My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 658 Commander Di, this rope is for you!

As Zhou Wu thought, there were indeed a lot of bandits ambushing in the mountains, and these people were all forces raised by the Cui family themselves.

This time, in order to let Li Yanran know how powerful they are, they also put their money where their mouth is.

"Get ready, we must capture the person!"

"rest assured!"

"Can't run!"

A group of people are also gearing up and preparing for a big fight.


Seeing the caravan entering his attack range, the one-eyed tiger also roared loudly, and nearly a thousand bandits rushed out and killed them in the direction of Zhou Wu.

"Enemy attack, retreat!"

Zhou Wu sneered, and the caravan quickly retreated back.

"Where to run!"

Naturally, it was impossible for the one-eyed tiger to leave this gap behind him. There was also a shout from behind, and hundreds of bandits rushed out.

"Kill the past!"

Zhou Wu took the lead and killed him with a gun.

Not to be outdone, a dozen cavalrymen followed Zhou Wu and rode into the enemy formation.

These bandits are also smiling ferociously. Do they really think they are invulnerable?

More than a dozen people dared to charge into the formation because they thought they would live long.

Zhou Wu was brave, and his spear was like a dragon, knocking two people over directly, and then he continued to move forward on his horse.

These bandits have no idea how powerful the elite cavalry is. Even a dozen cavalrymen can be killed until they cry like ghosts and howl like wolves.

The cavalry started to form, and the imperial troops behind them also followed up. The bandits were killed before they could react.

Seeing the corpses on the ground and the backs of the caravan, these bandits were all stunned.

What's so special about this situation, that a team of three or four hundred people was directly killed?

"What do you do for food? Are you being killed by them now?"

One-eyed Tiger's whole body was in bad condition. How could people like him be just people who lick blood from the edge of a knife, and they were just gone?

"Boss, it's not that we didn't work hard, it's just that they were too strong, and the brothers died all over the place before they could react!"

After hearing what the one-eyed tiger said, a leader also stood up and wiped the blood from his face, his eyes full of fear.

"Are they strong? Could it be that they have two heads? Let me chase them!"

The one-eyed tiger really wants to chop the opponent with a knife now. He will just shirk away when encountering problems. He should be damned.


Hundreds of bandits immediately ran away and chased the caravan.

"Your Highness, here we come!"

With the caravan in front and the bandits behind, Li Yanran got the news immediately.

"The entire army is prepared, don't let anyone go!"


After hearing Li Yanran's order, all [-] forbidden troops mounted their horses and were ready to dispatch at any time.

Arriving far away from the mountain peak, Zhou Wu also smiled. Since you are here, then all of you will die here.

At that moment, the caravan was also ordered to form a formation with vehicles to defend against the enemies behind them.

"Stop? Kill him!"

Seeing the situation of the caravan, the one-eyed tiger also smiled coldly and ordered the bandits behind him to step forward and kill the enemy.

Facing Zhou Wu's car formation, the bandits also smiled contemptuously, then each raised their swords and killed them.

"Lance, stab to kill!"

Zhou Wu, however, was not afraid at all and commanded the bodyguards around him to respond to the enemy.

For a while, both sides also killed corpses everywhere, but most of them were the corpses of bandits. The bodyguards were protected by armor, so there were very few casualties.


Just as the battle ahead was in full swing, Li Yanran's cavalry also attacked from all directions.


Looking at the cavalry around him, One-Eyed Tiger was completely stunned.

What's going on? Where did the cavalry come from?

Could it be that there are soldiers and horses from Zhe Chong Mansion training around?
No, I have inquired before, but there is no one there!
"Boss, what...what should I do!"

A leader looked at the one-eyed tiger with fear in his eyes.

Before you came here, you never said there would be so many cavalry here. If you had known, you wouldn't have come here if you were beaten to death.

Wouldn't it be nice to spend some time in the mountains?Come here to seek your own death.

"What should I do? Run!"

The one-eyed tiger immediately galloped towards the distance.


"The boss is running away!"

"Go, go!"

As soon as the one-eyed tiger ran away, the bandits who were already panicked dispersed and ran in all directions.

"Disperse and kill the enemy. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!"


Six hundred cavalrymen, in groups of five, began to chase these bandits and kill them wildly!

Although the one-eyed tiger was riding a horse, his mount was nothing compared to the Imperial Army's, and it didn't take long for him to be captured.

But the one-eyed tiger has a special status. All his family members are in the hands of the Cui family. Faced with such a situation, he can only wipe his neck with a knife.

The battle soon came to an end. After all, in such a flat area, no two-legged cavalry could outrun the four-legged cavalry.

In the end, more than 1000 bandits were killed, more than 500 bandits were killed, more than 500 surrendered, and no one escaped.

"Your Highness, what are you thinking about?"

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran who was in a daze, wondering what she was thinking.

"What are you thinking about? This is a lot of hard work. If they don't turn into bandits, how much land can they cultivate?"

Li Yanran sighed, these people are all good workers, it is a pity that they died here.


After hearing Li Yanran's words, Di Renjie also became depressed.

He originally thought that Li Yanran couldn't stand the tragic scene of the battlefield, but he didn't expect that she meant this.

Good labor?Your Highness, you understand.

"what happened?"


Di Renjie shook his head, what could he have in mind.

"Clean the battlefield and don't let go of any corpses."

A hint of cruelty flashed in Li Yanran's eyes. Instead of letting those people die from their injuries, it would be better to give them a happy life.He can be regarded as saving all sentient beings.


Li Yanran left, and the Imperial Guards began to clean up the battlefield. Every body was stabbed, and they were saved and brought to bliss as soon as possible.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, Zhou Wu also replenished his troops and horses, crossed the mountains and continued to march towards Bingzhou.

After experiencing several more ambushes along the way, the number of prisoners on Li Yanran's side was almost 100, so Li Yanran could only dedicate [-] people to escort these prisoners back to Lishan Mountain.

Time passed day by day, and Lin Cheng was almost growing hairy after staying in Linshan County, and finally received Li Yanran's order.

"finally come!"

Lin Cheng was relieved after seeing the news.

"Come on!"


"Pack up your gear and prepare to evacuate Linshan County!"


Hearing Lin Cheng's words, the escorts around him were stunned.

Now to withdraw from Linshan County, what kind of plane is this?
Doesn't the other party know that there are wolves outside now? If they leave the city, they may be eaten without any hair left.

"His Highness has arrived, now we are the bait to lure those big fish outside the city!"

Lin Cheng smiled and directly told Li Yanran's situation.

"Your Highness actually came in person?"

Everyone looked at Lin Cheng and was stunned.

Li Yanran is here. How is this possible?

The other party is a rich man!
"That's right, stop talking nonsense, get ready quickly, store the goods in the carriage, and then follow me out of the city!"


Soon, more than 100 escorts stored all the perfume and facial masks, and then drove the empty carriages to leave Linshan County and headed in the direction of Li Yanran.

"Boss, they are out of the city!"

As soon as Lin Cheng left the city, he was discovered by the bandits' scouts and reported to the leader.

"What, everyone should not fight on their own this time!"

Wang Dashan glanced at the leaders around him and spoke in a low voice.

"That's natural. Our mission is to capture this caravan. If the caravan escapes because we have a gap, then we will all die."

"Well, of course that's how it should be. Let's work together to take them down."

"Just do it!"

Several leaders also nodded together. Now they could be said to have been forced to the cliff. If Lin Cheng really ran away, it would be over.

Nearly four thousand bandits also began to pursue Lin Cheng from all directions.

"President, they are coming!"

Lin Cheng also deployed scouts behind him, and he got the news immediately when the bandits came to kill him.

"Don't worry about them, just move forward at full speed!"


Lin Cheng's speed suddenly increased a lot, and he threw away his arms and ran towards the place where Li Yanran ordered.

"Speed ​​up, hurry up, don't let them get away."

Seeing Lin Cheng speeding up, Wang Dashan was dumbfounded and directly ordered his men to speed up and catch up.

For a time, there was a life-and-death struggle outside Linshan County, but the caravan had cars, and the bandits could only eat ashes behind them.

Finally, we arrived at the place planned by Li Yanran. The vast plain was most suitable for the cavalry attack.

While the chase was ahead, news was delivered to Li Yanran one by one.

"Your Highness, Lin Cheng has arrived at the predetermined location! There are about three to four thousand bandits behind them!"

"Haha, it's time to look at us next!"

Li Yanran smiled, and it was time for a decisive victory. As long as the group in front of him was captured, those aristocratic families would no longer be able to threaten their trade routes in a short period of time.

"Your Highness, you should wait here for the results of the battle!"

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran and directly advised him.

"It's already the last minute, you want me to wait here?"

Li Yanran glared at Di Renjie, wondering what she was doing here, she was here to kill people.

This will make you wait here, what a joke.

"Li Feng, do it!"

Di Renjie seemed to have known what Li Yanran was thinking, and spoke directly to Li Feng.


Looking at Li Feng walking towards her, Li Yanran was also confused. She didn't know what Li Feng wanted to do?

"Li Feng, what do you want to do?"

"Miss, I'm sorry, Li Feng can't put you in danger, so I'm offended!"

Li Feng took out a rope from his arms and tied it up directly for Li Yanran.

"Li Feng, are you crazy? Untie me!"

It was really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. Before, she asked Li Feng to tie up Di Renjie, but now she had to suffer the consequences.

This was something he had never thought about.

"Miss, just accept your fate, I can't let you go!"

Li Feng shook his head. This was the first time he had disobeyed Li Yanran's will, but in order to ensure the other party's safety, he was not afraid anymore.

At the worst, I'll give you all my private money, and I'll just save it again.

"Li Feng, what kind of ecstasy soup did Di Renjie pour into you, and you are like this?"

After hearing what Li Feng said, Li Yanran also became depressed.

Li Feng can be incited to rebel, which is simply a fantasy.

“Your Highness, I didn’t say anything at all.

If there is anything that makes Li Feng like this, it is only his love and care for you.

After all, I said before that if a rich man doesn't sit down in court, you'd better stay away if the battlefield is dangerous! "

Di Renjie smiled. He really didn't expect to be able to instigate Li Feng.

But there is no way, this is called success or failure.

Who told people to care about you?

As the saying goes, people have weaknesses, and Li Feng can't escape his grasp.

"Commander Di, there is another rope here for you!"

After taking down Li Yanran, Li Feng took out another rope and tied Di Renjie up.


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