My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 661: The incident happened!Daddy calls!

Li Zhi glared at Ruian, and his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

Could it be that there is something wrong with my precious daughter?
"Princess Lishan seems to be no longer in Lishan!"

With a bitter look on his face, Ruian revealed the news he had just received.

"What? She's not in Lishan? Where has she gone?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi stood up suddenly, his eyes full of panic.

"I don't know."

"Don't know? You don't even know what you do for food?"

Li Zhi slapped the table and glared at Ruian in front of him.

Even this little thing can't be done. I have put so many people in the fiefdom, and they all have nothing to do.

"Your Majesty, Princess Lishan is elusive. No one can grasp her whereabouts. Our people only obtained this information through market analysis."

Ruian felt really miserable in his heart. These are not my responsibility.

People below can't find what Li Yanran's figure has to do with me and Ruian.

This scolding was really something that I was unwilling to receive.

"You really don't need a reason, just look at the results. Tell those people in the fiefdom that if there is no news about Yanran within one day, everyone will be beheaded."

Li Zhi doesn't care about your reasons. As the emperor, he only cares about the results. As for any difficulties in the process, that's the problem of the people below.


Ruian did not dare to neglect and left directly to announce Li Zhi's will.

After the decree was conveyed, all the spies in the fiefdom went crazy, and one by one they began to move around to find out about Li Yanran.

"Your Majesty, we have detected it. It seems that Princess Lishan took someone to Bingzhou!"

Ruian quickly came to Li Zhi and told the general news.

"Going to Bingzhou? Why is she going to Bingzhou?"

Li Zhi was stunned, wondering what kind of medicine Li Yanran was selling in his gourd.

"This is unknown, but His Highness did not go alone, but led the imperial army there.

In addition, Di Renjie, the commander of the city of Lishan, is not in the fiefdom now. He should have gone with His Highness. "

Ruian told the news depressedly, and then glanced at Li Zhi cautiously, as if he was afraid that he would be dissatisfied.

"Trash, it's all trash, what else can you do?"

Li Zhi directly smashed the inkstone in front of him.

These people are really trash among trash, it is really infuriating.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. I will let them continue their investigation!"

Ruian knelt on the ground with a thud, and the sweat on his head fell on the floor.



Ryan knelt on the ground and slowly retreated.

Li Yanran handed over the team to Di Renjie, and she rushed towards Lishan Mountain under the escort of two hundred cavalry.

After being out for such a long time, what she fears most now is that her father will discover her, and she will be nagging her again.

"Going to suppress bandits? Or go to Bingzhou? She is so bold and bold!"

Li Zhi slapped Long An, his eyes full of panic.

He really didn't expect that Li Yanran would dare to do such a thing, and he really didn't know what to say.

It’s too special to worry about.

"Your Majesty, do you want to send someone to Bingzhou to recall Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

"Recall for what? Send someone to wait for me in the fiefdom. As soon as she comes back, let her come to see me."

After glaring at Ruian, Li Zhi directly stated his will.


A few days later, Li Yanran finally returned to the Lishan fiefdom.


Lying on the sofa, Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally came back, and his bones almost fell apart from traveling these past few days.

"Your Highness, you are finally back!"

Wei Shan came to Li Yanran. He had been having a very hard time these past few days. Fortunately, no one came to look for him, otherwise he really didn't know what to do.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with me while I'm away!"

Li Yanran smiled at Wei Shan. She knew that Wei Shan was also having a hard time in the fief.

"Everything is normal in the fiefdom, and no one comes to look for you!"

Wei Shan nodded and simply said everything was normal in the fiefdom, otherwise he would explode.

"Well, that's good. Go down and rest. You've worked hard these past few days!"


Wei Shan saluted and left directly.

As soon as Wei Shan left, Li Feng came over.


"what happened?"

Looking at Wei Shan, Li Yanran was also stunned for a moment.

"Someone is coming from the palace."


Li Yanran frowned. Someone came to Chang'an just after she came back. What kind of rhythm is this?

"Bring people here!"


Li Feng left, and soon a Huangmen servant, Sun Wang, was brought to Li Yanran.

"I have seen Her Royal Highness!"

Sun Wang saw Li Yanran and saluted her directly.

"Father is looking for me?"

Li Yanran waved her hand at the other party and asked him about his purpose.

"Yes, Your Majesty invites you to return to the palace immediately."

Sun Wang nodded and told the news that Li Zhi had recruited him into the palace. "Why did my father summon me to the palace?"


Sun Wang was completely depressed now, and this question made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Although he knew a little bit about it, if it were revealed, he might not know how the emperor would treat him.

"Your Highness, please don't force me. I'm just a messenger and I don't know anything!"

Sun Wang saluted Li Yanran and said that he knew nothing.

"Really? Li Feng closes the door!"


Li Feng walked directly to the door and put the door bolt up.

"Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Sun Wang swallowed, with some fear in his eyes.

After all, everyone saw Sun Mao's situation last time, so the other party wouldn't want to treat him like this!
"What? You can say it now."

Li Yanran gave Li Feng a wink, and the other party also clenched his fists and moved towards Sun Wangxing.

"I really don't know!"

Seeing Li Feng walking towards him, Sun Wang felt bad.

"Okay, then you don't have to say anything, I'll just ask you to nod or shake your head!"

Li Yanran didn't believe that he didn't know, and immediately turned on the tyrant mode.

"Is it because my father called me back to the palace because he knew I left the fiefdom?"

Looking at Sun Wang, Li Yanran slowly asked.

What she fears most now is that her father knows the news that she has left the fiefdom. If this is the case, she will have to think of countermeasures and excuses.

Sun Wang hesitated for a moment and could only nod.

"Oh, does your father know where I went?"

Sun Wang hesitated for a moment and could only nod again.

"I know! Li Feng opens the door and lets him go!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Sun Wang saluted Li Yanran, then ran away.

"Miss, what should I do?"

Li Feng frowned. Now that His Majesty the Emperor knows about Li Yanran's situation, it may be difficult to get past her.

"What should I do? Cold salad!"

Li Yanran also sighed. After all, she still underestimated her father.

She originally thought she could fast forward and rewind, and turn back before her father found out, but she didn't expect to be discovered anyway.

"Cold salad?"

Li Feng was stunned, not understanding what Li Yanran meant.

"Pack up and prepare to go back to Chang'an with me!"

After Li Yanran said that, she directly raised her legs and walked outside.

Even if her father summons her, she has no choice but to go. Besides, it’s not like she doesn’t have a plan to deal with it.


Soon the convoy was ready, and Li Yanran got on the carriage and ran towards Chang'an.

"Father, Xiao Yanran is here!"

Li Yanran rushed in directly and was about to give Li Zhi a flying dive.

"Just stand there and don't move!"

Li Zhi slapped the table and shouted at Li Yanran.

"Father, what's the matter?"

Li Yanran pretended not to know, turned her little face and asked her father.

"What's wrong? Don't you know?"

Li Zhi stared at the daughter in front of him.

"My daughter doesn't know!"

Li Yanran spread her hands and looked like she didn't know anything.

"Hmph, you are really brave. You dared to leave the fiefdom and go to Bingzhou without telling me. Do you really think that the laws of the Tang Dynasty are false?

Imperial children are not allowed to leave the capital without permission, especially if you are still in the fiefdom. If others find out about this, do you know what the consequences will be? "

Seeing Li Yanran pretending to be confused, Li Zhi also directly revealed all the information he knew.

"Father, now that you know everything, do you know why I took such a big risk to go to Bingzhou?"

Now that Dad knew everything, Li Yanran also asked him questions.

"I don't care what happens to you. It's wrong for you to leave the fiefdom and go to Bingzhou without saying a word."

Li Zhi was also stunned. He only knew that Li Yanran went to Bingzhou, but he really didn't know what he was doing there.

"Father, our Lan Kwai Fong is doing very well in the direction of Luoyang, so interested people have started to attack our trade routes. Thousands of bandits are ambushing our caravan.

If I can't cut off their claws cleanly, the line in Luoyang will be completely cut off in the future. "

Li Yanran also revealed her biggest asset. People are going to cut off your wealth. Can you bear it?
Anyway, I couldn't bear it.

"Who is it? How dare you do this?"

Sure enough, Li Zhi almost exploded when he heard someone wanted to touch his money bag.

After all, the Tang Dynasty still belongs to his old Li family. It is really outrageous that someone dares to hack his own business.

"What do you think? Don't you know that there are people with such abilities in the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Yanran didn't say anything. As long as her father wasn't stupid, he would definitely be able to guess who was behind the scenes.

"Is there any conclusive evidence?"

Li Zhi frowned, and it was obvious that he had already thought about who the trouble was.

Except for those big aristocratic families, especially those with five surnames and seven hopes, no one seems to be able to do this.

"No, the leaders of the bandits all died in fierce battles without leaving any evidence."

Li Yanran shook her head. She really wanted to get the evidence, but the other party didn't give her a chance at all. What if there was evidence?
Those aristocratic families can at most push one or two scapegoats to take the blame, but can they really confiscate the other party's family and exterminate the family?
"Although this is the case, you can't take such risks.

Let's not talk about the legal permissions and disallowances, but just talk about the risks on the battlefield. As a princess of the Tang Dynasty, it is really unwise for you to take risks with your own life.

If you tell me directly, I will naturally order Bingzhou Zhechongfu to send troops to help encircle and suppress those bandits. "

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