My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 657 Double Binding

The two looked at each other and could only salute Li Yanran and take orders.

"Well, Li Feng, you should listen to Sun Hu more on the road. After all, he is very proficient in being a bandit.

But if Sun Hu does something stupid, you will beat him up, do you understand? "

Li Yanran nodded and spoke to the two of them again.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Sun Hu will naturally not dare to be presumptuous in the face of Brother Li!"

Sun Hu smiled. He was almost beaten to death by Li Feng just now. With him watching, how could he dare to act stupidly?

"Don't be afraid of the best, let's go and have a rest!"


Sun Hu left, and Li Feng came over again.

"What's the matter, are you so reluctant to leave me?"

Looking at the frowning Li Feng, Li Yanran also smiled.

"Miss, I am worried about your safety. If I had known this, I would have brought Mahou here. He would be able to take care of you."

Li Feng shook his head. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't care about him.

The key point is that you are my master, my master for life, and he has guaranteed it in his heart that he will never let anyone hurt the other person.

"Ma Hou should forget it. If we take him away, it would be strange if Li Hong doesn't explode. I don't know if my stupid brother knows that we have left now!"

Li Yanran shook her head, Ma Hou should leave it to his little brother.

"His Royal Highness should know by now!"

Li Feng thought about it for a moment. The prince's IQ was really a mystery. Sometimes he was quite smart, and sometimes he was surprisingly stupid.

He really didn't know that.

"I hope Wei Shan can capture him, otherwise I'm really afraid something will happen!
If Hongdi makes a fuss, it will be over! "

Li Yanran sighed, there was no one under her command and there was nothing she could do.

Li Feng will definitely bring it himself, and the same goes for Di Renjie. Only Wei Shan knows what it will be like.

"There should be no problem. Wei Shan knows the importance. Besides, with your order, His Highness the Crown Prince cannot change the world."

Li Feng thought for a moment. Although Wei Shan was just a bandit before, he had no scruples.

As long as it is Li Yanran's order, he really dares to deal with Li Hong.

The worst he could do was to die, but he couldn't let down Li Yanran's trust.

"Well, I hope!"

Just when Li Yanran was struggling with the fiefdom, Li Hong, a brilliant man, finally came to his senses.

In the past two days, not only did the elder sister not see him, he also didn't see his follower Li Feng. Di Renjie even disappeared in front of his eyes all day long.

There's something going on inside this meow!

"Mahou, where is your master? Have you seen him in the past two days?"

Glancing at the younger brother next to him, he knew that Ma Hou would go to Li Feng to practice boxing and kicking skills every day. He knew best whether Li Feng was there or not.

"Boss, it's strange to say that the master gave me homework for half a month and said he was going to travel."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier! You've ruined a big thing for me, boss!"

Hearing what Ma Hou said, Li Hong instantly understood that his sister might have gone out behind his back.

After that, Li Hong also ran away, with a clear target: the conference hall.

"Boss, wait for me!"

Ma Hou lifted his pants and ran over after Li Hong.

The two rushed into the meeting hall, and it was obvious that Li Yanran was not here at all.

"Mahou, go and inquire immediately to see if Di Renjie is there. Hurry!"

Li Yanran's daily work is the same as that of her father, except that her father is in the imperial study room and her sister is in the meeting hall.

There is no one in the meeting hall now, which proves that my sister is definitely not in Lishan, but where can she go?

Mahou ran out, but a figure appeared and blocked Mahou's way.

"Who is it!"

Ma Hou was stunned, and when he saw clearly the man's expression, he also said depressedly: "Wei Shan, get out of the way quickly, I have something to do!"

"Come here you!"

Wei Shan stretched out his hand and grabbed Ma Hou's collar, carrying him back to the house.

"Wei Shan has met His Highness!"

Mahou was thrown to the ground with a thud, and Wei Shan quickly saluted Li Hong.

"Wei Shan, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Wei Shan's movements, Li Hong sat down on Li Yanran's chair and stared at Wei Shan.

"Your Highness, are you looking for the Princess?"

Li Hong's every move was watched by Wei Shan. He had three major tasks to stay in the fiefdom.

First, maintain the daily operations of the fiefdom.

Second, he was responsible for sending away those who were looking for Li Yanran.

The third and most important thing is to watch His Highness the Crown Prince to death and prevent him from doing anything wrong.

Now that Li Hong came to the meeting hall, Wei Shan knew that His Highness the Crown Prince must have discovered that Li Yanran was not in the fiefdom.

Li Hong nodded and directly asked where his sister was.

Wei Shan didn't say anything more, and directly signaled Li Yanran to leave the letter, then took it out of his pocket and handed it over.

Li Hong took the letter and opened it directly. After reading it, he was stunned.

My sister actually went out to play without telling me. She really didn't think of me as her biological brother.

It really made him angry.

"No, I want to go find my sister. Wei Shan, you immediately arrange for the imperial army to leave Lishan!"

Li Hong immediately filtered out the news that Li Yanran asked him to be obedient. He just wanted to find his sister quickly, but he couldn't leave him behind.

"Your Highness, didn't you read His Highness's letter?"

Wei Shan was completely stunned. He didn't know what the Crown Prince was thinking.

Although he didn't know the content of the letter, he would definitely tell him to stay well in the fiefdom.

"I saw it, so what? Now the fiefdom has the final say.

Whatever I tell you to do, you do it!Otherwise, I will chop off your head. "

A sneer appeared on Li Hong's face. Now that sister is gone, he is the overlord of the fiefdom.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid this is not up to you!"

Wei Shan smiled. Just as Li Feng thought, Wei Shan was stunned.

In his opinion, Li Yanran's will was an imperial decree. As long as he could complete the other party's mission, it didn't matter even if Li Hong was the prince. "???"

Hearing Wei Shan's words, Li Hong was instantly stunned and didn't know what the other party meant.

"What do you mean?"

"Her Royal Highness the Princess's wish to me is that you stay in the fiefdom safely."

"You dare to disobey my will?"

Staring at Wei Shan, Li Hong's eyes were full of anger.

You are just a little bandit. Even if you are now favored by my elder sister, in his eyes, you are of impure origin.

He dares to chat with me here?

"Your Highness, no matter what you say, you can't get out of this fief."

Wei Shan nodded, what can you do if I disobey?

The worst-case scenario is waiting for His Highness to come back and plead guilty on his own.

"If I want to leave, can you stop me?"

Li Hong was also dumbfounded. Weird things happened every year, especially this year.

He really didn't believe that Wei Shan dared to touch a hair on his head.

"Your Highness, then don't blame Wei Shan for being sorry!"

As he spoke, Wei Shan took out a rope from behind his back and tied it to Li Hong without saying a word.



Seeing Wei Shan's actions, Li Hong and Ma Hou were both stunned.

What the hell?

He dared to touch Li Hong. Wei Shan must be too courageous!

"Wei Shan, do you want to die?"

Ma Hou rushed over and tried to save his boss with his fists and kicks, but was knocked down by Wei Shan.

Then he took out another rope and gave him a rice dumpling.

"Wei Shan, are you really a coward? Do you really think that since you belong to Sister A, I won't dare to kill you?"

Seeing that his younger brother was also knocked down, Li Hong glared at Wei Shan and shouted angrily.

"Your Highness, Wei Shan is willing to die when Her Royal Highness the Princess returns!"

"excuse me!"

Before Li Hong could say anything, Wei Shan took out the new seal he had prepared and stuffed it directly into Li Hong's mouth.


Li Hong's eyes widened. He really didn't expect that Wei Shan could do this.

You have tied yourself up and don't tell me, but you still dare to gag yourself?

Even if you deprive me of my personal freedom, you won't let me speak?

You are so unbecoming of a human being.

"Wei Shan, you'd better let my boss go, otherwise you'll be in trouble later!"

Before Ma Hou finished speaking, Wei Shan took out another seal and blocked Ma Hou's mouth tightly.

After doing this, Wei Shan also clapped his hands and walked out of the meeting hall.

After closing the door, Wei Shan also looked at the top of his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Li Yanran couldn't care about the fiefdom now, because the next two groups of soldiers had already arrived for the round.

Now he already has 200 elite forbidden troops in his hands. Counting the [-] people behind and the bodyguards from Linshan County, he has assembled a thousand elite troops.

If coupled with Li Feng and Sun Hu's thousand bandit soldiers, he already has 2000 troops.

These 2000 men and horses are not ordinary bandits. It is not easy to deal with five or six thousand bandits.

"Where's Di Renjie?"

Li Yanran looked around and realized that someone was missing.

"Commander Di seems to be still tied up in the carriage!"

"I'll bring Di Renjie here quickly!"

Li Yanran became depressed and went on her way, but she forgot about Di Renjie, sin, sin.

Di Renjie was soon untied and brought to Li Yanran.

"Di Di Renjie, are you okay?"

Looking at Di Renjie who looked unhappy, Li Yanran also felt a little embarrassed.

"Your Highness, you...hey!"

Di Renjie had nothing to say. He almost died on the carriage in the past two days.

"Haha, don't you forget this? Now that we have all come out, what are you going to do next?"

Li Yanran took a look at the surrounding situation and asked the other party what he thought now.

"How to do?"

Di Renjie was depressed, looked at the soldiers beside him, and spoke out the next steps.

"Then let's go. Next, I want to see what other backup plans these aristocratic families have."

Li Yanran nodded and directly ordered his men to advance towards Bingzhou.

Time passed day by day, and the last escort finally arrived at the border of Bingzhou.

Looking at the mountain peak in front of him, Zhou Wu, the governor escorting the caravan, also frowned.

If someone really wants to ambush you, this is indeed the best place.

"The whole army is on alert, and then we will ask His Highness."


Immediately, someone rode out to report to Li Yanran.

"Your Highness, Governor Zhou Wu is afraid that there will be an ambush ahead, and I want to ask what you mean!"

Li Yanran was hanging far behind the team, so the scouts came quickly.

"Tell Zhou Wu to move forward slowly and withdraw immediately if you encounter an ambush. Do you understand?"


The scout saluted and left directly.

After receiving Li Yanran's order, Zhou Wu led his men in without hesitation.


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