My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 646 Pearl Peptide Mask

Li Yanran nodded solemnly, Li Hong was really right.

If you can conquer others with force, do you still need to think about so many things?
A fool would do that.

"you you."

Li Hong was really speechless now.

Facing an old lady who advocates violence, he couldn't fight or run. It was really hard for him!
"Okay, don't you want to know why you were beaten?"

"Sister, didn't you say it's because I breathed!"

Li Hong curled his lips, I want to know about you!
I'm not stupid. Don't let me bring up your past and give you a beating when the time comes.

"It's embarrassing for you, isn't it? Ask me what happened in the palace!"

Seeing Li Hong's appearance, Li Yanran also glared.

You can still learn and apply it. Do you want to give you a thumbs up?

"Sister, but I don't want to know. I'm afraid you'll take it out on me again after you tell me!"

Li Hong is about to cry. Sister, please don't force me.

I'm really troubled!
Li Yanran was also a little angry. It turned out that this was what her younger brother was worried about.

Are you such a moody person?It seems that I got it right before.

Otherwise, even if you don't fight at home, you will still have to clean up in the carriage.

"I promise I won't take it out on you. I have calmed down. The beating you just received was not in vain!"

Putting on a kind smile, Li Yanran also spoke slowly.

"Sister, don't laugh like that, I'm scared!"

Looking at Li Hong's smile, Li Hong shuddered for no reason.

Who doesn't know about the Lishan fiefdom? Sister A smiled and the ghosts and gods gave in.

Could it be that my sister is going to deal with him again?

"Li Hong, don't be so shameless. You have to have me beat you up, right?"

Now Li Yanran couldn't hold it in any longer and slapped Li Hong on the head.

"Sister, look!
I didn't ask anything, and you slapped me.

If I ask you about your sadness, you have to take off my arm! "

Li Hong cried on the spot. He seemed to have anticipated the fierce appearance of his elder sister later.

There's no place to escape here. I'm done for, and I'm going to be beaten to death by my sister.

"Take off your arms? Today I will kill my relatives and take off your legs."

Seeing how ignorant Li Hong was, Li Yanran pounced on him.

"The two Royal Highnesses really have a deep relationship! This reminds me of my childhood!"

Listening to the screams inside the carriage, the imperial guard guarding the side also smiled.

"You are the elder brother, and I am the younger brother. This is how my elder brother dealt with me when I was young. It is such an unpleasant memory!"

The other Imperial Guard's eyes were full of sympathy and he whispered to the man in front of him.

"Be content. You all have brothers and sisters. I am an only child. I really have never experienced this feeling!"

"What's the point? When you have more sons in the future, let them experience your share!"

"Hahaha, you're right, give birth to more children!"

A group of forbidden troops escorted Li Yanran back to Lishan Mountain while fighting.


"Li Feng?"

Li Yanran was instantly excited when she saw Li Feng going home with Sun Simiao to celebrate the New Year.

His right-hand man finally came back, and he was finally able to put aside Ma Hou's fool.

"When did you come back?"

"I've been back for five days."

Li Feng was also very excited to see Li Yanran.

This time he and Sun Simiao went back to celebrate the New Year. They were away for more than ten days, so naturally they missed Li Yanran very much.

"It's good to be back. It's good to be back. How is King Sun Yao? Have you brought your family over?"

Li Yanran patted Li Feng on the shoulder. After not seeing him for more than ten days, it felt like Li Feng had grown again.

"Sun Yaowang came here with his whole family, and I helped them arrange a big house. Now Sun Yaowang can finally enjoy the happiness of a family."

Li Feng nodded. His mission when he returned was to send people back and bring them back.

If the person doesn't bring him back, why would he come back?

"That's good, let's go. I happen to have something to discuss with Sun Yaowang!"

When she heard that Sun Simiao and his family had come to Lishan, Li Yanran's heart finally returned to her stomach.

This is a living fairy. If Huang He comes and never comes back, then she will really be in vain for a thousand years.


Li Yanran brought Li Feng to Sun Simiao's mansion. They met a young man. When they saw Li Feng, they hurriedly approached him.

"Brother Li, why are you here! Who is this?"

Sun Ji saluted Li Feng and at the same time looked at Li Yanran beside him.

"Miss, this is Sun Ji, the grandson of King Sun Yao."

Li Feng had been at home with Sun Simiao for such a long time, and he was quite familiar with the Sun family. The person who came was none other than Sun Simiao's second grandson, Sun Ji.

"Little miss, Sun Ji has met Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Sun Ji knew Li Feng's identity very well. He was Li Yanran's personal bodyguard. Now that he was called Miss Li Yanran, the identity of the other party was already revealed.

It couldn't be anyone else except Li Yanran.

"Well, you're pretty smart!"

Li Yanran was also a little kid and nodded.

"Your Highness, please!" Sun Ji was stunned and quickly welcomed Li Yanran in.

Naturally, he could distinguish the big and small kings. When he came, his fairy grandfather warned him that there were two demon kings in the fiefdom, one big and one small.

One is the current prince, Li Hong.

The other one is the real owner of Lishan fiefdom, Princess Li Yanran.

No matter who they meet, these two people must perform the junior ceremony and must not make any mistakes, otherwise they will get a beating.


Li Yanran walked into the house and saw shelves for drying herbal medicine everywhere. Sun Simiao was lying on a lounge chair, basking in the sun comfortably.

"Sun Yaowang, you are so free!"

Hearing Li Yanran's voice, Sun Simiao still closed his eyes and said slowly: "Girl Li, why do you think of meeting me, the old man?"

"Hehe, didn't I hear that King Sun Yao is back? Come here quickly!"

Li Feng moved a round stool and placed it next to Sun Simiao. Li Yanran sat next to him and looked at Sun Simiao diligently.

"Don't be like this, old man, I still want to live for two more days."

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Yanran beside him and frowned.

Li Yanran is a master who doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, so there must be something wrong with her coming here now.

"Sun Yaowang, look at what you said. Why do you want to live for two more days?"

Li Yanran pursed her lips, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Hmph, others don't know who you are, why don't I also know? Tell me, what's the matter?"

Sun Simiao sat upright, poured a glass of Yuye wine and drank it all in one gulp.

"Hey, what do you mean, what's the matter? If nothing happens, can't I come and see you?"

"Old man, I'm very good. You can see it. If nothing happens, just leave!"

After giving Li Yanran a rollicking look, Sun Simiao directly issued an order to expel the guest.

Are you okay?That would be strange.

"Sun Yaowang, we can be considered friends since the age of [-].

If you drive me away like this, I will be sad! "

Li Yanran was stunned and bared her teeth at Sun Simiao with a threatening expression.

"Tsk, this fiefdom belongs to you most. Besides, what does your sadness have to do with me, old man!"
Don't beat around the bush with me, just tell me what you want me to do! "

Sun Simiao ignored Li Yanran, poured another glass of jade liquid wine, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Sun Yaowang, if that's the case, then I'll tell you straight away, I want you to develop a facial mask."

After looking at Sun Simiao, Li Yanran directly stated her purpose.

"Face mask? What is it?"

Hearing this strange name, Sun Simiao also became interested.

He has lived for more than 100 years and has seen countless things. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a living encyclopedia.

But this facial mask, let alone seeing it, has never heard of it.

"A facial mask, as the name suggests, is a good thing that is applied on the face and can keep people young forever!"

After looking at Sun Simiao, Li Yanran also explained the usage and effects of the face.

"You old man, do you think I am a god? I am still young forever, what are you dreaming about?"

Sun Simiao was dumbfounded. He had been practicing medicine for decades and had heard some legends, but there was no such thing as something that could truly keep people young forever.

"Haha, it all depends on man-made things. You haven't tried it, how do you know this thing doesn't exist?

Besides, youth never lasts forever. It is possible to delay aging and keep skin supple and supple, right? "

Li Yanran naturally knows that staying young forever is a luxury, but she believes that it can always be done by moisturizing her face and delaying aging.

“It is possible to delay aging and keep skin supple and supple.”

Sun Simiao frowned. Since ancient times, Chinese medicine has had many prescriptions for maintaining beauty and beauty. If Li Yanran wanted to do this, she could do it.

"Hehe, I know Sun Yaowang will definitely not disappoint me, so how about we study it?"

Li Yanran smiled excitedly, this Sun Simiao is really a big treasure.

If he really has a recipe that can delay aging, then he will make a lot of money.

"Hmph, I do have the recipe, but it's a bit difficult to make. I'll give you a Sibai ointment first."

Sun Simiao also directly explained the material selection and production and use methods of Sibai Paste.

"Li Feng!"


Li Feng quickly wrote down what Sun Simiao said about Sibai paste.

"Sun Yaowang, can precious medicinal materials such as pearls and ginseng be used as medicine?"

After hearing Sibai Cream, Li Yanran also frowned.

Because this thing is too ordinary, although it can be regarded as a secret recipe, it lacks some gimmicks when trying to sell it.

"Of course you can. Pearls have the effect of whitening and nourishing the skin, but they conflict with the Sibai Cream. You need to choose other medicinal materials to match it."

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Yanran. Pearls can naturally be used as medicine, but they are too expensive after all.

"King of Medicine, I have a recipe here, how do you feel?"

Li Yanran smiled and told her the tender noodle recipe that she had found out from later generations.

"The combination of your recipe is pretty much the same, but we still have to experiment to see how it works!"

After listening to Li Yanran's prescription, Sun Simiao also smiled.

As a doctor, what he cares about most is all kinds of prescriptions. Whether it is to cure diseases and save lives or to restore beauty, he is happy to accept them.

"Then try?"

"Try it!"

Sun Simiao stood up directly and walked towards his small pharmacy.

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