My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 648 Auntie, I’m here to see you again!

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

The two of them looked at each other, feeling a little at a loss and feeling a little scared.

After all, Her Royal Highness the Princess had rejected them before.

"I think I told you before that you are not allowed to participate in this experiment. Why are you disobedient?"

Li Yanran sighed and spoke to the two of them.

"Your Highness, we know that you are doing it for our own good, but to do our part for His Highness, this is the only thing we can do!"

Ma Lishi, the wife of Ma Hou, glanced at Li Yanran and expressed what she meant.

Her family now has food and drink, and Ma Hou's healthy growth is all thanks to Li Yanran's gift. This is all she can do for Li Yanran.

"I know you all really want to do things for me, have you ever considered my difficulties?

Wei Shan is my general, and Ma Hou is my younger brother’s gold medal younger brother.

If something goes wrong with this mask, how do you want me to face Wei Shan, and how do you want my brother to face Ma Hou? "

Having said this, Li Yanran had nothing to hide, so she directly stated her reasons.

"Your Highness, I."

Hearing this, Ma Li also frowned.

She wanted to repay her kindness before, but had never thought about it. Now that she heard what Li Yanran meant, she was a little hesitant.

"Your Highness, a man does things and things he doesn't do, and the same goes for a little girl.

Your Highness's kindness to my family is not exaggerated even if it costs Wei Shan's life, let alone these things.

Zhang Mengru would be very satisfied if she could do something for His Highness, and I hope you will agree! "

Compared to Ma Li, Zhang Mengru has a firm belief.

Her husband owed Li Yanran so much, and this was the only thing she could do for him.

"Your Highness, if Ma Li hadn't been gifted by His Highness, I really don't know what her life would be like now.

Even if she could only do a little thing for His Highness, Ma Li would be satisfied. "

Ma Li glanced at Zhang Mengru and strengthened her belief. She took a step forward and spoke to Li Yanran.

Looking at the persistent two people, Li Yanran also frowned.

A woman's face is the most important thing. If something goes wrong with the facial mask, she can't imagine the consequences.

Haven't you integrated into the hearts of the ancients?

Don't they care?

"If there is something wrong with this mask, have you thought about the consequences?"

"Haha, Your Highness is worrying too much, we believe you!"

"That's right!"

The two nodded again.

"Okay you guys!"

Li Yanran also fell silent, maybe agreeing to them would be a better choice.

Since Sun Simiao said there was no problem, there shouldn't be anything going on!

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

After hearing Li Yanran's affirmative answer, the two of them saluted together and then left.


Looking at the happy backs of the two people, Li Yanran also sighed.

The facial mask experiment was immediately implemented, and Sun Simiao was personally in charge, always paying attention to the conditions of these women after using it.

During this period, Di Renjie finished handling the situation in Chang'an and returned to the fiefdom. When he learned that Li Yanran was experimenting with facial masks, he couldn't help but become interested.

He knows very well what these facial masks represent, and everyone loves beauty.

Whether it is the palace or ordinary people, everyone has their own secret recipe for beauty, but some of these are effective, and some are in vain.

If Li Yanran can really launch a facial mask with great effects, it means that she has unearthed a golden mountain that is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

As time goes by, the effectiveness of the facial mask is gradually revealed.

According to the experimental requirements, everyone applied on half of their faces.

Now the half of the face of those women applying the mask is visibly smoother and more supple than the other half.

"Girl Li, it's done, it's done!"

Sun Simiao came to Li Yanran excitedly, as if he was a child with a new toy, laughing heartily.


Looking at Sun Simiao, Li Yanran also laughed.

Since Sun Simiao said it was done, there must be no problem.

"Haha, you'll know just by looking at the effect!"

Facts speak louder than words. As long as Li Yanran sees it, she will know how amazing the effectiveness of this mask is.

Even he never thought that Li Yanran's secret recipe would be so effective.

"Well, let's go and have a look!"

Li Yanran nodded. She didn't visit those women at all these days, just to wait for this day to come.

Now it's finally harvest time.

The women who voluntarily participated in the mask trial stood in a row and stared at Li Yanran in front of them.

"What does it mean?"

Looking at these women with half-face masks, Li Yanran also frowned, wondering what Sun Simiao was up to.

"Hey, just watch it!"

Sun Simiao waved his hand, and the two youngest girls also came to Li Yanran.


Sun Simiao smiled, and the two girls directly took off their half-face armor.

Li Yanran looked the two of them up and down. After all, they were young and invincible, and the knives of time had not yet left any traces on their faces.

With or without this mask, the difference is really not as big as I imagined.

Sun Simiao had already anticipated this situation. With a wave of his hand, another pair of women walked up to Li Yanran.

Reveal the face, replace the person, reveal the face, replace the person.As a woman ages, the effectiveness of the facial mask becomes more and more obvious, and the gap between the left and right faces becomes wider and wider.

Until everyone had passed in front of Li Yanran, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

At least judging from the people who experimented with the mask, it was very successful.

No wonder Sun Simiao was so excited. If it were her, she would be excited too.

However, the reasons for their excitement may be different. Sun Simiao was excited because he found a magic formula to restore his beauty, while he found a golden mountain.

"Girl Li, I'm going to include this secret recipe in my Qianjin Prescription. What are you going to name it?"

After everyone left, Sun Simiao also came to Li Yanran's side.

Since this recipe was so effective, he was also prepared to give the other party a chance.

An opportunity to be famous for all eternity.

"I reject!"

Hearing this, Li Yanran shook her head directly.

"What? You refused? Why did you refuse?"

After looking at Li Yanran, Sun Simiao was stunned.

You must know that his precious recipes are destined to be passed down through the ages, and the secret recipes he collected have strict requirements.

Such an opportunity was given to you and you refused?

What are you thinking?

“Because if this recipe is made public, how will I sell my facial mask?

The reason why I do this is to expend my energy and financial resources to make money. "

Li Yanran looked at Sun Simiao depressedly, wondering what he was thinking.

The secret recipe is secret because they are not passed down to the world.

If this became a public thing, who would spend a lot of money to buy their own facial mask?


Sun Simiao frowned. This secret recipe belonged to Li Yanran. If the other party did not agree, he could not record the secret recipe on Qian Jin Fang without authorization.

"No buts, this is my bottom line, do you understand?"

After looking at the depressed Sun Simiao, Li Yanran also firmly said no.

She is not a doctor and has no so-called desire to save the world. She just wants to make money.

As for charity, wait until you make enough money!

"That's fine!"

Sun Simiao also couldn't defeat Li Yanran, so this recipe may really not be passed down.

At least while Li Yanran was still alive, there was no other way.

"Well, that's it, Li Feng."


"Send someone to order pearls from the caravan in the south and arrange production at the same time."


Li Feng nodded and went directly to arrange what Li Yanran needed.

"and many more!"


“Give those people a face mask for January.”


After doing this, Li Yanran took Di Renjie back to the meeting hall.

"Di Renjie, what do you think?"

Looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also smiled. She believed that Di Renjie knew what she meant.

"Your Highness, I think the promotion of this mask should be from top to bottom. The best way is to try it on the Queen first.

This way, there is no need for us to promote it, and this mask can be sought after by the world. "

When Di Renjie saw the results of the facial mask, he began to think about how to sell the facial mask.

After much deliberation, if I want facial masks to be known all over the world, the best advertisement is Wu Zetian.

As the empress of the world, starting with her is definitely a masterstroke.

"I asked you how to do it, but you put the idea over my head!"

Li Yanran smiled, and she was also ready to attack her mother's face.

Then there are several similar ladies of the country. If this continues, facial masks will inevitably become as popular as perfume.

"No way, this is the most effective way."

Di Renjie also smiled. He knew that what he said must have touched the other person's heart.

Who told you to have this resource?If it had been anyone else, it would have been impossible.

"Well, you go find some Nanzhu and make it into a facial mask. I will personally deliver it to the palace!"

Nodding, Li Yanran also asked Di Renjie to find Nanzhu.

After all, this is for my mother to use, and if she wants to use it, she must use the best.

Ordinary pearls are simply not worthy of my mother's status. If my mother knows that I have fooled her with those inferior pearls, I am not sure how to deal with myself.


Di Renjie was stunned for a moment.

Everyone knows how precious Nanzhu is. One pearl is worth a lot of money.

Now you want to use Nanzhu as medicine, isn't it a bit too extravagant?
"What? Doesn't my grandma deserve to use Nanzhu?"

"Your Highness, forgive me, Di Renjie will take care of it immediately!"

Upon hearing this, Di Renjie trembled instantly and hurriedly saluted and left.

After the production of the Supreme VIP version of the mask was completed, Li Yanran also went to the palace with satisfaction.

"Auntie, I'm back!"

Li Yanran walked in and threw herself directly into her mother's arms.

"It's so rare, why are you willing to come see my mother-in-law!"

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