My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 664 The wind is blowing in Luoyang!

Cui Yuqing also smiled. His brother was his brother after all.

In this case, even if the family really wants to pursue the case, their responsibility can be minimized.

High, really high.

"Well, why don't you hurry up and do it!"


Cui Yuqing walked directly outside, while Cui Yuanjue glanced at his uncle, hesitant to speak.

"Why, just say what you have to say, don't hesitate!"

Cui Mingcheng glanced at his nephew in front of him and knew that he must have something to say.

"Uncle Clan, do you still want to go against Princess Lishan?"

Cui Yuanjuan hesitated for a moment and then asked.

"What do you think? If I don't get back the losses I suffered this time, will I still have the nerve to go back?"

A trace of cruelty flashed in Cui Mingcheng's eyes. This time, he accidentally stole the chicken from Li Yanran, but next time he will never give the other party a chance.

He will definitely get this face back.

"Uncle, if we unite, we will benefit from both, and if we separate, we will suffer from both.

As long as we give up our prejudice against Princess Lishan, she will cooperate with us.

Then we can make money and maintain a good relationship with the royal family, so why not? "

Cui Yuanjue was depressed. He really didn't understand why the other party was like this.

Since you can't beat the opponent, you can just join in quickly.

Why do we have to fight and lose both sides?
"Stop talking, this matter is difficult to deal with. Not only me, but also the family will not tolerate it.

If it is true, as you said, that cooperation will benefit both sides, then let Li Yanran come to us to seek peace.

Otherwise, it will be a fight to the death.

The only person in the entire Tang Dynasty who could put pressure on aristocratic families was the emperor, not even the princesses. "

Cui Mingcheng is too lazy to pay attention to his nephew now. You will give in wherever you are now.

He is really a child of a noble family. I really don’t know where all the books he learned have gone.

"Uncle Clan, if you still persist like this, don't blame me for divorcing the letter and returning to the family, so that the family can decide!"

Facing the tough Cui Mingcheng, Cui Yuanjue didn't want to hold back any longer.

Ming Ming saw that Li Yanran was the family's nemesis, and he never got any good results from his encounters with her.

On the contrary, last year's briquettes made a lot of money thanks to Li Yanran's success.

Now you don’t want to cooperate as equals, but you have to let others kneel down?

It was really hard for him to understand.

"It doesn't matter, you can give it a try. This is the family's decision. Even if you say hell, this battle is inevitable."

Cui Mingcheng smiled disdainfully, "You still want to change the family's decision?"
Do you really think you are the boss of the family?

As long as old guys like you are still alive, it won't be your turn to come forward.

"Then let's wait and see!"

Having said this, Cui Yuanjue had nothing more to say and walked away.

He really didn't believe it. The people in the family were short-sighted and couldn't even see these things.

If this is the case, it will be difficult for the family to continue.


Looking at Cui Yuanjue's back, Cui Mingcheng also snorted coldly, ordered someone to make a pot of good tea, and drank it.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie is fortunate to have lived up to his command."

After many days of running around, Di Renjie finally returned to Lishan with the prisoners.

"How's it going? There weren't any problems on the way!"

Looking at the weathered Di Renjie, Li Yanran also smiled.

After waiting for so long, the other party finally came back.

"There were no problems, the prisoners were very obedient."

Di Renjie nodded. Fortunately, there was no problem on the way and he finally returned safely.

"Well, just arrange for them to go over to reclaim the wasteland and do some labor reform first."


Di Renjie saluted and left directly.

The newcomers arrived, and after a day's rest, they started labor reform directly. With their hard work, patches of wasteland were reclaimed.

After a period of running around, Lin Cheng finally arrived in Luoyang.

When Li Siwen heard what happened to Lin Cheng, he almost lost his temper.

He really didn't expect that there would be people in the Tang Dynasty who dared to touch his caravan.

I really feel like I have eaten the heart of a bear but the courage of a leopard.

But now he can only be helpless and furious. After all, he has no official position now, so this is all he can do.

At the moment, he can only suppress all his anger in his heart. All he can do now is make Lan Kwai Fong's business bigger and stronger.

Only when you are strong can you be fearless.

"Come here, send out the invitations immediately. I'm going to hold a perfume launch conference. Hurry!"


The young man immediately started to arrange the conference site, and at the same time, invitations were sent to the hands of dignitaries in Luoyang.

What these ladies are eagerly looking forward to every day is the release of new products in Lan Kwai Fong. They pride themselves on being as good as those in Chang'an in terms of financial resources and taste.Naturally, they didn't want to lag too far behind Chang'an. When they heard that Li Siwen was going to hold a press conference, these ladies also dressed up and came to attend.

Although it is just a press conference, it is more like a battlefield for Luoyang ladies.

Everyone is not only doing it for themselves, but also for the family behind them.

There will be a hundred flowers blooming.

After the press conference, another basket of perfumes was sold, and in the end, the facial masks were given as gifts to the women who attended the conference.

When they learned that this was the hottest and freshest magical item in Chang'an at the moment, they were all excited.

After all, a bottle of this would cost [-] guan in Chang'an, but now it's given to them for free.

I have to say that Lan Kwai Fong is really wealthy and unparalleled.

This also proves from the side that they have some confidence, and they are the only ones in the entire Tang Dynasty who dare to do this.

After the press conference ended, Li Siwen's mind became more active.

Although he doesn't have the ability like Li Yanran now, it doesn't mean that he can't do anything.

At the very least, he still has the ability to organize a branch of the Longmen Escort Bureau. If he can organize a group of people, it can reduce the pressure on Lishan.

After all, the other side is responsible for the linkage from Chang'an to the entire Tang Dynasty. Although the Longmen Escort Bureau has expanded several times, most of its energy still needs to be focused on the development of the southwest trade route.

After all, the perfume base in Chengdu is too important, and it is related to the expansion of perfume in the Tang Dynasty.

"Li Qing."

"Young Lord!"

Li Qing was a domestic servant who grew up with Li Siwen. In name, he was a master and servant. In fact, the relationship between the two was closer than that between Li Siwen and his brother.

"You can recruit some experts to me right away. I'm going to set up the Luoyang branch of the Longmen Escort Agency."

Li Qing frowned, this is Luoyang, not Chang'an.

If you want to open an armed trading firm like Escort Bureau, if someone wants to interfere with it, the consequences will be disastrous.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Li Qing did not execute it immediately, Li Siwen was also stunned.

Li Qing also expressed his worries without reservation.

"Haha, as long as nothing happens to His Highness, nothing will happen to Luoyang.

To put it bluntly, even if you want to deal with us, you have to see if all the women in Luoyang agree.

Besides, do I really deserve my reputation as a young master?If you really dare to touch me, it’s not necessarily who will die in the end! "

Regarding Li Qing's worries, Li Siwen sneered.

Your Highness, Princess, is at the peak of the sun now. It can be said that in the Tang Dynasty, the wind gets the wind and the rain gets the rain.

He now wishes that someone would jump out and find something to do, so that he, the hero, could be put to use.


"Hurry up and do it, Master, I can't wait!"

Li Siwen patted Li Qing on the shoulder.

"Xiao Langjun, how many people do you want to recruit? You have to tell me!"

Li Qing had nothing to say. Since the other party insisted, what else could he do?

"Tentatively 500 people."

Li Siwen thought for a while and then expressed his inner thoughts.

"Xiao Langjun, isn't this a bit too much?"

Li Qing was stunned when he heard this number of people.

Although Lan Kwai Fong in Luoyang is profitable, in the final analysis it only has such a big place and such a small number of industries.

If you recruit 500 people, do you want to assign a dedicated guard to each bottle of perfume?
Isn’t this a bit like a dragon pulling a paper cart?

"You know me, Lan Kwai Fong is not just here in Luoyang.

Once Chang Sunyan's perfume base is put into production, Lan Kwai Fong will inevitably spring up all over the north and south of the Tang Dynasty, and Luoyang will also become the center of the eastern part of the Tang Dynasty.

I am recruiting 500 people now to prepare for the future. This is only the first phase, and I may not know how many I will recruit by then. "

Li Siwen smiled slightly, what he was doing now was to prepare for a rainy day.

It would be really too late to wait until Changsun Yan's perfume could be produced continuously before he could recruit people.

"I know that!"

After hearing Li Siwen's explanation, Li Qing nodded and left directly.

Li Qing was very efficient and immediately opened the Luoyang branch of Longmen Escort Agency next to Lan Kwai Fong, and then posted a recruitment notice.

"Longmen Escort Bureau is actually going to open a branch in Luoyang?"

"That's right, Lan Kwai Fong has already arrived, so it doesn't matter if there is another Longmen escort agency!"

"I just don't know when this Longmen Escort Agency will open. I just have goods to be shipped to Chang'an."

For a time, the whole of Luoyang became excited, and businessmen and tourists were waiting for the opening of the Longmen Escort Bureau. Although the Longmen Escort Bureau was expensive, you definitely got what you paid for.

Those warriors, especially the veterans, are gearing up. After all, the wages of Longmen Escort Agency are much higher than the market price.

If you can really become a member of the Longmen Escort Bureau, at least your whole family will not have to worry about food and drink.

"Liu Liushou, this Longmen Escort Bureau is recruiting people, should we give it a try?"

Zhang Maosun, the chief official of Luoyang, came to Liu Gu who was staying in Luoyang and told all about the situation of Longmen Escort Bureau.

"Zhang Maosun, whose property is this Longmen Escort Agency? It belongs to Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan.

Moreover, the person who runs Lan Kwai Fong in Luoyang is the noble son of a British father. You want to beat him?
I'm afraid you want to kill me! "

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