My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 663 Sister, don’t you believe me?

Li Hong ran in in a hurry, and even a fool could see the grievance on his face.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran sat upright, wondering what was wrong with Li Hong!

"What's wrong? Wei Shan actually committed the crime and tied me up.

These evil people should be dealt with properly.

Otherwise, if he dares to tie me up this time, he will dare to tie you up next time! "

Li Hong hugged Li Yanran's thigh directly, his face sobbing and crying about Wei Shan's atrocities.

"How dare Wei Shan do such a rebellious thing?"

Looking at her younger brother, Li Yanran also frowned.

How could Wei Shan do such a thing? There must be something going on here.

"That's right, not only did they tie me up, they also locked me up and didn't let me go out.

Do you think such evil people should be punished? After all, I am the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

If you commit the following crime, even if you don't kill him, you will at least give him a good beating, otherwise I will lose all face. "

Li Hong nodded firmly. He believed that Sister A would definitely protect the calf.

After all, he is the other person's biological brother, so he cannot sit back and watch an outsider bully him.

"Then what did you do after you received my letter?"

"Me? Of course I'll stay in the fiefdom and wait for my sister to come back!"

Hearing this, Li Hong also frowned, and after thinking about it for a while, he started to make nonsense.

If you want Li Yanran to punish Wei Shan, you must first clear up your relationship, otherwise you will have to be punished.

"Really? Then I'm going to find Wei Shan to confront him.

If it's really his fault, then I'll just chop off his head. If it's you, you'll be responsible for the consequences! "

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong, "You keep talking with your little mouth, but I can't listen to your words."

Besides, she didn't believe that Li Hong could stay in the fiefdom so safely.

"Sister, you don't believe me?"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Hong instantly had a headache.

Sister, it's a bit bad for you to be like this. I'm your brother.

"Of course I believe you, but you have to pay attention to evidence when doing things, but don't worry, I will definitely not favor anyone!

Even if you are my biological brother, I will treat you equally. "

Li Yanran sneered. The more you say this, the more guilty you are. There must be something fishy in this.

"Then forget it, I'll spare his life and let him go for the time being!"

Li Hong has no choice now. If he calls Wei Shan over, he will be doomed.

If you can't defeat him this time, then you will have to wait until next time.

There will always be a chance to deal with Wei Shan.

"Where do you want to go?"

Li Yanran grabbed Li Hong's collar.

Want to run?Also ask me if I will give you a chance!
You have made a mistake, and you still dare to complain to a bad person first. I really can't deal with you anymore.

"Sister, I remember I still have some homework to do. Please let me go and don't delay my study."

Li Hong also chirped at Li Yanran, his eyes full of fear.

It’s over.

"Study? Do you really think I am a three-year-old child? Tell me, what exactly did you do?"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head. It was too late to run away now.


Li Hong had no choice but to tremble and tell him that he was going to Bingzhou to find Li Yanran.

"You are so bold to go to Bingzhou to find me. Do you know your identity?

You are the prince of the Tang Dynasty. If something goes wrong in the middle, the country of the Tang Dynasty may be in trouble. "

Li Yanran slapped her again. You really don't know how powerful this world is.

How many people are staring at you? If you go out and someone captures you, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Sister, do you really think I'm stupid? When I go out, I will naturally seek protection from the Imperial Army. How could I let anything happen to me?"

Li Hong covered his head and glanced at his elder sister, who was also very depressed.

Although he is young, it does not mean that he is a fool. If he can't guarantee his own safety, then why is he going out?


Li Yanran slapped her again, are you so smart?

A big smart watermelon.

There are no ten thousand in the world, only [-].

Why don't you understand?

"Sister, that's enough. If you hit me again, I'm going to fall out!"

After being slapped a few times, Li Hong's temper got worse. Why can you go out privately, but you can't?

It’s true that I am the prince, and you are also the princess of the Tang Dynasty. Isn’t your safety important?
Really, only the state officials were allowed to set fires, and the people were not allowed to light lamps.

Enough of you!
"Haha, you are falling out, right? Then I want to see how you turn around today!"

Li Yanran knocked Li Hong down, then sat on top of him and started beating him violently.

"Sister, you are bullying me!"

"Sister, let me go, if you hit me again I will bite you!"

"Wrong, I know it's wrong!"

Under Li Yanran's violent attack, everything from Li Hong's initial resistance to his final begging for mercy was so smooth.

"You know you're wrong? I think you're still very hard!"

Li Yanran ignored Li Hong's begging for mercy and continued to output like crazy.

It wasn't until Li Yanran was tired that she let Li Hong go. "Do you dare to do it next time?"

"Don't dare, never dare again!"

Li Hong could only cry while replying to his sister's questions.

"That's good. If you dare to do this next time, really, I will break your legs. I will do what I say!"

After glaring at Li Hong, Li Yanran also dropped her harsh words.


Li Hong nodded depressedly. It was obviously not his fault, so why was he the one who got hurt in the end.

They are really weak and have no human rights.

"Well, go back and write a thousand times that I was wrong."

"Sister, I've already been beaten, so why don't you just stop writing, okay?"

Li Hong really collapsed now. He had suffered everything, so why did he still write that I was wrong?
Isn't this pure bullying?

"Two thousand times!"

"Sister, don't go too far! How can a man be blackmailed by you?"


After giving Li Hong a sideways glance, the other person immediately changed his face and said, "Can you do it a thousand times? I'll write it!"

"Hmph, hurry up and write!"


After Li Hong heard this, he ran out in a hurry.


After smiling, Li Yanran nestled into the sofa again.

"Uncle Clan, something big happened!"

Cui Yuqing quickly came to Cui Mingcheng, his eyes full of anxiety.

"what happened?"

Cui Mingcheng took a sip of the fragrant tea and then licked his lips.

This Chang'an tea is really different, delicious, really delicious.

"Something happened to Wang Dashan."


Upon hearing this, Cui Mingcheng dropped the tea cup in his hand to the ground, his eyes full of disbelief.

"I just received the news that Wang Dashan's entire army has been wiped out."

Cui Yuqing handed over the flying pigeon letter he had just received.

"How is this possible? All the thousands of troops were captured. Where did the people come from?"

After reading Fei Ge's letter, Cui Mingcheng slapped the desk.

"There is news that it may be people passing by from Lishan, and then our people were wiped out by their elites!"

Cui Yuqing sighed, this time he really underestimated Li Yanran's determination.

Unexpectedly, her reaction was so violent. She sent troops to rescue her without giving herself a chance.

"Is the message confirmed?"

"Well, Fei Ge's message is very clear, so we can't help but believe it."

"How could he? Doesn't he know that private soldiers leaving the fiefdom will cause big trouble? Isn't she afraid of being impeached?"

Cui Mingcheng stared. He thought a lot, but he never thought that Li Yanran would be so straightforward and use violence to fight violence.

"This Princess Lishan has always acted like this. She does whatever she wants and never cares about anything else."

Cui Yuqing nodded. Li Yanran was always unscrupulous in his actions and could often deliver a fatal blow in unexpected places.

The reason why I have been defeated so many times in the past is because the other party used methods that I could not imagine to resolve them.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

Cui Mingcheng glared at Cui Yuqing, since you knew this before, why didn't you tell yourself in advance.

Otherwise, I will definitely find a way to prevent this from happening.

"Uncle Clan, how can you blame me for this? I have said before that Li Yanran is difficult to deal with, and you must say it is foolproof.

If the front line fails, you will put the blame on me. I will not bear the blame! "

Cui Yuqing also frowned. He had said it before, but you didn't pay attention at all.

Besides, you are a clan elder and you eat more salt than I eat rice.

Is hindsight still useful now?
"When did you say that? Why don't I remember?"

A trace of panic flashed in Cui Mingcheng's eyes. He was the one who proposed this interception plan, but instead of being effective, he was stabbed by the opponent.

If the blame is not thrown away, it will be difficult for him to go back.

"Uncle Clan, now is not the time to talk about this. It is time to think about how to deal with the aftermath!"

Cui Yuanjue came over from outside, looked at the two people who were arguing, and said something.

"Remedy? How to remedy it?

More than 2000 men and horses were lost for no reason. If the family knew about this, they would have to be held accountable. I cannot bear this responsibility. "

Cui Mingcheng glanced at Cui Yuanjue. The decision has been made now. Everyone is dead. Do you want to make amends?
Then I would rather believe that Nuwa's patching up of the sky is not a myth, than that this hole can be patched up.

"Since it can't be remedied, it's useless for you to blame each other here. It's better to find a way to shift the responsibility to Wang Dashan.

Such as improper command, such as the disadvantage of the emperor!
Anyway, the person is dead, no matter what, it is all ours! "

A trace of cruelty flashed in Cui Yuanjue's eyes. Since everyone is gone, I'm sorry.

"Well, there is no problem with our decision-making. It was Wang Dashan's poor command on the front line that led to such a defeat.

If he hadn't been greedy for credit before, and he and his soldiers from other aristocratic families had taken down the caravan long ago, would this situation still happen? "

Cui Mingcheng's eyes also lit up when he heard Cui Yuanjue's words.

That's right, I just wanted to shirk the responsibility to Cui Yuqing, but I never thought that I could put the blame on a dead person.

"Yes, that's it. I'll write a letter of divorce and return to my family immediately to explain the situation."

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