My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 649 Father, it’s not like he can’t even come up with these!

Chapter 649 Father, it’s not like he can’t even come up with these!
Looking at Li Yanran in her arms, Wu Zetian was also stunned for a moment.

Li Yanran is the master who always goes to the Three Treasures Palace. Now that she is back, could she have caused some trouble?

"Auntie, Yanran naturally misses you when she comes back. Why, don't you miss Xiao Yanran?"

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she hugged Wu Zetian again.

"Aniang is not stupid. Let's talk about it. What trouble did you get into again?"

Wu Zetian didn't fall for Li Yanran's trick at all, so he grabbed her out and asked her with wide eyes.

"Auntie, if you miss me so much, I will be angry!"

Hearing this, Li Yanran also pursed her lips, looking like she was angry.

"Angry, you dare to be angry with grandma? I've turned against you!"

Wu Zetian directly grabbed Li Yanran's ear and looked like you'd better tell the truth.

Li Yanran quickly begged for mercy: "Mom, don't pull, it hurts, it hurts!"

"Huh, I'll let you go this time and tell me why you're here. I still have a lot of memorials to review!"

Seeing Li Yanran's twisted little face, Wu Zetian also let go of her heartache, and then helped her rub her tugged ears.

"Auntie, do you still remember the facial mask Yanran talked about last time?"

Li Yanran leaned into Wu Zetian's arms enjoying herself, raised her head and said to her mother.

"Is this the good thing you mentioned that can keep grandma young forever?"

When Wu Zetian heard about facial masks, she became interested instantly.

Could it be that my daughter really made it?

Li Yanran clapped her hands, and Li Feng brought a brocade box to Wu Zetian.

"Auntie, this is the facial mask Yanran specially made for you!"

Li Yanran opened the brocade box and revealed the facial mask inside.

"Is it really useful?"

Looking at the yellow mask in front of her, Wu Zetian also frowned.

As the empress of the Tang Dynasty, she naturally had her own beauty skills, so she was somewhat skeptical about this mask.

"Auntie, this mask is a good thing. It uses Nanzhu as the main ingredient and is supplemented by some medicinal materials. As long as you insist on applying it, I guarantee you will have unexpected gains!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she was very confident about this mask.

After all, there were so many vivid examples that she couldn't help but be convinced.

"Then Aniang is very interested. How should I use this?"

Wu Zetian knew that her daughter never lied. If she said it was useful, she had nothing to disbelieve.

"Hehe, Aniang, lie down and let Yanran teach you!"

Li Yanran smiled, and Wu Zetian lay down obediently, closing her eyes and waiting for Li Yanran to take action.

First, he took a piece of tulle with holes in it and covered it on my face. Then he took out the mask and applied it on Wu Zetian's face with his little hands.

After all the procedures were completed, Li Yanran also sat and looked at the old woman in front of her.

"How long does it take to apply this?"

Wu Zetian also felt the moisture on her face.

"Auntie, don't say anything. Just wait. It will take at least a quarter of an hour!"

Li Yanran made a gesture of silence, and Wu Zetian also closed her mouth knowingly, feeling the effect of the mask.

A quarter of an hour later, looking at the somewhat dry mask, Li Yanran also removed the gauze from Wu Zetian's face.


As Wu Zetian said this, he was about to touch his face with his hands, but was held down by Li Yanran.

"Auntie, please be patient for a moment, here's another one!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, covered Wu Zetian's face with another piece of gauze, and then applied the mask on it.


Li Zhi entered the room and was stunned when he saw Wu Zetian who was applying a facial mask and Li Yanran beside her.

What's happening here?
What is that on the face of my own queen?

Seeing Li Zhi's figure, Li Yanran also hurried over to salute.

"If you don't stay well in the fiefdom, why are you coming back?
And what's that on your mother's face?Pick it for me quickly! "

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran depressedly. Without thinking, his daughter must have done something weird again.

"Father, what are you talking about? What is this thing? This is a facial mask, but it is a good thing that can keep my mother young forever!"

Li Yanran glared at her father, what do you mean by something?

If you old man can speak, just speak. If you can't speak, it's best to keep your mouth shut.

"Eternal youth? What nonsense are you talking about? How can there be such a thing?
Hurry and pick it off for me. If it hurts your grandma's face, do you know what the consequences will be? "

Li Zhi really wanted to slap Li Yanran now. The little kid didn't know where he heard the rumors.

You are still young forever, why don't you say that you will live forever and soar in the daytime?
I really don't know what to say.


Seeing that Li Zhi looked down on the facial mask he had worked so hard to develop, Li Yanran instantly became angry.

You can doubt me, but you can't doubt this mask.

This is a magic weapon for making money, and you must not let you slander it like this.

"What are you?"

Li Zhi didn't bother to talk to Li Yanran and walked directly towards Wu Zetian.

Just when he reached out to help Wu Zetian take off the mask, Wu Zetian slowly said: "I believe in Yanran!"

After hearing Wu Zetian's words, Li Zhi's stretched out hand froze in the air.

"Mei Niang, listen to me, we still don't know whether this thing is good or bad. Even if you believe Yan Ran, you should let the palace maid try it before using it!"

Li Zhi frowned and said softly to Wu Zetian.

You are the empress of the Tang Dynasty, and this face no longer belongs to you alone.If this thing is harmful, you will lose not only your own people, but the face of the entire Tang Dynasty.

"Father, you look down on Yanran too much. I have asked someone to try these masks before, and I will bring them to my mother-in-law only if they are ok!"

Li Yanran looked at her father angrily, "How do you know I haven't tried this thing before?"

I really don’t know what to say.

"That's not OK!"

Li Zhi frowned, as long as he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it.

"All right!"

Wu Zetian slowly tore off the gauze on her face, and then stared at Li Zhi in front of her.

"Father, how are you?"

Seeing Li Zhi's glare, Li Yanran also smiled.

My mother's natural beauty and natural fragrance, coupled with the mask, the two simply complement each other and complement each other.

"Good-looking, good-looking!"

Li Zhi looked at Wu Zetian who had just applied the facial mask and frowned.

Wu Zetian's pretty face is as charming as a flower waiting to bloom.


Listening to the words of the two people, Wu Zetian also smiled.

A woman wants to please her own appearance, so she doesn't want to show it to Li Zhi.

Now that Li Zhi said it looked good, Wu Zetian was satisfied.

"Nature is true."

Li Zhi also grabbed Wu Zetian's catkins and slowly replied.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Seeing the two people's affectionate expressions, Li Yanran also coughed twice.

Let's just say, can you two treat me as a human being and be more reserved in front of my daughter?
"What are you coughing about? If you are sick, go to the imperial doctor. Don't be an eyesore here!"

Li Zhi's face turned red, and he shouted at Li Yanran with his eyes wide open.

"Okay, okay, you continue, I'll get out of here!"

Li Yanran is also depressed. You two are old and disrespectful. Do you think I am an eyesore?

Why didn't you mind when you gave birth to me?
There really is no royal method!

"and many more."


Hearing her father's shout, Li Yanran quickly turned her head, with anger in her eyes.

I'm about to leave, why are you calling me?

Are you trying to save me?late!
"What kind of mask is this? I'm preparing hundreds of bottles. I want to make your mother the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Li Yanran was stunned when she heard her father's words.

Dad, Dad, you really don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are.

Do you think this mask was brought by the strong wind?Or do you think it’s mud in the field stalks?

A few hundred bottles more?A lot of money has been spent to prepare for this.

With such a father, she really cultivated it in her previous life.

"What? You're not even willing to give your mother something nice? Besides, isn't it just some mud? Look at how stingy you are?"

Seeing Li Yanran's surprised look, Li Zhi was also a little depressed.

In his opinion, this thing is no different from mud. He, the youngest daughter of a rich woman, is really stingy.

"Ni Niba?"

Wu Zetian was also stunned. Just now she heard from Li Yanran that the main ingredient of this mask was Nanzhu.

Although these are just ordinary things to me, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are rare things that cannot be reached.

After looking at Li Yanran, Wu Zetian didn't say much. She knew that her daughter would definitely not sit still and wait to die.

There is a good show to watch next.

"Father, a few hundred bottles are not impossible, but my main ingredient is not enough. If my father can provide it, then it will be a done deal!
For my mother-in-law, I am naturally willing to give up. "

Li Yanran sneered and said to her father.

"Okay, for your mother's sake, just say what you want!"

Looking at Wu Zetian who was full of expectations, Li Zhi also looked proud.

It's just a pile of mud, you can conjure a flower, and it's still worth a few dollars.

"Father, this facial mask is called Pearl Six Flavors Cream. The main ingredient is pearls. For ordinary ones, just use the cheapest pearls.

But the one I gave to my grandma was the supreme version, using Hepu Nanzhu.

This bottle requires two ounces of pearl powder, and hundreds of bottles are not much. Father, just get me a hundred kilograms of pearls first! "

Li Yanran put her hands in her pockets and looked at her father with big eyes after finishing speaking.

A hundred pounds of Hepu Nanzhu. Dad, you are rich all over the world. This must not be a problem for you.

"Hehepu Nanzhu? You still need a hundred pounds? Are you out of your mind?"

Li Zhi was really stupid now. He really didn't expect that this small bottle of facial mask would use two ounces of Hepu Nanzhu.

Moreover, Li Yanran said it was a hundred pounds, but whose pearls are weighed by pounds?

Do you really think that the strong wind in Hepu Nanzhu is blowing?

If a lion doesn't open its mouth, it will bite someone to death, right?

"No, no, it's just over 100 kilograms of Nanzhu. My father won't be reluctant to give it to my grandma, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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