My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 660 is really vulnerable!

Chapter 659 is really vulnerable!
Wang Dashan was supervising the battle from behind. He was a little depressed that he hadn't taken down the opponent for so long. Now when he heard this voice, he became angry.

"It seems to be coming from behind."

Zhang Bugui looked behind him and saw that there seemed to be nothing.

"No, there are cavalry, cavalry."

Wang Dashan also served in the army before becoming a bandit, and he was very familiar with this voice.

As Li Feng got closer, he also heard the sound of the cavalry's hooves.

"Cavalry? Damn it, what is that?"

Chen Liu, the leader of the four-eyed bandits, looked behind him and saw a cloud of smoke rising into the sky. Li Feng and the others had already reached enough distance and started sprinting.

"What? Quick, quick, quick, set up defenses."

Wang Dashan was dumbfounded, what else?Are those two holes under your eyebrows used to vent your anger?
If you don't know this yet, then you have to wait until the other party chops off your head.

"Quick, defend."

After hearing Wang Dashan's words, the bandits also panicked and began to organize defenses.

The cavalry marched like the wind, and the bandits rushed to them before they could organize a defense.


Li Feng took the lead, holding a thick iron gun and directly stabbed a bandit into the air.

Then he threw the opponent away with force, smashing several people into the air, and the horse's flying stamp knocked them into the air again.

Hundreds of fine knights around Li Feng also started a bloody killing, slashing with their swords, and heads flying into the sky instantly.

The cavalry entered the formation as if they were entering an uninhabited territory, and the bandits' scattered defense line was instantly torn to pieces.

"I can't stop it... I can't stop it."

Chen Liu glanced at the cavalrymen tumbling behind him, his eyes filled with horror.

Unlike Wang Dashan, he was born as a bandit and had never experienced such a battle.

The cavalrymen only had a dozen or so horses at their disposal, and it was difficult for them to even run, let alone charge into battle.

"Stop talking nonsense, hold on for me, if the enemy rushes in, everyone will die."

Wang Dashan slapped him in the face.

You are the leader of the Four-Eyed Bandit. If you are in chaos, do you still expect the soldiers and crabs under your command to fight for you?

"How dare you hit me?"

Chen Liu was completely stunned. This slap was really like a divine weapon coming from heaven, making him a little unaware of himself.

Wang Dashan directly pulled out the crotch knife from his waist and held it against Chen Liu's neck.

"now what?"

Looking at Wang Dashan with a murderous look on his face, Chen Liu knelt on the ground with a plop.

"I'm done!"

This was the first time that Chen Liu felt that death was so close to him. He was really afraid.

If he really said no again, Wang Dashan would definitely chop him with a knife.

"It's not that I want to kill you. The situation is really urgent and I have to do it as a last resort. Someone come!"

Wang Dashan waved his hand, and the two bandits also protected Chen Liuli.

"You don't have any objections!"

Wang Dashan glanced at the other two people again. They also shuddered and nodded.

“Leave 1000 people on the front line to defend against the enemy and prevent them from attacking from both front and rear.

The remaining men followed me back to block the enemy's cavalry.

Anyone who dares to retreat in fear of fighting will be killed without mercy! "

Wang Dashan rode his horse backwards and charged in the direction of Li Feng.

There were more than 3000 bandits left and instantly divided into two sections. One section turned from attack to defense to resist Sun Hu and Lin Cheng's soldiers and horses, and the other section used all their strength to surround and kill Li Feng's hundreds of cavalry.

"Pass my order to charge forward with the bodyguard as the vanguard.

Sun Hu, your soldiers and horses are behind you. As long as I open my mouth, I will charge directly into the formation and defeat them in one fell swoop. "

Seeing the enemy dividing their forces, Lin Cheng also smiled.

If you want to isolate the battlefield, you must first surround and annihilate your own cavalry. There are people who know how to use military force, but so what?

Do you really think I am an idiot?
If you can get what you want, I'll just wipe my neck.

After hearing Lin Cheng's order, the more than 100 bodyguards were full of fighting spirit. They were all the most elite imperial guards in the Tang Dynasty. They were just dealing with a mere mob. Even though the enemy was ten thousand, we went there on our own.

Sun Hu couldn't help but shudder as he looked at the Forbidden Army escorts with ferocious faces. He seemed to remember the miserable way he faced those Forbidden Army soldiers before.

Facing such soldiers and horses, they couldn't defeat them at all.

The commercial vehicle was pulled away, and the imperial guardsmen directly killed the bandits in front of them.

Seeing that the other party dared to fight back against them, the bandits who stayed behind also swallowed their saliva.

After all, they had encountered each other before and there was no way they could stop them.




The Imperial Guards shouted and moved forward quickly, treating the bandits in front of them like nothing.

"I'm not fighting!"

Before the battle started, some bandits couldn't bear it any longer and ran towards the back with a loud shout.

This bandit became the straw that broke the camel's back. One man was defeated and thousands of people were defeated. The soldiers and horses arranged by Wang Dashan were shattered in an instant.

"Hmph! Don't worry about them, keep moving forward, and defeat the enemy with the cavalry."

Lin Cheng never thought that the other party could be so fragile and collapsed before he even touched him.

At the moment, he did not worry about the defeated troops, and directly led the team forward, flanking Wang Dashan with Lin Feng.

Although Wang Dashan's side had far more troops than Li Feng's cavalry, the combat power of both sides was not at the same level.

Li Feng and his cavalry didn't care how many people there were on the other side. They had only one goal, which was to move forward and move forward.

Just when Wang Dashan was in dire straits, news of the collapse of the front team also came through.

Looking at Lin Cheng, who was heading towards him quickly, Wang Dashan's body exploded in an instant.

No matter what Wang Dashan thought, the soldiers under his command no longer had the will to fight, and they scattered in all directions with frightened expressions.

They are people who are engaged in the business of killing people and selling goods, but that is because they kill others, and no one wants to be killed by others.

It’s okay to die for anyone, but it’s absolutely not okay for you to die yourself.

Seeing the team falling apart in an instant, Wang Dashan also sighed, found the right direction and ran away.

As soon as Wang Dashan ran away, the remaining bandits didn't dare to resist, and they fell apart in an instant.

"Don't run away from the bandit leader!" Seeing the enemy's retreat, Li Feng didn't want to let Wang Dashan go, so he directly ordered the cavalry to disperse and pursue them.

For a while, a pursuit battle began on this flat land. There was no comparison between Wang Dashan's rogue horses and the fine cavalry under Li Feng's crotch.

They were soon caught up by Li Feng, and they all knew their identities, so they all chose to fight to the death, and in the end they were all killed without exception.

After chasing the bandit leaders, the remaining cavalry also spread out to capture the fleeing prisoners.

In the end, of the four thousand bandits, in addition to the nearly one thousand who were killed in front of the battle and the hundreds who ran away, more than 2000 of them were all captured.

"Miss, Li Feng is back!"

Li Feng rushed into the tent excitedly and looked at Di Renjie whose mouth was sealed. He was completely stunned.

What kind of rhythm is this? I didn’t seem to do this before I left!

"came back?"

Glancing at Li Feng, Li Yanran also sneered.

"Miss, we have achieved a great victory. Except for hundreds of the four thousand bandits who escaped, the rest were either killed or captured."

Li Feng nodded and told the situation on the battlefield.

"Then what are you waiting for? Untie it for me quickly!"

He glared at Li Feng, "Now that the battle is over, you still won't let me loose, what are you thinking about?"

"Oh oh oh!"

Li Feng slapped himself on the forehead and hurried over to help Li Yanran untie the rope from his body.


Di Renjie was also arching his lips at Li Feng from the side. He was really feeling uncomfortable now.

After looking at Di Renjie, Li Feng also hurriedly helped him untie the rope from his body.

"Your Highness, please don't do this next time. It's really uncomfortable!"

Giving Li Yanran a big look, Di Renjie also said depressedly.

"Then don't provoke me next time, otherwise hehe!"

Li Yanran sneered. If you dare to pollute yourself mentally next time, I will hang you up.

"Di Renjie knows!"

Di Renjie sighed and could only salute and promise.

"Li Feng, it's time for us to settle the score. How dare you do this to me? Tell me how you plan to compensate me!"

After cleaning up Di Renjie, Li Yanran looked at Li Feng.

I have always kidnapped others, but this was the first time I was kidnapped by someone, and he was still the person I trusted the most.

"Miss Li Feng is at your disposal!"

Li Feng also accepted his fate. You can do whatever you want, I don't care.

"Hmph, all your private money will be confiscated! Let's see if you dare next time!"

Li Yanran didn't even think about it. The only thing that could make Li Feng feel distressed was his private money.

"Miss, can you please stop doing this? Li Feng is doing this for your safety."

Li Feng had already anticipated Li Yanran's thoughts, and smiled secretly in his heart, but there was a tangled look on his face.

"No, that's it!"

Li Yanran smiled, feeling a little prouder in her heart.

"Hey, then Li Feng can only accept his fate!"

When Li Feng lowered his head, the corners of his mouth raised inadvertently. Di Renjie on the side also smiled after seeing this.

This Li Feng is really good, brave, resourceful and aware of current affairs. It seems that His Highness has some capable people gathered around him.


Li Yanran raised her chin proudly, raised her feet and walked out.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

The Imperial Guards outside saw Li Yanran and saluted her one after another.

"Well, it's all hard work!"

Looking at these forbidden soldiers covered in blood, Li Yanran nodded to them.

"It's not hard!"

"Haha, they are just a bunch of people. What did your Highness say?"

"That's right, not to mention there are only so many enemies. Even if there are thousands more people, they will not be our opponents."

The Imperial Guards all smiled at Li Yanran. To them, these were just small scenes.

"Okay, I will keep everyone's contribution in mind, and I will not treat you badly when the time comes!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, the Imperial Guards all laughed.

Everyone knows that Her Royal Highness the Princess is famous for keeping her word, and now they can make a fortune again.

"Okay, where is Lin Cheng?"

"Your Highness, Lin Cheng is here!"

Lin Cheng wiped his body with his hands and hurried to Li Yanran's side.

"You did a good job this time. I have to return to Lishan as soon as possible. You must deliver the goods safely to Luoyang, do you understand?"

After looking at Lin Cheng, Li Yanran also revealed the next task.

"Your Majesty, Lin Cheng, guarantee that the goods will be delivered safely to Luoyang!"

Lin Cheng saluted and accepted the order. This was his mission. He would deliver the goods to Luoyang without Li Yanran telling him.

"Well, I'm sending two hundred escorts to you. You can take a rest and set off directly!"


After resting for a day, the army also divided into two groups and left in their respective directions.

"Your Majesty, the news coming from the direction of Lishan, tell me. Tell me."

"Hesitating, what's wrong with Lishan?"


  (End of this chapter)

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