My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 666: Xiao Lihong, go to a nice place with my sister!

Di Renjie was dumbfounded now. It depends on my ability.

I am just a small town commander, what can I do?

"Luoyang is too far away. If you don't think of a way, I will have no choice but to go to Luoyang in person!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, if you don't think of a good way to come out, then don't blame me for taking action.

Although Li Siwen is the military advisor of the Four Heavenly Kings, there is still a gap between him and those scheming villains.

If there was no foolproof plan, she would have no choice but to go to Luoyang in person.

"Your Highness, I think, I think it's not okay?"

Di Renjie's eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard that Li Yanran was going to Luoyang in person.

You're still going. You almost scared me to death last time you went out. This time you're going to Luoyang again. Please spare me.

"Think about it quickly!"

Li Yanran was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed, waiting for Di Renjie's response.

Di Renjie frowned and began to pace in circles in front of Li Yanran.

After spinning for a while, Di Renjie finally stopped.

"Your Highness, the person who untied the bell must tie the bell. The foundation of the Longmen Escort Agency is still with Your Majesty.

You might as well confess to His Majesty first, and then find a way to catch Zhang Maosun's flaws.

The most important thing is to gain a foothold in Luoyang, and Liu Gu, who is left behind in Luoyang, is the most critical existence.

Only by letting him stand with us can we ensure that this situation will not happen. "

Looking at Li Yanran in front of him, Di Renjie also expressed his thoughts.

In the final analysis, this is still a matter of trust. As long as His Majesty is not suspicious, even if Zhang Maosun has thousands of methods, it will not help.

But is this possible?We can only place our hope on Li Yanran.

"You mean you want me to go to the palace to find my father?"

She finally understood that the fundamental meaning of Di Renjie's words was still about her father.

"Well, His Majesty's side is the top priority, so please take your time!"

Di Renjie nodded, Your Majesty must win this.

"Hey, I was born to work hard. Prepare the carriage and go to the palace!"

Li Yanran sighed, this trip must go.

Whether it's for Lan Kwai Fong, Longmen Escort Agency or Li Siwen, Dad's side must win.

"Your Highness, it's best to take His Royal Highness with you!"

Di Renjie thought for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing Di Renjie's smiling face, Li Yanran was also stunned, wondering what kind of medicine this guy was selling.

"Your Highness, with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince with you, we may not be able to save you from danger at the critical moment.
Moreover, His Royal Highness is traveling with him, so he can relieve his boredom on the way, right? "

"Di Renjie, hello. You are so insidious!"

Li Yanran sneered at Di Renjie, this guy is really insidious.

He said that he was accompanying him to relieve his boredom, but in fact, at the critical moment, he had to push his younger brother out to resist the blame.

This is simply taking the dark side to the extreme.

"Your Highness, if you say this, Di Renjie will be sad!"

Di Renjie's face fell instantly. Why do you mean I'm so insidious?

I am doing this for your own good. If I were not afraid that you, my master, would be punished, I would not do this.

It's true that Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart.

After all, I paid by mistake.

"Well, looking at you like that, isn't it okay that I wrongly blamed you? Go and call the prince over!"


Di Renjie saluted and was about to leave. Before he could go out, he saw Li Hong jumping in.

"Sister, let's go play."

Li Hong rushed directly to his elder sister without even looking at Di Renjie.

"What are you going to play?"

Li Yanran's backhand was an inadvertent grab, seizing Li Hong's veins.

"??? Sister, what are you doing!"

Li Hong was stunned, wondering what his sister wanted to do?

"Xiao Li Hong, sister is going to a good place. Do you want to go with me?"

Clamping Li Hong's neck with her arms, Li Yanran also smiled at him.

"I won't go, sister, let me go, I won't go!"

Li Hong almost didn't explode. Don't even think about your so-called good place. It must be ironic.

If you don't want to go, it's the palace. What you want to see is my father.

He's not stupid, so he won't go.

"I'm afraid I can't help you!"

Li Yanran exerted force on her arm, and Li Hong became ill instantly.

Sister, you actually did such a cruel thing to your own brother.

It's really shameless.

"Di Renjie, why are you still standing there? Prepare the carriage!"


After looking at the playful siblings, Di Renjie left quickly, and then Li Feng drove the carriage over.

After loading the two siblings, the carriage left the fief and headed towards Chang'an.

"Sister, you... Why did you insist on dragging me along when you returned to Chang'an!"

Li Hong looked at the old lady opposite him depressedly, wondering what the other party wanted to do.

"You little white-eyed wolf, have you forgotten your father and mother since you left Chang'an? I am taking you to fulfill your filial piety!"

After rolling her eyes at Li Hong, Li Yanran also shouted at him fiercely.

"Bah, sister, who doesn't know that you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything? You must have gone to Father to ask for something.

You even took me to fulfill your filial piety, how shameless! "Li Hong also curled up his face. His sister was really shameless to the extreme.

If you need to go to daddy for something, you must take me with you.

"What did you say?"

When Li Hong said this, Li Yanran slapped him on the head with a big blow.

"Sister, you look so angry and angry!"

Li Hong covered his head and didn't want to give in. Instead, he stared at Li Yanran and shouted.

"Really? There are even more ugly ones, do you want to see them?"

Now Li Yanran was completely angry and even said that she was ugly. Let me let you know what ugliness is!
Li Hong was thrown directly onto the carriage with an over-the-shoulder throw. Then she rode on her younger brother and started bombarding him wildly.

In the end, Li Hong was unable to withstand the intimidation of his elder sister and raised his hands in surrender.

"Sister, why are you going to the palace this time?"

Li Hong huddled in the corner, licking his wounds.

"Someone in Luoyang is ready to attack me, sister. Why do you think I went to the palace?"

Li Yanran also sat aside panting and answered her brother's question.

"Sister, why didn't you tell me earlier?

Should we go to Luoyang and cut off those protruding claws? "

Hearing the changes in Luoyang, Li Hong became excited instantly.

Although the Lishan fiefdom is free and easy, if you stay in one place for a long time, you will eventually get bored.

Young people always yearn for the outside world, even if Li Hong is the prince.

He is really eager to go to Luoyang now.


Li Yanran was stunned. When did she say she was going to Luoyang? Your imagination is a bit too powerful!
But it seems like a good idea to go to Luoyang. Luoyang is famous for its peonies.

I can't stay in the fief all day long, I always have to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the Tang Dynasty.

Besides, Luoyang is very important after that, so we should take advantage of this opportunity to arrange it.

I just don’t know if Di Renjie will ascend to heaven on the spot after hearing this.

"Then we have to figure it out. It's not that easy to go to Luoyang."

Shaking his head, going to Luoyang is not that easy.

"Sister, if Father doesn't agree, let's dress up and go on a casual trip."

Li Hong didn't care about Li Yanran's worries at all.

If the worst is possible, just run away. Anyway, it’s not just once or twice!

I didn't see my father find out either.

"Leave as soon as you say, I'll let you leave as soon as you say!"

Li Yanran raised her palm and hit her wildly again.

I don’t even dare to say that. You are really awesome. If my father hears this, he will be very angry.

"Sister, don't hit me. Hongdi knows it's wrong!"

Li Hong was really convinced. He would shout and kill at every turn, but he would really thank him.

"If you dare to say such bastard words again, I will really beat you to death. Brother Hong, don't let me know it?"

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's head, her eyes full of love.

She really regards Li Hong as her biological brother, so she doesn't want him to have any problems because of his playfulness.

"I see!"

Shivering, Li Hong felt a chill coming from his elder sister, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"That's pretty much it. Let's figure out how to tell our father!"

Li Yanran touched him again and sat down next to him.

"Sister, I don't have any objection, I just listen to you.

If you ask me to go east, I will never go west. If you ask me to walk the dog, I will never catch chickens. "

Li Hong had nothing to say. As long as his sister could take him to Luoyang, he would do anything she asked him to do.

"Okay, then when you get to the palace, look at my eyes and act, do you understand?"


Li Yanran smiled. As expected, this younger brother will only behave after being dealt with.

If it had been like this, would he still have received the beating just now?
You are really asking for trouble.

The carriage went straight, passed the palace gate, and entered the palace.

"Your Highness, I will go and inform you!"

Ruian shuddered instantly when he saw Li Yanran and Li Hong appearing in front of him.

Why is this little devil back again?

The scene when I was threatened last time is still vivid in my mind.

"No, just stay here!"

After rolling his eyes at Ruian, the other party realized what was going on and stepped aside.

Slowly walked to the imperial study room and opened the door. His father was reviewing memorials with his head down.


He gave Li Hong a look and signaled him to take action!
Li Hong shook his head. His father was at work now. It would be strange if he didn't get beaten to death if he went out suddenly.

Seeing her younger brother's actions, Li Yanran also raised her eyebrows and glared at him.


Feeling the fierceness of his elder sister, Li Hong also sighed and could only stand on tiptoes as if resigned to his fate, raised his waist and walked towards the imperial study room.

Li Zhi caught a glimpse of Li Hong's little figure out of the corner of his eye, and smiled when he saw the other person's sneaky appearance.

Boy, if you want to play sneak attack with me, I will play with you.

Li Hong tiptoed around the edge of the imperial study and slowly pushed towards his father.

Li Zhi yawned and stretched, and Li Hong took this opportunity to rush towards his father.

"Come here you!"

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