocked by Cui Yuanjue's words.

If this is the case, then this matter will be a bit difficult to handle.

"Is this your guess or have you found evidence?"

After Cui Mingcheng was silent for a while, he slowly asked Cui Yuanjuan.

“Rishenglong Bank and Minnong Food Store are both Princess Lishan’s properties.

Moreover, the Ministry of Revenue, the court, and even His Majesty all cooperated with it.

If you say that your Majesty and Princess Lishan did not do this, I will not believe it even to death. "

Cui Yuanjue also told all his analysis. Although there was no concrete evidence, these clues all pointed to the person behind the scenes.

"If this is the case, we should give up on the Di Nong Grain Bank!"


Hearing Cui Mingcheng's words, Cui Yuqing and Cui Yuanjue were both dumbfounded. Why don't you understand after talking so much?

"You are still a little young and have forgotten the foundation of the family's existence. Relying on the imperial power is what we rely on for our existence.

You also said that His Majesty wants to take control of Chang'an's food supply.

If we do fight against it, what will be the consequences?

Have you ever thought about it? "

Cui Mingcheng sighed when he looked at his two nephews and expressed all his thoughts.

"So, what do you mean, we have to give in to this food, or we have to give it in if we don't?"

Cui Yuqing frowned. He didn't expect that his uncle would say this.

"That's right, we can't take any more of the land, agriculture and grain business. Do you understand that we have to give it up completely?"

Cui Mingcheng also made the final decision, deciding the ownership of Di Nong Grain Company, and also decided the Cui family's future path, that is, they would never touch grain again.

Because the emperor has already punished himself for this food, if he goes against the emperor on this food again, it will be pure and out of tune.

"Your Highness, the results are due at noon today. Do you think we will get what we want?"

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran in front of him. He knew the fundamental purpose of doing this.

If Li Yanran couldn't take down all those grain stores, it would be meaningless for Li Yanran to do this.

This matter has not been settled, and no one knows what will happen.

But from a clear perspective, they still have the advantage.

"What difference does it make whether it succeeds or not? Our previous idea was to take control of Chang'an Food, and now our goal has been achieved.

Minnong Grain Store, Nongxin Grain Store, and Xinhe Grain Store have established a firm foothold in the hearts of the people by taking the lead in lowering prices.

Several major grain stores are now without even a grain of grain, and it will be difficult for them to open in a short time.

Even if they come with food, the people will not patronize them. "

Li Yanran smiled. In the current situation, it didn't matter even if those grain stores were really redeemed by aristocratic families, she had already got what she wanted.

The dominance of Chang'an Food is already hers.

"His Highness should consider everything comprehensively, but I worry too much about gains and losses!"

Di Renjie scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

Is it because I didn't think comprehensively enough, or is it Li Yanran, or is it His Highness?

"It doesn't matter, let Wei Shanqi go and see if those aristocratic families have the courage to continue fighting with me!"

After thinking about it for a moment, Li Yanran became excited instantly. She now hoped that those aristocratic families would be stronger.

Don't just give in. Without these enemies, it will be too difficult for her to make money.

"Haha, Your Highness is joking!"

Di Renjie also took a step back, saluted and left directly.

Before Di Renjie arrived, Fengshan had already brought the money to Rishenglong Bank.

"What is this little brother here for? Is he saving money or borrowing debt?"

Looking at the somewhat unfamiliar Fengshan, Hua Yu also greeted him.

"I'm here to pay you back!"

"Pay back the money? Dare I ask if I have a contract?"

Hua Yu also frowned when he heard that the other party was here to pay back the money.

He seemed to have never met this young man, so why did he suddenly come to pay back the money?

"This is a contract!"

Fengshan placed the contract that Liu Feng had used as collateral in front of Hua Yu.

"Isn't this the contract we signed with Shopkeeper Liu of the Di Agricultural and Food Store?"

(End of this chapter)

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