My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 650: Walk slower?Okay, drive!

Seeing her father's jaw dropped, Li Yanran also took advantage of the victory and continued to taunt him.

"His Majesty?"

Wu Zetian also smiled and followed Li Yanran to attack Li Zhi.

"This this."

Li Zhi was really in a dilemma now. These two women, one big and one small, were enough for him to drink from.

"Father, don't you want my mother-in-law to be beautiful and youthful forever?

There is nothing else in the world that can be as important as my mother-in-law. "

Seeing her father's embarrassed look, Li Yanran also smiled and continued to put pressure on him.

"Your Majesty, don't you want Mei Niang to stay young forever?"

Wu Zetian also took a step forward, looking at Li Zhi who looked embarrassed, and became happy for no reason.

His daughter is really good at seizing opportunities. He hasn't seen His Majesty the Emperor like this for a long time!
so fun.

"Mei Niang, please stop teasing me with Yan Ran. She is a child who is not sensible, and you don't understand either?
Hepu Nanzhu weighs more than 100 kilograms. Even if you kill me, I won’t be able to get it out for you! "

Li Zhi smiled miserably and begged Wu Zetian for mercy.

"Then what you said about Yanran just now, now you've shot yourself in the foot!"

Wu Zetian also crossed her arms like Li Yanran and gave Li Zhi a big black face.

"I know I'm wrong. Isn't it okay? Don't be so stubborn!"

Li Zhi really knew he was wrong this time. One hundred kilograms of pearls was still the most precious Nanzhu, which really made him speechless.

"I can't spare you, it depends on whether our precious daughter agrees or not!"

Wu Zetian's face remained as usual, but she arched her lips towards Li Yanran.

"Xiao Yanran, my father knows that I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Li Zhi was also helpless. It was okay to bow his head to his wife. After all, he was used to bowing his head.

But it is indeed a bit embarrassing to bow down to one's own daughter.

After all, he is the emperor and the other party's father.


Li Yanran pouted her lips, looking like I will never forgive you.

"Okay, I know that Xiao Yanran is the best, so she can't be angry with me, right?"

Li Zhi also came close to Li Yanran, his eyes full of threats.

"Auntie, look at Father, he still dares to glare at me!"

Li Yanran shuddered, ran to my mother's side, and started to make a small report about Li Zhi.

"His Majesty?"

Wu Zetian also glared at Li Zhi, "You made a mistake and you dare to glare at my precious daughter."

Do you really think that your mother-in-law is made of clay?

"No way, it's too late for me to like Xiao Yanran, so why would I glare at him? Haha...ha!"

Li Zhi also hurriedly explained to Wu Zetian that if he really pissed off his queen, he would have nothing to gain.

"A little bit!"

Li Yanran also gave Li Zhi a face behind me, and she dared to be mean to me. She was really making herself uncomfortable.

"Okay, this mask is so expensive, I can't give it to you for free. Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Wu Zetian also patted Li Yanran, indicating that it was time for her to get down to business.

"Auntie, what are you talking about? It's filial piety from my daughter to give you a facial mask. Why do I need your help?"

Li Yanran also hesitated for a while, her mother was so sharp, which made her a little embarrassed to say it.

"Little Guitou, don't think that grandma doesn't know anything. If you want to promote this mask, I am the best target.

As long as I say in front of everyone that I am using your Pearl Six Flavor Cream, it will be impossible for it to sell well. "

Wu Zetian knocked on her daughter's little head. You are the best little fox in the world. You don't know what you are thinking.

There must be a sense of filial piety, but it would be impossible if there is not some caution in addition to filial piety.

"A-niang, are you really willing?"

Li Yanran swallowed her saliva. She didn't even say anything, but my mother knew everything.

What a pity, what a pity. If my mother-in-law were in business, would she still be able to make money for herself?

"As long as she can help my little Yanran, I will be satisfied!"

Wu Zetian smiled, she was satisfied if she could help her daughter.

"Auntie, this is the best!"

Li Yanran threw herself into my mother's arms again. She was really lucky to have such an old woman.

"Okay, you two, mother and daughter, have a good chat, and I'll go back first!"

Looking at the two people, Li Zhi also smiled and turned away.

"Rian, wait at the palace gate. If you see Princess Lishan, bring her to the royal study room!"

After leaving Wu Zetian's palace, Li Zhi also called Ruian over.

"Waiting for Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan?"

Ryan was dumbfounded, what the hell?

Let yourself wait for that little devil?

I haven't paid off the last debt yet, so I want to provoke the other party again?
"Well, remember, if Xiao Yanran runs away, I will break your legs!"

Li Zhi glared at Ruian, then got on the dragon boat and headed towards the royal study.

After Li Yanran finished lunch with her mother, she also said goodbye to her.

"You have to take good care of yourself after returning to the fiefdom, and don't worry, I will hold a palace banquet soon.

When you invite those high-ranking ladies to a banquet, you can send someone to deliver some facial masks. Do you understand? "

Wu Zetian sent Li Yanran to the carriage, her eyes full of love.

Although this daughter has not gone very far, she is not by her side after all. How can a mother not worry about her?

"Don't worry, Mom, Yanran will take good care of herself, hehe, if nothing happens, I'll go back!"

Li Yanran saluted her mother, then stood on tiptoes and kissed her on the forehead, then turned around and jumped onto the carriage.

As the carriage moved forward, Li Yanran became a little anxious. "Li Feng, where are you?"

"Miss, we are just at the entrance of the palace!"

"Oh, walk slower!"


Hearing this, walk slowly, Li Feng was a little confused for a moment.

In the past, my young lady was always eager to leave the palace quickly. Why did she say "walk slower" today?

I must have heard wrong. Miss, you need to walk faster!

Thinking of this, Li Feng also flicked his riding whip, and the two horses rushed forward in pain.

Feeling the galloping horse, Li Yanran was stunned.

I tell you to slow down, but you want me to speed up?
Going back with Sun Simiao to spend the New Year and making everyone stupid?
I have something special to do!

Ruian was walking back and forth in front of the palace alone. He didn't even eat to wait for Li Yanran, for fear that the little devil would slip away while he was eating.


Hearing the sound of the horse neighing, Ruian also frowned. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the carriage rushing towards him.


Seeing this scene, Ruian also ran away.

What a joke, even if his own father comes now, he still has to run away.

If he was hit, half his life would be lost.

"Hurry up and save me!"

"Stop him!"

While running, Ruian shouted to the Imperial Guards around him to stop the carriage.

"Shut up!"

Looking at the waiting Imperial Guards, Li Feng quickly reined in the horses, and the two horses slowly stopped.

"Miss, Ryan is in front!"

Li Feng whispered inside.

"I'm waiting for him!"

Hearing that Ruian was in front, Li Yanran's heart dropped back into her stomach.

The reason she asked Li Feng to slow down was because she was waiting for Ruian to come. If Ruian didn't come, how could she go to her father's place to get the precious Nanzhu.

"Your Highness, Ruian has been waiting here for a long time!"

Ruian adjusted his clothes and slowly came to Li Yanran's carriage.

"Ryan, what are you waiting for me here for?"

Li Yanran's voice came from inside the carriage.

"Your Majesty is waiting in the imperial study. Please come with me to have an audience!"

Ruian quickly expressed what he meant by waiting here.

"Why did your father ask me to go there?"

"Your Highness will know when you go over there!"

"Come here, escort your highness to the imperial study!"

Ruian didn't dare to say anything and simply asked the Imperial Army to hold the carriage first so that Li Yanran wouldn't run away.

"Your Majesty, Princess Lishan has arrived!"

Ruian entered the royal study and saluted Li Zhi who was sitting on the dragon throne.

"Then bring it in quickly!"


Li Yanran entered the imperial study room, looked at her father above, and bowed.

"Father, why did you call me here?"

"What's the matter? Li Yanran, do you know you were wrong?"

Looking at Li Yanran, Li Zhi also glared at him and slapped Long An.

"Father, what did Yanran do wrong?"

Li Yanran smiled coldly and looked at a loss.

"Hmph, did I tell you last time that if you have any profitable business in the future, you must notify me immediately.

How about you, not only do you make me look embarrassed in front of your mother, but you also want to walk away?
how?Do you really think I can't cure you? "

Li Zhi was furious when he remembered Wu Zetian's embarrassment for no reason.

Not only did you not notify me as a partner of your profitable business, but you also dug a hole for yourself. This is really outrageous.

"Father, Yanran doesn't understand. Don't you look down on that facial mask?
Why are you saying this again now?How much money can you make from something used by female prostitutes? "

Li Yanran smiled, you didn't ask for it.

Returning hundreds of bottles is really shameless.

Is there anyone in the world who would cheat on your own daughter like this?
And tell you, did you give me a chance?

"Hmph, don't think I'm stupid, this mask is more profitable than that perfume after you use it.

Lan Kwai Fong is already a money tree, isn’t this a golden mountain?
If you want to leave me alone and go all alone, there is no way! "

Li Zhi is not stupid. Who says women are inferior to men? At least when it comes to spending money, he thinks women are stronger than men.

This can be seen from the perfumes in Lan Kwai Fong. The Yuye wine is delicious, and it is just a plus when compared with the perfume.

If he doesn't seize the opportunity this time, won't he let his daughter make money on her own?

As an expert in investing, he would never let this opportunity pass him by.

"Father, you are right, what do you mean I want to take it all to myself?

I invented this recipe, I hired someone to do the experiments, and I will even be responsible for future sales.

You can't just say that you want to share my money, right? "

Li Yanran was not used to her father and retorted directly.


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