My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 665 Viper!

Liu Gu glared at Zhang Maosun, his eyes full of anger.

Who doesn't know about this Longmen Escort Bureau? You're really asking me to knock it out.

I'll knock you idiot first.

Don't think that I don't know who you are here for. Don't try to involve me in the fight between your family and Princess Lishan.

"Stay behind, you can't say that, your duty is to maintain the operation of Luoyang and protect the safety of Luoyang.

If there is such an armed force in Luoyang and someone reports it to His Majesty, Liu Liushou will inevitably be punished. "

However, Zhang Maosun smiled. He had indeed come here at the request of the Cui family, in order to kill Lan Kwai Fong's prestige.

If Liu Gu really doesn't know how to appreciate others, he will inevitably throw out some of the things he collected.

"You dare to threaten me to stay behind?"

Liu Gu slammed the table and stood up suddenly. He was angry just now, but now he wants to kill someone.

Zhang Maosun, the second son of the Cui family, often turns a blind eye to himself because of the support of the family.

If he hadn't been indifferent to fame and fortune and didn't fight for power and wealth, he would have written a letter to have Zhang Maosun taken down.

Now he actually dared to threaten himself and wanted to use him as a pawn to meet Princess Lishan?
I really don’t know who is the biggest in Luoyang?

"Liu Liushou, I'm here to help you. Princess Lishan is thousands of miles away in Chang'an and has no time to care about this place.

If you are willing to help, the Cui family is willing to support your return to Chang'an.

With your ability and background, it is more than enough to be the Minister of the Sixth Division. Even if there are no vacancies for the time being, the Minister of Minister will be no problem. "

Zhang Maosun smiled and didn't care at all that Liu Gu was angry, because he was fully prepared when he came.

People have desires, and Liu Gu's desires are very simple. Being left behind in the Eastern Capital may seem like a high-ranking official, but it is actually no different from being the governor of a place.

If you want to advance to a higher level, you can only go to Chang'an and join the imperial court.

But he does not have this ability, but the family behind him can give him support in this regard.

With these, he is really not afraid that the other party will not submit.


Sure enough, Liu Gu was stunned for a moment after hearing Zhang Maosun's words.

The other party really hit his vital point directly. If the aristocratic family can really help him go to Chang'an, it is not impossible to help him.

After all, this is an opportunity, an opportunity for him to soar.

"Liu Liushou, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you must seize it.

Which is more important, a princess who is still a child, or the support of a noble family? I believe you can definitely tell the difference. "

Zhang Maosun smiled slightly and directly signaled to the other party that now is the time to make a decision.

Is it to compete with an aristocratic family for the sake of a princess who is destined to marry in the future, or to frustrate the majesty of Her Royal Highness the Princess for the sake of a aristocratic family that is destined to last forever in the Tang Dynasty.

"I reject!"

Liu Gu thought for a long time, his face turned green and white, and finally sighed and rejected Zhang Maosun's proposal.

"What did you say?"

Zhang Maosun was really stunned at this time. He never expected that the other party would reject his proposal.

"I said I refused!"

Liu Gu shook his head. It seemed that joining forces with the aristocratic family was the best solution now, but he had to go to Chang'an.

Unlike Luoyang, Chang'an is Princess Lishan's hometown.

Not to mention Princess Lishan, even the four heavenly kings under her command are all princes, princes and queens.

If he really takes action against Lan Kwai Fong and Longmen Escort Bureau in Luoyang, he will be regarded as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh even when he arrives in Chang'an.

You may not know what the consequences will be when the time comes!

"You refuse? Does that mean Liu Liushou is going to confront the family because of a Longmen escort agency?"

Zhang Maosun stared at Liu Gu with his eyes filled with coldness.

If he is not a partner, he is destined to be an enemy. He has long disliked Liu Gu, and he often uses his position as a backbone to confront him, so this time he also set a small trap.

If Liu Gu really takes action against Princess Lishan's Longmen Escort Bureau, then even if the family really supports him in going to Chang'an, he will have to face Princess Lishan's liquidation.

And not only can he get rid of this old boss who has always been against him, but he can also get rid of his status as a long history and become a stay-at-home officer in Luoyang in January.

It was supposed to be the best of both worlds, but Liu Gu refused, ruining his good deeds.

But it doesn't matter, if Liu Gu really wants to go against the family, the Cui family will not spare him.

"Zhang Maosun, don't think that I don't know what your plans are. It's not easy for me to be the leader.

Tell the person behind you that this is a conflict between you and has nothing to do with me, and I will not interfere.

But there is a bottom line for Ben to stay behind, that is, Luoyang is not allowed to cause any trouble.

Otherwise, no matter who it is, Ben Liushou will not show mercy. "

After finishing speaking, Liu Gu stood up and left directly, leaving Zhang Maosun alone in a daze at a loss.

After cursing the old fox in his heart, he left immediately to report Liu Gu's intentions to the people behind him.

After learning that Liu Gu would choose not to help each other, interested people began to make plans, and a conspiracy against the Luoyang branch of the Longmen Escort Bureau slowly unfolded.

"Young Master, the left-behind wife is here!"

Li Siwen was busy with the Longmen Escort Bureau. When he heard that the left-behind wife was coming, he hurried over.

After all, on the surface, Luoyang Liushou can be said to be Luoyang's No. 1, so it is naturally impossible for him to offend him.

After giving the left-behind wife two bottles of facial masks and two bottles of perfume, she left with satisfaction.

This is not because she is diligent and thrifty, but because it is a kind of recognition and respect. "Li Qing, write to His Highness immediately."

Li Siwen glanced at the sky in the distance. He really didn't expect that these aristocratic families in Luoyang had such powerful energy that even the left-behind Liu Gu had to retreat.

"Xiao Langjun, do you want to stop the recruitment of Longmen Escort Agency?"

Li Qing looked at Li Siwen, his eyes full of coldness.

Although I don't know how Chang Shi Zhang Maosun plans to attack him, he will definitely act around the Longmen Escort Bureau. The best way now is to suspend recruitment.

In this way, no matter what the other party does, they can't stop it.

"No, the recruitment will continue, but you have to send people to closely monitor the newly recruited escorts, do you understand?"

Li Siwen also sneered. If you want to deal with me, I want to see what you are capable of.

"How about we wait for His Highness's reply before making a decision?"

Li Qing was depressed. This young man in his family really made him speechless.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, you prefer to travel to the tiger mountains. Do you think this is a novel?

"No, just do as I say."


Soon a carrier pigeon flew out of Luoyang and headed towards Chang'an. At the same time, Li Siwen also temporarily left Lin Cheng's people in Luoyang.

On the one hand, he is responsible for training the newly recruited bodyguards, and on the other hand, he acts as his own eyes to help him monitor these newcomers.

"Your Highness, Mr. Li Siwen's flying pigeon is delivering a message!"

Di Renjie came and handed over the letter he had just received.

"Li Siwen's letter, it seems that Lin Cheng has arrived successfully!"

Li Yanran took the letter and smiled.

Among the four people, Li Siwen handled things the best and knew how to send a letter.

Unlike those idiots like Cheng Chubi and Changsun Yan, they haven't even heard back yet.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Looking at Li Yanran's darkening face, Di Renjie also frowned.

Did something happen in Luoyang?

"Li Siwen opened a branch of Longmen Escort Bureau in Luoyang and plans to recruit [-] escorts to prepare for the future expansion of perfume.

However, Zhang Maosun, the chief official of Luoyang, was eyeing him and seemed to want to take action against him. "

Li Yanran handed the flying pigeon letter to Di Renjie.

"These people are really annoying!"

Seeing Di Renjie's sudden change of expression, Li Yanran also sighed.

I just want to make good money, but there are always people coming out to cause trouble.

Even if it has been proven that provoking oneself will not yield good results, there will still be people who come out to take advantage of them.

"Your Highness, this matter is not trivial. A letter should be sent to Mr. Li Xiaolang immediately to stop the action.

Otherwise, if the other party finds out the reason, it is said that the Longmen Escort Bureau has its own troops and has evil intentions.

Get some contraband items, such as crossbows, armor and the like.

By then, even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won’t be able to wash yourself away. "

Di Renjie was stunned. Are you just annoyed?Shouldn't there be a sense of crisis?
If this matter is really manipulated by the other party, not to mention the Longmen Escort Agency, even Li Siwen and the British Lord will be caught in the whirlpool.

As the No. 1 of the Tang Dynasty, no matter how enlightened he was, he would not allow his ministers or the sons of the Duke of China to have a private army.

Even if this private soldier is in the name of the princess, it may arouse suspicion.

No matter how you look at it, this is a waste of money.

"If we stop now, what will happen next? What if Yanzi's perfume base is built?

Luoyang will definitely become the center of the East. At that time, it will be responsible for the storage, rotation, and transportation of goods in the entire East. The Longmen Escort Bureau is an indispensable part. "

Regarding Di Renjie's worries, Li Yanran sneered.

The reason why she only felt annoyed instead of afraid was that her father was involved in the Longmen Escort Agency.

Anyone who wants to stop Dad from making money should wait to be slapped by the Emperor.

"Your Highness, do you want to take action against Luoyang?"

Looking at Li Yanran's expression, Di Renjie knew that the other party was really angry.

But you are far away in Chang'an, and even if you want to attack Luoyang, you are beyond your reach.

"That's right. Anyone who dares to stretch out his claws to me will be chopped off. Who does a Luoyang Changshi really think he is?

He is a pawn of the aristocratic family, let’s take action on him first! "

Li Yanran is well aware of the importance of Luoyang, and the Eastern Capital will surpass Chang'an's status in the Tang Dynasty in all aspects.

After my mother comes to power, she will stay in Luoyang.

All said, Luoyang was not a place she could give up easily.

If someone jumps out, cut them off.

"But what are you going to do, Your Highness? After all, Luoyang is too far away and I'm afraid you won't be able to do it!"

"It depends on your ability!"

"Look at me?"

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