My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 645 Because you breathed!

With the lessons learned from last time, Li Yanran also became wiser.

In fact, her bottom line is [-] guan. Let's talk about [-] guan. No matter what, she won't lose.

"Stop testing? Since you said so, then I'll make a small loss, just pay me [-] yuan!"

Wu Zetian doesn't believe that this is her bottom line. Are you being too arrogant? Let's see who is more arrogant.

"Auntie, don't be so unreasonable. Forty thousand guan is really my bottom line!"

"Sixty thousand strings!"

Wu Zetian replied without thinking, wasn't it just a pull? Anyway, she had [-] guan in her heart, and she could get it no matter what.

"Fifty thousand strings! That's the most! If you don't agree again, I'll have no choice but to let you deal with it!"

Li Yanran also bared her teeth and reported her true bottom line.

"make a deal!"

Wu Zetian smiled and nodded.

"Auntie, you are plotting against me again!"

Looking at the smiling Wu Zetian, Li Yanran knew that she had been tricked by my mother again.

"What does calculation mean? Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. If it exceeds your bottom line, you won't agree to it even if I beat you to death!"

Wu Zetian also slapped her in the face. Naturally, her daughter knew best.

Even though she looks harmless, if it really touches the bottom line, she will never agree.

Rather than saying that he plotted against her, it would be better to say that it was a compromise between both parties.

If the eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother, they are both foxes, so don't criticize anyone else.

"Hmph! Mom, you are evil!"

Li Yanran covered her head and felt better now.

I was beaten, scolded, and paid.

It is true that the money that should be paid is not less, and the beating should be taken away.

It's really a loss to grandma's house.

"Am I bad? It's not you who provoked me.

Even if it's a small punishment this time, if you dare to do such a risky thing next time, let's see how Auntie whips you. "

Wu Zetian was not ashamed but proud.

Are you bad?Let your daughter say it.

"I see!"

Li Yanran also sighed. She really had nothing to say to her mother.

"Well, if you have nothing to do, just go back to Lishan. I've been out for such a long time, and the fief may have something waiting for you!"

Wu Zetian waved his hand, directly indicating that she could leave.


Li Yanran didn't hesitate and left directly.

When they arrived at the door, Duofu also hurriedly saluted Li Yanran.

"What a blessing, isn't it? I remember you, just wait for me!"

Li Yanran stepped on Duofu's foot and ran away.


Duofu looked at Li Yanran's leaving figure and screamed while covering his feet.

"Stop howling blindly, everyone is gone!"

Wu Zetian frowned and shouted at the door.

The sound outside disappeared in an instant. Daofu dared to howl any more as he was kneeling on the ground. All that was left was the sweat on his forehead.

Li Yanran returned to her house, and Li Hong was lying on her recliner, drinking milk tea comfortably.

"Your Highness, it's so pleasant!"

Seeing this scene, Li Yanran exploded instantly.

I just gave up money and got beaten at my mother's place just now. I have to find a punching bag to vent my anger.


Li Hong opened his eyes, looked at Li Yanran's dark face, and jumped up from the recliner.

"Sister, you...are you back so soon?"

"What, how long do you want me to stay in the palace? My lovely brother Ou!"

Li Yanran put her hands on her hips and looked at her little brother with big eyes.

"No, no, how could it be? I hope my sister will come back as soon as possible, so that we can return to the fiefdom as soon as possible!"

Li Hong shuddered and hurriedly replied to Li Yanran.


Li Yanran slapped Li Hong directly, knocking him unconscious.

"Sister, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong covered his head and shouted at his elder sister with wide eyes.

"Because you breathed!"


Because I breathed?Li Hong was stunned instantly.

What's the reason for this?
No, this is not a reason at all.

"What, do you have an opinion?"

After giving Li Hong a look, Li Yanran was now filled with evil spirits.

Li Hong was not stupid. He knew that his elder sister must have been wronged in the palace, so he covered his mouth and shook his head crazily.

He was afraid that the old sister would play another game and breathe on his own, and he would lose.

Seeing Li Hong's actions, Li Yanran couldn't care about anything else. She threw Li Hong to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw, and then launched a mad attack from the face.

"Sister, you are unreasonable!"

"Sister, I'm not breathing! Stop fighting!"

"Sister, be gentle!"

Li Hong also started to beg for mercy by being reasonable, and in the end he was desperate and asked his sister to beat him lightly.

After cleaning up Li Hong for a while, Li Yanran also stood up.


Li Yanran breathed a sigh of relief and felt refreshed.

Fortunately, she has a good brother who can bear the negative emotions that she can't digest.


Although Li Yanran felt comfortable, Li Hong felt completely bad.He was beaten for no apparent reason, and he could do nothing but cry violently.

"A true man, if you bleed but don't shed tears, why are you crying?"

After glaring at Li Hong again, Li Yanran also gave a low drink.


After being yelled by Li Yanran, Li Hong also slapped her twice and didn't dare to cry anymore.

"Di Renjie."

Li Yanran, who felt comfortable, also shouted outside.

"Your Highness!"

Di Renjie heard the shouting and hurriedly came over.

"I'll leave all the situation in Chang'an to you. Integrate all the grain stores. You can't let the grain store I bought for 30 yuan become a decoration. Do you understand?"

Looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also expressed her thoughts.

She spent 30 to [-] yuan on five grain stores. Although she got the dominance of Chang'an Grain, the price was also very high.

If these grain stores don't play their due role, then I might as well resell them.

"Di Renjie understands, please rest assured, Your Highness!"

Di Renjie nodded. Xu Wei had already taken over all five grain stores. It wouldn't take long for these grain stores to be completely integrated by him.

By then, even if Li Yanran coughs, the whole of Chang'an may tremble.

"If the guys in the grain store are available, keep them. If not, fire them all. I don't want any more tailwinds in my grain store. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran nodded. She was naturally relieved about Di Renjie, but she was afraid that he would be kind to a woman.

It would be bad to leave some harm to your own food industry.

"Di Renjie knows what to do!"

"Well, then I'll leave this place to you!"

After speaking, Li Yanran went straight to the outside, while Li Hong followed his elder sister like an aggrieved daughter-in-law.

"Di Renjie, congratulations to Your Highness!"

Di Renjie saluted Li Yanran's back, and after seeing Li Yanran off, he quickly rushed to the Farming and Food Store.

"what's going on?"

Looking at Sun Mao kneeling on the ground and Xu Wei with an angry face, Di Renjie also frowned.

"Commander Di, hey, I really have nothing to say!"

Xu Wei was stunned and sighed.

"Commander Di, I hope you can lend a helping hand and save Sun Mao's life!"

Xu Wei sighed, while Sun Mao hugged Di Renjie's thigh and begged with runny nose and tears.


Di Renjie was really confused now, what the hell was going on.

This guy hugs his legs and shakes his nose!

"Qi Liu, pull him away!"

Seeing that Sun Mao actually went to harass Di Renjie, Xu Wei also slapped his forehead and became angry.

Qi Liu also took two boys and directly controlled Sun Mao.

"what happened?"

"Commander Di, stop talking. Originally, I thought Sun Mao was a useful talent, and I wanted to put him in charge of a grain store temporarily.

Who would have thought that he would cheat on others, not only accepting bribes from other grain shops, but also borrowing loan sharks to speculate on grain.

Now that people are coming to his door, he knows he is afraid. "

Xu Wei was also depressed and told all about Sun Mao's situation.

"Commander Di, you must save me. I am still very useful! I am very useful!"

Sun Mao was suppressed by Qi Liu and his men, but he still begged Di Renjie.

"Useful? So what if it's useful? Who would dare to use it if they are not pure in character?

Tie the person up and then notify the moneylenders to come over.

Just tell them what to do, no one has to worry about it! "

Di Renjie didn't show any good looks to Sun Mao, and directly asked the other party to come and get him.

"Commander Di, isn't this a little too much? After all, I have been working in the agricultural and food store for such a long time.

Just fire Sun Mao and let him fend for himself. There is no need for this! "

Xu Wei was also stunned after hearing Di Renjie's instructions.

He really didn't expect Di Renjie to be so cruel.

"Shopkeeper Xu, Sun Mao is too impure-minded. If you let Sun Mao leave, he will definitely feel resentful.

I don't want things like love and hatred to happen in front of me.

Who else knows in what capacity he borrowed the debt? What should you do if he escapes and the creditors come to the Farming and Grain Bank? "

Di Renjie glared at Xu Wei, you are already a grown man, why don't you even understand this?
This Sun Mao doesn't look like a good person at first glance. If he really lets him go, there will be endless troubles.

"Xu Wei understands this!"

Xu Weichong's Di Renjie saluted and acted directly according to the other party's wishes.

Soon the moneylenders got the news and hurried over and took the person away.

As for what will happen to Sun Mao, it is his own fault and he has no one to blame.

"Xiao Lihong, why do you look so depressed?"

On the carriage, Li Yanran looked at Li Hong, who was pouting and saying nothing, and also asked him questions.


Li Hong also snorted coldly and turned his head to one side.

"Are you still having a little temper? I'm afraid you haven't received enough beatings, right?"

Li Yanran smiled coldly and dared to show off her temper. Are you really unable to tell the difference between the big and small kings?

It seems that I still haven't fought enough, otherwise how could my little brother have a rebellious period.

I'll hit him harder next time.

"Sister, do you only know how to conquer others with force?"

Hearing this, Li Hong was instantly stunned.

Didn't you play enough at home just now?Now there's a second one?

You are really my good sister!

I've finally convinced you, you idiot!
"If you can conquer people with force, why do I talk so much nonsense!"

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